Los robots han llegado al hospital
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Durante la semana realizaremos actividades y talleres de robótica para los alumnos del Aula Hospitalaria de Getafe y del SAED (Servicio de Apoyo Educativo Domiciliario).

Target audience
Alumnos desde educación infantil a secundaria
Aula Hospitalaria de Getafe (HospitalUniversitario de Getafe)
Julia García-Mayte Bravo
Carretera de Toledo, Km 12,500
28907 Getafe-Madrid
2-Players digital dice game (Arduino+LCD+ TiltSwitches)
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Design and build a simple game by means of an Arduino UNO board, one I2C 16x2 LCD and two tiltswitches.
Two players compete to reach the higher score after throwing 3 times the dice. The LCD display shows the individual and total scores of each player. Arduino code based on the IRTCA eaxmple, replacing the LEDs by the LCD display
Web site : https://sites.google.com/isantandreu.net/rob2016

Target audience
16-years old students (High school, ESO 4) at Institut Sant Andreu
Institut Sant Andreu
Institut Sant Andreu
Badosa 10-14
08016 Barcelona
Robonumérique 2016
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Les 23 et 24 novembre prochains se tiendra au Palais des sports Pierre Ratte de Saint-Quentin le 3ème salon de la Robonumérique.

A cette occasion, tout un chacun pourra se rendre compte, au travers de démonstrateurs mis en place pour l’occasion, que la robotique et le numérique sont au service des hommes et des entreprises avec la présence de systèmes robotisés et d’objets connectés appliqués à l’agriculture, à la ville intelligente ou encore à l’industrie.

Direction du Développement Économique de St Quentin
+33 323 069 305
Palais des sports Pierre Ratte
Avenue de Remicourt
02100 Saint-Quentin
Ravintolarobotiikka 2016
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Suomen Robotiikkayhdistys ry ja Ravintolakoulu Perho järjestävät yhteistyössä Suomen ensimmäisen ravintola-alan robotiikka akäsittelevän seminaarin. Seminaarin tavoitteena on esitellä robotiikan mahdollisuksia ravintola-alalla. Seminaarin alustukset ja verkostoituminen alan toimijoiden kesken aloittavat keskustelun aiheesta ja tarjoavat mahdollisuuden alan soveltamisen käynnistämiseen Suomessa.

The Robotic Society in Finland and Ravintolakoulu Perho
Heikki Andrell
Ravintolakoulu Perho
Perhonkatu 11
00100 Helsinki
TFreeCAD, diseño e impresión 3D IV
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Target audience
Mertxe J. Badiola
Portal de Lasarte 23
Robotics on line for students
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BBS Group and School of Robotics will be organizing together a course for teachers. Thsi events is an online call via webinar to introduce some elements of robotics, it application in industry and services, and it use as an educational technology.

Target audience
High school teachers and students
Paolo Graziano
Via Alcide De Gasperi 8/12
85037 Sant'Arcangelo (PZ)
Futebol Robótico na UA / Robotic Soccer at UA
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A Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro junta-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de promover e divulgar atividades e investigação em robótica. Nesta atividade, os participantes vão ficar a conhecer a equipa de futebol robótico CAMBADA, do IEETA, UA. Vão ser apresentados os robôs e seus princípios de funcionamento, vão ser visualizados vídeos de resumo de jogos oficiais e demonstrados os robôs ao vivo, num conjunto de jogadas e estratégias utilizadas pela equipa.


Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro joins the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2015, with the objective of promoting and publicizing robotics activities and investigation. In this activity, the participants will get to know the CAMBADA robotic soccer team, from IEETA, UA. The robots will be presented, as well as their functioning principles, official games highlight videos will be visualized and a live demonstration of the robots will be performed, with a set of setplays and strategies used by the team.

Target audience
Students from 2nd cycle and on
General public ( > 10 year old)
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva / IEETA
João Silva
Laboratório IRIS / IRIS Laboratory (UA)
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
Comprehensive School Pellico at First Lego League
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The IC Pellico of Pachino (Comprehensive school) is famous for winning all the Semi Finals of the First Lego League with its brave team. Now they are preparing the scientifici project, one of the tournaments of First Lego League. They will also present their activities of educational robotics.

Target audience
Middle school students
Ic Pellico, Pachino (Siracusa)
Dott.ssa Liliana Lucenti
tel. 0931801226 - fax 0931597094
Ic Pellico, Pachino (Siracusa)
Via Cirinnà 4
96018 Pachino (Siracusa)
Robotika Nyílt Nap
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Hajdúböszörményi Bocskai István Gimnázium
Oláh Tibor
Hajdúböszörményi Bocskai István Gimnázium
Bocskai István tér 12
4220 Hajdúböszörmény
Lange Nacht der Roboter - Long Night of the Robots (copy)
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Robots will take over increasingly complex tasks for us in the future. In the long night of robots, you have the chance to learn more about robots and to visit Austria's robotics laboratory at the Vienna University of Technology.
If a robot is to find its own way in its environment, then it must be able to see and recognize objects. The research group "Vision for Robots", headed by Prof. Markus Vincze at the Vienna University of Technology, is working on this.
We show what a robot sees, how images of depth cameras like the Kinect look like, how to recognize objects and pick them up from the ground, how a skin helps the robot to be safe, and how a fire engine robot recognizes danger. You also have the chance to interact with Pepper.

Target audience
wider public
TU Wien - V4R - Vision for Robotics
Markus Vincze
TU Wien
Gusshausstraße 25
1040 Vienna
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