Show details
To organize the workshops for students during Science Fest in Lviv. Students learn how to build the different model using WeDo2.0 instructions and programming them. Learn about emotions and how to programm Micro:bit. |
Target audience Students |
3D School
Margaryta Kalyuzhna |
Im. Dovzhenka Kinoteatr
Chervonoi Kalyny prospekt 81 79070 Lviv Ukraine |
13.11.2020 | 16:00 - 17:00
European Robotics Week
Lviv, Ukraine
Show details
Present and share information about #ERW2020. |
Target audience Teachers. |
Educational 3D Hub
Margaryta Kalyuzhna |
Olexandra Dovzhenka St 12 79070 Lviv Ukraine |