euRobotics yearly gives the Georges Giralt PhD Award at the European Robotics Forum to recognise great work of Ph.D. students in our community.
euRobotics opens its Call for the Georges Giralt PhD Award 2020. The submission deadline is 31 December, 2019 (however, please anticipate as much as possible the submission).
The aim of the "Georges Giralt Ph.D. Award" is to showcase PhD theses defended during 2019 in European universities from all areas of robotics. Outstanding theses with strong theoretical contributions, a focus on professional applications or technology transfer, with a high degree of multidisciplinarity, or showing how robotics technologies can be applied to new domains, are eligible for the prize.
Submissions are done by sending an email to the George Giralt Award Committee phd.award@eu-robotics.net after filling the form: https://forms.gle/KCJQbEULFscDqjnG8
The award consists in a plaque and the publication of the thesis by Springer in the STAR series. It will be given to the winner(s) at the occasion of the next European Robotics Forum, Malaga, Spain, 3-5 March 2020 (www.erf2020.eu). The selection of the finalists will be announced mid-to end-of-February 2020, and these finalists are expected to give a 20 minutes presentation of their research at the Forum, since part of the award evaluation will be done on the basis of that oral presentation. Each finalist will be reimbursed after the event a lump sum of 600€ lump to cover the travel expenses, entry ticket to ERF and dinner.
The jury for the Georges Giralt Ph.D. Award consists of members belonging to the academic community of euRobotics, their names will be reveiled at ERF.
Gianluca Antonelli
Universita` di Cassino e Lazio Meridionale
Via Di Biasio 43, 03043, Cassino, Italy
main Engineering building, 2nd floor, room 227
e-mail: gianluca.antonelli@unicas.it
skype: gianluca.antonelli
phone: +39(0776)2993746