European Robotics Week Central Event
Show details
This year the European Robotics Week’s central event focuses on several topics such as:
- assistive living technologies and healthy aging
- girls and women in technology
- encouragement of STEAM-based education
- robotics competitions and challenges
This is a multi-track event aiming to inspire people on the positive contribution robotics can bring to our society and geared to aspire to the younger generations on the growing importance of skills in science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM).

A Multi-Track Event

Talk & Debate

Experts panel sessions will discuss the use of robotics for topics such as: robotics regulation, competitions, assistive living technologies, girls and women in technology, and the encouragement of STEAM-based education.

“Meet the Robots” - Exhibition

The European Robotics Week 2016 will bring together the most advanced European robotics industry, research institutes and projects. You will be able to meet and experience the latest and greatest robots in the three different exhibition areas: health, competitions, robotics education, with focus on girls.

Experience & Explore

Workshops for young and old; here is where kids and parents learn how to build a robot with 3D printers, assemble their first robot or create their first line of code. We are proud to host this track at the NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam.

The Hack for Healthy Ageing

Enter the Hack for Healthy Ageing; 48-hour hackathon for designers, makers, coders, developers, data scientists, engineers, researchers, students, startups, caretakers, architects, entrepreneurs, or anyone else who believes their skill is valuable in tackling the healthy aging societal challenge.

Live Broadcasts

Would you like to know what’s going on across Europe? Watch live broadcasts showcasing the various robotics activities from across Europe and of course from the central event in Amsterdam!

Target audience
General Public.
Philip Piatkiewicz
+32 2 706 84 20
Marine base
Kattenburgerstraat 150
1018 Amsterdam