Luxembourg United robot soccer team demo
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Before the Netherlands-Luxembourg human soccer game and ahead of RoboCup, Luxembourg United robot soccer team demonstrates penalties at the MHVL (Luxembourg).
The RoboCup is a soccer world cup for robots whose purpose is to foster continuous development in robotics in order to achieve the set goal, which is that by 2050 robots will be able to win against the current human world champions playing according to the FIFA rules.

Social Robotics Lab at the University of Luxembourg
Musée d' Histoire de la Ville de Luxembourg
rue du Saint-Esprit 14
2090 Luxembourg
Lessons Learned in Robotics Competitions
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Lessons learned throughout the life of different robotic projects focus on Robotics Competitions.

The talk will address the main issues faced in robotics competitions beyond the rulebooks: software development, system updates, hardware-software relationship, version control systems and team members management.

Target audience
Undergraduates and above, Academics, Innovators, Start-ups, Software developers, Software Engineers , RoboCup teams,...
Robolab - University of Luxembourg
Francisco Javier Rodríguez Lera
University of Luxembourg, Campus Kirchberg
6 Rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi TBD
1359 Luxembourg
Mindstorms Robot Challenge
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Do you think #robots are cool? Would you like to learn to build #Lego #Mindstorms Robots and programme them to navigate their way? Join us for a FREE workshop mentored by a 12-year-old whiz from Coder Dojo Luxembourg and kindly hosted by Microsoft Luxembourg to celebrate the European Robotics Week!
Who: children aged 10-13
When: 21st November 2016, 18:00
Language: English, French
What is the Robot Challenge?
A mysterious Poké Ball with a super powerful pokemon has been discovered. It can bring victory in the next great battle to the one who captures it. However, there are many traps along the way and therefore, only a robot can recover the Poké Ball.
Your mission, young Trainer, should you choose to accept it, is to build a robot that will follow the line along the dangerous route and bring you the treasured Poké Ball ensuring your next win.
If your robot gets stuck or trapped, go back to the tablet and change your code to find a solution.

Marina Stephanova
Microsoft Luxembourg
Rives de Clausen 23-29
1123 Luxembourg
Robot Playground at CoderDojo
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Come and have fun with robots! Make them take an obstacle course, discover how to build and program them!
Viens découvrir le monde des robots ! Apprends à les construire et à les programmer !
Entdecke die Welt der Roboter! Lerne spielend Roboter zu bauen und zu programmieren!
Please register/ Inscription/ Anmeldung

Target audience
Kids 9-14 years old
Enfants de 9-14 ans
Kinder 9-14 Jahre alt
Code Club World Luxembourg a.s.b.l.
level2 hackerspace
Maison de la Jeunesse, 81, route de Thionville
L-2611 Luxembourg
Robot Academy
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young robot coders!

Who: young robotics enthusiasts, girls and boys aged 8-14

Where: Base 1 Makerspace, Forum Geesseknäppchen

When: 14:00-17:00, Sunday, 27 November 2016

Languages: EN, FR, DE, LU and others

We have got loads of fun activities for the European Robotics Week:

Build a Lego Mindstorms robot and send it on a treasure quest.
Code an mBot robot to follow a line and let it race with other line-followers.
Navigate a robot maze.
Have fun with Sphero, Dash and Cubetto in the robot playground.
Bring your Rubik's cube and let a robot solve it.
Bring your own robotics project to show and share with like-minded people.

Co-organised by MICSE, Code Club Luxembourg, Coder Dojo Luxembourg, BEE CREATIVE

Target audience
girls and boys, aged 8-14
Marina Stephanova
Forum Geesseknäppchen
Boulevard Pierre Dupong 40
1430 Luxembourg