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Workshop for girls 15-19 years old where we play with robots |
Marianne Andersen 26351660 |
Rendsburggade 14 9000 Aalborg Denmark |
29.06.2020 - 30.06.2020
Odense, Denmark
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High5Girls is a nonprofit organization working to inspire girls aged 13-19 to get into STEM, These days we arrange a summercamp together with one of our rolemodels Clionadh Martin working with Mobile Robots |
Target audience Girls aged 15-19 years old |
Marianne Andersen 26351660 |
Forskerparken 10 5230 Odense Denmark |
Play with drones for children 10-15 years old
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
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10-15 år - Droneværksted - 21. juli kl. 10.00-15.00 Oplev og eksperimenter med droner og forstå, hvordan de konstrueres. Droner eksisterer i mange former og kan være en slags miniature-fly. Definitionen på en drone er et ubemandet flyvende fartøj, som kan flyve helt eller delvist selv. Byg din egen drone og se om den kan flyve. Det bliver en sjov dag med både læring og øvelser, hvor fantasien slippes løs. Tid og sted 21. juli kl 10.00-15.00 DTU Lyngby Campus, Anker Engelunds vej 1, Bygning 101A (vi mødes ved hovedindgangen), 2800 Kongens Lyngby Husk at medbringe madpakke og drikkedunk ---- |
Target audience Girls and boys 10-15 years old. Drone workshop at DTU - Danish Tech University |
Marianne Andersen 26351660 |
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Anker Engelunds vej 1 2800 Kongens Lyngby Denmark |
Play with robots
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
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12-17 år - Robotværksted – 23. juli kl. 10.00-15.00 Bliv inspireret af robotter. Hvordan tænker de og hvordan designes de? I denne workshop kan du eksperimentere med robotter, som du selv kan være med til at designe og bygge. Dagen vil være en kombination af både instruktion til temaet og sjove øvelser du selv er aktivt med i. Tid og sted Den 23. juli kl 10.00-15.00 DTU Lyngby Campus, Anker Engelunds vej 1, Bygning 101A (vi mødes ved hovedindgangen), 2800 Kongens Lyngby Husk at medbringe madpakke og drikkedunk Aldersgruppe 12-17 år Læse mere på |
Target audience Children 12-17 years old. Come and play with robots - design. learn. play |
Marianne Andersen 26351660 |
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Anker Hedegaards Alle 1 2800 Kongens Lyngby Denmark |
Danish Technical Museum - Play with a robot
Helsingør, Denmark
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Har du lyst at være entreprenør for en dag og at programmere en robot? På hackathon 19 september skal vi være på Danmarks Tekniske Museum og vi skal arbejde med Fable robotten. Der kræves ingen forkendskaber til programmering eller robotter – er du nysgerrig og har du lyst til at kaste dig ud i noget nyt, så er denne hackaton for dig. Der vil være fuld forplejning på dagen og du vil få en High5Girls Tshirt med hjem. Der bliver hygge, du lærer om entreprenørskab og vi skal få en robot til at løse nogle opgaver. @high5girls består af kvinder, der arbejder med teknologi og videnskab til hverdag, og som ønsker at dele vores glæde med teknologi med unge kvinder idet vi mener, det er vigtigt, at flere kvinder er med til at udvikle fremtidens teknologi – sammen med mændene. Kvinder er underrepræsenteret i teknologi obs, og der kommer mere og mere teknologi ind i vores alles hverdag – derfor skal vi alle være med til at skabe den. Teknologi handler om mennesker, der skal bruge teknologien til at løse nogle opgaver for os. For piger: 15-19 år Hvornår: 19 september 9.30-16.00 Hvor: Danmarks Tekniske Museum Helsingør Kontakt Marianne Andersen fot tilmelding: |
Target audience Girls 15-19 years old. Play with robots |
Marianne Andersen ma@high5girls,dk 26351660 |
Danmarks Tekniske Museum
Fabriksvej 25 3000 Helsingør Denmark |
RoboInsights event at DTU
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
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Different businesses and researchers working within the field of robotics/ ai will present new technology. Topics will be robotics used in maritime, education, healthcare, industry and in different parts of society. There will also be a Pitchfire for startup companies within robotics/ai |
Target audience Business persons interested in what is coming - students who wants to look into the future and get inspiration as to be involved in future development/ research, researchers who wants to get closer to society to hear what the needs are. |
CoInsights Aps and DTU Elektro
Marianne Andersen 26351660 |
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Anker Engelunds Vej 1 2800 Kongens Lyngby Denmark |
17.11.2020 | 16:00 - 17:30
Industry 4.0 and Robotics - Meet it's OWL and MMMI
Odense M, Denmark
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ONLINE!! Sign up here: Industry 4.0 and Robotics - Meet The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute and it’s OWL Industry 4.0 - also known as fourth revolution - is a new era in which industry will deal with technologies like Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Additive Manufacturing and many more. The adoption of robots in industries worldwide is on the high rise. Robots and humans both have their own strengths and limitations. Working together in safe manner both will provide better quality product with high accuracy in less time. During this event, you will get insights into three different labs that are renowned in the fields of Robotics and Additive Manufacturing. You will be able to talk to experts first hand and you will take a glimpse at the Industry 4.0 lab of the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute. Tuesday, 17 November 2020 | 3 – 5 PM The meeting is going to be held via ZOOM This event is exciting for scientists and experts as well as for user companies who are curious to learn more about Additive Manufacturing, Robotics and Industry 4.0. Agenda 14.45 Soft start - welcoming remarks and technical instructions 15.00 it's OWL - Intelligent Technical Systems OstWestfalenLippe - Günter Korder, it's OWL Clustermanagement 15.20 Digital Manufacturing for SMEs “From the roll to outer space - core aspects of additive manufacturing within the framework of "Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0” - Dr.-Ing. Christian Lindemann, Digital Manufacturing Research Center 15.50 Cognitive Robotics at the Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Rückert, Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology 16.10 Robotics in Manufacturing - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Schlette, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute(MMMI) 16.25 Industry 4.0 @ MMMI - presntation and lab tour - Dr.-Ing. Saeed Farahani, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute(MMMI) 17.00 End |
Target audience ONLINE!!! Sign up here: Researchers and Industry |
it's OWL & SDU
Salome Leßmann +49 5251 5465 283 |
ONLINE + SDU i4.0 lab & it's OWL
campusvej 55 5230 Odense M Denmark |
09.04.2021 - 10.04.2021 | 15:00 - 15:00
Robotics for girls
rønne, Denmark
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Join High5Girls for 2 days of robotics fun, hosted by our very own robotics engineering and High5Girls rolemodel Clionadh Martin (Clio). Clio will bring you through a journey of learning how to think like a robot, to see their possibilities and learn how the robots around you think and feel. This will all be based on real life scenarios and applications. Once you are happy you can think like a robot, we will apply that thinking to develop our very own Line Following robot, from physically assembling all the pieces together, writing code to tell it what to do, and having a bit of friendly competition with your new friends. |
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