Robotex 2016
Show details
Robotex is the greatest robotics competition in Europe. In this three-day family event different international robot competitions in both well-known and new fields take place. 23 different competitions are organized with the aim of providing the opportunity to participate and to develop skills for everybody – from elementary school students to highly qualified robot builders. Those who are interested but don`t have previous experience with robotics or haven`t had a chance to build robot are welcome to take part in various workshops. These are organised by experts in the field under whose supervision different programming as well as mechanics-based tasks can be solved. Moreover, there are lot to discover in interactive Technology exhibition where this year approximately 40 different exponents with 150 exhibits are expected to take part. In 2016 the best works from creative contests are also exhibited at Robotex, which is free to enjoy for all visitors. More than 2,000 robot builders and approximately 16,000 spectators are expected to take part in the project. Furthermore, an innovation conference will take place from 1st to 3rd of December with international speakers from NASA, ESA and other public and private organisations.

Register your robot here:

Target audience
• Kindergarten children and elementary school students – one of the main target groups whose involvement in studying science and engineering specialties has to start at an early age.
• Pupils and university students – are involved in the project with the purpose of promoting and introducing scientific and engineering achievements and provide all young people with real outputs to implement their knowledge.
• Companies – Robotex is a place for companies who want to achieve higher visibility and introduce themselves to a wider audience. Companies and students are certainly brought together, which possibly results in new jobs and traineeship.
• Research institutions – cooperation is made with various specialty societies and institutions to ensure sustainable scientific and student community through promoting scientifical achievements and projects.
• Engineering enthusiasts – all people who are interested in the field of engineering, despite their age, are welcomed to participate in Robotex to be more heard and introduce the engineering world to everyone who is interested in this topic.
NPO Robotex
Evelin Arak
Tallinn University of Technology Sports Hall
Männiliiva st 7
19086 Tallinn