Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Civil Operators & Operations Forum
Show details
The European Civil RPAS Operators’ Forum is an international conference for the RPAS operators community focusing on the implementation of the European RPAS Roadmap, and on issues that are of particular importance to RPAS operators, e.g. national regulatory matters, insurance, privacy & data protection, civil RPAS operational matters, current & future applications [commercial, non-commercial (corporate, governmental non-military)], current bottlenecks, technical and performance requirements, aerial work customer requirements, novel operations, operational experience & lessons learned.

Panel discussions will permit active interaction between the speakers and the audience. The presentations and panel topics will broaden the awareness of current and potential RPAS operators, their current & potential customers, regulatory authorities & manufacturers.

Target audience
The speakers at this conference include representatives of the European Commission, European Commission agencies, NATO, national government authorities, and various companies & organizations from Europe, Asia and the USA.

The plenary conference & the splinter meetings will broaden the awareness of current & future RPAS operators [commercial, non-commercial (incl. corporate), governmental non-military], their potential customers, current & future manufacturers (RPAS & sub-systems), regulatory authorities, test ranges, standards organizations, flight schools, insurers, risk managers, legal experts.
Blyenburgh & Co / Royal Military Academy
Peter van Blyenburgh
Royal Military Academy
Hobbemastraat 8
1000 Brussels