Show details
Vi byder velkommen til FIRST LEGO League Helsingør på Grydemoseskolen i Espergærde. I Skandinavien er der over 12.500 børn og unge mellem 10 og 16 år, der har arbejdet med FIRST LEGO League i den sidste tid og på verdensplan er mere end 300.000 en del af FIRST LEGO League turneringen. Årets tema er Hydro Dynamics. Rundt på skolerne i Helsingør Kommune er der arbejdet intens med emnet, og ikke mindst programmering af robotter. |
Target audience Children aged 10-16 |
Elsingore Municipality
Marianne Andersen +45 26351660 |
Grydemosevej 3060 Espergaerde Denmark |
13.11.2017 | 10:00 - 16:00
DIRA Roadshow 2017 - Denmark as World Champions in Robotics
København SV, Denmark
Show details
It’s all about your job, your company and Denmark as an industrial country, when DIRA Roadshow visits a town near you. At DIRA Roadshow you experience the latest in the field of automation and robot technology. You will get inspiration on how your company can become more competitive and thus ensure your production, competitiveness, production jobs and Danish welfare. Use a couple of hours and visit us. It is free, everyone is welcome ant may just turn out to be valuable and create new jobs in your company. |
Target audience Production industry professionals(10:00-16:00) and the general public (14:00-16:00) |
Kathrine Viskum +45 72202073 |
Dansk Metal
Molestien 7 2450 København SV Denmark |
14.11.2017 | 10:00 - 16:00
DIRA Roadshow 2017 – Denmark as World Champions in Robotics
Aarhus C, Denmark
Show details
It’s all about your job, your company and Denmark as an industrial country, when DIRA Roadshow visits a town near you. At DIRA Roadshow you experience the latest in the field of automation and robot technology. You will get inspiration on how your company can become more competitive and thus ensure your production, competitiveness, production jobs and Danish welfare. Use a couple of hours and visit us. It is free, everyone is welcome ant may just turn out to be valuable and create new jobs in your company. |
Target audience Production industry professionals(10:00-16:00) and the general public (14:00-16:00) |
Kathrine Viskum +4572202073 |
Vester Allé 1 8000 Aarhus C Denmark |
Odense Investor Summit 2017
Odense C, Denmark
Show details
Odense Investor Summit – Robots meet Capital is the biggest event in DK where the focus is Robotics and drones only. All companies form all over Europe are welcome and their will be investors from all over Europe. |
Target audience Investors/Business Angels / VC’s looking for investment possibilities with robotics and drones and International Startups and companies within Robotics and drones looking for funding. |
Invest in Odense
Michael Hansen +45 23 414 007 |
Vestre Stationsvej 7 5000 Odense C Denmark |
15.11.2017 | 10:00 - 16:00
The Danish National Robot and Automation Expo 2017
Odense M, Denmark
Show details
The day will offer an abundance of industry robots, presentation of our new surroundings for innovation and test of assisted living technology and give an inspiring insight into the production technology of tomorrow. |
Target audience SMV's (10:00-16:00) and the general public (14:00-16:00) |
The Danish Technological Institute
Samuel Brøgger +45 72 20 17 66 |
The Danish Technological Institute
Forskerparken 10F 5230 Odense M Denmark |
15.11.2017 | 10:00 - 16:00
DIRA Roadshow 2017 – Denmark as World Champions in Robotics
Odense M, Denmark
Show details
It’s all about your job, your company and Denmark as an industrial country, when DIRA Roadshow visits a town near you. At DIRA Roadshow you experience the latest in the field of automation and robot technology. You will get inspiration on how your company can become more competitive and thus ensure your production, competitiveness, production jobs and Danish welfare. Use a couple of hours and visit us. It is free, everyone is welcome ant may just turn out to be valuable and create new jobs in your company. |
Target audience Production industry professionals(10:00-16:00) and the general public (14:00-16:00) |
Kathrine Viskum +45 72202073 |
The Danish Technological Institute
Forskerparken 10F 5230 Odense M Denmark |
Let's visit the most beautiful Polish cities with Ozobots
Odense, Denmark
Show details
Our Ozobots will meet with children at Polish school. They will show the most beautiful Polish cities and things they are famous for. Let's program Ozobot with over 25 unique code commands to control Ozobot's speed, decision-making and behavior . We will help our robots to find the way to the most beautiful place. |
25.11.2017 | 10:00 - 11:30
Open day with Ozobot in Odense (Polish/English)
Odense, Denmark
Show details
We invite children for workshop with small robots called Ozobot. We will program them by simply drawing lines and using colors. Children will use their creativity and artistic expression, while developing logical reasoning and high level coding concepts. Language of workshop: Polish and English |
30.11.2017 | 10:00 - 11:00
Robots in Education - from Birth to Long Life Learning
Ballerup, Denmark
Show details
Education from birth to Life Long Learning. Technical University of Denmark DTU Ballerup 30Nov 10 am. Der sker meget nyt indenfor Robotics og kunstig intelligens - dette gælder også i undervisningen. I fremtiden kommer vores jobs til at forandre sig hele tiden, hvorfor vi må være parate til at omstille os og videreudvikle os hele livet: life long learning. Før i tiden blev robotter brugt i produktionen - nu ser vi robotter bevæge sig fra produktion til nye områder: sundhed, ældrepleje, landbrug, logistik, undervisning etc. Vi vil se på hvad der foregår indenfor robotter i undervisningen: De næste generationer skal være med fra start. Derfor er der idag udviklet robotter til børn på 3-4 år og opefter. Der findes også robotter, der kan hjælpe autist børn bedre at lære. Disse børn er ikke trygge ved kontakt med andre mennesker - derimod har det vist sig, at de er mere åbne overfor en robot. Der er også robotter udviklet til andre børn, der har svært ved at tilpasse sig undervisningen idag. Og idag kan man via en robot deltage i undervisning selvom man er langtidssyg og ligger på hospital. Herudover gøres der en del for at få flere piger ind i Science. Tilsidst vil vi se på LearnT projektet, der er igang på DTU Lyngby, hvor der bruges machine learning til at lave individuel undervisning i fremtiden: Kunstig intelligens og big data bruges til at finde ud af, hvad der netop motiverer dig - og hvor langt du er i din undervisning. Marianne Andersen er uddannet BSc i svagstrøm og har en eMBA. Hun har arbejdet i større internationale virksomheder i 25 år - indenfor medical technology og robotics/ artificial intelligence. Hun har været involveret i produkt udvikling, innovation, forretningsudvikling samt implementering af strategi. I foråret 2017 skabte hun entreprenør firmaet CoInsights, der blandt andet hjælper spinouts fra universiteter med kommercialisering. |
Target audience Students aged 19-25, Teachers |
Marianne Andersen +45 26351660 |
Copenhagen Technological University DTU Ballerup
Lautrupvang 15 2750 Ballerup Denmark |