Create with arduino
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Open activity for the age 8-14. Te learn about robotic and how we can be creative with arduino . We will tech the children to create and programming different project with arduino.

Albanian ICT Academy
Erida Cerro
Albanian ICT Academy
George W. Bush 1001
1001 Tirane and Elbasan
Online education workshop
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Online Workshop: Be creative with Micro:bit Online activities.
To learn about robotic and how we can be creative with arduino . We will tech the children to create and programming different project with arduino.
Micro:bit Flashing Heart. ...
Micro:bit Traffic Lights.
Micro:bit Buzz Wire Game. ...
Control a LEGO Train. ...
Micro:bit Badge. ...
Light Up Your Bike. ...
Micro:bits Morse Code Machine.
Micro:bit Fitness Step Counter.

Target audience

Flatrat e Dijes
1 maji 13
9301 Fier
Industry 4.0 and Robotics - Meet it's OWL and MMMI
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Sign up here:

Industry 4.0 and Robotics - Meet The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute and it’s OWL
Industry 4.0 - also known as fourth revolution - is a new era in which industry will deal with technologies like Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Additive Manufacturing and many more. The adoption of robots in industries worldwide is on the high rise. Robots and humans both have their own strengths and limitations. Working together in safe manner both will provide better quality product with high accuracy in less time.

During this event, you will get insights into three different labs that are renowned in the fields of Robotics and Additive Manufacturing. You will be able to talk to experts first hand and you will take a glimpse at the Industry 4.0 lab of the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020 | 3 – 5 PM
The meeting is going to be held via ZOOM

This event is exciting for scientists and experts as well as for user companies who are curious to learn more about Additive Manufacturing, Robotics and Industry 4.0.


14.45 Soft start - welcoming remarks and technical instructions
15.00 it's OWL - Intelligent Technical Systems OstWestfalenLippe - Günter Korder, it's OWL Clustermanagement
15.20 Digital Manufacturing for SMEs “From the roll to outer space - core aspects of additive manufacturing within the framework of "Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0” - Dr.-Ing. Christian Lindemann, Digital Manufacturing Research Center
15.50 Cognitive Robotics at the Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Rückert, Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology
16.10 Robotics in Manufacturing - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Schlette, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute(MMMI)
16.25 Industry 4.0 @ MMMI - presntation and lab tour - Dr.-Ing. Saeed Farahani, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute(MMMI)
17.00 End

Target audience
Sign up here:

Researchers and Industry
it's OWL & SDU
Salome Leßmann
+49 5251 5465 283
ONLINE + SDU i4.0 lab & it's OWL
campusvej 55
5230 Odense M
LARIAT - open lab day
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LARIAT is a research laboratory at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Dubrovnik. Our focus is on control theory, artificial intelligence, hybrid and switched systems with applications in multi-agent systems and robotics.

On open lab day is great opportunity for students to see Laboratory for intelligent autonomous systems and all the equipment used in many EU projects.

Target audience
LARIAT - Laboratory for intelligent autonomous systems at University of Dubrovnik
Ivana Palunko
University of Dubrovnik
Cira Carica 4
2000 Dubrovnik
Robótica 5.0 al servicio de la comunidad
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Visita al Laboratorio de Robótica, en el que se realizará una charla sobre robótica colaborativa al servicio de la sociedad y una exhibición de robots programados realizando diferentes colaboraciones.

Target audience
Alumnado de Formación Profesional
Departamento de Electricidad y Automática de la Escuela Profesional Sagrado Corazón
Rubén Ayesa Álvarez
Calle Duques de Nájera 19
26002 Logroño
ABB virtual lab tour
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ABB Virtual Lab Tour.
Join our virtual Lab tour in our 1,000 square meter demo, test and training center is located in Robotic's head office on Finnslätten in Västerås (Sweden). A gathering place for collaboration and the latest in robotics, where competence and knowledge can be shared and experienced! With over 25 robots, Robotics Experience Center will promote the competitiveness of Swedish industrial companies and help them develop new technologies in robot automation. Susanne Timsjö Sales Manager Robots and Applications Sweden and Jesper Lundstedt Technical Sales Support specialist Sweden will guide you through it.
Register here:

Annelis Dietrich
Virtual event. Register Here:
Finnslätten721 36 Västerås, Suecia -
72136 Västerås
Virtual Tour - PAL Robotics
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PAL Robotics hará un Tour Virtual de sus oficinas, realizando demos de varias de sus plataformas robóticas humanoides.

Target audience
Todos los públicos
PAL Robotics
PAL Robotics - (Virtual)
Carrer de Pujades 77
08005 Barcelona
Robotiikkayritykset kehityksen veturina
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Robocoast DIH esittäytyy ja kertoo robotiikan merkityksestä yritysten kehittymisessä. Haastateltavana robotiikkayritysten edustajia.
Striimin seuraajilla on mahdollisuus osallistua lähetykseen laittamalla kysymyksiä.

Target audience
Kaikki ne joita robotiikka suomessa kiinnostaa niin työnantajana, yhteistyökumppanina tai robotiikkaratkaisujen toimittajana.
Robocoast DIH
Mikko Puputti
Robocoast DIH
Loukkurantie 1
28450 Ulvila
ALTAIR Lab Virtual Tour - ERW20
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Come and discover ALTAIR Robotics Lab in this virtual Tour organized on the occasion of the European Robotics Week 2020 and the European Researchers’ Night 2020!

Altair Robotics Lab
Strada le, Grazie 15
37134 Verona
Disability Rights and Robotics: Co-producing futures
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This is a UWE Bristol Social Science in the City event celebrating Disability History Month

In this time of rapid social change to our social and work lives, relationships and leisure, there are new technologies that might support disability rights like ‘driverless cars’, smart phones, social media and new robotic technologies. Members of the team of 25 co-researchers from the University of the West of England, Fairfield Farm College and Wiltshire Centre of Independent Living used a knowledge café methodology to ask

How can robotic technologies support disability rights?

Sign up for an online 15 minute tour of the Bristol Robotics Laboratory Assisted Living Studio with Professor Praminda Caleb-Solly running between 2-4pm email here for your place on the tour (limited numbers) –

The robotic tour will take place on Microsoft teams which includes the option of live captioning, and your tour guide will be using limited BSL. The tour will be scripted and this script will be available to those registered. A recording of the robotic tour is also available for those who wish to engage in their own time.

To join the mini knowledge café 6pm -8pm please sign up for a ticket and we will email you the link closer to the date. Any problems please -

Café Programme:
Experience - From your experience, how do you think robotic technology might enable your rights in everyday life?
Deepening the Inquiry - Sharing our project and its key messages– ‘Disability Rights and Robotics: co-producing futures’
Knowledge for Action - Generating your priority questions for further co-production research

See our report and cartoon for more details on our project (these links will only work for those internal to UWE).

Disability Rights and Robotics cartoon copyright Sam Church and Tillie Curran

Target audience
UWE Bristol
Online Event
Bristol Robotics Laboratory, T-Block UWE Bristol
BS16 1QY Bristol
United Kingdom
Un robot al Convitto Mario Pagano di Campobasso per la Didattica a Distanza
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Scuola, arrivano i robot
Al Convitto Pagano di Campobasso un robot permette la Didattica a Distanza anche con la scuola chiusa.
L'utilizzo in fase sperimentale al Convitto "Mario Pagano", anche in vista della didattica a distanza e dell'isolamento fiduciario. Una tecnologia che sarà utile anche dopo la fine della pandemia

Target audience
tutte e tutti
Convitto MarioPagano di Campobasso
Rettore del Convitto Mario Pagano, Rossella Gianfagna:
Evento on line presso il Convitto Mario Pagano
Corso Giuseppe Mazzini 1
86100 Campobasso
Industrial Robotics in classroom
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DELTACON EVENTO WORKSCHOP in Robotica industriale con i ragazzi dell’ ITS bruno di Avellino incontrano gli imprenditori 4.0 del territorio con la possibilità di trasferire ai ragazzi le esperienze ed un grande augurio a questi ragazzi che hanno tanto voglia di. Imparare e mettersi in gioco .

Target audience
dirigenti scolastici, insegnati e allievi
associazione officine leonardo
giovanni de lucia
+39 3401076758
Via Castello, 24 57/104
83035 Grottaminarda