Workshop for 6th grade
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Our students will run 2 robotics workshops: one on arduino and the other with Weeebot mini.

Target audience
Students from 6th grade of the Agrupamento de Escolas da Benedita
Externato Cooperativo da Benedita
Samuel Carvalho Branco
Externato Cooperativo da Benedita
Rua do Externato Cooperativo
2475-204 Benedita Benedita
Open Schools Open Societies
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Students will present 2 robotic projects with which they participated in the Open School Open Societies Project.

Target audience
People participating in the OSOS Final Meeting.
Externato Cooperativo da Benedita
Externato Cooperativo da Benedita
Rua do Externato Cooperativo
2475-204 Benedita Benedita
Palestra: A Robótica e o Cinema
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No contexto do projeto Ciência Viva, e em parceria com a Academia de Robótica, irá decorrer no dia 13 de novembro uma sessão online sobre o tema "A Robótica e o Cinema". A sessão será dinamizada pelo Engenheiro André Dias, investigador em robótica e professor do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. Na sessão será explorado o mundo da robótica, tendo por base o cinema: Será que o cinema tem servido de inspiração para o mundo da robótica? Onde está o limite entre a ficção cientifica e a realidade?

Será uma excelente oportunidade para conhecerem um pouco sobre o mundo da robótica e colocarem todas as vossas dúvidas.

Target audience
Estudantes e Encarregados de Educação do Agrupamento de Cristelo
Agrupamento de Cristelo e Academia de Robótica
Professora Dra. Natália Leão
Agrupamento de Cristelo
R. Dr. Adriano Magalhães 201
4580-252 Paredes
Short course on ROS programming 2020
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This short course on Robot Operating System (ROS) covers both the basics of ROS and the techniques for programming using this System. It is a one-day course, where in the morning the basics of ROS are covered, while the afternoon is devoted to delving into the hands-on details of practical programming.

Part 1: 10h00-12h00
Introduction to ROS. Concepts of node, topic, and service. Message types. Development tools. Examples of packages.

Part II: 14h00-18h00
Shallow introduction to the Linux cli. Understanding the ROS workspace. Creating a package and understanding its structure. Nodes in Python and C++. Launchers, parameters, messages, services, and actions. ROS tools (gazebo, command line tools, rviz, rqt tools). Common issues.

The sessions will take place remotely on the following Zoom room:
Meeting ID: 865 5538 4263
Password: 345235

Please check the course webpage for further information.

Institute for Systems and Robotics - Lisbon / Instituto Superior Técnico
Rodrigo Ventura
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1 1
1049-001 Lisbon
Lego Mindstorms Evo3
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Activity on the school D. Manuel I with a classroom using Lego Mindstorm Kits.
On this activity the students are able to build and program a Lego Mindstorm Evo3 robot using some sensors (ultrasound and touch).
At the beginning they have to follow some exercises to learn how to control the robot and then they have the challenge to accomplish some tasks.

Target audience
Centro Ciência Viva Tavira
Centro Ciência Viva Tavira
Centro Ciência Viva Tavira
Largo do Carmo
8800311 Tavira