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FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) is a program that supports children and youngsters in order to introduce them to science and technology in a sporty atmosphere. The basis of FLL is a robotics tournament in a cheerful atmosphere, where kids and youngsters need to solve a tricky "mission" with the help of a robot. The kids are researching a given topic within a team, they are planning programming and testing an autonomous robot to solve the mission. The FLL Teams take the opportunity to experience all steps of a real product development process: solving a problem under time pressure with insufficient resources and unknown competitors. FLL is a small microcosmos of real business life in all its respects. |
Target audience Children and teenagers between the ages of 9 and 16 years. |
Susanne Voigt +49 341 246 15 83 |
Edutus University
Stúdium tér 1 2800 Tatabánya Hungary |
10.01.2020 | 08:00 - 18:00
FIRST LEGO League Junior Exhibition
Tatabánya , Hungary
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It is never too early to discover STEM (science, technology, engeneering, mathematics)! FIRST® LEGO® League Junior was created by an initiative of the American foundation FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) and LEGO and has been developed to bring children from six to ten years to the STEM theme. The children will be introduced to the topics by the colorful bricks they already know. Accompanied by two or more adult coaches, the teams (up to six team members) explore real existing problems such as ressources, recycling, energy, or the coexistence of humans and animals. They create a Show Me poster that presents their discovery and their team, and they build a motorized model of LEGO bricks. On the "journey" the children learn to work together in a team and explore the wonders of science and technology. The focus of the project are the FIRST® Core Values such as respectful approach, shared experience and critical thinking. At the end of each season, the teams meet for an exhibition to present their results, share ideas and have fun together. |
Target audience Children from six to ten years. |
Susanne Voigt +49 341 246 15 83 |
Edutus University
Stúdium tér 1 2800 Tatabánya Hungary |
11.01.2020 | 08:00 - 18:00
FIRST LEGO League Tournament
Budapest , Hungary
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FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) is a program that supports children and youngsters in order to introduce them to science and technology in a sporty atmosphere. The basis of FLL is a robotics tournament in a cheerful atmosphere, where kids and youngsters need to solve a tricky "mission" with the help of a robot. The kids are researching a given topic within a team, they are planning programming and testing an autonomous robot to solve the mission. The FLL Teams take the opportunity to experience all steps of a real product development process: solving a problem under time pressure with insufficient resources and unknown competitors. FLL is a small microcosmos of real business life in all its respects. |
Target audience Children and teenagers between the ages of 9 and 16 years. |
Susanne Voigt +49 341 246 15 83 |
Alternatív Közgazdasági Gimnázium (AKG)
Raktár utca 1 1035 Budapest Hungary |
11.01.2020 | 08:00 - 18:00
FIRST LEGO League Junior Exhibition
Budapest , Hungary
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It is never too early to discover STEM (science, technology, engeneering, mathematics)! FIRST® LEGO® League Junior was created by an initiative of the American foundation FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) and LEGO and has been developed to bring children from six to ten years to the STEM theme. The children will be introduced to the topics by the colorful bricks they already know. Accompanied by two or more adult coaches, the teams (up to six team members) explore real existing problems such as ressources, recycling, energy, or the coexistence of humans and animals. They create a Show Me poster that presents their discovery and their team, and they build a motorized model of LEGO bricks. On the "journey" the children learn to work together in a team and explore the wonders of science and technology. The focus of the project are the FIRST® Core Values such as respectful approach, shared experience and critical thinking. At the end of each season, the teams meet for an exhibition to present their results, share ideas and have fun together. |
Target audience Children from six to ten years. |
Susanne Voigt +49 341 246 15 83 |
AKG (Alternatív Közgazdasági Gimnázium)
Raktár utca 1 1035 Budapest Hungary |
11.01.2020 | 08:00 - 18:00
FIRST LEGO League Tournament
Miskolc, Hungary
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FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) is a program that supports children and youngsters in order to introduce them to science and technology in a sporty atmosphere. The basis of FLL is a robotics tournament in a cheerful atmosphere, where kids and youngsters need to solve a tricky "mission" with the help of a robot. The kids are researching a given topic within a team, they are planning programming and testing an autonomous robot to solve the mission. The FLL Teams take the opportunity to experience all steps of a real product development process: solving a problem under time pressure with insufficient resources and unknown competitors. FLL is a small microcosmos of real business life in all its respects. |
Target audience Children and teenagers between the ages of 9 and 16 years. |
Susanne Voigt +49 341 246 15 83 |
Miskolci Szakképzési Centrum Ferenczi Sándor Egészségügyi Szakgimnáziuma
Szigethy Mihály u. 8 3529 Miskolc Hungary |
19.02.2020 | 11:00 - 12:00
Robotics developments up close #SZTAKInyit
Győr, Hungary
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Is it really more efficient for a human and a robot to work together on an assembly task? How mobile robots navigate and what makes them safe to move around in a shared environment? What communication channel can be used in robotics development? In case you are looking for the answers of these questions, then please visit the Laboratory of SZTAKI in Győr, where you can see the robots and their related developments live. Ask your question to our colleagues who give you an insight into their work from 11 am on 19/02/2019. If you would like to come, but the time is not suitable for you, don't worry, we will be hosting this program every month. |
Target audience Everybody |
Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence of the Institute for Computer Science and Control
Imre Paniti imre.paniti at +36 1 279 6207 |
SZTAKI Ipar 4.0 kutatási és innovációs kiválósági központ – Győr (Széchenyi István Egyetem)
Egyetem tér 1 9026 Győr Hungary |
02.06.2020 - 02.06.2020 | 13:00 - 14:00
Drón programozás - online webinar
Budapest, Hungary
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A mai órán megtanulunk drónt programozni! Koren Balázs vezetésével a következőket tanuljuk meg az órán: Megtanuljuk megmérni a környezeti hőmérsékletet, és megjeleníteni Megismerkedünk a változókkal Végigvesszük az alapvető ciklusfajtákat Információt küldünk át egy Microbitről egy másikra Végül egy drónt is reptetünk. Tartsatok ezúttal is velünk! Csupa izgalom! |
09.07.2020 | 09:00 - 12:30
FANUC Olimpia – Robotikai Verseny
Törökbálint, Hungary
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A FANUC szívügyeként tekint a jövő generációjára és az ő rájuk váró technológiai kihívásokra. Ennek szellemiségében kezdett el világszinten nagyobb hangsúlyt fektetni az oktatási intézmények segítésére és a diákság, valamint az oktatók képzésére. 2018-tól az Euroskills és Worldskills szakmai versenysorozatok egyik főtámogatójává vált, és a “Robot Systems Integration” szakmával a versenyszámok közé is belépett. 2019-ben sikerrel lebonyolította az első bemutató versenyt a kazani Worldskills-en, és a következő évektől a robotikai szakma a hivatalos versenyszámok közé emelkedik, amely egy meghatározó elemévé válik majd a több, mint 60 szakmának. A Magyarországon először megrendezett FANUC Olimpia Robotikai Verseny a hivatalos válogatója a 2020 januárjában megrendezésre kerülő grazi Euroskills versenynek, melyet később évi rendszerességgel követnek majd a válogatók a soron következő Euroskills vagy Worldskills megmérettetésre. Az Olimpián több lelkes, szakmailag elhivatott csapat fog versengeni, hogy a győztes majd európa, és a világ legélesebb eszű robotikai szakembereivel mérje össze a tudását a világversenyeken a jövőben. Program: 08:30 - 09:00 - Érkezés, regisztráció, fogadás 09:00 - 09:15 - Verseny megnyitása, szalagátvágás 09:15 - 09:35 - FANUC előadás - A robotok világa 09:35 - 09:50 - FANUC előadás - FANUC és az oktatás 09:50 - 10:20 - Magyar Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara előadás 10:20 - 10:45 - Kávészünet 10:45 - 11:15 - FANUC előadás - Az oktatórobotok 11:15 - 11:30 - Verseny megtekintése 11:30 - 12:30 - Állófogadás, szakmai egyeztetések, verseny követése Regisztráció: |
FANUC Hungary Kft.
Bagdi Attila +36707795878 |
FANUC Hungary Kft. székház
Torbágy utca 7 2045 Törökbálint Hungary |
27.11.2020 - 27.11.2020 | 14:30 - 15:00
Pigs and Robots - Slaughterhause of the Future (Live stream)
Budapest, Hungary
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Kristóf Takács presents the latest researach directions in the field of robotized meat processing in a live stream. |
Target audience Anyone between ages 16--100. |
Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Tamas Nagy +36204242351 |
Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Bécsi út 96/b 1034 Budapest Hungary |
27.11.2020 - 27.11.2020 | 16:00 - 16:30
Robots in the Operating Room - the Present and the Future of Surgical Robotics (Live stream)
Budapest, Hungary
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Renata Nagyne Elek talks about the concept of surgical robotics in live stream. The audience get acquainted with the da Vinci Surgical System, and also the latest research results on surgical skill assessment and on the automation of surgery. |
Target audience Anyone with age between 10--100. |
Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Tamas Nagy +36204242351 |
Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Bécsi út 96/b 1034 Budapest Hungary |
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