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Robotics Society in Finland

Soidintie 14
00700 Helsinki


  • AI and Cognition in Robotics
  • Benchmarking and Competitions
  • Education and Training
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Mechatronics
  • Miniaturised Robots
  • Natural Interaction with Social Robots
  • Perception
  • Physical Human Robot Interaction
  • Safety
  • Software Engineering, System Integration, Systems Engineering
  • Standardisation
  • Telerobotics and Teleoperation


Robotics Society in Finland, founded 1983, is a professional Society boosting research, training, public relations, and private businesses in the field of industrial as well as service robotics. The Society has both personal members as well as company members all active in the field of robotics in Finland. The number of members is 300+ persons and 60+ organisations. The board consists of active members related to supplier companies, end-users, teachers and researchers.