Topic Groups - Overview

The Topics Group Portal can be accessed via

Topic Groups are initiated by members of euRobotics and coordinated by the Board of Directors. They can be:

  • Sector groups such as: industrial robotics, professional service robotics, domestic service robotics, security robotics, space robotics, medical and healthcare robotics, agricultural robotics;
  • Groups covering the supply chain such as: component suppliers, system integrators, service providers;
  • End-user groups covering existing and new markets for robotic systems;
  • Technology-related groups as identified in strategic documents and roadmaps.
They identify gaps and challenges, describe the desired paths towards solutions, milestones to be reached at specified instants in time and with a specified quality. They identify Innovation Milestones, and mobilise members and non-members to realise them, and to support their subsequent exploitation. Activities span the full spectrum from basic research, to technological development, and concrete innovation, showing smooth paths of knowledge transfer along the covered spectrum, and identifying concrete actual and potential academia-industry cooperation. Topic Groups are the instrument to provide content to the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and the multiannual Roadmap (MAR) of euRobotics AISBL.

Each Topic Group has their own support web site...

The Topic Groups with active links in this table have been provided with web based resources.

Topic Group Coordinators should email the Secretary General of euRobotics to request that their web resources are opened for use.

A list of the currently existing topic groups (click on the image of the table to visit the portal of the Topic Groups): 

Domain TGs Cross DomainTechnology TGsNon-Technical
Agriculture Maintenance and Inspection AI and Cognition Education and Training
Healthcare Marine Robotics Autonomous Navigation Entrepreneurship
Industrial Robotics Aerial Robotics Mechatronics Ethical Legal and Socio-Economic
Logistics and Transport Bio-Inspired Robotics Software Engineering, Systems Integration and Systems Engineering Benchmarking and Competitions
Robot Companions for Assisted Living Miniaturised Robots Perception Sustainability
Space Robotics Standardisation Socially Intelligent Robotics and Societal Applications  
Construction Wearable Robotics Telerobotics and Teleoperation  
Laboratory Robotics Harsh Environment Robotics Cloud Robotics  
  Safety Cybersecurity