We are happy to announce the full program of the Workshop “Empowering robotics research and tech transfer via competitions” taking place on 5th March from 8:30 to 10:00 and 10:45 to 12:15 at the European Robotics Forum (ERF) 2020 in Málaga, Spain, Room 4. http://erf2020.eu
Part 1 program includes presentations from different competitions around the globe and a panel discussion while Part 2 will start with a homage to Prof. Gerhard Kraetzschmar followed by industry perspectives and team experiences. We have gathered a broad representation of competitions and all their stakeholders: organisers, industry and teams. This will be vital for the panel discussions during both slots. We invite all attendees to contribute to the discussions as well. Please find below the full program.
08:30-08:35 Introduction by the organisers
08:35-08:50 European Robotics League: The first SciRoc Challenge, current status and outlook for 2020/21 - Prof. Pedro Lima
08:50-09:05 MBZIRC2020 - Iberian Robotics Team - Prof. Anibal Ollero
09:05-09:20 EUROBENCH EU Project - Dr. Diego Torricelli
09:20-09:55 Panel discussion with all participants
09:55-10:00 Wrap-up by the organisers
10:45-10:50 Welcome and introduction
10:50-10:55 Homage to Gerhard Kraetzschmar - Prof. Pedro Lima
10:55-11:10 ERL Emergency Telerob Team - Dr. Andreas Ciossek
11:10-11:25 PAL Robotics - Dr. Alessandro Di Fava
11:25-11:40 Marine robotics competitions - Dr. Tamás Haidegger
11:40-11:55 Team Homer - Raphael Memmesheimer
11:55-12:10 How to improve the Tech Transfer from competitions (Discussion & Q&A)
12:10-12:15 Wrap-up and summary
On behalf of all co-organizers (Pedro Lima, Carlos Vivas, Fausto Ferreira, Gabriele Ferri).