Scoring and Standings 2017/2018

The ERL Consumer Service Robots (previously ERL Service Robots) is composed of multiple Local Tournaments, held in different research labs across Europe, with certified test beds, and a few competitions as part of Major Tournaments, such as RoboCup. Teams participate in a minimum of 2 tournaments (Local and/or Major) per Season (April - February) and get scores based on their performances. An end of Season score is computed for each team, using the best two participations in tournaments, and teams are ranked based on their final score. More information can be found on ERL Service Robots scoring system document.

Prizes for the top teams (per TBM and per FBM where they participated) were awarded during the European Robotics Forum (ERF) in Tampere, Finland, 13-15 March 2018.

The final scoring and standings for the ERL Consumer Service Robots Season 2017/18 are the ones below:


Task Benchmarks

TBM1:  Getting to know my home


A - Achievements

P – Penalties

Yellow indicates the team has the minimum required (2) participations

 TBM2:  Welcoming Visitors


 TBM3:  Catering for Granny Annie's Comfort


TBM4: Visit my home (Navigation)


 TBM5: General Purpose Service Robots



Functionality Benchmarks

FBM1: Object Perception


 FBM2: Navigation


FBM3: Speech Recognition