The new laboratory offers students a hands-on environment for testing collaborative robots as well as sensor and control systems. An opening ceremony that marks the launch of the laboratory and the new major in robotics takes place on Wednesday, 22 November. Welcome!
Tampere University of Technology (TUT) is the premier location in Finland for education and research in the field of robotics. More than ten professors from two different faculties are currently involved in robotics research at TUT. Since autumn 2017 onwards, students have also been able to choose robotics as their major. The investments in research and education in robotics reflect TUT’s commitment to respond to the future needs of industry.
The University will host an event to mark the opening of the robotics laboratory and the launch of the new major in the Konetalo building (address: Korkeakoulunkatu 6, Tampere, Finland) on Wednesday, 22 November at 15.00. Welcome to hear more about robotics research and visit the new facilities.
The event will be conducted in Finnish. In addition to Dean Pauli Kuosmanen and Vice President Jarmo Takala from TUT, the speakers include, among others, industry representatives from Optofidelity and Sandvik and Juhani Lempiäinen from the Robotics Society in Finland. Project Manager Jyrki Latokartano will talk about the European Robotics Forum 2018 to be held in Tampere. The event ends with an open house at the TUTRoboLab (from 16.20 to 18.00), where the audience will, among others, see demos showcasing industrial robotics, human-robot interaction and autonomous intelligent machines.
TUT participates in the European Robotics Week
The event is part of the European Robotics Week that brings robotics research and development closer to the public. The pan-European event lasts from 17 to 27 November. In addition to the opening ceremony, pre-school groups and the Robot Club of North Hervanta School will visit the campus during the European Robotics Week.
Further information:
Associate Professor (tenure track) Minna Lanz, minna.lanz@tut.fi, tel. +358 40 849 0278
Project Manager Jyrki Latokartano, jyrki.latokartano@tut.fi, tel. +358 40 706 0122