MAKERS2: extracurricular class Ramón y Cajal
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Special class within MAKERS 2 extracurricular activities

Target audience
3 and 4th grade students of primary school
Isaac Barona
Ramon y Cajal school
Calle de Arturo Soria 206
28043 Madrid
MAKERS1: extracurricular class CEIP Príncipe Felipe
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Special class within MAKERS 1 extracurricular activities

Target audience
2 and 3th grade students of primary school
Isaac Barona
CEIP Príncipe Felipe
Calle de José Antonio 48
28660 Boadilla del Monte
INVENTORS1: extracurricular class CEIP Príncipe Felipe
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Special class within INVENTORS 1 extracurricular activities

Target audience
1th grade students of secundary school
Isaac Barona
CEIP Príncipe Felipe
Calle de José Antonio 48
28660 Boadilla del Monte
Robotizando el Gonzalo
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Semana dedicada a la programación y la Robótica.

Target audience
Infantil y Primaria
CEIP Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba - Javier Rodriguez y Chema González
Chema González
C/ Adanero 3B
28024 Madrid
European Robotics Week a Dynamind
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Entre els dies 21 i 25 de novembre es celebra, a tota Europa, la setmana de la robòtica. Amb motiu d’aquest esdeveniment, i durant les classes extraescolars de tota la setmana, realitzarem una activitat alternativa a la que venim fent normalment.
Aquesta consistirà en construir, de forma lliure, oberta i utilitzant les peces i els dispositius de Lego, un projecte de robot hominoide o, que en el seu complert, contengui una figura semblant. Aquest pot tenir un context i un tema lliure però la forma i el moviment són innegociables.
A les nostres xarxes socials compartirem les creacions dels nostres alumnes.

Target audience
Alumnes dels cursos entre 1r i 4rt de primària i d'edats compreses entre 6 i 9 anys.
Dynamind - Ments Dinàmiques
Plaça de la Imperial Tarraco 3
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Half day RoboFest2017 workshops for schools organized by Innokas Network in Flux Helsinki.

Innokas Network
Tiina Korhonen
Korkeavuorenkatu 35
Open Days at RO-BOTICA
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RO-BOTICA es distribuidora oficial o exclusiva de las mas avanzadas plataformas robóticas flexibles y escalables educativas y robots del mundo, adecuados para escuelas, institutos, universidades, fundaciones, licitaciones públicas de gobiernos autonómicos que apuestan por la innovación y la preparación para el cambio acelerado desde la base infantil y juvenil, institutos de I+D+I en robótica, talleres de robótica en horario escolar o extraescolar, campamentos o colonias de verano, particulares, famílias, cursos y concursos de robots.

Durante la semana europea de la robótica, en RO-BOTICA llevaremos a cabo exhibiciones de nuestros robots en el horario de tarde de la tienda: de 16:30 a 20 horas.

Target audience
Aficionados a la robótica de todas las edades
Toni Yebra
934 143 581
Balmes 350
08006 Barcelona
KUKA Robotics lecture for kids
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A team of KUKA employees offers children an unforgettable experience. After an interactive presentation aiming at the kids interests, the youngster get the chance to controll the little mobile robot youBot.

Parents can pass their time with cake and coffee in the impressive Atrium of KUKA Headquarters.

Please email or call 0821/797-5440 if you want to participate. Please understand that the number of participants is restricted.

Target audience
Kids aged 6-10 years.
Nadine Bender
KUKA Headquarters
Zugspitzstraße 140
86165 Augsburg
Humanóides e Papagaios / Humanoids and Parrots
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A Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro junta-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de promover e divulgar atividades e investigação em robótica. Neste evento vamos apresentar e demonstrar como funcionam dois tipos de robôs completamente diferentes:
- mais que um brinquedo para fazer acrobacias, vamos conhecer alguma da ciência por trás do funcionamento de um drone.
- a ficção cinematográfica alimenta a nossa imaginação, nem sempre da melhor forma. Vamos desmistificar o que está por trás de um robô humanóide, quais as suas capacidades e limitações.


Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro joins the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2015, with the objective of promoting and publicizing robotics activities and investigation. In this event we will present and demonstrate how two types of completely different robots work:
- more than a toy for acrobatics, we will get to know some of the science behind the functioning of a drone.
- cinematographic fiction feeds our imagination, not always in the best way. Let us demystify what is behind a humanoid robot, its capacities and limitations.

Target audience
Students from 2nd cycle and on
General public ( > 10 year old)
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva / IEETA
João Silva
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva
Rua dos Santos Mártires 1A
3810-171 Aveiro
Robotics - works of art.
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Students from 4-5 grade will prepare the models of robots and after this we will make the exhibition

Target audience
Stem Club - eTwinning project.
Szkoła Podstawowa im. Prymasa Tysiąclecia Stefana Kardynała Wyszyńskiego w Fanianowie
Maria Pirecka
Szkoła Podstawowa w Fanianowie
Fanianowo 29
89-310 Łobżenica
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