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Convergent Information Technologies GmbH

Schulstrasse 2
4053 Haid


  • Construction Robots
  • Industrial Robotics
  • Laboratory Robots
  • AI and Cognition in Robotics
  • Autonomous Navigation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Perception
  • Software Engineering, System Integration, Systems Engineering
  • Telerobotics and Teleoperation


Convergent IT is a leading provider of software for automated robot planning and programming. For more than 10 years, we are developing tools that make programming of robots faster and more automatic - proven in tens of millions of robot programs generated already. To achieve this, we employ automated motion planning, robot-robot collision avoidance, A.I. methods, simulation a.s.o..
Our AUTOMAPPPS software tools are used for different applications:
- 100% automatic programming of robots in seconds, for reactive applications that are unthinkable otherwise, such as spot repair, smart repair, paint repair of cars, etc. ( see https://convergent-it.com/automatic-robot-programming/ )
- Faster robot offline programming. The robot programming suite deals with thousands of variants, simplified line-tracking even for the most complex cases, can (see https://convergent-it.com/robot-offline-programming/ )
- 3D Bin picking – fast and robust (see https://convergent-it.com/robot-bin-picking/ )
- Many customer specific / customized applications
We develop the SW to support different robot manufacturers.