22.11.2016 - 22.11.2016 | 09:00 - 12:00
Comprehensive School Pellico at First Lego League
Pachino (Siracusa), Italy
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The IC Pellico of Pachino (Comprehensive school) is famous for winning all the Semi Finals of the First Lego League with its brave team. Now they are preparing the scientifici project, one of the tournaments of First Lego League. They will also present their activities of educational robotics. |
Target audience Middle school students |
Ic Pellico, Pachino (Siracusa)
Dott.ssa Liliana Lucenti sric853002@istruzione.it tel. 0931801226 - fax 0931597094 |
Ic Pellico, Pachino (Siracusa)
Via Cirinnà 4 96018 Pachino (Siracusa) Italy |
Special class within MAKERS 2 extracurricular activities |
Target audience 3 and 4th grade students of primary school |
Isaac Barona ibarona@logix5.com |
Reina Victoria school
Calle del Príncipe de Vergara 61 28006 Madrid Spain |
Mertxe J. Badiola info@multimediaeducativa.net +34610016203 |
Portal de Lasarte 23 01007 VITORIA-GASTEIZ Spain |
TALENT and Liceo Galilei (Galilei High School) have designed this workshop of educational robotics as an action of educational consultancy for middle school students. The workshop is also intended to present the beneficial effects of educational robotics for STEM learning. The workshop will be carried out by two tutors of TALENT starup, supervised by a teacher of the Liceo Galilei. |
Target audience More than 30 middle school students |
TALENT SRL e Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei Ancona c/o via S. Allende Gossens (Ancona)
TalentAncona talent@weturtle.org 328 9055837 |
Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei Ancona c/o via S. Allende Gossens (Ancona)
via S. Allende Gossens snc 60121 Ancona Italy |
Les 23 et 24 novembre prochains se tiendra au Palais des sports Pierre Ratte de Saint-Quentin le 3ème salon de la Robonumérique. A cette occasion, tout un chacun pourra se rendre compte, au travers de démonstrateurs mis en place pour l’occasion, que la robotique et le numérique sont au service des hommes et des entreprises avec la présence de systèmes robotisés et d’objets connectés appliqués à l’agriculture, à la ville intelligente ou encore à l’industrie. |
Direction du Développement Économique de St Quentin
+33 323 069 305 |
Palais des sports Pierre Ratte
Avenue de Remicourt 02100 Saint-Quentin France |
Robostudio is a paneldiscussion that is streamed. In tuesdays Robostudio we discuss about Service Robots in the welfare sector. The Panleists are: Moderaattorina Kirsi Sillanpää, toimialajohtaja, yhteiskuntasuhteet ja kehittäminen, Tehy ry Panelisteina mm. Minna Saranpää, toimitusjohtaja, Asumispalvelukeskus Wilhelmiina Riitta Karvinen, yksikönjohtaja, hyvinvointipalvelut, Helsingin Kaupunki Mikko Kaasinen, johtaja, ohjelmistorobotiikka, CGI Lina van Aerschot, tutkija, Tampereen Yliopisto |
Airo Island Ry
Nicholas Andersson nicholas@airoisland.fi 040 501 6505 |
Airo Island
Viikintie, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 1 00560 Helsinki Finland |
The students of the robotics team of the 5th High School of Corfu will start their preparation for the 2nd Panhellenic Competition of Educational Robotics on Tuesday 22 of November 2016. They invite teachers of informatics to come and join their effort! |
Target audience Students of the 5th High School of Corfu - Teachers of Informatics |
5th High School of Corfu and Centre of Informatics and New Technologies of Corfu, Administration of Secondary Education of Corfu
Eleni Christopoulou plinet@dide.ker.sch.gr |
5th High School of Corfu
Rizospaston Voulefton Ioniou Voulis 6 49100 Corfu Greece |
Suomen Robotiikkayhdistys ry ja Ravintolakoulu Perho järjestävät yhteistyössä Suomen ensimmäisen ravintola-alan robotiikka akäsittelevän seminaarin. Seminaarin tavoitteena on esitellä robotiikan mahdollisuksia ravintola-alalla. Seminaarin alustukset ja verkostoituminen alan toimijoiden kesken aloittavat keskustelun aiheesta ja tarjoavat mahdollisuuden alan soveltamisen käynnistämiseen Suomessa. |
The Robotic Society in Finland and Ravintolakoulu Perho
Heikki Andrell heikki.andrell@perho.fi |
Ravintolakoulu Perho
Perhonkatu 11 00100 Helsinki Finland |
Special class within MAKERS 2 extracurricular activities |
Target audience 3 and 4th grade students of primary school |
Isaac Barona ibarona@logix5.com |
Teresa de Verganza school
Calle de Tomás Bretón, 4, 28660 Boadilla del Monte 4 28660 Boadilla del Monte Spain |
Robotics movie session Artificial Intelligence, Steven SPielberg |
Target audience General Public |
University of Minho
A.Fernando Ribeiro fernando@dei.uminho.pt 919315631 |
Blackbox (Plataforma das artes)
Av. Conde Margaride 4800-023 Guimarães Guimarães Portugal |