The 2015 European Robotics Forum ERF will take place in Vienna, Austria, from 11 to 13 March 2015. The European Robotics Forum is a gathering of representatives of all European robotics stakeholders from industry, research, academia and public and private investors. It aims at facilitating networking between these groups through plenaries, sessions and workshops. The euRobotics Technology Transfer Award, now in its 12th edition, is seen as one of the event’s most prominent activities. Successful technology transfer describes the process of converting scientific findings from research laboratories into useful products, processes and services by the commercial sector. Outstanding examples of technology transfer in robot technology and automation that result from cooperative efforts between research and industry are eligible for the prize. The three most outstanding examples of technology transfer will receive cash awards (a total of €6 000) and signed certificates. The event will be highly visible. |
Who is invited to participate? |
Applications are invited from individuals or teams from:
A team may be represented by up to three members (individuals) in the application. |
Applications may address, but are not limited to the following areas of robot automation:
The project must be completed by the application date or no more than 24 months prior to the application date. Should submitted applications not come up to the required standards of excellence no prize will be awarded. |
The written application should include a summary not exceeding six pages of the project and its technology transfer, setting out: - Project title - Participants and information about their organization - Motivation and goals of the research and development effort - State of the art - Project approach - Results of research and development - Achieved innovation and commercial impact - Handling of intellectual property rights and commercialization - Cooperation between research and industry with benefit for the partners. Furthermore, an annex (e.g. project reports, publications, video, dissertation etc.) may be provided to additionally evidence the project’s soundness and impact. |
The complete application should be sent to Martin Haegele ( by Sunday, 01 February 2015. |
Selection procedure |
Submitted applications will be evaluated by a jury consisting of members from industry and academia/research. The finalists will be informed at least three weeks prior to the award ceremony. |
Award ceremony |
The presentations and the ceremony for the 2015 euRobotics Technology Transfer Award will take place at the 2015 European Robotics Forum in Vienna, most likely on 12 March 2015 (exact date and location to be communicated). In a “Technology Transfer Session” the finalists will each have 15 min. plus discussion to present their projects. Based on both the written application and the presentation, the jury will determine the winners. |
Please send your application by email to: Martin Haegele, Fraunhofer IPANobelstrasse 1270569 Stuttgart, Germany |