Lange Nacht der Roboter - Long Night of the Robots (copy)
Show details
Robots will take over increasingly complex tasks for us in the future. In the long night of robots, you have the chance to learn more about robots and to visit Austria's robotics laboratory at the Vienna University of Technology.
If a robot is to find its own way in its environment, then it must be able to see and recognize objects. The research group "Vision for Robots", headed by Prof. Markus Vincze at the Vienna University of Technology, is working on this.
We show what a robot sees, how images of depth cameras like the Kinect look like, how to recognize objects and pick them up from the ground, how a skin helps the robot to be safe, and how a fire engine robot recognizes danger. You also have the chance to interact with Pepper.

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TU Wien - V4R - Vision for Robotics
Markus Vincze
TU Wien
Gusshausstraße 25
1040 Vienna