Rencontres Nationales de la Robotique Educative
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These two days provide an opportunity for education and training professionals, teachers, students, and
researchers, local authorities, associations and economic players around the world.
of robotics to meet and exchange on practices and perspectives related to the use of robotics.
increasing number of robots and connected objects in the educational field.
This year's NNERs focus on data and learning issues and
have two main issues.
How do robots and connected objects contribute to disciplinary learning?
and transverse? What is their contribution to the development of the STEAM approach -
Sciences Technologies Engineering Arts and Mathematics - in France ? In which
How do they contribute to the development of 21st century skills?
century and the appropriation
CRCN's Digital Competency Framework - recently validated by the
Ministry of National Education and Youth?
What about the data generated during the pedagogical uses of robots and
connected objects? What challenges, risks and opportunities are discernible at the
about their production, protection, exploitation, valorisation...?
This edition aims to promote projects, uses and research results relating to
uses of robots and connected objects in schools and universities
French. The aim is to highlight the experiments and research projects
and to discuss the challenges and prospects for the years to come. These
meetings will be an opportunity to strengthen the professional community of practitioners,
trainers, researchers, experimenters, who work in the field of robotics and
connected devices for education

Translated with (free version)

Target audience
school counsellor
education inspector
school head
Institut Français pour l'éducation
IFE Lyon
Allée de Fontenay 19
69007 Lyon
JEMARO Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree - Presentation & Opportunities for students & scholars
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Form to register to the event:

JEMARO is a 2-year Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in the field of Advanced Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. It is open to both European and non-European students and is sponsored by the European Commission to foster excellence in education and research.

"JEMARO" stands for "Japan-Europe Master on Advanced Robotics", therefore students enrolled in this programme get to study one year at either of the 3 European institutions and 1 year at Keio University, Japan. Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France), Keio University (Japan), University of Genoa (Italy) and Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) partnered up to build a comprehensive two-year programme to offer high-level academic and industrial training across the whole span of robotics (Mathematical modelling, Control engineering, Computer engineering, Mechanical design).

Want to learn more about the programmes and its outcomes? Feel free to join us on November 24 2020.

Target audience
Students with a Bachelor of Science, in a field related to robotics such as Mechatronic, Automatic control, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.

Scholars looking into teaching a course within an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree.
Ecole Centrale de Nantes
JEMARO Management Office
+33 2 40 37 68 36
Ecole Centrale de Nantes - JEMARO Management Office
rue de la Noé 1
44321 Nantes
Robotics Place DAY
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One day event to meet all the ecosystem of Robotics Place cluster. We will organise BtoB meetings with customers, hackathon for students, conferences with our partners from otehr clusters, school presentations, product demonstrations ... and more to be defined

Target audience
Customers, students, partners, providers, politics, journalists ...
Robotics Place
Philippe ROUSSEL
rue Pierre Gilles de Gennes 150
31670 Labège