Brussels, 30 November 2018 – The European Robotics Week (ERW) is achieving a major success with around 1200 interactive robotics related events across Europe, showing how robots will impact the way we work, live, and learn both now and in the future. The #ERW2018 hashtag has reached over 4,5 million impressions on social media for the past 9 days. Let’s have a look at some snapshots from #ERW2018 in various countries in Europe.
The European #Robotics Week 2018 #ERW2018 in now over! Thank you for contributing to this success: over 1200 events all over Europe! Have you forgotten to register your event? You can still do it: https://t.co/KaWQHQ57Bq pic.twitter.com/NTjYxRL5fz
— euRobotics (@eu_Robotics) November 27, 2018
In Finland, Tampere University of Technology held public talks focusing on the future of robotics.
Prof. Roel Pieters opening Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2018 #ERW2018 #robottiviikko @TampereUni #IEEE pic.twitter.com/lV8J69tQXW
— Jyrki Latokartano (@ropoottimiaes) November 23, 2018
Belgium organised some 20 creative events about robots and artificial intelligence, under the theme “Mon père, ce robot ?”.
La Maison du Livre asbl de Saint-Gilles interroge le futur à l'occasion de ses 20 ans ! Venez découvrir l'exposition "Mon père ce robot" jusqu'au 31 janvier !
Posted by ULB - Université libre de Bruxelles on Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Germany announced over 130 events, beyond the Central Event of #ERW2018 held in Augsburg.
The European Robotics Week #ERW2018 is achieving a major success with around 1200 interactive #robotics related events across Europe! This and more about the central event in Augsburg with statements from @RoboticsEU & @DiBariTweets in our press releasehttps://t.co/NTyoNi9bjo pic.twitter.com/llnHbgjFCX
— euRobotics (@eu_Robotics) November 22, 2018
Austria held a Robotics Day 2018 in Vienna:
Robotics Day Vienna
— Wunderwuzzi Roboter (@Wunderwuzzis) September 6, 2018
23. November 2018
Save the date!Infos coming soon#roboticsdayvienna #PRIA #TGM #Wunderwuzzi #Roboter
France focused on the “cobotique” and had two simultaneous interventions in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and Daegu, South Korea:
Coboteam a fait très fort le 15 novembre : parler en même temps de la cobotique en @auvergnerhalpes et à #Daegu en Corée du Sud . Fier d'avoir eu deux événements labellisés dans le cadre de la semaine européenne de la robotique #ERW2018 pic.twitter.com/ociLLRNzPs
— Cluster Robotique Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Coboteam (@CoboteamRA) November 16, 2018
Spain organised over 300 events, amongst which a Spanish opening event, discussing robotics for equality, under the high auspices of Queen Letizia of Spain.
Puedes seguir en directo el evento central de #erw2018 https://t.co/cDku83B3q8 @alcabot #roboticaporlaigualdad @HispaRob @eu_Robotics pic.twitter.com/gEGBC7eWXj
— mercedes ruiz (@londones) November 23, 2018
In Italy, Scuola di Robotica and many university labs, drove the organisation of over 380 events, including open-doors, all over the country.
Robotics 2018: le visite ai laboratori di Meccatronica-Robotica Industriale e Intelligenza Artificiale del Politecnico di Milano #ERW2018 #robotics @eu_Robotics pic.twitter.com/OER2iSQsQ5
— Politecnico Milano (@polimi) November 24, 2018
In Cyprus, Robotex and other NGOs set-up some 70 events and competitions.
ROBOTEX Cyprus in National TV
— George Κ Georgiou (@georgiougeorge) November 22, 2018
check out the following video! #robotex #robotexcy #erw2018 #erwcyprus https://t.co/rnKIJTn6wK
In Romania, the e-Civis association, organiser of the European Robotics Forum 2019 in Bucharest, coordinated over 70 events in rural schools around the country.
Nu putea lipsi de la Expozitia cu roboti si promovarea Forumului European al Roboticii al euRobotics - European Robotics! #ERF2019
Posted by Asociatia E-Civis on Saturday, 17 November 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina bridged between the European events of #ERW2018, organising over 30 events in the country and having students visit the Central Event in Augsburg.
Preko 40 različitih portala je prenijelo aktivnosti povodom obilježavanja Evropske sedmice robotike u Bosni i...
Posted by European Robotics Week Bosnia and Herzegovina on Wednesday, 28 November 2018
In Croatia, Futura Dubrovnik Foundation organised several robotics classes for children.
[RADIONICE ROBOTIKE 2018-2019] https://t.co/AQ38IuSzTZ @eu_Robotics #erw2018 #futura #Arduino #robotika #robotics #robocup #robots #radionice #workshops #unidu #ArduinoUno #stem #engineering #iot #genuino #3Dprint #3Dprinter #3Dprinting #makers #drone #raspberrypi #soldering pic.twitter.com/NmZgafmFUN
— Futura Dubrovnik (@FuturaDubrovnik) November 24, 2018
European countries who organised events as well included: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
Beyond Europe, Kazakhstan, Israel, Turkey and Mexico joined #ERW2018.
Check the full list of the 1200 activities: events/erw-2018-events-/index.html