Robotics Fair
Show details
A full day robotics fair will take place at the Carasso Science Park in Beer-Sheva. The fair will include robotic demonstrations including a 3D robotic simulator and a robotic xylophone player, robotic Lego games, robotic competitions including a robotic sumo event, and lectures by leading robotic scientists. The lectures will present agricultural robotics, biomimetics robotics, and brain-machine interfaces. The fair is organized in collaboration with the ABC robotics initiative, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, the Ministry of Education, Robotech technologies, Young Engineers, FIRSt Lego League (FLL), FIRST robotics Competitions (FRC), Beer-Sheva technology center.

Target audience
School students during the morning
General public during the afternoon
Carasso Science Park, ABC robotics – Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Ministry of Education, Robotech technologies, Young Engineers, FIRSt Lego League (FLL), FIRST robotics Competitions (FRC), Beer-Sheva technology center
Dr. Netzach Farbiash
972 50 6859006
Carasso Science Park
HaAtsmaut 79
84100 Be'er Sheva