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SANLAB Simulation

D-100 Kuzey Yan Yol 49/1 Kartal
34876 Istanbul


  • Construction Robots
  • Industrial Robotics
  • Education and Training
  • Mechatronics
  • Software Engineering, System Integration, Systems Engineering
  • Telerobotics and Teleoperation


SANLAB produced 6DOF and real-time motion platform. SANLAB continues to deliver cost effective and robust technologies for Training & Simulation industries, besides enforcing real time robotic solutions, simulation tables, test-benches. SANLAB produced training simulators as well.

SANLAB is the best partner for your demands on 6 DOF Motion Platform for Simulators and Test System, Real Time Robotics, Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence of Real Time Controls, Dynamic and Kinematic Design of Parallel and Serial Robots, Signal Processing and Realization for Real Time Applications, Real Time Motion Control.