Coronavirus Policy for ERF2020
ERF2020 will be going ahead as planned from Tuesday, 3 March to Thursday, 5 March (including the euRobotics members General Assembly on Monday, 2 March) – with our team taking necessary steps to ensure the provision of ‘sanitation stations’ throughout the event venue(s). Other major events have been successfully organised since end of January 2020 in the ERF location (FYCMA, Malaga).
Updated 28 February 2020
- The ERF organisers are in close contact with health authorities and put protective measures in place, such as sanitation stations
- A medical service will be available in the venue during all the event
- We ask participants to wash hands regularly and and respect the WHO recommendations. We also advise people to avoid physical contact during the event and adopt a no handshake policy. This will not be seen as rude in the current circumstances.
- Latest risk assessment by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control can be found here
In the event that attendees are coming from, or have visited in the last month, an area subject to travel restrictions or a travel advisory issued by a European government or health authority or which is an area marked in red on the map at link then we kindly ask that you self certify:
- That at least 14 days have past since you left the area
- That during that 14 day period you have shown no flu-like symptoms
If you are unable to self-certify these two points, then we ask that you to substitute another attendee or refrain from attending the event. In this case we will refund your registration fee upon production of documentary evidence of having travelled to, or are living in, an area with such travel restriction. In the unlikely event that we are advised to cancel the event by the Spanish Authorities we would be unable to refund any fees.
In the event you are coming from another area but you still feel you may present a risk to others (for instance you are currently living in an area with some community based transmission or have exhibited flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days) then we ask you to consider the safety of other attendees and their families and that you also consider refraining from attending the event. Unfortunately, we cannot consider the refund of the registration fee in this case.
All requests for reimbursements have to be sent to erf2020.registration@aimgroup.eu before 2 March, 17:00 CET. They will be handled from mid-March on. Reimbursement requests received after this date will not be treated.
If you have any further concerns about your upcoming travel to Spain, we advise that you consult the travel advice provided by your local government authority. The WHO website also offers detailed information on the virus and the basic preventative measures you can take.
For more information as to how our event team is responding to the situation, please contact: info@erf2020.eu.
On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the recent outbreak of novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) a public health emergency of international concern. With a small number of cases confirmed in Europe, we want to assure you that the team behind this year’s European Robotics Forum (ERF2020) are regularly tracking public health information provided by both the WHO and Spanish Ministry of Health.