Robotics Workshop for Children
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LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics Workshop for Children aged 10 to 15

Target audience
Children aged 10 to 15
STEM Learning Craiova
Emanuel ȘERBAN
STEM Learning Craiova
Calea București nr. 10, Bl. M7-M8, Etajul III
Robotics Workshop for Children
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LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics Workshop for Children aged 10 to 15

Target audience
Children aged 10 to 15
STEM Learning Pitesti
Emanuel ȘERBAN
STEM Learning Pitesti
Bd. I.C. Brătianu nr. 48-52, Corpul A, Etajul VI, Camera nr. 608
Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break
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The goal of the initiative Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break is to promote new technologies, in particular robotics, among pupils from small towns and villages in Romania, in order to connect them with the latest innovation products and to stimulate them to think creatively and dream big.

Target audience
School pupils in at least 4 schools in 4 counties in Romania
E-Civis & Digital Citizens Romania
Ana-Maria Stancu
Palatul Copiilor Targoviste
Calea Campulung 9
130092 Targoviste, jud. Dambovita
Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break
Show details
The goal of the initiative Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break is to promote new technologies, in particular robotics, among pupils from small towns and villages in Romania, in order to connect them with the latest innovation products and to stimulate them to think creatively and dream big.

Target audience
School pupils in at least 4 schools in 4 counties in Romania
E-Civis & Digital Citizens Romania
Ana-Maria Stancu
Colegiul National Mihai Viteazu
Bulevardul Independenței 8
100028 Ploiesti, jud. Prahova
Robotics Workshop for Children
Show details
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics Workshop for Children aged 10 to 15

Target audience
Children aged 10 to 15
STEM Learning Pitesti
Emanuel ȘERBAN
STEM Learning Pitesti
Bd. I.C. Brătianu nr. 48-52, Corpul A, Etajul VI, Camera nr. 608
Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break
Show details
The goal of the initiative Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break is to promote new technologies, in particular robotics, among pupils from small towns and villages in Romania, in order to connect them with the latest innovation products and to stimulate them to think creatively and dream big.

Target audience
School pupils in at least 4 schools in 4 counties in Romania
E-Civis & Digital Citizens Romania
Ana-Maria Stancu
Scoala Gimnaziala
Sat Sotrile 364
107565 Sat Sotrile, comuna Sotrile, jud. Prahova
Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break
Show details
The goal of the initiative Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break is to promote new technologies, in particular robotics, among pupils from small towns and villages in Romania, in order to connect them with the latest innovation products and to stimulate them to think creatively and dream big.

Target audience
School pupils in at least 4 schools in 4 counties in Romania
E-Civis & Digital Citizens Romania
Ana-Maria Stancu
Scoala Generala nr.1
Calea Bucuresti 168
127379 Mihailesti, jud. Buzau
Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break
Show details
The goal of the initiative Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break is to promote new technologies, in particular robotics, among pupils from small towns and villages in Romania, in order to connect them with the latest innovation products and to stimulate them to think creatively and dream big.

Target audience
School pupils in at least 4 schools in 4 counties in Romania
E-Civis & Digital Citizens Romania
Ana-Maria Stancu
Colegiul National
Bulevardul Gării 1
120218 Buzau, jud. Buzau
Robotics Workshop for Children
Show details
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics Workshop for Children aged 10 to 15

Target audience
Children aged 10 to 15
STEM Learning Pitesti
Emanuel ȘERBAN
STEM Learning Pitesti
Bd. I.C. Brătianu nr. 48-52, Corpul A, Etajul VI, Camera nr. 608
Robotics Workshop for Children
Show details
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics Workshop for Children aged 10 to 15

Target audience
Children aged 10 to 15
STEM Learning Pitesti
Emanuel ȘERBAN
STEM Learning Pitesti
Bd. I.C. Brătianu nr. 48-52, Corpul A, Etajul VI, Camera nr. 608