University Naples Federico II
Corso Umberto I80138 Napoli
PRISMA Lab www.prisma.unina.itRobotics research is carried out since 35 years at PRISMA Lab (Projects of Industrial and Service Robotics, Mechatronics and Automation, in DIETI (Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology) at University of Naples Federico II. The team currently consists of two professors (Bruno Siciliano and Luigi Villani), one associate professor (Vincenzo Lippiello), three assistant professors (Fanny Ficuciello, Alberto Finzi, and Fabio Ruggiero), along with ten post-docs, four Ph.D. students, a project manager, a communications manager and an administrative assistant.
The PRISMA team is internationally recognized in the community for their achievements in aerial, cognitive, cooperative, industrial, medical, service and social robotics. The record of the team can be measured by more than 900 publications in terms of books and articles in book chapters, peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, cooperation with more than 150 foreign institutions and companies, as well as by several awards and an average annual funding of 1.4 MEuro received during the last ten years.
The PRISMA Lab operates in cooperation with the Consortium CREATE (Research Consortium for Energy, Automation and Electromagnetism Technology) and since March 2016 it is engaged in the activities of ICAROS center (Interdepartmental Center for Advances in Robotic Surgery). The Lab is twinned with PRISCA Lab (Projects of Intelligent Robotics and Advanced Cognitive Systems) in the same department.