Family Code Night
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The Directorate for Digital Literacy & Transversal Skills seeks to promote Computational Thinking in children and young people. These competences enable them to think in a different way, to express themselves through a variety of media, to solve real-world problems and analyse everyday issues with a different perspective.
This scholastic year, the Directorate is launching a new initiative ‘Family Code Nights’ in which adults discover ways in which they can support their child's learning as children and adults engage in fun coding activities.
Parents/Guardians and their children are invited to participate in a series of Lego Education Wedo robotics workshops which will be delivered by Lego Academy certified trainers. These Family Learning Workshops are the perfect place to learn with your child. In each workshop, adults discover ways in which they can support their child's learning as children engage in fun coding activities. For further details see the attached flyer.
Parents who want to help out as event volunteers are welcome. Parents and kids with technical experience, are encouraged to register as Code Coaches.

Target audience
Parents and their children
Directorate for Digital Literacy & Transversal Skills within the Ministry for Education & Employment
Keith Aquilina
Innovation Lab
Taller de robótica unplugged para alumnos con discapacidad visual
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Taller desarrollado en varias sesiones para trabajar actividades de robótica unplugged a partir basadas en y CS Unplugged adaptadas para alumnos con discapacidad visual y pensadas especialmente para ciegos.
Los materiales se han adaptado para dotarles de relieve mediante láminas y fichas y uso de braille

Target audience
Alumnos de ESO con discapacidad visual, especialmente ciegos.
Colegio de la ONCE en Madrid
Carlos Mallo Robles

Avenida del Doctor García Tapia 210
IV Jornadas Tecno-robóticas #cervanbot
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Jornadas tecnorobóticas en las que empresas, entidades y colaboradores impartirán talleres a los alumnos, así como charlas al profesorado y la comunidad educativa. El centro también organizará actividades en las aulas relacionadas con la robótica y la ciencias bajo el título "Perdidos en el espacio".
Las jornadas tendrán lugar principalmente del 2 al 6 de noviembre, pero se realizarán actividades en fechas posteriores para facilitar la colaboración con nuevas iniciativas y la organización de actividades.

Target audience
Alumnos, profesorado y comunidad educativa del centro, pero también abierto a la visita de docentes de otros centros e instituciones comunicándolo al centro.
HispaRob, Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Robótica
91 693 60 34
CEIP Miguel de Cervantes
C/ Aragón 19
28013 Leganés (Madrid)
Robotica, automazione e soluzioni Hi-Tech per il Design
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Organized by the Technological District of Carrara and by the Order of Engineers of Massa and Carrara, this workshop of November 3rd will continue to November 15 with the Final Conference. Main topics; How to innovate the Marble District of Massa and Carrara with robotics technology.

, a La RIS3: cos’è e perché partecipare – a cura di IMM – Distretto Tecnologico
Tra artigianato artistico e Design, il ruolo delle nuove tecnologie- Francesco Terzago – T&D Robotics
Il rapporto tra l’artista e il robot – Massimo Galleni – Azienda Massimo Galleni
Il Design con il marmo come prospettiva di sviluppo territoriale – il caso della Startup Progetto99 – Niccolò Garbati -Progetto99

La RIS3: cos’è e perché partecipare – a cura di IMM – Distretto Tecnologico
Introduzione e saluti – a cura di Moreno Lorenzini – Ordine degli Ingegneri di Massa-Carrara
Tra artigianato artistico e Design, il ruolo delle nuove tecnologie- Francesco Terzago – T&D Robotics
Il rapporto tra l’artista e il robot – Massimo Galleni – Azienda Massimo Galleni
Il Design con il marmo come prospettiva di sviluppo territoriale – il caso della Startup Progetto99 – Niccolò Garbati -Progetto99

Target audience
Marble companies, experts, engineers students, workers of the District
cura di IMM – Distretto Tecnologico
Sala centro direzionale IMM Carrara
V.le G. Galilei 133 Marina di Carrara 133
54033 Marina di Carrara (MS)
From bits to robots 1
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A tree-day course on robots (from bits to..)
Program First Day
Ingranaggi, leve, meccanismi con LEGO e Little Bits (Speaker A. Mancuso)
● la matematica degli ingranaggi
● motori, servocomandi tra realtà e fantasia
● riprodurre e comprendere il funzionamento di giunzioni e meccanismi
● inventare robot con LEGO e Little Bits

Target audience
Teachers primary school
IPRASE - Fondazione Museo Civico Rovereto
Cristiana Bianchi
Fondazione Museo Civico Rovereto, Rovereto
B.go Santa Caterina
Rovereto, TN
Robotizando el Gonzalo
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Talleres de robótica

Target audience
Alumnos de 1 a 6 de Educación Primaria
Ceip Gonzalo Fernandez de Córdoba - Chema González
Ceip Gonzalo Fernandez de Córdoba
C/ Adanero 3
28024 Madrid
Practical Course on ENT Oncological Robotic Surgery
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Practical Course on ENT Oncological Robotic Surgery

L'obiettivo del corso è quello di fornire ai partecipanti nozioni circa lo stato dell'arte nell'utilizzo della chirurgia robotica finalizzata al trattamento dei tumori del distretto ORL/cervico facciale, con particolare riguardo alle indicazioni e alle tecniche esecutive di procedure a livello dell'orofaringe, della laringe e dello spazio parafaringeo.
I partecipanti acquisiranno inoltre dimestichezza con il dispositivo robotico e il suo funzionamento, attraverso le esercitazioni al simulatore; verranno mostrate loro le metodiche di allestimento di una sala robotica finalizzata alla chirurgia oncologica ORL, la preparazione del paziente e l'esecuzione dal vivo delle procedure chirurgiche.

Target audience
Medical Doctors, Surgeons.

Istituto Europeo di Oncologia
39 02 57489.1
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia
CAMPUS IEO Via Adamello 16
20139 Milano
Supply Chain Event
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Un raz de marée qui va tout balayer sur son passage. Mais quel en sera la force, l’étendue, les effets… ? A quels bouleversements faut-il s’attendre ? Comment l’anticiper ? S’y préparer ?

C’est à ces questions que le Salon Supply Chain Event souhaite répondre à travers une offre orientée « digital » et des exposants susceptibles de répondre aux nouveaux défis qui seront à relever dans tous les domaines de la Supply Chain :
- Au plan stratégique, la digitalisation va permettre de collecter et de traiter une foule considérable de données (Big Data). Elle apportera une vision rapide et claire des flux, avec des outils de mesures et d’analyse qui donneront la possibilité aux dirigeants de prendre d’importantes décisions avec un maximum de précision.

- Au plan tactique, elle sera également le moyen de faire face aux aléas dans des délais extrêmement courts et d’apporter des solutions, par exemple dans des situations de crise ou au contraire pour saisir de nouvelles opportunités.

- Au plan opérationnel, sur le terrain, les technologies digitales apporteront une aide précieuse aux collaborateurs dans des domaines comme le transport, le stockage, les approvisionnements, la préparation de commandes…

Concrètement pour Supply Chain Event, cette orientation « digitale » signifie une présence plus forte des entreprises qui proposent :
- Internet des objets
- Big data / Intelligence artificielle et systèmes experts
- Plateformes collaboratives
- Solutions mobiles sur smartphone et tablette
- Systèmes de pilotage pour la mécanisation et la robotisation
- Impression 3D
- Réalité augmentée

Mais également un cycle de conférences qui donnera la parole aux professionnels ayant déjà eu recours aux nouvelles technologies ou à des experts ayant réalisé des études sur ce sujet. Compte tenu du caractère innovant et prospectif d’un tel sujet il n’y aura pas de cycle « métiers » comme les années précédentes, mais une segmentation qui abordera la Supply Chain Digitale à travers ces 3 dimensions : stratégique, tactique et opérationnelle.

Reed Expositions France
France Burnand
+33 (0)1 47 56 67 74 / +33 (0)6 16 69 28 58
Pavillon 4.2 Paris Porte de Versailles
1 Place de la Porte de Versailles
75015 Paris
La robotica ed il lavoro. Uomini e/o macchine?
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Il seminario organizzato dalla Scuola Nazionale di Amministrazione Digitale (SNAD), Università degli studi di Roma, Unitelma Sapienza, ha lo scopo di analizzare i forti cambiamenti che riguardano il mondo del lavoro con l’applicazione, sempre più integrata, delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione. Il processo di profonda trasformazione del mondo del lavoro è stato oggetto del recente G7 e della dichiarazione ministeriale “Per un migliore futuro del lavoro: percorsi per agire”. Nell’ambito della SNAD è stato istituito l’osservatorio IRIA (Internet delle cose, Robotica, Intelligenza Artificiale). L’osservatorio intende avviare una sistematica analisi degli aspetti sociali, economici, etici, politici e giuridici relativi ai processi di cambiamento ed innovazione socio-tecnologici. Il mondo del lavoro è il punto di partenza di questa analisi: sarà necessario dare una risposta concreta alla diffusione di “tecnologie del lavoro” e quindi alla “coabitazione ed interrelazione” tra macchine ed uomini.

Target audience
Scuola Nazionale di Amministrazione Digitale (SNAD), Università degli studi di Roma, Unitelma Sapienza
CNEL (Villa Lubin, Roma)
viale David Lubin n.2. 2
00144 Roma
Les Rendez-vous de la Mécanique
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Thématique - Les robots, des solutions pour votre entreprise :
- Adaptés aux petits séries
- Moins chers et plus rentables
- Flexibles dans la gestion de production
- Faciles à intégrer

Intervenants :
Cyril Jacquelin, ingénieur conception et industrialisation au Cetim
Sylvain Acoulon, ingénieur sécurité au Cetim
Bertrand Beaufrere, expert robotique chez Safran Nacelles

Programme :
- Accueil des participants par Jean-Marie Dubos, directeur du site, Samuel Cutulic NAE et Philippe Seillier, chargé de développement régional du Cetim
- Visite du site et présentation en salle des activités de Safran Nacelles
- Démarche d’accompagnement pour l’introduction de la robotique dans les PME et PMI, par Cyril Jacquelin :
La robotisation, un projet stratégique pour l’entreprise
Répondre aux exigences de performance de l’utilisateur
Structurer la démarche d’accompagnement pour sécuriser l’investissement
Gérer la relation utilisateur – intégrateur
- Robotique collaborative, cobots, exosquelette : quid de la réglementation, par Sylvian Acoulon
La démarche robotisation de Safran Nacelles par Bertrand Beaufrère
Débat et réponses aux questions des participants.
À l’issue de la réunion, un cocktail permettra de poursuivre les discussions.

Inscription :
Tél : 03 44 67 36 82 –

Attention :
Prévoir des chaussures de sécurité pour la visite du site
À la confirmation d’inscription, transmettre par retour de mail une photocopie de la
carte d’identité ou du passeport en indiquant dans le corps du mail votre nationalité
Nombre de places limitées pour la visite du site

Target audience
Directeurs d'entreprise
Entreprises robotiques
Philippe Seillier
02 32 19 55 23
Safran Nacelles
Route du Pont VIII
76700 Gonfreville-l’Orcher
La Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs en Robotique 2017
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La 20ème édition de la Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs en Robotique (JJCR) se tiendra à la Technocité de Bayonne le mardi 7 novembre 2017. Cette journée rassemble la communauté des doctorants en robotique afin d'exposer, découvrir, approfondir et échanger sur des sujets de robotique pluridisciplinaires et transversaux.

En partenariat avec les Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique, la JJCR accueille tous les jeunes chercheurs pour des échanges autour de présentations orales, posters, et MT180s.

Venez nombreux !

Target audience
1 Rue Pierre Georges Latécoère
64100 Bayonne
Journées d’information : « La robotisation de la production dans les petites et moyennes entreprises. »
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FANUC organise les 8 et 9 novembre prochains des journées d’information: « La robotisation de la production dans les petites et moyennes entreprises. »

Présentation technique:
Gamme de robots
Logiciel de simulation
Système de vision intégrée
Fonction de sécurité
Exemple d’applications

Vous pouvez vous inscrire en remplissant le formulaire.

Nous serons très heureux de vous compter parmi nous lors de cette journée.

Lycée Joseph Gaillard Fort-de-France
Cité Scolaire de la Pointe des Nègres, Rue Marie-Thérèse Gertrude
97261 Fort-de-France, Martinique
Les Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique
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Depuis la première édition en 1997 à Toulouse les Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique (JNRR) réunissent tous les deux ans l’ensemble de la communauté française des chercheurs en robotique, qu'ils travaillent au sein d’institutions publiques ou d’entreprises privées.
Comme à chaque édition, elles seront l’occasion de faire le point sur les dernières avancées dans les principaux domaines de la robotique, de nouer et de conforter des collaborations, de préparer le futur. Notez donc la date : du 8 au 10 novembre 2017.
Ces journées seront couplées avec les JJCR (Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs en Robotique), qui réunissent plus spécifiquement les doctorants en robotique, qui auront lieu le 7 novembre 2017 sur le site de la technocité de Bayonne.

Target audience
Inria & Femto-st Sciences et Technologies
Village de vacances VTF
Rue de Salon 81
64200 Biarritz
Roboethics at Liceo Chiabrera
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Roboticist Gianmarco Veruggio talks about Roboethics at Liceo Grassi, Savona

Liceo Scientifico Statale Orazio Grassi
Prof Gloria Bardi
Centralino - 019822797
Liceo Scientifico Statale Orazio Grassi
Via Filippo Corridoni 2
17100 Savona
Robica +55
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¿Pensabas que nuestros cursos eran solo para niños? “Robótica +55” es un programa de cuatro talleres de robótica para mayores de 50 años. ¡Nunca es demasiado tarde para aprender cosas nuevas!

Durante cuatro talleres los jueves a partir del 9 de Noviembre y de 10:00 a 11:30 horas aprenderemos los fundamentos de la robótica educativa con los sistemas Lego Mindstorms EV3.

El taller se realiza en el Centro Obra Social Ibercaja de Logroño durante los días 9, 16, 23 y 30 de noviembre.

Target audience
Mayores de 50 años
Juan Núñez
Centro Obra Social Ibercaja
Portales 48
Intelligenza Artificiale e Robotica al WorkLab di Roma - Roadshow
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Il 9 Novembre si terrà a Roma nella nuova sede di BNL la quarta tappa del Roadshow di presentazione del programma di incubazione AI WorkLab. E' necessario registrarsi su eventbrite. Per chi lo volesse vi è la possibilità di presentare la propria idea/progetto davanti ad un’audience di specialisti in vari settori, investitori, startup e corporate.
Il percorso si svilupperà in maniera simile a quello cha abbiamo già fatto per google, Android Factory.
Le candidature per il programma sono aperte fino al 30 Novembre.
LUISS ENLABS & LVenture Group, BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas, BNP Paribas Cardif, Sara Assicurazioni, Cerved Group and Payback

Target audience
Adults with draduation
LUISS ENLABS & LVenture Group, BNL BNP Paribas, BNP Paribas Cardif, Sara Assicurazioni, Cerved Group and Payback
06 45473124
AI WorkLab Palazzo Palazzo
Viale Altiero Spinelli 30
00157 Roma
First Italian Congress of Robotics Surgery
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"I congressi sulla chirurgia robotica hanno sempre avuto un’impronta prevalentemente chirurgica/tecnica. Manca pertanto, nel panorama congressuale, un momento di periodica riflessione sui temi della programmazione e dell’organizzazione dell’attività robotica. Lo scopo di questo convegno è proprio quello di poter dare, a chi inizia questa strada di alta tecnologia, non indicazioni assolute di preminenza di una modalità organizzativa sull’altra, ma gli strumenti per scegliere e valutare il momento ed il modo più adatto di utilizzo dell’attività robotica, in funzione della propria realtà. E’ importante rivalutare, fra medici e manager, che stanno vivendo in prima persona l’esperienza robotica, i punti critici di un’attività che non ha al momento analogie con l’esperienza quotidiana di programmazione ed organizzazione dell’attività di un’azienda sanitaria. L’iniziativa rappresenta un appuntamento unico nel suo genere e desidera fornire agli addetti ai lavori un periodico punto di incontro per un aggiornamento sulle problematiche organizzative, sulle modalità di valutazione e sulle proposte di miglioramento." (la Segreteria Scientifica

Target audience
Surgeons, Medical Doctors, Health Assistants
Tel. 0543 720901 -
Sala M. Pieratelli, Padiglione Morgagni -Ospedale G.B. Morgagni - L. Pierantoni di Forlì
Via Punta di Ferro 2l
47122 Forlì (FC)
Master Class: nefrectomia parziale robotica
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La nefrectomia parziale robotica è una procedura molto complessa che richiede precise conoscenze anatomiche, di tecnica chirurgica ed oncologiche. Questo corso offre uno scenario aggiornato, grazie ad una serie di lezioni interattive riguardanti tutti questi aspetti, seguite poi da interventi in diretta condotti da chirurghi esperti.
Le finalità educative di questo corso saranno supportate dall'utilizzo della tecnologia innovativa di Holocare® che permette la concreta condivisione tra docenti e discenti di ogni dettaglio anatomico e chirurgico mediante modelli 3D.
La visione olografica é un’innovazione che permette la visualizzazione di immagini DICOM (TAC, RM, ecc.) e trasforma ciò che fino ad ora erano informazioni bidimesionali in ologrammi gestibili ed interattivi.

Target audience
Surgeons, Medical Doctors, Health Assistants
Responsabile Scientifico
Alessandro Antonelli
Andrea Minervini

Over Srl
tel 0372 23310 -
Over Srl
Firenze 4
26100 Over srl, Cremona
Jornadas TIC
Show details
Semana de las Jornadas Tecnológicas

Target audience
Alumnos de todos los niveles del Centro
Colegio Hispano Británico

Camino de Las Manteca 26
38205 San Cristóbal de La Laguna
Robo.DU Day 2017
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Robo.DU Day is an event with public talks about robotics, Arduino technology, Raspberry Pi and 3D Printers. All visitors can participate in various workshops: LEGO's "Renewable Energy Sources", LEGO gaming, Arduino and Raspberry Pi. There will also be demonstration of humanoid robots, RoboAlkar, drones and many more.

Robo.DU Day is planned as a day of exchange of knowledge and skills among students and young people of the City and the County. The idea of a well-conceived STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is associated with this event. Vicko Prkačin will talk about his adventure of making a special modular robot. Nikša Vlahušić will present how Arduino technology can been used as a fun and as serious tool for complex tasks. Secretary of the Croatian Robotic Alliance - Željko Krnjajić, will tell all about the successes of Croatian robotic teams, but also about his greatest project - to create and manage a humanoid robot! STEMI will present itself through an incredible story of their success!

Target audience
Primary school students, secondary school students, students and everyone else interested in topic
Association of Technical Culture City of Dubrovnik, Informatics club Futura and University of Dubrovnik
Tomo Sjekavica
Campus of the University of Dubrovnik
Branitelja Dubrovnika 41
20000 Dubrovnik
Sokoldalú Robotika
Show details

Hajdúböszörményi Bocskai István Gimnáziuzm
Oláh Tibor
Bocskai István tér 12
4220 Hajdúböszörmény
Theory meets practice - Students at FANUC Automation Romania
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The workshop is jointly organized by the Technical University Authorized Training Center Siemens PLM, CESTER- Research Center for Robots Simulation and Testing and the FANUC Cluj-Napoca, with the occasion of the opening of the Headquarter of FANUC Automation Romania, located in Cluj-Napoca.
Presentations and demonstrations regarding FANUC collaborative Robots and CNC control.
Showroom demonstration with collaborative robots and manufacturing facilities with ROBODRIL, ROBOSHOT, ROBONANO and ROBOCUT. Roundtable regarding the FANUC Academy

Target audience
Representatives of Technical University and FANUC Europe, will introduce the audience, students, master students, PhD students, academic staff, researchers and representatives from industry, into results in research activity and significant results in which robotics applications are used.

The workshop intends to enhance student’s technical, analytical and leadership skills regarding Robotics and CNC control.
Technical University
Adrian PISLA
Technical University in Cluj-Napoca
B-dul Muncii 103
400641 Cluj-Napoca
Show details
Quali problemi sorgeranno quando i robot saranno presenti non solo nelle fabbriche, ma anche nelle nostre case, negli ospedali, nelle scuole? Un incontro per riflettere sul ruolo dei robot nella società del futuro e sulle conseguenze sociali, industriali, commerciali, etiche e legali del loro avvento.
Con Emanuele Micheli, ingegnere specializzato in robotica e membro del consiglio direttivo della Scuola di robotica.

Target audience
Fondazione Golinelli
Opificio Golinelli
Via Paolo Nanni Costa 14
40133 Bologna
Heavent Paris
Show details
Salon des professionnels de l'évènementiel, de l'exposition et des congrès, incluant notamment la robotique de services et l'impression 3D.

Weyou Group
Mickaël Le Moine
+33 (0)1 41 18 86 18
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
1 Place de la Porte de Versailles
75015 Paris
Intelligenza Artificiale e Robotica al WorkLab di Napoli - Roadshow
Show details
Il 9 Novembre si terrà a Roma nella nuova sede di BNL la quarta tappa del Roadshow di presentazione del programma di incubazione AI WorkLab. E' necessario registrarsi su eventbrite. Per chi lo volesse vi è la possibilità di presentare la propria idea/progetto davanti ad un’audience di specialisti in vari settori, investitori, startup e corporate.
Il percorso si svilupperà in maniera simile a quello cha abbiamo già fatto per google, Android Factory.
Le candidature per il programma sono aperte fino al 30 Novembre.
LUISS ENLABS & LVenture Group, BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas, BNP Paribas Cardif, Sara Assicurazioni, Cerved Group and Payback

Target audience
Adults with draduation
LUISS ENLABS & LVenture Group, BNL BNP Paribas, BNP Paribas Cardif, Sara Assicurazioni, Cerved Group and Payback
06 45473124
AI WorkLab Aula Magna
Università Parthenope Centro Direzionale ISOLA C4 Aula Magna Napoli, 80133 30
80133 Napoli
Journée technique « ABB : Les nouvelles tendances de la robotique »
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Le 15 novembre prochain, ABB en partenariat avec PROXINNOV propose une journée technique sur le thème des nouvelles tendances de la robotique. Lors de cette journée, venez découvrir des ateliers et des conférences sur : l’accompagnement produits, la réalité augmentée, la robotique collaborative, les logiciels de programmation…

Target audience
Rue Jean Esswein 15
85000 La Roche-sur-Yon
I° Corso di Chirurgia Robotica
Show details
Il corso si propone di far acquisire agli infermieri competenze specialistiche che consentano di: pianificare, gestire, attuare e valutare l’assistenza del paziente nella fase precedente all’intervento, durante l’intervento ed immediatamente successiva (risveglio) nella chirurgica robotica.
Quota di iscrizione pari a 50,00€
Come iscriversi:
inviare una mail ai seguenti indirizzi: o
Termine iscrizioni: 5 novembre 2017
Crediti ECM:
verranno assegnati 10.3 Crediti ECM

Target audience
Health care assistants, surgery assistants
AICO, Istituto Regina Elena di Roma,
Dr.ssa Silvia Lolli
Tel 0652662840 – Fax 0652665672
AICO, Istituto Regina Elena di Roma,
Via Elio Chianesi 53
00144 Roma
Jornada de presentación del monográfico “Programación y Robótica Educativa (II)” (Revista Comunicación y Pedagogía)
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El próximo 15 de noviembre, en la sede de GMV, nos reuniremos para hablar de robótica, sociedad, educación e inclusión, en el marco del lanzamiento de un número especial de la revista Educación y Pedagogía dedicado a robótica. Lo haremos desde una visión multidisciplinar, en la que participa la docencia, la investigación, la empresa y la administración. Además, presentaremos las acciones previstas para la Semana Europea de la Robótica (#ERW17), actividad promovida por la asociación europea de robótica EuRobotics, a través de la cual se quiere acercar la robótica a la sociedad.

Target audience
Todo tipo de público
HispaRob, Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Robótica
Sede central de GMV
Isaac Newton 11
28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid
Journée GT2 « Robotique marine et sous-marine »
Show details
Lieu : Tour 65-66, salle 304

9h00 Accueil café

9h20 Introduction et tour de table (V. Creuze et F. Plumet)

9h30 Mise en orbite d’une bouteille à la mer robotisée autour de l’île d’Ouessant
Thomas Le Mézo, Luc Jaulin, Benoit Zerr, ENSTA Bretagne.
Dans un contexte d’augmentation des enjeux de monitoring de l’environnement marin (industriels, scientifiques et de défense), l’utilisation de meutes de drones marins apparaît comme une solution pour couvrir de vastes étendues, parfois hostiles, 24h/24. Or, l’utilisation d’un groupe de robots implique une baisse des coûts de chaque unité et une diminution de leur taille pour des raisons logistiques. Il apparaît alors un problème concernant leur capacité d’emport énergétique qui est un des principaux enjeux de leur plus large utilisation.
Nous proposons d’essayer d’utiliser les courants marins comme force principale de propulsion d’une nouvelle classe de drones marins. De manière similaire à un satellite qui choisirait la bonne trajectoire pour être attiré alternativement par une planète ou sa voisine, il est imaginable de choisir la bonne veine de courant, et ce, au bon moment pour parcourir de grandes distances. Cependant, nous ne disposons que d’une connaissance approximative de l’évolution de ces veines de courants. Il est possible de prédire l’évolution des masses d’eau à grande échelle mais la prévision fine des courants est beaucoup plus difficile et incertaine. De nouveaux outils théoriques prenant en compte ces incertitudes sont donc nécessaires pour permettre de calculer correctement des trajectoires garanties.

10h00 Estimation de formes par électro-location
Sylvain Lanneau, Frédéric Boyer et Vincent Lebastard, Laboratoire des Sciences du numérique de Nantes.

10h30 Asservissement visuel appliqué au contrôle de forme d'ombilicaux pour la robotique sous-marine
Matheus Laranjeira, COSMER, Université de Toulon.
Les câbles ombilicaux sont utilisés pour alimenter et transférer des données à des robots sous-marins téléopérés. Malgré son importance et son rôle parfois fondamental, les ombilicaux sont aussi connus pour entraver les mouvements des robots et pour limiter leur espace de travail dans des environnements encombrés. Est-il possible de gérer la forme de l'ombilical et de tirer profit de sa présence pour mieux contrôler les mouvements d'un robot ? Dans cette étude, un nouveau schéma d'asservissement visuel pour des objets déformables en forme de chaînette est introduit afin de contrôler la forme paramétrique d'un ombilical. Dans la plupart des approches d'asservissement visuel, l'objet cible est fixe et éloigné du robot contrôlé. Au contraire, dans cette problématique, l'objet est déformable et attaché au robot, ce qui entraîne un changement de sa forme dans l'espace au cours du déplacement du robot.

11h00 Architecture modulaire et générique pour drones maritimes autonomes.
Magali Barbier, Eric Bensana, Xavier Pucel (ONERA)
L’objectif du projet H2020 SWARMs (2015-2018) est de permettre l'intervention off-shore de véhicules inhabités disposant de moyens complémentaires : mesure par des véhicules sous-marins (AUV Autonomous Underwater Vehicle), surveillance, relais et mesure par des véhicules de surface (USV Unmanned Surface Vehicle) et intervention par des véhicules téléopérés (ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle).
L’ONERA développe pour ces drones une architecture logicielle intégrant les fonctions de planification des tâches reçues du haut niveau en actions, de supervision de l'exécution de ces actions et de monitoring de l'état du véhicule ou de l'environnement permettant de réagir en temps réel à des événements en modifiant le plan courant (perte partielle ou totale d’un capteur, défaut de propulsion, courant trop fort...)
Cette architecture intitulée RSOA (Robot System Onboard Architecture) est basée sur le middleware ROS (Robot Operating System) et est connectée d’une part au Centre de Commande de la mission par des liaisons wifi (véhicule en surface) ou acoustique (véhicule en plongée) et d’autre part à la plateforme véhicule. Les liaisons entre les véhicules et le Centre de Commande utilisent le middleware DDS (Data Distribution Service).
La simulation d'une mission de huit véhicules implémentant cette architecture a permis de valider le prototype sur un scénario de surveillance de zones (cf. figures). Une version réduite de l'architecture a également été implémentée sur deux ROV et un USV qui ont participé aux expérimentations en mer Noire en Roumanie en juillet 2017. Les expérimentations sur d’autres véhicules (AUV, USV) auront lieu en Norvège en 2018, sur un scénario de détection et de caractérisation de plumes de pollution.
Nous présenterons l’architecture actuelle, les résultats et les perspectives.

11h30 Mini robot sous-marin « ouvert » pour la recherche et l’industrie
Aurélien Majorel, OIS.

12h00 : pause déjeuner

14h00 : H2020 BRIDGES Deep et UltraDeep Explorer AUV gliders
Michael Field, Laurent Mortier, LOCEAN, UPMC.
Le H2020 projet européen BRIDGES (8M€,19 partenaires) a pour but de developper et qualifier en mer deux nouveaux prototypes de drones sous-marins de type glider et des charges utiles complexes capables d’atteindre jusqu’à des profondeurs de 6 000m. Ces prototypes et leurs charges utiles de capteurs innovants permettront de fournir des services dans cinq marchés clés (recherche, surveillance, biotechnologies, industries offshores, explication des ressources minérales) avec un niveau élevé d’autonomie grace aux systèmes de gestion de mission à bord du véhicule et à terre.
Après 30 mois de vie du projet de 48 mois total, la phase de conception s’est terminée et la fabrication et validation des prototypes et de leurs capteurs est en cours, tandis que le développement des systèmes logiciels se terminent. Les prototypes complets sont en bonne voie pour une livraison et des essais en mer à la fin du projet (2019). Une première commercialisation des véhicules est envisagée à partir de 2020-2021.

14h30 Présentation du nouvel AUV 6000 ou du HROV
Lorenzo Brignone, IFREMER / PRAO, La Seyne-sur-mer.

15h00 Identification des paramètres des bras manipulateurs du HROV Ariane
François Leborne, IFREMER / LIRMM.

15h30 Commande en boucle fermée de micro-robots nageurs à faible nombre de Reynolds
Ali Oulmas, ISIR et FEMTO
Les micro-robots nageurs sont très prometteurs dans plusieurs domaines. Grâce à leur taille, ils peuvent accéder à des endroits très restreints et manipuler des micro-objets. Dans le domaine médical, ils peuvent donner lieu à la médecine mini-invasive comme la délivrance de médicament ciblé pour des cellules défectueuses. Dans le domaine industriel, ils peuvent être utilisés dans le transport, le tri et voire même l’assemblage des microcomposants.
À l’échelle micro, la physique est fondamentalement différente. Ainsi, pour se propulser, les micro-robots nageurs imitent le comportement des microorganismes comme les spermatozoïdes et les bactéries. Ces microsystèmes peuvent être actionnés par des champs magnétiques externes pour se déplacer dans un fluide visqueux comme le sang. Dans la littérature, la partie conception et optimisation est plus ou moins maitrisée. Cependant, la commande reste assez simple et pas assez robuste. En général, c’est des commandes en boucle ouverte.
La présentation sera sur la réalisation d’une commande en boucle fermée dans l’espace 3D pour améliorer la précision de ces robots nageurs (Figure 1), de les rendre robustes aux perturbations environnementales et d’atteindre une certaine répétabilité afin de réaliser des tâches réelles. Les perturbations comme les effets de bord et les changements de température modifient fortement les conditions du problème. En effet, à l’échelle micro, un micro-objet se déplaçant proche d’une surface solide, est attiré ou repoussé par ce bord. En plus, les bruits thermiques changent la viscosité du liquide, et comme la dynamique de ces micro-robots dépend fortement des propriétés du fluide, donc, c’est une perturbation majeure à compenser.

16h00 SLAM monoculaire pour la localisation de robots sous-marins
Maxime Ferrera, ONERA / LIRMM.
L’utilisation de robots sous-marins pour l’archéologie sous-marine s’est fortement développée du fait de leur capacité à évoluer en eaux profondes. Les équipes archéologiques ont recours à l’utilisation de mini sous-marins aussi appelés ROV (Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle) pour la cartographie des sites archéologiques et le prélèvement d’objets. Ces robots sont télé-opérés grâce aux informations fournies par différents capteurs (caméras, capteur de pression, capteur inertiel, sonars, etc.). Toutefois, la précision de ce mode de navigation est limitée par les estimations du pilote sur les déplacements du robot et ses positions par rapport au site étudié.
Afin de rendre plus efficace la supervision des sites archéologiques, nous nous intéressons au développement d'une méthode d'égo-localisation visuelle pour de tels robots. Notre objectif est de remonter une estimation de la pose du robot (position 3D + orientation) relative au site archéologique à tout instant à partir des données provenant principalement d'une caméra embarquée.
Contrairement aux milieux terrestres ou aériens, la localisation à partir d'une caméra en milieu sous-marin a fait l’objet de relativement peu de travaux. Les méthodes de SLAM visuel terrestre ou aériens ayant désormais atteint une certaine maturité, nos travaux se sont donc focalisés sur leur adaptation sous-marine, en tenant compte des contraintes spécifiques de cet environnement.

16h30 Optimisation de la propulsion d’un ASV
Maxence Blond, LIRMM.

17h00 Estimation d’efforts de manipulation, projet ANR SeaHand
Vincent Creuze, LIRMM.

17h20 Actualités GDR

17h30 Fin de la journée

Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique (ISIR), Université Pierre et Marie CURIE
Campus Jussieu
4 Place Jussieu
75005 Paris
Automation Class Factory
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Les rendez-vous Experts pour une usine intelligente et connectée !

Automation Class Factory vous fournit les contacts utiles et solutions ciblées pour assurer les bons choix techniques de smart automation, IoT, IHM, robotique, automatisation des machines et lignes de process, maintenance prédictive, cybersécurité.

Découvrez les technologies et innovations pour rendre votre usine plus intelligente, mieux connectée et plus performante.

Target audience
Directeur de Site
Direction industrielle
Direction Production
Direction Méthodes & Travaux neufs
Chef de projets usine du futur
Direction Technique
Responsable Industrialisation
Responsable de la Maintenance
Premium Contact
+33 (0)1 46 23 60 27
Cité des Échanges
40 Rue Eugène Jacquet
59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul
LEGO Robotics @ Academy387
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Course description:
On the workshop, the robots will be built according to the LEGO program, but there will be a possibility for children to build their own robot in their imagination by installing the engine, wheels and other elements. After each completed robot, children will perform measurements as real engineers - the speed of robot movement, lifting / lowering load times, etc. Through an interesting way of learning and playing children will have the opportunity to master the first steps of robotics, but also through interesting stories and presentations learn about windmills, cranes, engines, etc.

Expectations and Goals:
The aim of the course is to familiarize with LEGO robots through an easy way of making them from the elements, where the logic and will of the child come in. At the end of the course, everyone will be able to make robots by their imagination.

Target audience
The course is designed for children aged 7-10 years.
Milica Vujadinovic
Milana Preloga 12
71000 Sarajevo
Integrazione robotica e domotica in sanità: New Opportunities for patiens.
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Seminar: INTEGRAZIONE TRA ROBOTICA E DOMOTICA IN SANITÀ: Nuove opportunita per i pazienti

Integrating Robotics and Domotics in Health Policy: New opportunities for doctors and patiens.

Target audience
Medical Doctors, Health Assistants, interested people
Federsanità Anci Federzione Veneto,
366 1346154 - 392 6935908
Teatro Gian Giacomo Arrigoni,
piazza del Popolo 13
33078 San Vito al Tagliamento
Transformation digitale des métiers, enjeux et impacts sur l’évolution des compétences
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Les innovations technologiques, la robotisation, ou la numérisation sont toutes des causes de la révolution que vit aujourd’hui l’industrie, et plus globalement le monde du travail. Comment s’adapter et s’engager dans cette révolution qui modifie en profondeur les métiers, l’organisation de la production et du travail mais aussi et surtout les compétences des salariés ?

La place du salarié dans cette transformation est centrale. Il est donc essentiel d’anticiper et de comprendre ses impacts sur leurs compétences et les pistes possibles pour les accompagner au mieux dans ces changements organisationnels.

Avec la participation de :

Pierre Beretti, conseiller du président d’Altedia
Vincent Charlet, directeur de la Fabrique de l’industrie
Hervé Garnier, secrétaire national à la CFDT, en charge de la santé et des conditions de travail.
Benoit Basier, directeur général de la Corderie Meyer Sansboeuf
Mathieu Rollet,directeur industriel de N. Schlumberger
L’animation sera assurée par Hubert Duault du cabinet InnoEco.

Pour participer à la conférence, merci de vous inscrire auprès de Delphine Schwartz :

Cette conférence est organisée dans le cadre du Forum Osez ! Votre évolution professionnelle. Votre métier de demain… qui se tiendra du 16 au 18 novembre au Parc Expo de Mulhouse.

Programme du Forum « Osez ! votre évolution professionnelle Votre métier de demain… » :

La MEF Mulhouse Sud Alsace en partenariat avec Campus Industrie 4.0
Delphine Schwartz
Parc Expo de Mulhouse
120 Rue Lefebvre
68100 Mulhouse
TJ BOT Workshop
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Starting with 16th November 2017, TJ BOT workshops were officially launched by IBM Romania for highschool students. Today we met 22 students of the 9th grade from the Informatics profile of National College Saint Sava and we conducted the first part of a TJBot workshop, through which they learned how to access Watson Services in a fun way, through an Open Source project, using components such as Raspberry Pi's. A team of IBM Managers and Technical experts conducted the workshop at our IBM premises from Bucharest Business Park.
The workshops will continue throughout December 2017 and 2018.

IBM Romania
Luiza Jipescu
IBM Business Park Office
Working experience in robotics for students of high schools
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Workshop on the Working experience in Robotics at School of Robotics

Giovedì 16 novembre 2017 Sala Zefiro
Saluti istituzionali: Direttore Generale USR per la Liguria/ Eventuale delegato
Introduce Dirigente Scolastico / Eventuale delegato
Relatore Prof. Piazzi Roberto Referente Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro
Coordina Prof.ssa Elia M. Candida Referente gruppo H
Interviene Dott.ssa F. Operto , Scuola di Robotica, Genova
Rappresentante Municipio Valpolcevera Genova
Segue dibattito
"Per il personale docente, l’iniziativa ha valore di formazione, ai sensi della Legge 107/2015, art. 1, comma 124 e del DM 797/2016 – Piano nazionale per la formazione docenti 2016-2019."

Target audience
Magazzini del Cotone, Porto Antico, Sala Zefiro
16121 Genova
Show details
Students will have the opportunity to enter the world of educational robotics with an emphasis on the key feature in programming microcontrollers and systemic thinking through problem solving
The program of training sessions includes among others:
Interactive multimedia presentation of Robotic applications in everyday life.
Introduction to problem solving and modeling with educational robotic devices (Lego Mindstorms NXT, raspberry pi 3).
Modifying-Completing Programmable Programming Code by students to solve robotic problems with Lego Mindstorms NXT and/or Raspberry Pi - Python Programming
Topics for discussion with social implications for the introduction of technology and robotics in day-to-day activities.

Target audience
high school students and teachers
Aristides Arapoglou
Karaili Dimitrioy 1
From bits to robots Day 2
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A tree-day course on robots (from bits to..)
Program of the Second Day
venerdì 17 novembre 16,30-19,30
Laboratorio 3:
Prototipazione e apprendimento con LEGO WeDo (Tullia Urschitz)
● costruzione di modelli e scenari
● primi passi nella programmazione a blocchi con il software LEGO WeDo
● integrare la robotica nel curricolo delle materie STEM
● dal progetto al prodotto: creatività e costruzione di competenze
● utilizzo delle rubriche di osservazione e valutazione

Target audience
Teachers primary school
IPRASE - Fondazione Museo Civico Rovereto
Cristiana Bianchi
Fondazione Museo Civico Rovereto, Rovereto
B.go Santa Caterina
Rovereto, TN
Talleres de Lab Ciencia y Tecnología de la Fundación Cajasol
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Los talleres de Lab Ciencia y Tecnología de la Fundación Cajasol van dirigidos a conocer las bases de funcionamiento de los ordenadores y los robot, para facilitar el paso de ser simples usuarios a conocedores interesados en profundizar en el funcionamiento de estas tecnologías.

Target audience
Alumnado del Ciclo Superior de Educación Primaria. Previa inscripción.
Fundación Cajasol y Educa punto Ambiental

Pl. de S. Francisco 1
41004 Sevilla
Integrazione robotica e domotica in sanità
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Seminar: Quali sistemi sanitari e quale personale per i nuovi scenari internazionali?

Health Systems and the staff training in the new world scenarios.

Target audience
Medical Doctors, Health Assistants
Federsanità Anci Federzione Veneto,
366 1346154 - 392 6935908
Teatro Gian Giacomo Arrigoni
piazza del Popolo 13
33078 San Vito al Tagliamento
Kidbits Festival - FabLab a Scuola
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Workshop: "Fablab a scuola: tra didattica digitale e apertura al territorio"
Leonardo Zaccone (Roma Makers)

Lucia Presilla (Preside IC Castelseprio Roma), Damien Lanfrey (MIUR), Donatella Solda (MIUR), Lorenzo Guasti (INDIRE), Giovanni Nulli (INDIRE), Tiziano Fattizzo (Preside IC 2° Francavilla Fontana), Filippo Rosi (Responsabile FabLab ITIS Faraday Ostia), Manuela Pattarini (AD IC Castelseprio Roma), Daniele Mancini (Docente IC Rosmini Roma e Assessore alla Scuola XIV Municipio), Annalisa Ventura (AD IC Falcone e Borsellino Roma), Irene Tripodo (AD IC Nando Martellini Roma),Stefano Capezzone (Roma Makers), Giulia Paciello (Associazione On Perugia), Emanuela Amadio (Hi-Storia), Mario Pirreddu (Dipartimento Scienze della Formazione Università Roma Tre), Roberto Maragliano (Dipartimento Scienze della Formazione Università Roma Tre), Emanuela Pulvirenti (Blogger su DIDATTICARTE e Docente di Storia dell'arte),

Target audience
I.C. Largo Castelseprio di Roma, Officine Roma Makers in collaborazione con:
Associazione Culturale ON (,
Hi Storia (
FabLab Sulcis (
FabLab Napoli (
Junior Achievement (
I.C. Largo Castelseprio di Roma, Officine Roma Makers
Tel. 06 33613557
Fiera di Roma
Via Franco D'Amico
00148 Roma
We do with Lego wedo (for teachers)
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At School No. 5 in Bucharest, our goal for the next years is to develop a robotics lab for primary and secondary students. This is why together with our principal Cornelia Ghita and a team of teachers (Irina Petcu, Ana Gheorghe, Anca Dasoveanu) we involve teachers and students in robotics projects.
On this workshop we will explain how Lego wedo and Lego Mindstorms can be used in school and which STEAM competences can be targeted.

Target audience
Primary and secondary teachers from Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 5, Bucuresti
Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 5
Magda Cojocea
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 5 Bucuresti
Calea Victoriei 114
010092 Bucharest
C.R.E.O. (Coding-Robotica-Educational-Opportunity) for girls and some boys ROBOT-TI-AMO
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Some days before of school’s start, all the parents of the class 2 and 3 received an invitation from the dean for subscribe own sons to the project S.T.E.M.(Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), that born for involve more the girls in scientific subject.
Between the subscribers child there was a draw for choose the students who would have participated. The meetings, from 14:00 until 18:00, started from 18 September and it finished until 30 October.
Some lessons drived from the genoese enginner Andrea Bargigli; with him we divided us in groups and every group builted a robot with the Lego and togetherwe programmed with the computer for make some mission.
The other lessons drived from the Edoardo Carlucci; with him we learned tu using “Tinkercard”, an online programme that consist in drawing models that then we printed with the 3D printer. We had fun in printed piece of chess, cars, keyrings and different objects.
We practiced to solve the”Problem Solving” with the help of the teacher Brando;while the children of the second class builted and projected some robot with teacher Costanza. It was an experience that it took fun to us.
We hope that this project will be carried on next year too, to give other students the some possibility.

Target audience
teachrs, parents, students
Via Roma 102
85044 LAURIA (PZ)
Introducción a la Robótica de rehabilitación: desafío del Club de Robótica de la UAL 2017-2018
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En este taller se impartirá una charla sobre robótica particularizando al ámbito de la robótica aplicada a la rehabilitación. Al finalizar la charla se presentará el desafío del Club de Robótica de la UAL planteado para el curso 2017/2018 y se organizará una mesa redonda centrada en este tema, en la que participarán alumnos/as y profesores/as.

Target audience
Alumnos y alumnas de ESO y Bachillerato.
Club de Robótica de la Universidad de Almería - Grupo de investigación de Automática, Robótica y Mecatrónica
I.E.S. Bahía de Almería
Callejón del Niño Hermoso 22
04006 Almeria
L'anima delle macchine - The souls of the machines
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Prof Paolo Gallina, professor of Mecatronics at University of Trieste, speaks about human-machine relation, especially following the development of autonomous service robots.

Modernità, progresso, tecnologia, robotica, digitalizzazione… tutti termini cui siamo abituati. In alcuni evocano un futuro dispotico, nel quale saremo dominati dalle macchine. In altri, invece, producono entusiasmo, eccitazione, e rilanciano a un domani gravido di novità. Ma tutto questo distrae dai problemi del presente. Nei dibattiti riguardanti il rapporto tra l’uomo e la macchina, poche volte si sottolinea come le macchine abbiano già cambiato la nostra vita. In questa mia presentazione vorrei fornire degli spunti di riflessione per comprendere quanto e come stiamo cambiando come esseri umani a causa (o grazie) alle macchine con cui interagiamo.

Target audience
Circolo Galilei Scienza e Conoscenza, Liceo Berto
041 590 0657 335 537 6859 041 453 512
Liceo Statale Giuseppe Berto
Via Barbiero 82
31021 Mogliano Veneto (TV)
Robotica da Supereroi
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Three STEAM workshops will take place in November, all about SUPERHEROES, or better about design super powerful gadgets for superheroes.
After two workshops session about DESIGN (3rd, 10th of November), in the third one (17th of November)
participants will build their own prototype. They will experiment what does "design" and "be an engineer and a designer" means.

Target audience
Kids both female and male: from 8 to 12 years old
La Tata Robotica with Lumen
0039 3332263453
Casa Corsini
via Statale 83
41042 Spezzano di Fiorano Modenese (MO)
Programando a OCTY
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En este taller vamos a estar aprendiendo sobre robótica industrial e inteligente, y vamos a programar el robot Octy, un desarrollo en fase de prototipo que estamos desarrollando en UYRobot.

Target audience
El taller está dirigido a niños entre 7 y 12 años.
Rodrigo Dearmas
Hector Gutierrez Ruiz 1261 101
11100 Montevideo
La tecnología de... La Guerra de las Galaxias
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The workshops will let kids getting closer Robotics, a key filed of our present and future technologill development. And all of this throught astonishing missions about Star Wars universe.

Do not let this oportunitty get away.

May the force of Robotics be with you...

Target audience
Kids from 6 to 11, parents and companions
Centro de Ciencia Principia - Asociación del Profesorado de Tecnología de Andalucía
José Carlos Clavijo Alcaide
Centro de Ciencia Principia
Avda. Luis Buñuel 6
Talleres de robótica
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We propose you a very robotic weekend:
Come and meet Bee-Bot, the bee-shaped robot; Lightbot, who walks on a tile puzzle; designs a labyrinth for Robot Mouse; controls Dash, the android with a huge eye; or give instructions to Mbot ...

Target audience
participants from 4 to 12 years old
Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
Reservas MUNCYT Coruña
0034 689 578 727
A Coruña
Plaza del Museo Nacional 1
15011 A Coruña
Talleres de robótica (centros escolares)
Show details
Come, meet and control Dash, the android with a huge eye; or give instructions to Mbot. Make Happy plants ...

Target audience
participants from 7 to 15 years old
Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
Reservas MUNCYT Coruña
0034 689 578 727
A Coruña
Plaza del Museo Nacional 1
15011 A Coruña
Exploring Robots
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Exploring Robots

Target audience
Elementary, High School Students, Open for everybody interested
STEM Education Ltd / Grammar School Nicosia
Tonia Galati
Grammar School, Nicosia
DIY 3-WHEELED ROBOTS FOR EVERYONE (all robots: w/ BT control via cell phone)
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Learn how to make/construct a simple three-wheel robot with very little knowledge of electronics. Then, combining the popular Arduino software with MIT App Inventor along with a Bluetooh module and a cell phone, learn how to control your robot remotely/wirelessly.

Target audience
6th to 8th graders, and anyone else who feels the need to learn/see something new...
Primary School (K-8) - OŠ Desanka Maksimović
Vladimir Stojanović
OŠ Desanka Maksimović - Primary School (K-8)
Ustanička 246
11050 Belgrade
PASCAL English School Larnaka
Show details
Bricks for Kids and Robotics Workshop for all Year 1 Pupils at PASCAL English School. Pupils will have the opportunity to experience basic robotics.

Target audience
12-13 year olds
PASCAL English School
PASCAL English School Larnaka
Two robots opening the Learning 360 event in Milano
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Robots Pepper and NAO opening the event in Teatro Manzoni, Milano,dedicated to the Digital Communication.
The two stars will perform a dance, welcomining the audiecnce, answering questions.

Target audience
Mosaico Elearning. Articulate
Teatro Manzoni
Via Manzoni 42
20100 Milano
Show details
Semana de la robótica y la programación educativa en nuestra escuela. Se inicia con la visita de nuestro alumnado al FIMP en Gijón a un evento sobre video-juegos, star tups y makers. A continuación un taller diario hasta el día 26:
Día 1.- Robótica sin robots.
Día 2.- Taller con Bee y Blue Boot. Programamos a nuestros pequeños robots para que localicen las viñetas del cuento de Fantasmín va el colegio.
Día 3.- programamos con Dash y Dot.
Día 4.- Taller de programación con kodable, Box Island...
Día 5.- Hacemos un pequeño proyecto con Scratch Junior.
El último día montamos una exposición en el vestíbulo con imágenes de la semana, a la que están invitadas todas las familias.
Publicaremos el desarrollo del evento en nuestro blog.

Target audience
Todo el alumnado del centro. La exposición estará abierta a toda la comunidad educativa.
Margarita Pérez Pérez (Directora)
Drones for Topographic Surveys - A Seminar
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Seminar for student of the ITIS Buonarroti Pozzo on the use of drones and laserscan for topographic survey.

L'azienda coinvolta è la TOPCON Italia (
Al mattino vi sarà l'incontro per le sole classi del CAT, classi quarte e quinte (circa 50 studenti).
Nel primo pomeriggio invece, per i ragazzi delle seconde, è prevista un'ora di sola dimostrazione delle sopracitate attrezzature nel parcheggio della scuola.

Target audience
Teacher and students of high school
Dipartimento di C.A.T. (Costruzione Ambiente e Territorio), and TOPCON Italia (
Tel: 0461 216811
Istituto Buonarroti Pozzo
Via Brigata Acqui, 15 - 38122 Trento 15
38122 Trento
One Robot per Every Child... One Robot with Every Child! - PARCO GASLINI
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Presentation and promotion of a highly-educated, but highly valued and highly instructive, super-technological creative lab for children and teenagers.
A first approach to electronics and robotics that will make everyone in a state of knowing, handling and welding resistors, capacitors, transistors and integrated circuits and building a small robot in very few hours.
A simple and exciting assisted learning path to understand and use engines, leds and sensors and can say, without shadow of denial, "That's what I did !!!".
The activities are organized by the USABILE volunteer association, in the field of awareness-raising activities (STEM) and in contrast to educational poverty.
USABILE is a partner of the "Calabrian Regional Coordination" Network of the "CRESCERE AL SUD", promoted by Save The Children and backed by the "Fondazione con il Sud".

Target audience
Addressed to small recipients (9 to 15 years) aiming at involving the widest audience of that community, it must be the "EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY", such as parents, teachers, educators, trainers.
Carlo Crucitti
Via Torrazzo
Learn how to train your robot | ROBOTICS demo session (14- 17 years old)
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Academia ( is pleased to invite you to the Robotics demo session “Learn how to train your robot” on November 18th 2017. The session is open and will take place in Bucharest at OK Center within the EU Robotics Week event.

The session is a great opportunity for both kids and their parents to interact with “the world of robots”.

Within the demo session the kids will….

– Experience the “the world of Robotics” by interacting with real robots;
– Find out basic notions of Programming, Practical Electronics, Mechanics and Robotics;
– Get hands on experience in working with notions that they can further apply in their personal projects;
– Find out how to apply the technical notions acquired in a daily context;
– Make new friends who share the same interests

and their parents will…

– Get to know the benefits of STEM education;
– Find out which are the latest trends in the IT workforce;
– Notice if their kids are interested in or inclined towards technical activities.

Moreover, within the event there will also be an expo where the participants will have the opportunity to check out the innovative projects developed at, as well as experience demos of robotics competitions.

Target audience
The demo session for teenagers aged 14 and 17 years old will take place between 15:30 and 16:30, on November 18th 2017.

Please be advised that the number of the participants is limited to 25 / age group. Therefore, registration is required in order to attend the demo sessions (the form is available here:

Academia ( is a “before & after school” educational program which integrates ‪#‎STEM learning‬ since 2011, based on acquiring practical notions of Programming, Practical Electronics, Mechanics and Robotics.

The program is modular, tailored according to the age and the level of understanding of the participants and addresses to participants aged 7 to 18 years old.
Madalina Iorga
OK Center
Str. Traian 1
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Training for Teachers coaching teams involved in NAO Challenge.
It is aimed to give didactical instruments and technicals tips on NAO programming.

Target audience
High schools Teachers

Sandra Meloni
+39 347 8033903
Via Paolo Nanni Costa 14
Εισαγωγή στις προκλήσεις του ROBOTEX Cyprus Challenge
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Εισαγωγή στις προκλήσεις του ROBOTEX Cyprus Challenge

Περιορισμένος αριθμός θέσεων

Παρακαλώ δηλώστε συμμετοχή στο

και αναμένετε τηλεφώνημα για επιβεβαίωση

Target audience
Για εκπαιδευτές και προπονητές
Cyprus College
Archibishop Makarios 56
3065 Limassol
Robotics Workshop
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Clubul Copiilor Pascani & Clubul de Ecologie și Turism Moldavia
Irina Rotariu
Clubul Copiilor Pascani
Vasile Alecsandri 12
705200 Pascani
Edu Tech Nomads for Kids 1
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Workshop on robotics for begginers

Target audience
Kids and parents
Edu Tech Nomads
OK Center
Learn how to train your robot | ROBOTICS demo session (7 - 8 years old)
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Academia ( is pleased to invite you to the Robotics demo session “Learn how to train your robot” on November 18th 2017. The session is open and will take place in Bucharest at OK Center within the EU Robotics Week event.

The session is a great opportunity for both kids and their parents to interact with “the world of robots”.

Within the demo session the kids will….

– Experience the “the world of Robotics” by interacting with real robots;
– Find out basic notions of Programming, Practical Electronics, Mechanics and Robotics;
– Get hands on experience in working with notions that they can further apply in their personal projects;
– Find out how to apply the technical notions acquired in a daily context;
– Make new friends who share the same interests

and their parents will…

– Get to know the benefits of STEM education;
– Find out which are the latest trends in the IT workforce;
– Notice if their kids are interested in or inclined towards technical activities.

Moreover, within the event there will also be an expo where the participants will have the opportunity to check out the innovative projects developed at, as well as experience demos of robotics competitions.

Target audience
The demo session for children aged 7 and 8 years old will take place between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm, on November 18th 2017.

Please be advised that the number of the participants is limited to 25 / age group. Therefore, registration is required in order to attend the demo sessions (the form is available here:

Academia ( is a “before & after school” educational program which integrates ‪#‎STEM learning‬ since 2011, based on acquiring practical notions of Programming, Practical Electronics, Mechanics and Robotics.

The program is modular, tailored according to the age and the level of understanding of the participants and addresses to participants aged 7 to 18 years old.
Madalina Iorga
OK Center
Str. Traian 1
Edu Tech Nomads for Kids 2
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Workshop on robotics for begginers

Target audience
Kids and parents
Edu Tech Nomads
OK Center
Learn how to train your robot | ROBOTICS demo session (9 - 10 years old)
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Academia ( is pleased to invite you to the Robotics demo session “Learn how to train your robot” on November 18th 2017. The session is open and will take place in Bucharest at OK Center within the EU Robotics Week event.

The session is a great opportunity for both kids and their parents to interact with “the world of robots”.

Within the demo session the kids will….

– Experience the “the world of Robotics” by interacting with real robots;
– Find out basic notions of Programming, Practical Electronics, Mechanics and Robotics;
– Get hands on experience in working with notions that they can further apply in their personal projects;
– Find out how to apply the technical notions acquired in a daily context;
– Make new friends who share the same interests

and their parents will…

– Get to know the benefits of STEM education;
– Find out which are the latest trends in the IT workforce;
– Notice if their kids are interested in or inclined towards technical activities.

Moreover, within the event there will also be an expo where the participants will have the opportunity to check out the innovative projects developed at, as well as experience demos of robotics competitions.

Target audience
The demo session for children aged 9 and 10 years old will take place between 12:30 and 13:30, on November 18th 2017.

Please be advised that the number of the participants is limited to 25 / age group. Therefore, registration is required in order to attend the demo sessions (the form is available here:

Academia ( is a “before & after school” educational program which integrates ‪#‎STEM learning‬ since 2011, based on acquiring practical notions of Programming, Practical Electronics, Mechanics and Robotics.

The program is modular, tailored according to the age and the level of understanding of the participants and addresses to participants aged 7 to 18 years old.
Madalina Iorga
OK Center
Str. Traian 1
Learn how to train your robot | ROBOTICS demo session (11- 13 years old)
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Academia ( is pleased to invite you to the Robotics demo session “Learn how to train your robot” on November 18th 2017. The session is open and will take place in Bucharest at OK Center within the EU Robotics Week event.

The session is a great opportunity for both kids and their parents to interact with “the world of robots”.

Within the demo session the kids will….

– Experience the “the world of Robotics” by interacting with real robots;
– Find out basic notions of Programming, Practical Electronics, Mechanics and Robotics;
– Get hands on experience in working with notions that they can further apply in their personal projects;
– Find out how to apply the technical notions acquired in a daily context;
– Make new friends who share the same interests

and their parents will…

– Get to know the benefits of STEM education;
– Find out which are the latest trends in the IT workforce;
– Notice if their kids are interested in or inclined towards technical activities.

Moreover, within the event there will also be an expo where the participants will have the opportunity to check out the innovative projects developed at, as well as experience demos of robotics competitions.

Target audience
The demo session for children aged 11 to 13 years old will take place between 14:00 and 15:00, on November 18th 2017.

Please be advised that the number of the participants is limited to 25 / age group. Therefore, registration is required in order to attend the demo sessions (the form is available here:

Academia ( is a “before & after school” educational program which integrates ‪#‎STEM learning‬ since 2011, based on acquiring practical notions of Programming, Practical Electronics, Mechanics and Robotics.

The program is modular, tailored according to the age and the level of understanding of the participants and addresses to participants aged 7 to 18 years old.
Madalina Iorga
OK Center
Str. Traian 1
Robotics Club at the Library
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Robotics Club at the Library

Learn how to program cool Arduino and LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robots at Robotics Club! The workshops for participants aged 13-18 years old will take place at Window on America Makerspace in Zaporizhzhia Regional Library, Ukraine (Soborny Ave., 142, 5th floor, room 54) on November 18 (12:00-14:00), November 23 (16:30-18:30) and November 25 (12:00-14:00).

Instructor: Oleksiy Kudin, IT professor (Zaporizhzhia National University)

Organisers: Window on America Center, Zaporizhzhia Regional Library, Polit Tech Studio, Zaporizhzhia City Council (Department of Science and Education), Zaporizhzhia Regional Council (Department of Cultural Affairs)

Target audience
Participants aged 13-18 years old.
Zaporizhzhia Regional Library, Window on America Center, Polit Tech Studio, Zaporizhzhia Regional Council, Zaporizhzhia City Council
Zhanna Nazarenko
+38 067 708 27 20
Zaporizhzhia Regional Library
Soborny Ave. 142
69095 Zaporizhzhia
Robotics and Arduino Workshop @ Vares
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The family home "Small School" is a community type of the host family for children and young people with the personal problems within their families who have a negative impact on their lives, growing up and their development. The small scool has existed since 2009 and is founded by School Franciscan sisters from BiH.
Main purpose is, therefore, to welcome the children and young people as they are, doing everything possible to make them feel at home, to accompany them through an individual project and in the process of personal development so that one day they can live as independent individuals able to cope with all challenges life place before them. But they will also adopt fundamental human and Christian values during their stay in our house.
Furthermore, the intention is to grow, develop, improve people's lives in a cultural and social context in which they live and enable them to strive for a common good.

On Sunday, 19.11., the Arduino and Robotics workshop will be held at the "Small School" in Vares.
We strongly believe that everyone deserves a chance to learn and we are willing to provide the access to latest technology to all our citizens.

List of projects we are going to build together with the children at the workshop:

1. Arduino Sonar/Radar project.

Description: Using "Processing" ( to display distances read from moving sonar sensor, attached to the servo motor.


2. Simple weather station with Arduino and BME280
Description: Reading temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure. Displaying data on display or PC monitor via "processing" (

3. Follow the line with mBot.

4. mBot obstacle avoidance
Example: &

Aleksandar Mastlovic
The family home
Put mira
71330 Vares
Εισαγωγή στις προκλήσεις του ROBOTEX Cyprus Challenge
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Εισαγωγή στις προκλήσεις του ROBOTEX Cyprus Challenge

Περιορισμένος αριθμός θέσεων

Παρακαλώ δηλώστε συμμετοχή στο

και αναμένετε τηλεφώνημα για επιβεβαίωση

Target audience
Για εκπαιδευτές και προπονητές
Gravity Ventures Incubator
Road Show de TOOVARI
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4º de Primaria reto sobre el Educacion Vial, con robots tipo OZOBOT, donde diseñeran un circuito para que vayan con lso robots hasta un punto dado, teniendo en cuenta la segurida vial. Posterior presentación ante la clase y luego realización del reto Reto TOOVARI sobre gamificación.

Target audience
Alumnos de 4º de Primaria
Toovari -HP -Intel -CEIP
Carmen Gloder
Avenida de Valencia 1
28702 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid)
#senior-robot Scratch Day Senior (Jornada de presentación del monográfico “Programación y Robótica Educativa (II)” - Revista Comunicación y Pedagogía y ERW2017)
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Scratch Day Senior (#senior-robot)
Pretende ser una Jornada de presentación del monográfico “Programación y Robótica Educativa (II)” - Revista Comunicación y Pedagogía y ERW2017

Durante la sesión se enseñarán a los mayores y sus nietos a programar un sencillo videojuego con el lenguaje de programación Scratch.

Target audience
Estudiantes mayores del Aula de la Experiencia (@Aulaexp_Sevilla) de la Universidad de Sevilla (@unisevilla)
Universidad de Sevilla , Grupo de Investigación Didáctica, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Grupo Comunicar
Pedro Román-Graván
Aula de Informática 3.10 (3ª planta) Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación Universidad de Sevilla
Calle Pirotecnia
41013 Sevilla
Let's visit the most beautiful Polish cities with Ozobots
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Our Ozobots will meet with children at Polish school. They will show the most beautiful Polish cities and things they are famous for. Let's program Ozobot with over 25 unique code commands to control Ozobot's speed, decision-making and behavior . We will help our robots to find the way to the most beautiful place.

Target audience
Children 8-15
Dzieci w Odense
Vestre skole (Polish school)
Roersvej 10
5000 Odense
TEAps & Tricks
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La o ceasca de ceai, vom discuta în tihna, despre lungul drum al omenirii de la papirus la imprimanta 3D. O banala bucata de hartie devine în cateva minute un senzor ce poate controla, prin intermediul unei pastile de siliciu, un led. Vom face apoi cunostinta cu Otto si Zowi si vom invata cateva comenzi simple pentru a pune la treaba un mini-brat robotic. Finalul apartine lumii formelor, in printarea 3D doar imaginatia este limita noastra.

Target audience
Nu exista limita de varsta. Orice persoana interesata de robotica este binevenita.
Facultatea de Utilaj Tehnologic Bucuresti
Radu Panaitescu-Liess
Facultatea de Utilaj Tehnologic - Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii Bucuresti
Calea Plevnei 59
040652 Bucuresti
Teach your parents how to program robots
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Classes for 3rd and 4th grade students and their parents about programing robots.

Target audience
Children of age 9-10 and their parents
Zespół Szkół im. Konstytucji 3 Maja w Pobiedziskach Letnisku
Aleksandra Lipnicka
Zespół Szkół im. Konstytucji 3 Maja w Pobiedziskach Letnisku
Gajowa, 22 22
62-010 Pobiedziska
Programming Mbot robots .
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Classes for7th grade students about programming mBot robots .

Zespół Szkół im. Konstytucji 3 Maja w Pobiedziskach Letnisku
Aleksandra Lipnicka
Zespół Szkół im. Konstytucji 3 Maja w Pobiedziskach Letnisku
Gajowa, 22 22
62-010 Pobiedziska
Semana Europeia da Robótica no Colégio de N. S. do Rosário
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A Academia de Robótica e Colégio de Nossa Senhora do Rosário juntam-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de divulgar as atividades e a investigação cientifica em robótica. A atividade inclui uma Exposição: Projetos desenvolvidos pelos alunos; Palestra: Robôs e o cinema … ; Filme: "Road to Artificial Intelligence"; Workshop: Vamos programar robôs?


The Academia de Robótica and the Colégio de Nossa Senhora do Rosário joins to the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2017, with the goal of promoting the research and the activities in robotic. The proposed activity includes a demonstration: Projects developed by the students; Talk: Robots and the movies ...; Movie: "Road to Artificial Intelligence"; Workshop: Let's program a robot.

Target audience
Academia de Robótica
André Dias
Colégio de Nossa Senhora do Rosário
Avenida da Boavista 2856
4100-120 Porto
Jornada - Caso práctico: ¿Cómo integrar una aplicación de robótica colaborativa? Normativa y seguridad en HRC
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¿Cómo se produce la integración de una aplicación de robótica colaborativa? ¿Qué requisitos tiene que cumplir para obtener la certificación CE? ¿Cómo se garantiza la seguridad para los operadores?

Para resolver estas y más dudas, Eurecat os invita a una jornada de robótica colaborativa HRC (Human Robot Collaboration), con la presentación de un caso práctico de integración y certificación CE en base a la norma ISO/TS 15066.

El evento contará con las intervenciones de Toni Guasch de Pilz y Daniel Cavero de KUKA, dos empresas líderes en el sector y que aportaran una visión de 360 grados de la aplicación de estos sistemas HRC. Una jornada práctica, aplicable al día a día del sector y dotada de la seguridad necesaria en cualquier colaboración entre humanos y robots.

Eurecat, KUKA y Pilz
Eurecat Events
Sede de Eurecat - Cerdanyola
Av. Universitat Autònoma 23
08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
Taller de robótica en Educación para Adultos
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Taller de iniciación a la robótica

Target audience
Mayores de 18 años. Educación para adultos.
CEPA Sierra Norte
Centro Comarcal de Humanidades Cardenal Gonzaga
Avenida La Cabrera 96
La Cabrera (Madrid)
Warsztaty koła STN IB
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Zajęcia przeprowadzone przez studentów SKN IB, prezentujący własne urządzenia z serii Low Cost tj. kostkę LED 5x5x5, zegar z lamp Nixie, wyświetlacz widmowy oraz automatyczny fortepian/cymbałki. Urządzenia można zobaczyć tutaj:

Target audience
Dzieci i młodzież.
Studenckie Koło Naukowe Inżynieria Kreatywności
Mateusz Kruszyna
Politechnika Poznańska, Polsko Niemieckie Centrum Akademickie
ul. Jana Pawła II 28
61-139 Poznań
ROBOTim 2017 Dissemination event in Colegiul Tehnic
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Students of Colegiul Tehnic "Henri Coanda" Timisoara that participated to the study visits to Continental Romania, Flex Romania, Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara Mecatronics Department, Robcon TM and Timis County Clinical Emergency Hospital will share their new knowledge they acquired and personal experiences they lived to their colleagues and teachers.

Claudiu Tanasoiu, Team Leader at Continental Romania, will deliver a presentation on how the company is involving robots in production and how the future of manufacturing will be marked by robots/cobots/autonomous vechicles.

Target audience
High school kids aged 12-17
Banat IT
Radu Ticiu
Colegiul Tehnic
Coriolan Brediceanu 37
300012 Timisoara
Robotics activities - San Ġorġ Preca College, Floriana Primary
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As part of the European Robotics week, students at San Gorg Preca Floriana participated in various robotics related sessions. Kinder 1 students helped their Bee Bot explore different parts of the city whilst learning about different modes of transport. Year 6 students were introduced to Lego WeDo 2. They had the opportunity to build and program Milo, the Science rover.

Target audience
Primary students
Directorate for Digital Literacy & Transversal Skills within the Ministry for Education & Employment
Michelle Saliba
Floriana primary school
St Thomas street
ROBOTim 2017 Dissemination event in Liceul Teoretic ”Grigore Moisil” Timisoara
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Students of Liceul Teoretic ”Grigore Moisil” Timisoara that participated to the study visits to Continental Romania, Flex Romania, Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara Mecatronics Department, Robcon TM and Timis County Clinical Emergency Hospital will share their new knowledge they acquired and personal experiences they lived to their colleagues and teachers.

Dr. Cristi Tarta, surgeon in the 2nd Surgery Clinic of Timis County Clinical Emergency Hospital will present the impact of using the da Vinci Xi surgical robot is generating on patients, surgeons, and his organization at large, respectively will discuss the future of medical technology.

Target audience
High school kids aged 12-17
Banat IT
Radu Ticiu
Liceul Teoretic ”Grigore Moisil” Timisoara
Ghirlandei 4
300231 Timisoara
Robótica en Educación Infantil
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Taller de robótica educativa infantil con beebot, bluebot y ozobot.

Target audience
Estudiantes de la Facultad de Educación de Albacete.
LabinTic. Laboratorio de integración de las TIC en el aula. Facultad de Educación de Albacete
Aula 13. Facultad de Educación de Albacete. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
Plaza de la Universidad 3
Pinocchio 2.0 asks for PEACE
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Pinocchio 2.0 CALL IT PEACE

The theme of our week is the peace through
- drawings
- projects
- models
- robots
- stories
- sharing
- coding

Target audience
age 3 to 14
Linda Giannini
IC don Milani di Latina
Via Cilea 4
04100 Latina
Los robots de cada día
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Taller para construir máquinas o robots con finalidades concretas de ayuda.
Los más pequeños crearán una colección de robots a partir de todas las máquinas que le ayudan a sanar.

Target audience
Niños de educación obligatoria
EAEHD Región de Murcia
Carretera de Madrid
30120 El Palmar . Murcia
Robotizamos el hospital
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Talleres de robótica y programación

Target audience
Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria
Aula hospitalaria de Getafe - Julia García Palomar, Mayte Bravo Gutiérrez
Aula Hospitalaria de Getafe
Carretera de Toledo, km 12.500
28905 Getafe (Madrid)
ROBOTim 2017 Dissemination event in Colegiul National Banatean
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Students of Colegiul Național Bănățean that participated to the study visits to Continental Romania, Flex Romania, Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara Mecatronics Department, Robcon TM and Timis County Clinical Emergency Hospital will share their new knowledge they acquired and personal experiences they lived to their colleagues and teachers.

Target audience
High school kids aged 12-17
Banat IT
Radu Ticiu
Colegiul National Banatean
16 Decembrie 1989 26
300425 Timisoara
Con qué sueñan los robots
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Dentro del "Taller de la Palabra" hemos planteado a los grupos un microcuento titulado "Con qué sueñan los robots". Partimos de aquello que ya tiene un robot, de lo que tendrán en el futuro y de aquello que nunca podrán tener según nuestra opinión.
El microcuento nos permite saltar todos los límites y crear posibilidades que quizá algún día alcancen los robots.
La actividad se plantea el día 21 para participar el día 22 en el evento de la semana de sensibilización e inclusón social relacionada con los micro relatos.

Target audience
Alumnos de 1º a 6º de primaria
Javier Hortal, Ceip
Avenida de Valencia 1
28702 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid)
Μαθηματικά και Ρομποτική - Ένα μάθημα με τους γονείς μας!
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Το μάθημα θα γίνει στο Eργαστήρι Πληροφορικής του σχολείου. Θα είναι μάθημα Μαθηματικών εμπλουτισμένο με δραστηριότητες Ρομποτικής, χρησιμοποιώντας ρομπότ Edison. Οι γονείς θα μπορούν να εργαστούν με τα παιδιά τους σε μια προσπάθεια να στήσουν και να προγραμματίσουν τα ρομπότ. (2 εργαστήρια)

Target audience
Μόνο για τα παιδιά των Γ΄και Δ΄τάξεων του Β΄Δημοτικού Σχολείου Ορμίδειας και τους γονείς τους (κλειστό)
36 μαθητές και οι γονείς τους (18 σε κάθε εργαστήρι)

Cyprus Interaction Lab και Β΄Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ορμίδειας
Β΄ Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ορμίδειας
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Conférence sur la thématique « l’avenir de l’homme et des robots », questions/réponses/débats. Ils sont déjà partout, dans les usines, les bureaux, bientôt les magasins, les hôpitaux, et même à la maison. Les robots vont transformer notre vie quotidienne et notre travail. La robotique, une des sources de l’innovation de demain...quel avenir ? Les robots vont-ils nous voler nos boulots ou être un accélérateur de nouveaux boulots ?

Conference on the theme "The future of man and robots", questions / answers / debates and demonstrations with the Pepper robot. They are already everywhere, in factories, offices, soon shops, hospitals, and even at home. Robots will transform our everyday life and our work. Robotics, one of the sources of tomorrow's innovation ... what future? Will robots steal our jobs or be an accelerator of new jobs?

+33 4 68 56 80 18
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Toulouse - Palais Consulaire - Salle Barlangue
Rue d'Alsace-Lorraine 2
31000 Toulouse
Let's talk robotics @ Kiseljak
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Elementary school „Kiseljak“ is located in the heart at Bosnia and Herzegovina in a small town Kiseljak. It is located in the northwest of Sarajevo. School started to work in 1890 and at that time there were about 150 students. Nowadays there are more than 500 students in our school. They attend school from the to the 9th grade. There are a lot of extracurricular activities in our school and students can choose and attend some of the activities during the school year.
There is Robotic activity in our school since last year. More than 30 students are included in this activity.
This activity runs IT teacher Valentina Vidović and our students have used mBot robots for SPARKreators competition. According to last results, both of our teams (young and older) were the best in our region.
Three of our students: Gabrijel, David and Sanor represented our school at the advanced robotic competition that was organized in Zagreb at the end of September this year. The team programmed the Abilix robot. It had to solve different tasks on the theme of revolution. There were 52 teams in the competition and our team won the 16th. Place. In the world of programming and robotics girls are not as represented as boys and for that reason, we have started this activity special for girls.

Target audience
The "Let's talk Robotics" workshop will be held for students from 1st to 9th grade. The workshop will cover mBot and Arduino programming.
Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation
Maja Hadziselimovic
Elementary school Kiseljak
Bana Josipa Jelačića 11
71250 Kiseljak
Robotics Workshop for Educators: Lego Wedo in the Primary
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Free-robotics sessions for educators will be held at the new innovation lab within the directorate for Digital Literacy & Transversal Skills within the Ministry for Education & Employment. In these hands-on sessions, educators will be introduced to robotic resources whilst reflecting on how these might be used in the classroom.

Target audience
Primary and Secondary Educators
Directorate for Digital Literacy & Transversal Skills within the Ministry for Education & Employment
Keith Aquilina
Innovation Lab
Road Show de TOOVARI
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Los alumnos de sexto de primaria aprenderán sobre el Cuerpo Humano con impresión ·D y con realidad aumentada. Luego se enfrentarán al reto TOOVARI para evaluar su aprendizaje. Gamificando el aula!!!

Target audience
Alumnos de sexto de primaria
Toovari -HP -Intel -CEIP
Carmen Gloder
Avenida de Valencia 1
28702 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid)
Creating a robotic arm
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Europe is celebrating roboticists with European Robotics Week and here in CTK decided to join in on the celebration with two DIY workshops of our own.

Thanks to our talented “Be full of knowledge” crew, who prepared two workshops on creating a robotic arm, one for elementary school children and one for youth aged 15 to 30, young people can become roboticists. This time, to make it more interesting, we will be creating robotic arms in a very special way – without electricity!

Target audience
Youth (15 – 30 years old)
Centre of technical culture Rijeka
Loris Raspolic
+385 51 327 155
CTK Rijeka
Školjić 6 6
51000 Rijeka
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Target audience
Taller de robótica en Educación para Adultos
Show details
Taller de iniciación a la robótica

Target audience
Mayores de 18 años. Educación para adultos.
CEPA Sierra Norte
CEPA Sierra Norte
Doctor Manuel Hidalgo Huerta 2
28180 Torrelaguna
Wie lernen Roboter? Gehen, Greifen, Tischtennis - Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Jan Peters
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Autonome Roboter, welche Menschen in einer großen Anzahl von Situationenunterstützen können, sind ein erklärtes Ziel der Robotik, der künstlichen Intelligenz und der Kognitions- wissenschaft. Um dieses Ziel aus dem Bereich der Science Fiction in die Realität zu bringen, muss die Instruktion von Robotern so einfach werden, dass auch ein ungelernter Laie "seinen" Roboter selber unterrichten kann. Leider haben die Methoden des klassischen maschinellen Lernens uns diesem Ziel bisher nicht deutlich nähergebracht. Eine Ursache dafür ist, dass sie die physikalische Realität nicht einbeziehen und daher nicht die komplexen Probleme der Robotermotorik adressieren können.
In diesem Vortrag zeigen wir auf, wie zukünftige Roboter ihre Aufgaben autonomer und intelligenter erlernen können. Demonstriert wird, wie ein Roboter zunächst einzelne primitive Elementarbewegungen durch eine Kombination aus Imitation und Selbst-Verbesserung erwerben kann. Danach wird an Beispielen deutlich gemacht, wie der Roboter seine Elementarbewegungen zunächst an neue Situationen anpassen kann und dann mit diesen anfangen kann, Verhalten zu komponieren. Dieser Weg von einfachen zu immer komplexeren Verhaltensweisen wird mit Experimenten untermalt, in denen Roboter gehen, greifen, und Tischtennis spielen.

Target audience
Interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger,
Schülerinnen und Schüler aus dem MINT-Bereich,
Studierende aus den Naturwissenschaften
FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Patricia Till
FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Ruth-Moufang-Straße 1
60348 Frankfurt
Arduino School @ SPARK School
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In cooperation with SPARK business park, association Hello World is branded as SPARK school.

The demand for programmers, designers and project managers is increasing day by day, so we decided to launch the school in which the young people will acquire specific knowledge of certain development technologies, such as programming, design, mobile app development, electronics and operating systems.
We want to motivate young people for a career in the sector of information technology, but also to give them the possibility for practice and professional development.

This time, students from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences will hold a workshop for programming Arduinos for high school students. The workshop will be held in SPARK School Mostar vacancies.

SPARK School
Maja Hadziselimovic
SPARK School
Blajburških žrtava
88000 Mostar
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Realización de talleres, desafíos y demostraciones para niños entre 6 y 17 años. Vamos a programar Mbot, Printbot, Bee-bot, Zowi y Lego.

Begoña Hernández

Let's Scratch the Arduino!
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The students of Informatics field of Vocational School of Alexandria, together with their teachers, will organise an introductory workshop on Arduino for the students of the two High Schools of Alexandria . The workshop involves:

1) Presentation of Arduino board.
2) Basic circuit construction.
3) Arduino programming with Scratch for Arduino (S4A) programming interface.

After a short presentation of Arduino board, participants will be guided to create their first Arduino project through hands-on activities and Scratch programming.

Target audience
Students of 1st and 2nd High School of Alexandria
Vocational School of Alexandria (EPAL Alexandrias)
Theodora Samara
Vocational School of Alexandria (EPAL Alexandrias)
59300 Alexandria Imathia
Robotics day @ QSI Sarajevo Vogosca
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QSI International School of Sarajevo is a private, non-profit institution that offers a high-quality education in the English language for elementary and secondary students.
QSI Sarajevo is situated in the village of Vogosca, about 15 minutes from downtown Sarajevo. The main building has classrooms for all elementary students, two computer labs, several MS/Secondary classrooms, a cafeteria, an art room, and a music room. Additional buildings include changing rooms for PE, a fitness room, secondary classrooms, a library, and a science lab.
Students also enjoy a large playground area, a basketball court, a mini soccer field, a greenhouse, a school garden, and a covered porch/sitting area.
On Tuesday, 21.11., we are organizing "Robotics day" workshop for our students. Through the game, problem and project approach our students will develop their competencies, programmer, cognitive logic, structure their brain and learn another language - the language of digital devices. We will begin by adopting the algorithm concepts, using visual environments for programming adapted to different ages and end up at higher levels of application development by direct code writing.

Through our robotic education, which is being conducted on LEGO WeDo 2.0, mBot and LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robotic development kits, our STEMs will also receive relevant knowledge of mechanics, electronics, and programming.

Aleksandar Mastlovic
QSI International School of Sarajevo
Semana Europeia da Robótica no Colégio CCG
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A Academia de Robótica e Colégio CCG juntam-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de divulgar as atividades e a investigação cientifica em robótica. A atividade inclui uma Filme: "Road to Artificial Intelligence"; Workshop: Vamos programar robôs? Montagem de Circuitos Electrónicos


The Academia de Robótica and theColégio CCG joins to the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2017, with the goal of promoting the research and the activities in robotic. The proposed activity includes a demonstration: Movie: "Road to Artificial Intelligence"; Workshop: Let's program a robot and Assembling Electrónic Circuits

Target audience
Academia de Robótica
André Dias
Colégio CCG
R. Prof. António Gomes da Silva 46
4470-057 Maia
Road Show de TOOVARI
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Los alumnos de quinto de primaria aprenderán sobre el Cuerpo Humano con impresión ·D y con realidad aumentada. Luego se enfrentarán al reto TOOVARI para evaluar su aprendizaje. Gamificando el aula!!!

Target audience
Alumnos de quinto de primaria
Toovari -HP -Intel -CEIP
Carmen Gloder
Avenida de Valencia 1
28702 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid)
Futura robotics workshops 2017-2018
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On our robotics workshops primary school students are building and programming fischertechnik robots, secondary school students and older are working with Arduino. Workshops are held every Tuesday through the whole school year, started from November.

Workshops are held with the support of University of Dubrovnik, the City of Dubrovnik, the Association of Technical Culture Dubrovnik-Neretva County and the City of Dubrovnik, and DURA (City of Dubrovnik Development Agency).

Target audience
Primary school students, secondary school students, students and everyone else interested in topic
Informatics club Futura
Tomo Sjekavica
DURA (City of Dubrovnik Development Agency)
Branitelja Dubrovnika 15
2000 Dubrovnik
Arduino Workshop @ Zenica
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The Arduino is a cheap, flexible, open source microcontroller platform designed to make it easy for hobbyists to use electronics in homemade projects. With an almost unlimited range of input and output add-ons, sensors, indicators, displays, motors, and more, the Arduino offers you countless ways to create devices that interact with the world around you.

On the Arduino Workshop in primary school Mesa Selimovic Zenica, we'll learn how these add-ons work and how to integrate them into our own projects. We'll start off with an overview of the Arduino system but quickly move on to coverage of various electronic components and concepts.

Target audience
Age 11 - 14
Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation
Maja Hadziselimovic
Primary school Mesa Selimovic
Talica Brdo
72000 Zenica
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Notez votre nouveau rendez-vous business, qui aura lieu les 21, 22 et 23 novembre 2017 à Eurexpo Lyon ! EUROPACK EUROMANUT CFIA regroupe en un seul et même lieu, l’ensemble des professionnels du process, de l’emballage et de la manutention.

Dans un environnement optimal, il mettra en relation l’offre répondant aux besoins des marchés et des utilisateurs issus de tous les secteurs… Une troisième édition qui s’inscrit concrètement au service des professionnels !

Pour cette édition 2017, le salon optimise son offre à travers une présentation de trois pôles distincts et complémentaires :

+33 (0) 5 53 36 78 78
Avenue Louis Blériot
BP 190 69686 CHASSIEU
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A one day workshop concerning the robotic activities in the Catania County (Etna Valley).
With the participation of :
- Behaviour Lab
- Etnamatica
- IT Archimede - Catania
- Meridionale Impianti
- Policlinico Universitario - Catania
- STMicroelectronics

Target audience
Industrial and academic researchers
University Students
General public
DIEEI University of Catania
Giovanni Muscato
Aula Magna Didattica Ingegneria (Edificio 14)
viale A. Doria 6
Besuchertag im Applikationszentrum Industrie 4.0
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Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unserem Besuchertag im Applikationszentrum Industrie 4.0.
Gerne laden wir Interessenten dazu ein, sich über das Thema Industrie 4.0 und Anwendungsszenarien in der Produktion zu informieren.


14:00 Uhr Begrüßung: Forschung am Fraunhofer IPA
14:30 Uhr Einführung in Industrie 4.0 und Anwendungsszenarien
15:30 Uhr Live-Rundgang und Besichtigung aktueller Demonstratoren
16:30 Uhr Get-together mit kleinem Stehimbiss
17:30 Uhr voraussichtliches Ende

Praxisnahe Lösungen für Industriepartner

Das Applikationszentrum Industrie 4.0 des Fraunhofer IPA ist eine Innovationsumgebung, in der Unternehmen und Wissenschaftler gemeinsam Industrie-4.0-Anwendungen erforschen und bedarfsgerecht weiterentwickeln. Industrieunternehmen können es als Testumgebung für eigene und gemeinsame Forschung und Entwicklungen nutzen. Demonstratoren zeigen schon heute wie sich cyberphysische Systeme in der Produktion einsetzen lassen. Zu sehen sind auch additive Produktionstechnologien und echtzeitnahe Simulationen.

Das vom Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Wohnungsbau Baden-Württemberg geförderte Projekt verfolgt folgende Ziele:

- Industrie 4.0 in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen etablieren
- Gemeinsam Showcases und Szenarien erforschen
- Lösungen bedarfsgerechte entwickeln und erproben
- Durch Schulungen und Trainings Wissen vermitteln

Target audience
Das Fraunhofer IPA sucht stetig Unternehmen, die mit uns innovative Projektvorhaben realisieren. Weiterhin verfügen die IPA-Wissenschaftler über Expertise bei der Auswahl geeigneter Möglichkeiten zur Förderung und geeigneter Projektformate.

Entwickeln Sie mit uns Industrie-4.0-Lösungen:

- Strategische Kooperation
- Projektspezifische Beauftragung
- Testumgebung
Fraunhofer IPA
Petra Foith-Förster
+49 711 970-1978
Applikationszentrum Industrie 4.0 Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart
Robotics@IPLeiria 2017
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Demonstrations showcase at the Robotics Lab, on robotics related projects developed at ESTG/IPLeiria
Workshop on programming industrial robots to autonomously execute tasks.
NOTE: The workshop will be held from 9h15 to 12h45 and needs needs preregistration through the Ciência Viva website (

Target audience
Everyone (the workshop is limited to 24 High School Students.)
Electrical Engineering Department
Hugo Costelha
Instituto Politécnico de Leira - Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão
Campus 2, Morro do Lena
2411-901 Leiria
Robo Scratch
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Students learned to model a line follower robot in Scratch. We used the online course at

Target audience
20 pupils aged 9-10 years old
Palatul Copiilor
Mihai Agape
Școala Gimnazială nr. 14 Drobeta Turnu Severin
Bulevardul Revoluției 16-22 Decembrie 6
220033 Drobeta-Turnu Severin
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Designing World, Sun and Moon Model with Robots Workshop and Conferances
We are a team who have gathered under the same roof of eTwinning. We are trying to integrate S(cience)T(echnology)E(ngineering)A(rt)M(ath) disciplines into our classes on the theme of Astronomy via multidisciplinary activities

Target audience
Students (7-14 year olds )
Fatmahanım İlkokulu
Yenice Mah.Fatmacık Sok.No17 Pamukova, 17 17
54900 Sakarya
Proyección de la película
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Se trata de una actividad central dentro de la Semana Europea de la Robótica (#erw2017). Desde la plataforma Hisparob y la red Cero en Conducta hemos querido promover este encuentro del cine de Ciencia ficción con los mundos de la industria de cine, de la industria robótica y el mundo de la educación.

Tras la proyección habría una mesa redonda con intervenciones de los dos sectores. Por parte del mundo de expertos de la Robótica intervendría Concha Monje, experta en robótica de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y asesora en películas, y el representante de la empresa GMV, importante empresa de ingeniería robótica y muy comprometidos con esta perspectiva educativa y de las artes, Juan Carlos Llorente. Por parte del mundo del cine se contará con Ricardo Domínguez, organizador del festival de cine y robótica ROS film festival, y otros profesionales.

Academia de las artes y las ciencias cinematográficas de España, Cero en Conducta
Academia de las artes y las ciencias cinematográficas de España
Zurbano 3
28010 Madrid
Road Show de TOOVARI
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Los alumnos de tercero de primaria se enfrentan al reto de realizar un Story-telling sobre el Sistema Solar. Buscarán información y utilizarán nuevas herramientas para hacer su trabajo. Al terminar realizarán una exposición para sus compañeros y terminarán enfrentándose al reto Toovari gamificación en el aula!!!

Target audience
Tercero de primaria
Toovari -HP -Intel -CEIP
Carmen Gloder
Avenida de Valencia 1
28702 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid)
LES ROBOTS DANS L’USINE 4.0 : Aspects juridiques et pratiques
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Programme de la journée :
8H30 :
- Comprendre le concept d’Usine 4.0 ou d’Usine du futur
- Maîtriser les enjeux de l’Usine 4.0
- Connaître les approches conceptuelles nationales, européennes et sectorielles de l’Usine 4.0
- Identifier l’écosystème robotique et cobotique dans l’usine 4.0.
- Faire le point sur le concept d’Usine intégrée
- Intégrer le robot dans l’usine en prenant compte des nouvelles problématiques juridiques
- Intégrer le robot industriel dans le poste de travail et l’obligation de sécurité pesant sur le chef d’entreprise
- Comment garantir l’intégrité physique de l’opérateur humain travaillant avec ou à proximité d’un robot
- Intégrer le robot humanoïde dans votre usine
- Evaluer les incidences des couplages homme-machine-environnement dans le poste de travail
- Savoir initier la phase de diagnostic préalable à l’introduction de robot dans l’usine
- Expression des besoins, études fonctionnelles, études de faisabilité, études d’impact économique et social, ingénierie des compétences, modèle économique, choix des solutions, cahier des charges

12H30 Déjeuner

14H00 Anticiper les évolutions métiers sous un prisme juridique
- Intégrer le contrôle non destructif pour vérifier l’intégrité des pièces produites par les robots industriels ou humanoïdes
- Identifier le périmètre des responsabilités dans l’usine intégrée (fabricant/fournisseur/prestataires de services/ sous-traitants)
- Quels sont les responsabilités en cas d’atteinte à l’intégrité physique de l’opérateur humain ?
- Appréhender la nouvelle diffusion des données à caractère personnel dans l’usine intégrée
- Acquérir une méthodologie de gestion des risques juridiques à l’échelle de votre entreprise
- Implémenter l’analyse de risques
- Réussir le « security by default »
- Mettre en place « l’accountability »

17H30 Fin de journée

Target audience
Directeur Juridique
Directeur Commercial
Directeur Marketing
Directeur de production
Directeur de site

Road Show de TOOVARI
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Los alumnos de cuarto de primaria, aprenderán sobre Seguridad Vial guiando y programando a robots tipo OZOBOT a hacer una recorrido seguro por las calles cercanas al colegio. Luego se enfrentarán al reto TOOVARI para evaluar su aprendizaje. Gamificando el aula!!!

Target audience
Alumnos de cuarto de primaria
Toovari -HP -Intel -CEIP
Carmen Gloder
Avenida de Valencia 1
28702 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid)
Robotics Workshop for Educators: Drones in Education
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Free-robotics sessions for educators will be held at the new innovation lab within the directorate for Digital Literacy & Transversal Skills within the Ministry for Education & Employment. In these hands-on sessions, educators will be introduced to robotic resources whilst reflecting on how these might be used in the classroom.

Target audience
Primary and Secondary Educators
Directorate for Digital Literacy & Transversal Skills within the Ministry for Education & Employment
Keith Aquilina
Innovative lab
Learning with robots @ Istocna Ilidza
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Development agency of East Sarajevo (RAIS) has recognized the importance of STEM education in primary schools and bought several LEGO Education sets as a donation to elementary schools in their municipality.
As part of EU Robotics Week, on Wednesday, 22.11., we are organizing a robotics workshop for students and teachers in cooperation with eduLab organization from Belgrade, Serbia.
Through the game, problem and project approach our STEM students will develop their competencies, programmer, cognitive logic, structure their brain and learn another language - the language of digital devices. We will begin by adopting the algorithm concepts, using visual environments for programming adapted to different ages and end up at higher levels of application development by direct code writing.
Through the robotic education, students will also receive relevant knowledge of mechanics, electronics, and programming.

Target audience
Teachers and students
Aleksandar Mastlovic
Elementary School Petar Petrovic Njegos
Banovic Strahinje 8
71123 Istocna Ilidza
Convention d'affaires Robomeetings - Smart Industry
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RDV B to B et experts au programme
La convention d’affaires #Robomeetings, organisée dans le cadre des rencontres de la Recherche et de l’Innovation en Hauts-de-France, se veut être un lien facilitateur et accélérateur d’échanges et de partenariats. A cette occasion, vous pourrez identifier facilement de nouvelles opportunités commerciales et technologiques grâce aux rendez-vous préprogrammés et l’assurance d’entretiens motivés. Vous pourrez également assister aux conférences, découvrir des démonstrations Smart Industry mais aussi des solutions d’intégration !

Target audience
Direction du Développement Economique Agglo du Saint-Quentinois
03 23 06 93 00
Palais des Sports Pierre Ratte
Avenue de Remicourt
02100 Saint-Quentin
Taller básico de robótica de manipulación
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En este taller se pretende que los participantes tengan una primera toma de contacto con la robótica industrial. Para ello se comenzará con una breve charla sobre robótica, para continuar con un ejemplo guiado de programación de un robot industrial haciendo uso de un simulador.

Target audience
Alumnos y alumnas de ESO y Bachillerato.
Club de Robótica de la Universidad de Almería - Grupo de investigación de Automática, Robótica y Mecatrónica
Colegio bilingüe Compañía de María
Rambla Obispo Obrera 35
04001 Almeria
ICCR 2017: International Conference on Cloud and Robotics
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The 4th edition of the International Conference on Cloud and Robotics (ICCR 2017 - will be held on November 22-23 2017 in Saint-Quentin, France.

The conference is co-located with the 4th International Robotics Exposition: Robonumerique (

The domain of cloud robotics aims to converge robots with computation, storage and communication resources provided by the cloud. The cloud may complement robotic resources in several ways, including crowd-sourcing knowledge databases, context information, computational offloading or data-intensive information processing for artificial intelligence. As the challenges in this domain are multi-disciplinary, the session aims at building a bridge between experts from academia and industry working in different fields, such as roboticists, machine learning, artificial intelligence, software architecture, big data analytics, Internet-of-Things and distributed cloud systems.

The conference is welcoming all papers related to Cloud and Robotics, but will also devote specific attention to the following themes:
- The integration of Internet-of-Things with robots (leading to the so-called Internet of Robotic Things)
- Agricultural robotics and automation
- Requirements, use cases and experience from industry

Target audience
researchers, practitioners
University of Picardie Jules Verne
Saint Quentin
Place La Fayette 9
02100 Saint Quentin
E-M@TI-ONed Robots
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11 and 12 years old students participating in Erasmus+ project E-M@TI-ON start working for their first robotic projects with Lego We Do 2.0 Education. Students are going to work in robotics throughout the current school year.

Ralleia Experimental Primary Schools
Evangelia Petraki
Ralleia Experimental PRimary Schools
Alexandrou 3
18533 Piraeus
Semana Europeia da Robótica no Colégio de N. S. da Bonança
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A Academia de Robótica e Colégio de Nossa Senhora da Bonança juntam-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de divulgar as atividades e a investigação cientifica em robótica. A atividade inclui uma Exposição: Projetos desenvolvidos pelos alunos; Palestra: Robôs e o cinema … ;Torneio: Competição de Robótica dos alunos da Academia Nível II; Workshop: Vamos programar robôs?


The Academia de Robótica and the Colégio de Nossa Senhora da Bonança joins to the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2017, with the goal of promoting the research and the activities in robotic. The proposed activity includes a demonstration: Projects developed by the students; Talk: Robots and the movies ...; Tournament: Robotic Competition with the students from the Academia (Level II) Workshop: Let's program a robot.

Target audience
Academia de Robótica
André Dias
Colégio de Nossa Senhora da Bonança
Rua Dr. Francisco Sa Carneiro, 1366 1366
4400-129 Vila Nova de Gaia
Semana Europeia da Robótica no Colégio Nova Encosta
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A Academia de Robótica e Colégio Nova Encosta juntam-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de divulgar as atividades e a investigação cientifica em robótica. A atividade inclui uma Exposição: Projetos desenvolvidos pelos alunos; Filme: "Road to Artificial Intelligence"; Workshop: Vamos programar robôs? e Montagem de Circuitos Eletrónicos


The Academia de Robótica and the Colégio Nova Encosta joins to the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2017, with the goal of promoting the research and the activities in robotic. The proposed activity includes a Movie: "Road to Artificial Intelligence"; Workshop: Let's program a robot and Assembling Electronic Circuits

Target audience
Academia de Robótica
André Dias
Colégio Nova Encosta
Avenida Polo 5 22
4590-755 Paços de Ferreira
Roboți pentru FIRST LEGO League Romania / Robots for FIRST LEGO League Romania
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Demonstrații de roboți realizați pentru competiția de soluții inovatoare și robotică FIRST LEGO League România.

Demonstrations made with robot build for FIRST LEGO League Romania.

Target audience
Grupă de vârstă: 9-16 ani.

Ages: 9-16 years old.
Asociatia pentru educatie STEM Creativa
Stefan Radulescu
Universitatea POLITEHNICA din Bucuresti
Splaiul Independentei 313
060042 Bucuresti
Robotics day
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A tour in Industrial Robotics Laboratory and Technologies Training Centre. Short history of industrial robots, performance with robots. Competitions with robots controlled by mobile phone. Sumo robots fighting demonstration.

Target audience
Pupils of 8-12 class
Kaunas University of Technology
Olga Strikulienė, Sonata Liutkevičienė, Virginijus Baranauskas
+370 686 54 890
Panevėžys Faculty of Technologies and Business
Nemuno str. 33-104
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Conférence sur la thématique « l’avenir de l’homme et des robots », questions/réponses/débats. Ils sont déjà partout, dans les usines, les bureaux, bientôt les magasins, les hôpitaux, et même à la maison. Les robots vont transformer notre vie quotidienne et notre travail. La robotique, une des sources de l’innovation de demain...quel avenir ? Les robots vont-ils nous voler nos boulots ou être un accélérateur de nouveaux boulots ?

Conference on the theme "The future of man and robots", questions / answers / debates and demonstrations with the Pepper robot. They are already everywhere, in factories, offices, soon shops, hospitals, and even at home. Robots will transform our everyday life and our work. Robotics, one of the sources of tomorrow's innovation ... what future? Will robots steal our jobs or be an accelerator of new jobs?

+33 4 68 56 80 18
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Région Occitanie  
Salle Languedoc - 99 Impasse Adam Smith
34470 Pérols
Show details
The workshop will include the presentation of elementary IoT and robotics information as well as practical demonstrations using Arduino.

Target audience
students, teachers
Nicolae Balcescu Theoretica Highschool
Gina - Elena Serban
Nicolae Balcescu Theoretica Highschool
Scarlat Varnav 2
905600 Medgidia
Show details
Workshop with robotic kit based in Arduino.

Target audience
Kids from 13 to 16 years.
Avda. Menéndez Pelayo 32
Los robots entran en las aulas
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¿Cómo influyen y cómo influirán los robots en nuestras vidas? Trataremos de reflexionar sobre ello en clase antes de empezar con los contenidos de robótica.

Target audience
Alumnado de 2 de ESO
Manuel Romero Fraidía (IES Virgen de Valme)
IES Virgen de Valme
Dos Hermanas, Sevilla
Pratica-mente: Robotica! Work in progress!
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Alcuni alunni mostrano ad un gruppo di coetanei della scuola i robot, che hanno costruito e programmato, nel corso dell'inizio di quest'anno scolastico, nel laboratorio scolastico: "Pratica-mente: Robotica!"

Target audience
Studenti 11-14 anni
Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado
Angela Zampedri
Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado
via Amstetten 4
Pergine Valsugana
Robotics Caravan - 22 nov. Focsani High School
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Demonstration of robots, play time with robots and debate about the future of work in the context of automation.

Target audience
High school pupils
Ana-Maria Stancu
Unirea High School
Cezar Bolliac 15
Robotic Workshops at University of Nicosia
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Robotic Workshops at University of Nicosia are organized for celebrating the European Robotics Week in Cyprus.
The workshops are organized by IEEE UNIC and Engineering Department of University of Nicosia.

Join us on Lego Mindstorms Robotic and Raspberry Pi Workshops.
The event will take place on Wednesday, 22nd of November 2017 at Research and Technology Building of University of Nicosia.

Target audience
Open to all
IEEE UNIC, Engineering Department UNIC (University of Nicosia)
Savvas Karasavvas
University of Nicosia - Research & Technology Building
Ocean One: A Robotic Avatar for Oceanic Discovery, public talk by Oussama Khatib (Stanford University)
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Public talk: "Ocean One: A Robotic Avatar for Oceanic Discovery", by Oussama Khatib (Stanford University)

The promise of oceanic discovery has intrigued scientists and explorers for centuries, whether to study underwater ecology and climate change, or to uncover natural resources and historic secrets buried deep at archaeological sites. The quest to explore the ocean requires skilled human access. Reaching these depth is imperative since factors such as pollution and deep-sea trawling increasingly threaten ecology and archaeological sites. These needs demand a system deploying human-level expertise at the depths, and yet remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) are inadequate for the task. A robotic avatar could go where humans cannot, while embodying human intelligence and intentions through immersive interfaces. To meet the challenge of dexterous operation at oceanic depths, in collaboration with KAUST’s Red Sea Research Center and MEKA Robotics, we developed Ocean One, a bimanual force-controlled humanoid robot that brings immediate and intuitive haptic interaction to oceanic environments. Teaming with the French Ministry of Culture’s Underwater Archaeology Research Department, we deployed Ocean One in an expedition in the Mediterranean to Louis XIV’s flagship Lune, lying off the coast of Toulon at ninety-one meters. In the spring of 2016, Ocean One became the first robotic avatar to embody a human’s presence at the seabed. This expedition demonstrated synergistic collaboration between a robot and a human operating over challenging manipulation tasks in an inhospitable environment. Tasks such as coral-reef monitoring, underwater pipeline maintenance, and offshore and marine operations will greatly benefit from such robot capabilities. Ocean One’s journey in the Mediterranean marks a new level of marine exploration: Much as past technological innovations have impacted society, Ocean One’s ability to distance humans physically from dangerous and unreachable work spaces while connecting their skills, intuition, and experience to the task promises to fundamentally alter remote work. We foresee that robotic avatars will search for and acquire materials in hazardous and inhospitable settings, support equipment at remote sites, build infrastructure for monitoring the environment, and perform disaster prevention and recovery operations — be it deep in oceans and mines, at mountain tops, or in space.

Short bio:
Oussama Khatib received his PhD from Sup’Aero, Toulouse, France, in 1980. He is Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Robotics Laboratory at Stanford University. His research focuses on methodologies and technologies in human-centered robotics including humanoid control architectures, human motion synthesis, interactive dynamic simulation, haptics, and human-friendly robot design. He is a Fellow of IEEE. He is Co-Editor of the Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) series and the Springer Handbook of Robotics, which received the PROSE Award for Excellence in Physical Sciences & Mathematics. Professor Khatib is the President of the International Foundation of Robotics Research (IFRR). He has been the recipient of numerous awards, including the IEEE RAS Pioneer Award in Robotics and Automation, the IEEE RAS George Saridis Leadership Award in Robotics and Automation, the IEEE RAS Distinguished Service Award, the Japan Robot Association (JARA) Award in Research and Development, and the IEEE Technical Field Award.

Target audience
Everyone interested in Robotics
Plenary talk organized by ROBOT'2017
ROBOT'2017 secretariat
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Salón de Actos
Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n
41092 Sevilla
Taller de Makey Makey con Scratch
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Los estudiantes podrán disfrutar de una muestra de ejemplos prácticos para conocer las posibilidades de trabajo con makey makey y Scratch. El trabajo manipulative se junta con el desarrollo del pensamiento Computacional para brindar un escenario inmejorable para aprender haciendo. Desde instrumentos musicales hasta construcciones educativas, pasando por todo lo que los participantes puedan imaginar.

Target audience
Primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.
Álvaro Molina Ayuso (IES Santa Rosa de Lima)
IES Santa Rosa de Lima
Ciudad de Carmona
14009 Córdoba
Robotic Workshops in Lykavittos Primary School(K.A')
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Robotic workshops at Lykavittos Primary School(K.A') in collaboration with ERSO Cyprus ( for K1, K2 and K3 students. The workshops are organized within the European Robotics Week in Cyprus and aim to promote our students knowledge and skills in STEM education. Our workshops focus on:
K1: Discover the world of a bee-bot/blue-bot
K2: Introduction to LEGO Education We Do
K3: Introduction to LEGO Mindstorms EV3

Target audience
K1 to K3 students of Lykavittos Primary School
Lykavittos Primary School and ERSO Cyprus
Antonia Marcou
Lykavittos Primary School
Swarm Robotics Talk
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In swarm robotics a large number of mostly simple robots are coordinated to achieve a common, emerging behavior. The respective algorithms are hard to design because of the difficulty of predicting the behavior of a group of interacting agents. Moreover, designing a swarm robot is difficult, because the requirements for a single robot cannot be derived easily from the desired global behavior. In this talk we describe how we tackle these challenges and present the swarm robot Spiderino, which is made by the integration of a toy robot, a 3D-printed structure, a microcontroller and several sensors. Programming the robot can be done directly or via evolving the robot's behavior using an evolutionary algorithm.

Target audience
Students with a technical background, or willing to pursue a carrier in robotic science
IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt
Giacomo Da Col
Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt
Universitätsstraße 65-67 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt
Creating a robotic arm
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Europe is celebrating roboticists with European Robotics Week and here in CTK decided to join in on the celebration with two DIY workshops of our own.

Thanks to our talented “Be full of knowledge” crew, who prepared two workshops on creating a robotic arm, one for elementary school children and one for youth aged 15 to 30, young people can become roboticists. This time, to make it more interesting, we will be creating robotic arms in a very special way – without electricity!

Target audience
Children (grade 5. – 8.)

Loris Raspolic
+385 51 327 155
CTK Rijeka
Školjić 6 6
51000 Rijeka
Challenges of robotics
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The participants of the event are ABB, Rubedo sistemos and Elinta. During the event members of the companies will introduce the audience perspectives and challenges of robotics and will present their experience..

Target audience
Target audience are students, researchers and other members of university
Kaunas University of Technology
Virginijus Baranauskas, Vilija Balciunaite,
+370 37 300291
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Studentu str. 48-334
LT-51367 Kaunas
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Los asistentes llegarán a conocer y serán capaces de detectar oportunidades de negocio relacionadas con el mundo de la robótica y la automática. Conocerán de primera mano la experiencia de una gran empresa especialista en el desarrollo de soluciones robotizadas integrales para sistemas IML, desde robots cartesianos, híbridos y laterales a moldes inteligentes y, por otro lado, la experiencia de unos emprendedores que están iniciando su proyecto.

Salón de Grados Edificio Carbonell
Plaza Ferrandiz y Carbonell
03801 Alcoy (Alicante)
CYBER DAY LAB with Cyber robot
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More than 200 students of primary school involved in laboratorial activities with robot Cyber

Target audience
students of primary school
Istituto Comprensivo Paesi Orobici di Sondrio,
Istituto Comprensivo Paesi Orobici di Sondrio, SCUOLA PRIMARIA
23100 Sondrio
Meet Zora & Mario: Robots that help caregivers to care better
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In the children’s ward, Estelle (3 years old) was very difficult to apply medication to a facial wound…but when Zora asked her to do it, it was OK. Instead, Riccardo (5 years old) had a long-term visit requirement and his family was nervous about the separation. Providing some information before hand, Riccardo’s favorite activities were programmed on his badge with a QR code. Upon Riccardo’s arrival, Zora said “Hello Riccardo, I’ve been waiting for you. I also like Spider Man. Would you like to play a game?” - Riccardo already had a friend.

Instead, at an elderly care community the evening hours could get long. Zora to the rescue playing Bingo, singing songs and dancing. Zora was also a hit demonstrating the physical exercises – and that allowed the staff to be with the patients instead of in front of them demonstrating.

Join us and come see what Zora can do.

Zora is one part of our ambition to carry forward our work in the H2020 project “Mario” financed by the European Commission which is dedicated to the development of companion robots for persons living with dementia.

Target audience
Children’s Foundations
Elderly care facilities
R2M solution Srl
R2M Robotics
Polo Tecnologico di Pavia
Via Fratelli Cuzio 42
27100 Pavia
Breakwater Talks: Russian: Philosophy of Mind and Artificial Intelligence
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Amorpha Youth Foundation and Contemorary Space Varna present the Russian edition of Breakwater Talks series.

Breakwater Talks: Russian
Host: Sergey Badaev, Russia
Moderator: Katerina Romanenko, Russia
Entrance: Free

Philosophy of Mind and Atrificial Intelligence.
○ Philosophy of mind and the nature of consciousness. Mind-body problem.
○ What is consciousness? The issue of subjectivity.
○ What is artificial intelligence (AI)? What intelligence mean? Weak and strong hypothesis of AI.
○ The ship of Theseus or the issue of identity.
○ AI and ethics. Robot ethics and machine ethics.

About the host:
Sergey Badaev was born in Moscow. He graduated from Moscow University, biological department in 1979. During “perestroika” he changed his occupation from scientific researches to education and was one of the founders of an independent school in Moscow. Since then he has been teaching English for more than 25 years. His main area of interest is philosophy, religion and psychology. Sergey is a former chairman of Moscow Humanist Centre. Currently lives in Bulgaria.

About the moderator:
Katerina Romanenko / Russia
Copywriter, traveller, dog-owner. Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, where she also specialised in environmental and sustaibble development PR. Worked in the areas of online journalism and PR. Author, editor, social website manager. Freelancer and digital nomad. Interested in philosophy, religion, technology, education. Currently lives in Varna.

Breakwater Talks in: Български (Bulgarian) English Español Français 日本語 (Japanese) 한국어 (Korean) Русский (Russian) Português

Breakwater Talks are weekly public talks on a variety of topics by local and foreign presenters. They aim to develop healthy discussion forums, share expertise, exchange opinions, involve foreign diaspora, help improve fluency in a range of key languages, especially by young people. The venues hosting the talks are the local spots which these languages and their cultures inhabit. Organised by Amorpha Youth Foundation and partners.

Target audience
The talk is aimed at the general audience but expects to draw the attention of both experts and non-experts in the crosscutting spheres referred to in the topic. Moreover, using Russian as a medium of communication will attract the large local diaspora, older generations schooled in the language as well as new and young learners among whom the topic is popular.
Amorpha Youth Foundation
Maria Badjakova
Contemporary Space
Marko Balabanov 23
9000 Varna
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Jugaremos y vivenciaremos cómo funcionan los Robots de suelo (Bee-Bot, Blue-Bot, Next, Robot Mouse...)

Target audience
Alumnado de primaria
Ramón Madrigal Moirón
Ramón Madrigal Moirón
C/ Las Escuelas 5
10318 Pueblonuevo de Miramontes
Breakwater Talks at School: Philosophy of Mind and Artificial Intelligence / Philosophy Class
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Breakwater Talks at School is an in-class discussion activity introducing the topic of AI in a Philosophy class of the school curruculum within the timeframe of European Robotics Week. Guest speaker will be Mr Sergey Badaev*. The talk will take place in the Philosophy class of Ms Rositsa Todorova, teacher in Philosophy and Ethics.

Topic: Philosophy of Mind and Artificial Intelligence
(1) Mind-body problem. What is consciousness?
(2) What is intelligence? What is artificial intelligence?
(3) AI and ethics.
Language: English
Language assistance BG/RU/EN by Ms Uliana Fukatsu, international student at the highschool.

About the guest speaker:
Sergey Badaev was born in Moscow. He graduated from Moscow University, biological department in 1979. During “perestroika” he changed his occupation from scientific researches to education and was one of the founders of an independent school in Moscow. Since then he has been teaching English for more than 25 years. His main area of interest is philosophy, religion and psychology. Sergey is a former chairman of Moscow Humanist Centre.

"Breakwater Talks in School" is part of the larger public discussion series Breakwater Talks. The series invites guest speakers of various expertise for moderated talks in topics discussed in the languages: Български (Bulgarian) English Español Français 日本語 (Japanese) 한국어 (Korean) Русский (Russian) Português.

Target audience
Year 11 (penultimate year) high-school students who study Philosophy, English and Computers as part of their school curriculum. Understanding AI for students in the humanities.
Amorpha Youth Foundation
Maria Badjakova
High-school of Humanities and the Arts
Atanas Georgiev 20
9000 Varna
Semana Europeia da Robótica no Colégio da Trofa
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A Academia de Robótica e Colégio da Trofa juntam-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de divulgar as atividades e a investigação cientifica em robótica. A atividade inclui uma Exposição: Projetos desenvolvidos pelos alunos; Filme: "Road to Artificial Intelligence"; Workshop: Vamos programar robôs? e Montagem de Circuitos Eletrónicos


The Academia de Robótica and the Colégio da Trofa joins to the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2017, with the goal of promoting the research and the activities in robotic. The proposed activity includes a Movie: "Road to Artificial Intelligence"; Workshop: Let's program a robot and Assembling Electronic Circuits

Target audience
Academia de Robótica
André Dias
Colégio da Trofa
Rua Rainha Santa Isabel
4785-269 Trofa
Mejora tu cole con la robótica
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Taller con los alumnos de 6º de primaria donde montarán y programarán un semáforo de ruido para ser conscientes del nivel de ruido de la clase y poder mejorarlo. Trataremos de comprender cómo la tecnología y la robótica mejoran la vida de las personas.

Target audience
Alumnos de 6º de primaria del CEIP Daniel Vazquez Díaz
Logix5 Smart Solutions S.L, CEIP Daniel Vazquez Díaz
CEIP Daniel Vazquez Díaz
Calle Armenteros 39
28039 Madrid
Semana Europeia da Robótica no Colégio Ribadouro
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A Academia de Robótica e Colégio Ribadouro juntam-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de divulgar as atividades e a investigação cientifica em robótica. A atividade inclui uma Filme: "Road to Artificial Intelligence"; Palestra sobre a Robótica e o Cinema


The Academia de Robótica and the Colégio Ribadouro joins to the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2017, with the goal of promoting the research and the activities in robotic. The proposed activity includes a Movie: "Road to Artificial Intelligence" and a Talk abou the Robotic and the movies.

Target audience
Academia de Robótica
André Dias
Colégio Ribadouro
Rua do Bonjardim 1222
4000-114 Porto
Python en AstroPi
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El taller consistió en una introducción al lenguaje de programación Python, en el cual, los alumnos aprendieron a escribir un mensaje, cambiar color de letras y fondo, añadir una imagen, etc.
Dichos mensajes participan en el evento AstroPi Mission - Zero y podrán verse en la Estación Espacial Internacional.

Target audience
Alumnos de 2º y 3º ESO
AstroPi, Raquel Muñoz Vara
Raquel Muñoz Vara
IES Virgen de Soterraño
Barcarrota (Badajoz)
4e édition du Symposium sur l'Ingénierie de l'Information Médicale (SIIM)
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Les systèmes d’information en santé connaissent une grande évolution : si certains d’entre eux (hospitaliers, du cabinet, imagerie par exemple) atteignent une certaine maturité pour un usage ciblé (gestion medico-économique, aide à la prescription, etc), ils doivent aujourd'hui être capables de s’interfacer avec d’autres systèmes pour un usage secondaire des données. L’introduction de nouveaux modes de production de données (esanté, self quantified, capteurs, ..) fait émerger de nouveaux défis relatifs à la gestion de données massives (big data) ou à l’interopérabilité sémantique entre des données de plus en plus complexes en vue d'un accès et exploitation efficaces de leurs contenus . Ces défis nous interrogent sur l’évolution et la place de l’ingénierie des Informations Médicales.
L'objectif de ce symposium est ainsi d'offrir un espace d'échanges et de partage d'expériences entre jeunes chercheurs, chercheurs, et industriels afin de mieux cerner les besoins et les enjeux futurs de la discipline.

Responsable du symposium
Lynda Tamine, IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse
Comité d'initiative
Sandra Bringay, LIRMM, Montpellier
Jean Charlet, INSERM U1142, Paris 6
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, IRIT, Toulouse
Lina Soualmia, LITIS, Rouen
Nathalie Souf, IRIT, Toulouse
Lynda Tamine, IRIT, Toulouse

IRiT et CIMI Toulouse
05 61 55 67 65
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) sur le campus de l'Université Paul Sabatier (UPS)
Avenue de l'étudiant
31400 Toulouse
#50ansINRIA - Conférences sur le numérique et l'intelligence artificielle
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Depuis 1967, Inria a contribué à façonner le monde numérique que nous connaissons aujourd’hui. L’année 2017 est l’occasion pour l’institut de montrer, 50 ans après sa création, comment les recherches en sciences du numérique s’attachent à relever les grands défis du XXIe siècle.
Le regard tourné vers 2067, Inria invite ses collaborateurs, ses partenaires et ses publics à concevoir ensemble un futur numérique souhaitable.

Au programme de l’après-midi :
Témoignages, débats et conférences pour mesurer le chemin parcouru par les sciences du numérique, débattre de l’impact du numérique dans la société
et imaginer le futur que nous souhaitons construire ensemble

Programme :
13h30 Accueil des participants

14h00 – 14h45 D’hier à aujourd’hui, 50 ans d’histoire du numérique
Les dates clés de l’histoire du numérique
Focus sur deux avancées majeures : la création du Web et du W3C, la normalisation du Wifi

14h45 – 15h20 Tous acteurs du numérique
Le numérique aujourd’hui: un compagnon plus ou moins discret mais omniprésent.
Modélisation pour l’environnement, la santé, les sciences humaines ou l’industrie
Les objets numériques intelligents

15h20 – 16h00 Quels sont les prochains défis du numérique ?
Stratégie scientifique chez Inria
Des besoins en calculs de plus en plus performants et des données de plus en plus massives.
Comment relever ces défis ?

16h00 – 16h30 Pause

16h30 – 17h10 Imaginons et construisons notre futur numérique
Intelligence Artificielle : mythes et réalités
Table ronde, réunissant experts scientifiques, juristes, étudiants et industriels, apportent leur éclairage et débattent sur l’impact des technologies numériques dans la société de demain

17h10- 17h50 Pour que le futur numérique soit partagé par tous
Comment lutter contre l’illettrisme numérique
Table ronde, réunissant experts scientifiques, représentants des institutions et de la société, pour imaginer le monde numérique tel que collectivement on souhaite le façonner, sans devoir le subir.

17h50 – 18h Conclusion
Par la Direction Générale Inria et Patrick Levy, Président de la Communauté Université Grenoble Alpes.
18h Cocktail et visites de l’Espace Login et de l’exposition « De l’Homo Numericus au Citoyen Numérique »

Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire avant le 20 Novembre 2017

+33 4 76 61 52 00
Inria Grenoble Rhône Alpes
655 Avenue de l’Europe
38330 Montbonnot-Saint-Martin
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Los niños de infantil 3 años, tendrán su primer contacto con robots en el cole. Son unos robots muy sencillos sigue-lineas, que les enseñaran ademas de los que es un robot, les enseñaran la direccionalidad de algunos trazos.

Target audience
Alumnos de 3 años, primer curso de segundo ciclo de infantil
Toovari -HP -Intel -CEIP
Carmen Gloder
Avenida de Valencia 1
28702 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid)
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Taller en el Aula de informàtica sobre diferentes aplicaciones para aprender programación jugando como: Lightbot, code monkey, tynker e iniciación a SCRATCH.

Target audience
Alumnos de Infantil y primaria del Ceip Mediterráneo.

03540 Alicante
Conferenza: ‘Libero arbitrio anche per i robot?’
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Conference by professor Antonio Chella
Seminario di Logica e Filosofia della Scienza
I semestre Anno Accademico 2017/2018
Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche
Centro Interdipartimentale Tecnologie della Conoscenza
Universit`a degli Studi di Palermo

Target audience
students and interested people

Coordinatore: Gianluigi Oliveri
091 238 93666
Universita di Palermo
Aula Consiglio piano terra, ex Facolt`a di Lettere e Filosofia (Edificio 12) Viale delle Scienze
90128 Palermo
Laboratorio de Robótica de la URJC
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La robótica proporciona cada vez más aplicaciones y productos tecnológicos a la sociedad: aspiradoras, coches autónomos, drones, brazos robotizados en factorías, en embalaje, robots que ayudan a cirujanos, etc.. En esta jornada de puertas abiertas se presentarán varios trabajos con robots desarrollados en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, por ejemplo con el humanoide Pepper y con drones. También se enseñarán los robots y el entorno docente con los que aprenden robótica nuestros estudiantes. Se describirá brevemente su hardware, sus sensores, sus actuadores, así como el software y los algoritmos que le dan inteligencia.

Target audience
Estudiantes de secundaria y de bachillerato, estudiantes universitarios, público en general.
José María Cañas Plaza
Laboratorio L3104, campus de Fuenlabrada de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Camino del molino
28943 Fuenlabrada
Soft Robotic Technologies for Safe, Robust, Smart Drones, public talk by Dario Floreano (EPFL)
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We are witnessing the advent of a new era of robots — drones — that can autonomously fly in natural and man-made environments. These robots have a major impact on civilian tasks, including transportation, communication, agriculture, disaster mitigation and environment preservation. However, autonomous flight in confined spaces and near humans presents great scientific and technical challenges owing to the perceptual intelligence required to negotiate complex environments and to the safety requirements. Here I will show examples of soft robotics technologies that can improve the perceptual capability, safety, and usability of drones in civilian applications.

Short bio:
Prof. Dario Floreano is director of the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL). He is also founding director of the Swiss National Center of Competence in Robotics, which sponsors almost 60 researchers in wearable, mobile, and educational robots from 20 robotics labs across Switzerland. Prof. Floreano holds an M.A. in visual psychophysics, an M.S. in Neural Computation, and a PhD in Robotics. He held research positions at Sony Computer Science Laboratory, at Caltech/JPL, and at Harvard University. He is interested in robotics and A.I. at the convergence of biology and engineering. His research activities include aerial robotics, soft robotics, wearable robotics, and evolutionary robotics. He published almost 400 peer-reviewed articles, more than 10 patents, and 4 books on Artificial Neural Networks, Evolutionary Robotics, Bio-inspired Artificial Intelligence, and Bio-inspired Flying Robots with MIT Press and Springer Verlag. He is on the Advisory Board of Future and Emergent Technologies of the European Commission, has been a founding member of the World Economic Forum Council on robotics and smart devices, co-founder of the International Society of Artificial Life, Inc., and executive board member of the International Society for Neural Networks. He spun off two successful companies in drones (senseFly and Flyability) and a non-for-profit platform for public awareness of robotics and A.I. (RoboHub).

Target audience
Everyone interested in Robotics
Plenary talk organized by ROBOT'2017
ROBOT'2017 secretariat
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Salón de Actos
Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n
41092 Sevilla
Robotics Caravan - 23 nov. Piatra Neamt, Rubik Hub
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Public debate on Robotics in Romania, challenges and opportunities.

Target audience
Students, entrepreneurs, robotics hobbyists.
Ana-Maria Stancu
Rubik Hub
Aleea Tineretului
Piatra Neamt
Learning with robots @ Sokolac
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Development agency of East Sarajevo (RAIS) has recognized the importance of STEM education in primary schools and bought several LEGO Education sets as a donation to elementary schools in their municipality.
As part of EU Robotics Week, on Tuesday, 21.11., we are organizing a robotics workshop for students and teachers in cooperation with eduLab organization from Belgrade, Serbia.
Through the game, problem and project approach our STEM students will develop their competencies, programmer, cognitive logic, structure their brain and learn another language - the language of digital devices. We will begin by adopting the algorithm concepts, using visual environments for programming adapted to different ages and end up at higher levels of application development by direct code writing.
Through the robotic education, students will also receive relevant knowledge of mechanics, electronics, and programming.

Aleksandar Mastlovic
Elementary school Sokolac
Omladinska bb
71350 Sokolac
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Mukana esiintyjiä ja esityksiä robotiikan eri alueilta. Lisäksi päivän aikana esitellään Metropolian opiskelijoiden tuottamia robotiikkaan liittyviä upeita projekteja sekä 22.11.2017 järjestetyn robotiikka-aiheisen konseptointityöpajan tulokset, joissa opiskelijat pitchaavat ideansa yritysten ennalta toimittamiin robotiikan hyödyntämiseen liittyviin sovellushaasteisiin.

Target audience
Avoin kaikille teemasta ja aiheesta kiinnostuneille yrityksille ja toimijoille, Metropolian henkilökunnalle ja opiskelijoille. Osallistujamäärä on rajoitettu, joten ilmoittaudu pian!
Suomen Robotiikkayhdistys ry, Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu, Vantaan kaupunki
Riikka Kuusisto
Vantaan Metropolian Myyrmäen kampus, Colosseum
Rajatorpantie 8A
Taller de robótica en Educación para Adultos
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Taller de iniciación a la robótica

Target audience
Mayores de 18 años. Educación para adultos.
CEPA Sierra Norte
CEPA Sierra Norte
Doctor Manuel Hidalgo Huerta 2
28180 Torrelaguna
Evento de Robótica para la Semana Europea de la Robótica 2017
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Con motivo de la Semana Europea de la Robótica el departamento de robótica del colegio San Ignacio - Jesuitas de Oviedo organiza una charla/ exposición de robótica. Para este evento contaremos con la estimable colaboración de la prestigiosa empresa internacional afincada en Asturias Adele Robots. Durante la exposición los alumnos podrán conocer, ver y tocar las últimas novedades en el campo de la robótica que esta empresa fabrica. Además los alumnos de la actividad de robótica presentarán los proyectos con los que concursan en el ALCOA YOUNG TALENT II organizado por la fundación ALCOA y la EPI de Gijón.

Target audience
Alumnos de primaria y secundaria.
Departamento de robótica Colegio San Ignacio - Oviedo/ Adele Robots
César Jesús Vena Liaño
Colegio San Ignacio - Jesuitas
Avda. Richard Grandío s/n
33193 Oviedo
Lekarz z przyszłości. Medycyna a Roboty
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Prezentacja rozwiązań robotycznych stosowanych w medycynie. Omówienie ich zastosowania i korzyści dla pacjenta i dla lekarza. Próba odpowiedzi na pytanie: czy robot może zastąpić lekarza?

Uniwersytet Medyczny i firma ACCREA
lek. Katarzyna Grabowska-Aleksandrowicz
Uniwersytet Medyczny
al. Racławickie 1
20-400 Lublin
Engranaje y desengranaje de juguetes
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Convocaremos a los abuelos y padres de la escuela para hacer un taller y "destripar" juguetes que están en desuso y que aportará tanto la escuela como las familias.
Con la ayuda de los padres, profes y abuelos intentaremos hacer con los niños algunos robots caseros grabando los pasos para luego subir los resultados a las redes sociales.

Target audience
niños 1-3 años
EEI Manantial
EEI Manantial
La siega 4
28260 Madrid
Robótica y mayores
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A los ancianos residentes les llevamos robots ozobot y se les pidió que dibujasen diferentes circuitos y pruebas para programar el robot por colores.
Además dibujaron y colorearon diferentes robots para familiarizarse con la robótica

Target audience
old people
Asoc. ByL Iniciativas Educativas
Loli Iborra
Residencia Comunidad Valencia
The school of the Future: Robotica Educativa, Realtà Aumentata e Virtuale
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Storytelling 3.0 (Robotica Educativa, Realtà Aumentata e Virtuale), ambienti di apprendimento, etica sociale e accesso alla conoscenza.
Il corso, prevalentemente in forma di laboratorio, ha lo scopo di introdurre alla conoscenza dei principi base della narrazione multimediale/multicanale attraverso l’uso di tecnologie robotiche e visive digitali. L’obiettivo è di dare competenze utili alla realizzazione concreta di piccoli percorsi didattici subito spendibili.

In particolare si parlerà di spazi di apprendimento, di strategie narrative con le TIC (Giochi di Ruolo e narrazioni seriali), attività didattiche di robotica educativa, contesti di realtà virtuale e realtà aumentata unitamente ad ambienti immersivi, narrazioni transmediali e multicanale, service learning, georeferenziazione e narrazione con le mappe.

Per procedere con l’iscrizione è necessario sia effettuare una registrazione all’evento sia procedere con la prenotazioni dei singoli workshop, dopo aver verificato di selezionare senza sovrapposizioni orarie. Si ricorda che la registrazione è per l’intero evento.(vedi NOTE a fondo pagina)

In chiusura delle attività è stata pianificata la premiazione degli Edu Designer che hanno concluso il percorso. Tale contesto offrirà l’occasione per vedere alcuni degli elaborati più interessanti prodotti dagli E.D.

Target audience
Teachers of the network
Polo per la formazione digitale A.T. Varese in collaborazione con la Fondazione UIBI per l’innovazione Pedagogica e Didattica. i
ITE Tosi di Busto A.
Viale Stelvio 173
21052 Busto Arsizio (Milano)
Programando a OCTY
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En este taller vamos a estar aprendiendo sobre robótica industrial e inteligente, y vamos a programar el robot Octy, un desarrollo en fase de prototipo que estamos desarrollando en UYRobot.

Target audience
El taller está dirigido a niños entre 7 y 12 años.
Rodrigo Dearmas
Hector Gutierrez Ruiz 1261 101
11100 Montevideo
Robotex International 2017
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Don't miss out on the biggest robotics festival in Europe, focusing on technologies like robotics, space tech and AI!

This year, Robotex will be bigger than ever: 24 robotics competitions, a conference, the biggest Technology exhibition we've had so far and over 40 workshops!

Robotex International 2017 takes place on November 24 - 26 at the Estonian Fairs Centre, Tallinn (Pirita tee 28).

Claim your free ticket for the expo or buy one for the conference + expo, now:

And registration for competitors is also open:


In 2016, Robotex was already the biggest robotics competition in Europe, and this year we're only making it better and bigger. It's held in cooperation with Tallinn University of Technology and the University of Tartu. Bringing together the whole ecosystem...

This three-day family event hosts a variety of international robot competitions, showcases innovative new solutions in the Technology exhibition, and discusses important advancements in the field of automation at the Robotex conference.

Check out:

Target audience
At the competition, we have four programs: 1. Beginner aka kindergarten-elementary school; 2. Intermediate aka basic- to high school; 3. Advanced aka University and older & 4. Entrepreneurial aka everyone with a real product.

The conference, expo and workshops are for everyone in all ages and from all countries.

In fact, we already have 2500+ participants for the competition and expect up to 3500 of them, including 1200 teams already at the moment. Also, we expect over 20000 people to visit the event, as last year we had already close to 16000 people visiting.
Robotex NGO
Estonian Fairs Centre
Pirita tee 28
10127 Tallinn
From bits to robots - Day 3
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A tree-day course on robots (from bits to..)
Program of the Third Day
24 novembre 16,30-19,30
Laboratorio 4:
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 (T. Urschitz)
● utilizzo dei robot come mediatori didattici per acquisizione di competenze disciplinari
e sociali
● non solo rover: implementare la creatività e la progettualità
● motori e sensori: approccio al mondo reale
● creare scenari di apprendimento con la robotica

Target audience
Teachers primary school
IPRASE - Fondazione Museo Civico Rovereto
Cristiana Bianchi
Fondazione Museo Civico Rovereto, Rovereto
B.go Santa Caterina
Rovereto, TN
Python para AstroPi
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Programación en Python de mensajes de 30 segundos de duración que serán mostrados en la Estación Espacial Internacional. La actividad se denomina AstroPi Mission Zero

Target audience
Alumnos del centro
AstroPi, IES Vegas Bajas, Antonino Vara Gazapo
Antonino Vara Gazapo
IES Vegas Bajas
Virgen de Barbaño 06480
06480 Montijo (Badajoz)
Pratica-mente: Robotica! Work in progress!
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Alcuni alunni mostrano ad un gruppo di coetanei della scuola i robot, che hanno costruito e programmato, nel corso dell'inizio di quest'anno scolastico, nel laboratorio scolastico: "Pratica-mente: Robotica!"

Target audience
Studenti 11-14 anni
Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado
Angela Zampedri
Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado
via Amstetten 4
Pergine Valsugana
Social Robotics and digital technologies of care: ethics, professional identity and practice
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A public Symposium by the Centre for Research in the Social Professions (CriSP), Institute of Technology, Sligo, as part of EU Robotics Week 2017.
Friday 24 Nov 2017 (0900-1530), Aurivo Auditorium, Institute of Technology, Sligo. Symposium fee: €20 (inc. refreshments and lunch) Full-time students: free.
Across the world, governments, research institutes, major corporations and dynamic start-ups are investing billions of euros in the field of robotics. A major area is that of social robotics: robots that can exist alongside people as potential companions, carers or educators. Some of the world's most sophisticated and complex robots are of this type and new advances are being made daily.
What are the implications of such developments for those who are or will be working in the care of others, for those cared for, and for educators, regulators and Irish society as a whole?
As yet there are few people in Ireland asking – let alone answering – such questions. This Symposium is for care and health workers, service users, students, academics, policy-makers, designers and anyone interested in how present and future technologies of care may change all of our lives.
Speakers, many of whom have been directly involved in social robotics projects, will be drawn from Ireland, Denmark, Britain, the Netherlands and Norway. Through case studies and critical papers they will address issues of ethics, user perspectives, the future of the caring professions, benefits and drawbacks, potential futures and public fears. There will be plenty of opportunity for audience participation and discussion.
No knowledge of robotics technology is assumed or required!
The event is part of EU Robotics Week 2017 and contributes to CRiSP's ongoing research into the future of the social professions in Ireland and internationally.

Target audience
This Symposium is for care and health workers, service users, students, academics, policy-makers, designers and anyone interested in how present and future technologies of care may change all of our lives.
Institute of Technology, Sligo
Dr John Pender and/or Dr Perry Share
Aurivo Lecture Theatre, Institute of Technology, Sligo
Ash Lane
F91 YW50 Sligo
AI and Robotics in Health and Medical Technology Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2017
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The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started in 2013 will be organized again this year on Friday 24.11.2017. To address the trends in health and medical technologies, the theme this year is AI and Robotics in Health and Medical Technology. We will have a seminar with keynote presentations, posters, and demonstrations from companies and researchers, as well as pitch talks, which were highly attractive last year.

Call for pitches, demos, posters: Please submit your proposals for (short) pitch talks, technology demos, or posters to Simo Särkkä ( and Roel Pieters ( by the end of October.

The attendance is free of charge for registered attendees, including coffee and light lunch. To help us organize the seminar, please register following the link below. Registration deadline is Monday 13.11.2017:

Target audience
The attendance is free of charge for all registered attendees.
IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society
Simo Särkkä
Aalto University, F239a, Auditorium of HTH Building at
Otakaari 3
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International conference "Cost Oriented Service Robotics 2017" is organized in the frame of the European Robotics Week and will be held on 24th November at Plenary halls of the Hotel of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Main topics of the conference are:
♦ Cost Oriented Service Robots;
♦ Educational Robots;
♦ Mobile Robots;
♦ Personal Robots;
♦ Rehabilitation Robots;
♦ Assistive Robots;
♦ Humanoid Robots;
♦ Wearable Robots;

Target audience
The conference will bring together University Professors, Researchers, Young scientist, Industry and Hobbyists.
European Polytechnical University
Nayden Chivarov
Hotel of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Shipchenski Prohod Blvd. 50
1113 Sofia
Robots for Humans
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Dr inż. Bartłomiej Stańczyk opowie o projektach robotycznych realizowanych w firmie ACCREA. O robocie IURO, rozmawiającym z przechodniami. O inteligentnym chodziku. O  robocie pomagającym zdalnie zbadać pacjenta. O robocie - towarzyszu życia osób z problemami z pamięcią. 

Uniwersytet Medyczny i firma ACCREA
Bartłomiej Stańczyk
Uniwersytet Medyczny
al. Racławickie 1
20-400 Lublin
Journee du GT 8 - Neurosciences & Robotique
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Le groupe de travail "Robotique et Neurosciences" (GT8) du GDR Robotique organise cet automne une troisième journée de travail ayant pour objectif de favoriser la rencontre et les échanges entre roboticiens, psychologues et neuroscientifiques.
Cette journée sera organisée autour d'un ensemble de présentations orales par des chercheurs invités, ainsi que de présentations orales courtes et de posters des participants.

Intervenants invités :
Andrea Brovelli (INT, Marseille)
Benoît Cottereau (CerCo, Toulouse)
Serena Ivaldi (Larsen, INRIA, Nancy)
Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Larsen, INRIA, Nancy)

Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire

Animateurs du GT8 : Alexandre Pitti, Ghilès Mostafaoui, Benoît Girard, Mehdi Khamassi

Franck Ruffier, Stéphane Viollet d'ISM, CNRS - Aix-Marseille Université
Pascale Hurtado
04 13 55 21 52
IMERA - Aix-Marseille Université
Place Leverrier 2
13004 Marseille
Robotics Caravan - 23 nov. Iasi, Gh, Asachi University
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Public debate on Robotics in Romania, challenges and opportunities.

Target audience
Students, entrepreneurs, robotics hobbyists.
Ana-Maria Stancu
Gh. Asachi University
Robotics for kids at the Network for Children's Rights, Athens
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EDUMOTIVA team present and discuss the educational benefits of robotics for kids and offer Interactive demonstrations of robotics projects.

Target audience
children 10-17
EDUMOTIVA & Network for Children's Rights/Youth Network
Eleonora Goussiari
+306997 252 599
Network Youth Center Athens
8th Traiber square 8
Human-Robot Cooperation with Torque-Controlled Light-Weight Robots in the Context of Future Manufacturing and Personal Assistance, public talk by Alin Albu-Schäffer (DLR-German Aerospace Center)
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Industry 4.0 stays for a manufacturing concept which fully exploits the online digital interconnection between all participants in the manufacturing process, from supplier over CAD developer to the production work-floor, including product components and machines. But digitalization currently also revolutionizes healthcare. In this context it is expected that robots, which can directly exploit the digital data, will play an increasingly large role. However, automation alone still lacks flexibility in complex manufacturing processes such as the final assembly in automotive industries. Same holds for healthcare support for the aging society, were the complexity and variety of tasks does not afford full autonomous solutions. Therefore, human-robot collaboration is a currently seen as a very promising alternative for the near future. In this talk I will address several aspects of human-robot collaborative industrial manufacturing and healthcare, starting from light-weight robot design over compliance, interaction and safety control up to new programming and application design aspects.

Short bio:
Alin Albu-Schäffer received his M.S. in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Timisoara, Romania in 1993 and his Ph.D. in automatic control from the Technical University of Munich in 2002. Since 2012 he is the head of the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), which he joined in 1995 as a Ph.D. candidate. Moreover, he is a professor at the Technical University of Munich, holding the Chair for “Sensor Based Robotic Systems and Intelligent Assistance Systems” at the Computer Science Department. His personal research interests include robot design, modeling and control, nonlinear control, flexible joint and variable compliance robots, impedance and force control, physical human-robot interaction, bio-inspired robot design and control. He received several awards, including the IEEE King-Sun Fu Best Paper Award of the Transactions on Robotics in 2012, several ICRA and IROS Best-Paper-Awards as well as the DLR Science Award.

Target audience
Everyone interested in Robotics
Plenary talk organized by ROBOT'2017
ROBOT'2017 secretariat
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Salón de Actos
Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n
41092 Sevilla
Guardiani della Costa: Training course for coaches (an app and underwater robots to monitor the Italian coast)
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The Guardiani della Costa project, funded by Costa Criociuere Fouyndation, will be activating 200 Italian high schools to monitor the Italian coast by an app and underwater robots.
This is the first rraining course for the teachers coaching theur student teams.

Target audience
High school teachers coaching their student teams
Costa Crociere Foundation
Maria Elena Artusi
39 010 5483.278
Costa Crociere Foundation
Piazza Piccapietra 48
16122 Genova
Lego challenge (WEdo2 and Mindstorms Ev3)
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This workshop is targeting a group of students from School No 5 Bucharest, students that are involved in a STEAM Erasmus project (2016-2018).With the help of our volunteer Silviu Matei, students will learn how to built and code with Lego wedo2 and Lego Mindstorms.

Target audience
students for School No 5, selected in STEAM Erasmus project
Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 5
Magda Cojocea
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 5 Bucuresti
Calea Victoriei 114
III La Rioja Robotic Day 2017 - Robotic Wrestling
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En esta tercera edición, festejaremos la semana europea de la robótica con un taller familiar en el que construiremos robots de combate con los sistemas Lego WeDo y Lego Mindstorms EV3.

Construiremos desde cero, programaremos y prepararemos a nuestros robots para el combate final ¿Quién será el ganador?

Target audience
Taller familiar para niños y niñas desde los 6 años . Los participantes, familias y niños, se dividirán según la edad de los alumnos
Juan Núñez
Avenida Club Deportivo 20 bis
26007 Logroño
The experience of being an engineer in Spain
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Plaza Robotica join this initiative by providing a round table with the title "the experience of being an engineer in Spain" where experts in the field of engineering and industry will share with people who attend their experiences. The duration is 2 hours on Saturday, November 25, 2017. The round table begins at 18:30, at which time the people who will make the presentations will be presented. Subsequently, each of the invited guests will share their experiences in the field of engineering and industry. Each paper will have an estimated duration of 10 minutes. Finally, a debate will open in which the assistants will be able to clarify the doubts that arose during the presentations.

Target audience
Girls and boys with an age close to access to the university. Engineering students. People who are curious to know more about engineering and industry in Spain.
Plaza Robotica
Pedro Plaza
La Estera, Espacio Socio-cultural Camarma
Plaza de la constitución 2
28816 Camarma de Esteruelas
eCraft2Learn lab for kids, Athens
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EDUMOTIVA celebrate the EURobotics week 2017 with a workshop for kids based on digital fabrication and making technologies for creating robots and other computer-supported artefacts. The workshop is organised in the frame of and with support from the H2020 /eCraft2Learn project

Target audience
children 13-17
Dimitris Alimisis
+30 211 408 12 53
Technopolis City of Athens
Piraios 100 100
11854 Athens
Ρομποτική: Εξερεύνηση Διαστήματος
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Πανεπιστήμιο Frederick & Κυπριακός Οργανισμός Διαστήματος
Γιώργος Δημητρίου & Νίκλεια Ετεοκλέους
Πανεπιστήμιο Frederick, Λεμεσός
Robotic Routes - Ρομποτικές Διαδρομές
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Students will be challenged to design, construct and program their own robotic vehicle using an Arduino platform, electronic elements, sensors and every day affordable materials. Participants are prompt to learn by active exploration and investigation through properly designed activity sheets.

Target audience
Pupils of 5th and 6th grade of Elementary School (μαθητές Δημοτικού τάξεων Ε και ΣΤ)
Students of Junior High School (μαθητές Α, Β, Γ γυμνασίου)

Agni Pachouli
Ionidios Model Junior High School
Sotiros Dios 17
185 35 Piraeus
Co potrafią dzisiejsze roboty?
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Większość z nas miała okazję zobaczyć roboty na filmach. Roboty te same chodzą, mówią, mają uczucia. Jaka jest rzeczywistość? Jak wyglądają i co robią roboty, które są budowane współcześnie?

Target audience
Wykład kierowany zarówno do dorosłych jak i do dzieci.
Uniwersytet Medyczny i firma ACCREA
dr Dorota Szczęśniak-Stańczyk
Uniwersytet Medyczny
al. Racławickie 1
20-400 Lublin
Semana Europeia da Robótica no Planetário do Porto
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A Academia de Robótica e o Planetário do Porto juntam-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de divulgar as atividades e a investigação cientifica em robótica. A atividade inclui uma Exposição: Projetos desenvolvidos pelos alunos; Palestra: Robôs e o cinema … ; Filme: "Road to Artificial Intelligence"; Workshop: Vamos programar robôs?


The Academia de Robótica and the Planetário do Porto joins to the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2017, with the goal of promoting the research and the activities in robotic. The proposed activity includes a demonstration: Projects developed by the students; Talk: Robots and the movies ...; Movie: "Road to Artificial Intelligence"; Workshop: Let's program a robot.

Target audience
Academia de Robótica
André Dias
Planetário do Porto -Centro Ciência Viva
Rua das Estrelas
4150-762 Porto
Multi-platform Educational Robotics 2017
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Plaza Robotica joins the Robotics Week 2017 initiative, providing a multi-platform educational robotics workshop. We will work with the Scratch, Crumble and Arduino tools as STEM enhancers. The workshop offers a tour through each of these tools as an introduction to educational robotics.
The duration is 4 hours on Saturday, November 25, 2017. The workshop starts at 12:00. The second block dedicated to Scratch starts at 1:00 p.m. We will make a stop to eat and discuss until the beginning of the next block, block that starts at 4:00 p.m. Finally, the last block starts at 5:00 p.m. to conclude at 6:00 p.m.
This workshop has a very practical approach. A pedagogical methodology based on projects is used. Experiments are promoted, where trial and error is part of learning and self-discovery.

Target audience
Adults without experience in robotics which are interested to be introduced into the educational robotics.
Plaza Robotica
Pedro Plaza
La Estera, Espacio Socio-cultural Camarma
Plaza de la constitución 2
28816 Camarma de Esteruelas
Ludzka twarz robotyki - psychologiczne i etyczne zagadnienia interakcji człowiek - robot
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W trakcie wykładu poruszone będą najistotniejsze aspekty psychologiczne w relacjach człowiek - robot oraz potencjalne dylematy etyczne z tym związane. Podjęta będzie również próba odpowiedzi na pytanie: jaki powinien być 'idealny robot' oraz jakie potencjalne zagrożenia niesie ze sobą tworzenie robotów antropomorficznych.

Uniwersytet Medyczny i firma ACCREA
dr Justyna Gerłowska
Uniwersytet Medyczny
al. Racławickie 1
20-400 Lublin
Co potrafią dzisiejsze roboty?
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Większość z nas miała okazję zobaczyć roboty na filmach. Roboty te same chodzą, mówią, mają uczucia. Jaka jest rzeczywistość? Jak wyglądają i co robią roboty, które są budowane współcześnie?

Target audience
Wykład kierowany zarówno do dorosłych jak i do dzieci.
Uniwersytet Medyczny i firma ACCREA
dr Dorota Szczęśniak-Stańczyk
Uniwersytet Medyczny
al. Racławickie 1
20-400 Lublin
Show details
Conférence sur la thématique « l’avenir de l’homme et des robots », questions/réponses/débats. Ils sont déjà partout, dans les usines, les bureaux, bientôt les magasins, les hôpitaux, et même à la maison. Les robots vont transformer notre vie quotidienne et notre travail. La robotique, une des sources de l’innovation de demain...quel avenir ? Les robots vont-ils nous voler nos boulots ou être un accélérateur de nouveaux boulots ?

Conference on the theme "The future of man and robots", questions / answers / debates and demonstrations with the Pepper robot. They are already everywhere, in factories, offices, soon shops, hospitals, and even at home. Robots will transform our everyday life and our work. Robotics, one of the sources of tomorrow's innovation ... what future? Will robots steal our jobs or be an accelerator of new jobs?

+33 4 68 56 80 18
SquaregoLab - FabLab Perpignan
96 Rue de Zurich
66000 Perpignan
We are the robot
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Una biblioteca comunale offre la possibilità di conoscere, scoprire e programmare robot.
Ogni robot ha diverse caratteristiche e diverse possibilità di interfacciamento e l'evento sarà un'occasione per scoprire Ozobot, LittleBits, Lego Mindstorms, Sphero e Mbot.
Appena arriverai potrai scegliere su quale tavolo iniziare a giocare e sperimentare, accompagnato da un esperto.

Target audience
Ragazzi 8 - 14 anni
CoderDojo Perugia
Marco Morello
Biblionet - Biblioteca Comunale di Ponte San Giovanni
Via Segoloni 15
06135 Perugia
Open day with Ozobot in Odense (Polish/English)
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We invite children for workshop with small robots called Ozobot. We will program them by simply drawing lines and using colors. Children will use their creativity and artistic expression, while developing logical reasoning and high level coding concepts.
Language of workshop: Polish and English

Target audience
Children from 4 to 10 years old with a parent
Dzieci w Odense

European Robotics Week at the Robotics Control and Decision Systems Laboratory (RCDS)
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Παρουσιάσεις από τον Κυπριακό Ακαδημαϊκό και Βιομηχανικό χώρο της Ρομποτικής

Παρουσιάσεις Ευρωπαϊκών ερευνητικών έργων ρομποτικής του εργαστηρίου RCDS καθώς και από τις εταιρείες Helikas Robotics Ltd., και GGDedalos Technology Services Ltd. Επίσης παρουσίαση από τον Δρ. Σάββα Χατζηχριστοφή του Πανεπιστημίου Νεάπολις.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες για για το πρόγραμμα της εκδήλωσης θα αναρτηθούν στην ιστοσελίδα του εργαστηρίου

Target audience
Ανοικτό προς το κοινό
Robotics Control and Decision Systems Laboratory, Cyprus University of Technology
Savvas Loizou
Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου,
Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Κτήριο Συκοπετρίτη (Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών)
Atelier thématique - La Robotique, levier de la viticulture
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L’arrivée des robots en viticulture semble inévitable pour répondre aux nouveaux enjeux économiques et environnementaux. Cet atelier tentera de répondre à quelques questions pratiques : qu’est-ce que l’utilisation des robots va changer dans la manière de gérer les vignes, pour quelles opérations, quelle fiabilité et à quel coût ? Et quelle sera leur place dans la transition agro-écologique ?

Lieu : Salle A - Forum - Hall B5

Target audience
Chercheurs en viticulture
Startups robotiques
Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin (IFV)
Christophe Gaviglio
05 63 33 62 62
Parc des expositions de Montpellier
Route de la Foire
34470 Pérols
Teachers Training on Robotics
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One Day of Robotics Training for Teachers

Un corso metodologico e pratico sull'utilizzo di LEGO Education WeDo in classe dedicato in particolare agli insegnanti della scuola primaria e secondaria di primo grado e biennio della scuola secondaria di primo grado, ma anche a tutti coloro che vogliono iniziare ad esplorare il mondo di Lego Education per la sua valenza didattica e che vogliono collaborare alla creazione di un gruppo di riferimento in Idea.Lab sulla robotica educativa.
Avremo a disposizione 8 kit Lego WeDo 2.0 e, dopo una prima introduzione teorica, ci divideremo in gruppi mettendoci nei panni dei nostri studenti costruendo robot, programmandoli e risolvendo alcune sfide.
L'iscrizione è obbligatoria e a numero chiuso (20 partecipanti).

Target audience
Teachers of primary schools
Via Molino 2
21052 Busto Arsizio (Milano)
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SITEVI est le salon international des équipements et savoir-faire pour les productions vigne-vin, olive, fruits-légumes.

Frédérique BRUNET
+33 (0)1 76 77 11 84
Parc des expositions de Montpellier
Route de la Foire
34470 Pérols
Rencontres pour la compétitivité industrielle : l’industrie en route vers le mouvement perpétuel
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OPEO, cabinet de conseil leader en excellence opérationnelle, organise en partenariat avec Bpifrance, Centrale Supélec et la Fabrique de l’industrie la deuxième édition des Rencontres pour la Compétitivité Industrielle sur le thème l’industrie en route vers le mouvement perpétuel.

Programme de la journée

8h30 – 9h00 : Café d’accueil
9h00 – 9h30 : Vers l’industrie et au-delà !

9h30 – 10h00 : Le bulletin météo de l’industrie

10h00 – 10h50 : Champions français : la preuve par l’exemple

Première partie Présentations vidéos

Deuxième partie Vote de l’assistance et remise du Prix RCI 2017 « Stratégie & opérations »

Le Prix RCI « Stratégie & opérations » vient saluer l’action inspirationnelle d’une entreprise industrielle qui a initié un tournant majeur vers l’industrie du futur.

10h50 – 11h00 : Pause café
11h00 – 11h30 : Attractivité territoriale et industrie : vers une économie d’archipels ?

11h30 – 11h45 : Technologie de rupture (1/2) : 5 minutes pour convaincre

11h45 – 12h30 : Industrie 4.0 : l’humain au cœur des défis de compétitivité

12h30 – 12h45 : Technologie de rupture (2/2) : 5 minutes pour convaincre

12h45 – 14h00 : Lab’ Lunch
Déjeuner buffet dédié aux rencontres et à la découverte de solutions nouvelles pour l’industrie du demain.

14h00 – 15h00 : Flexion – Extension ! Les organisations peuvent-elles être agiles ?

15h00 – 16h15 : Tout est question d’environnement

16h15 – 16h45 : Key Take-away

16h45 : Cocktail

BPI France
6-8 Boulevard Haussmann
75009 Paris
Congrès ADF 2017
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Le Congrès de l’ADF est devenu le rendez-vous incontournable des chirurgiens-dentistes qui souhaitent bénéficier d’une offre de formation diversifiée, adaptée à leurs besoins.

En effet le métier ne cesse d’évoluer et les nouvelles technologies changent la manière de réaliser les procédures du quotidien. Chaque année, les professionnels doivent mettre à jour leurs connaissances, s’adapter aux nouvelles technologies, pour être en mesure d’offrir à leurs patients des soins de qualité, en toute sécurité.

Bien sûr, le bien-être des patients est primordial. Mais celui des praticiens l’est tout autant et il faut avouer que ces derniers sont de plus en plus malmenés. Autoritarisme de la Ministre de tutelle, contraintes financières, exigence accrue des patients, pression médiatique... L’exercice de notre métier est de plus en plus difficile.

Le Congrès 2017 sera tourné vers la recherche d’une plus grande sérénité pour les chirurgiens-dentistes. Il s’agira de leur (re)donner envie de continuer à exercer leur métier avec plaisir, dans l’intérêt de leurs patients mais aussi pour préserver leur propre santé. Source de sérénité, les fondamentaux représentent plus que jamais une référence permanente, permettant un exercice fiable et pérenne pour le praticien et surtout pour le patient.

Au cours de ce Congrès, 12 disciplines (implantologie, orthodontie, prothèses...) seront représentées dans le programme scientifique et la variété des formats des séances (Essentiel, Points de vue, Thématique, Démonstrations en direct sur patient, séances 18 minutes pour convaincre...) reflètera le dynamisme et l’interactivité auxquels nous tenons tant.

De plus, 9 séances compatibles DPC seront intégrées. Avec une inscription précoce à l’ANDPC, votre validation sera obligatoirement prise en compte et actée dans le budget consacré par les pouvoirs publics.

Une grande séance phare se prépare autour de l’épicurisme et de la sérénité. Réservez d’ores et déjà votre fin d’après-midi du mercredi 29 novembre pour assister à cette séance ouverte à tous.
Vous aurez la chance d’écouter débattre le philosophe André Comte Sponville, le psychiatre/psychothérapeute Christophe André, le physicien Gérard Liger-Belair, le seul chercheur au monde à se consacrer au champagne, et Marc Brevot, œnologue. Une séance atypique, animée par Thierry Guerrier, sous le signe des bulles de champagne avec quelques magnums à gagner ...

Enfin, le Congrès sera l’opportunité pour vous de découvrir les matériels, les technologies et les innovations des 400 exposants présents.

Ouverture des inscriptions le 3 avril. Si nous vous écrivons aujourd’hui - déjà impatients d’arriver à ce grand rendez-vous !- C’est pour lancer les inscriptions dès le 3 avril, bien plus tôt que les années précédentes. Vous pourrez ainsi dès à présent sélectionner les sujets qui vous intéressent et programmer votre formation, en intégrant la formation continue proposée par l’ADF. Anticiper, n’est-ce pas déjà faire un pas vers la sérénité recherchée ?

Palais des Congrès
2 place de la Porte-Maillot
75017 Paris
TrusTech - Pay | Identify | Connect & Connect
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Salon mondial des solutions sécurisées pour le paiement, l'identification et la mobilité incluant notamment l'intelligence artificielle et l'IoT.

Target audience


+33 (0)1 76 77 16 51
Palais des Festivals et des Congrès de Cannes
La Croisette
CS 30051 06414 Cannes Cedex
Semana Europeia da Robótica no Colégio Espinheira Rio
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A Academia de Robótica e Colégio Espinheira Rio juntam-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de divulgar as atividades e a investigação cientifica em robótica. A atividade inclui uma Palestra: "Robótica e o Cinema"; Workshop: Vamos programar robôs?


The Academia de Robótica and the Colégio Espinheira Rio joins to the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2017, with the goal of promoting the research and the activities in robotic. The proposed activity includes a demonstration: Talk: "Robotic and the movies"; Workshop: Let's program a robot!!

Target audience
Academia de Robótica
André Dias
Colégio Espinheira Rio
Rua da Senhora do Porto 741
4250-456 Porto
International Agricultural Robotics Forum
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FIRA's a forum that unites a wide range of agricultural players in order to exchange ideas on the future of agriculture. FIRA aims to create a community that brings change through agricultural innovation.
November 29th, 2017 : well-know speakers, followed by pitches and interactions with the public. Visit our robot exhibition area.
November 30th, 2017: workshops > No visitors, just participants ! The goal is to work together on concrete issues and exchange points of view on agricultural robotics in order to establish a well-defined roadmap.

Target audience
Robotics professionals
Hardware manufacturer
Naïo Technologies
+33 (0)9 72 45 40 85
Quai des Savoirs
Allée Jules Guesde 39
31400 Toulouse
Late Debate: Technology and the Future
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Travel to the future and circuit train that brain during this fun and action packed Late Debate. Enjoy interactive debates, talks and workshops. Meet scientists, inventors and disruptors. Develop your own prize winning innovations and try making a robot. Visit the museum’s iconic collection and explore how technology has been changing the lives and journeys of Londoners for centuries.

• 18.45 – EVENT STARTS (Bar, music and interactivities).
• 18:45 – 21:45 – Bar, music and interactivities
• 19:00 - Keynote opening
• 19:15 – 20:15 – MAIN EVENTS I – Panel Debate, PechaKucha, Dragons Take on Tomorrow’s World, and more
• 20.45 – 21:45 - MAIN EVENTS II – All the Stations Adventures with Technology, Get Disruptive Hacking Workshop, The Cognitive Map, and more
• 22.00 – EVENT ENDS

The evening will include a whole range of talks and workshops, including:

• Panel Debate: Is London ready for the fourth industrial revolution? The internet of things, augmented reality, facial recognition, data-driven processes, responsive environments, autonomous vehicles, chatbots – exciting or frightening? Opportunity or threat? Join leading industry experts to explore the effects of advancing technology on our lives, communities and environments.

• Dragons Take on Tomorrow’s World: New and emerging technologies like AI, VR and smart environments open completely new ways of interacting with the world. See an innovative line-up of inventors, entrepreneurs and experts as they pitch their latest solutions to meet the challenges of today – from pollution reduction to accessibility, smart cities and navigation to preserving memories. Judge their ideas and decide which products might change the way we live, work and travel tomorrow.

• Mapping the Future – a quick-fire PechaKucha*: Hear a round of six dynamic presentations on mapping, wayfinding and navigation past present and future. Taking you on a journey through the highlights of LTM’s map collection, through to the cognitive maps made by our brains. Digital mapping solutions which are making the world more accessible, to ‘A praise for paper’ - celebrating why the traditional map can be the best medium to explore a new city.

• All the Stations - Adventures with Technology: In June 2017, Geoff Marshall and Vicki Pipe embarked on an epic journey to visit all 2,563 railway stations in England, Wales and Scotland. Due to popular demand, they’re back at London Transport Museum, this time to share their techy secrets - from online crowdfunding to documenting their journey, to attracting thousands of loyal online friends and followers en route.

• Get Disruptive! Hear about Hackathons on trains across Europe and how disruptors of today are creating completely new markets for tomorrow. Then come up with your own innovations in this creative HackPartners workshop. The winning idea will win London Transport Museum Hidden London Tour tickets for 2018!

• The Cognitive Map with neuroscientist Kate Jeffery: Let Kate Jeffery, director of the Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience at UCL, take you on a walk from your brain’s point of view. No matter what mapping technology you use, your brain creates its own map of your surroundings – it’s called the cognitive map. But how does it do that, how does it know where you are and where to go? And how is our use of technology affecting our brains’ ability to navigate?

• Join Dr Maxwell Roberts, With powerful computers in almost everyone‘s home and pocket, everyone can have a go at designing their own transit maps for any network, real or imaginary. Join Maxwell Roberts, map expert and lecturer of Psychology at the University of Essex to explore weird and wonderful creations from around the world. Then have a go at designing your own map under Max’s expert eye.

• Get creative and build your own little robot: Get stuck in and make a moving Crafty Robot that is battery free.

• Interactivities and stands: Meet inventors, start-ups and experts, explore innovative ideas, cutting edge products and dynamic demonstrations.

• Explore the museum after hours and enjoy a drink at our pop-up bar

Tickets to the Late Debate cost £15 (£12 concessions) and are for adults only (18+). Tickets can be bought online at For advance booking information, call +44 (0)20 7565 7298.

Get 20% off your ticket if you use the code LDNov20 before 23rd October!

Target audience
Anyone who is interested in emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles, mapping technology, smart cities, and the way robotics and AI are going to shape our lives in the city in the future.
London Transport Museum
Miranda Schiller
London Transport Museum
Covent Garden Piazza
WC2E 7BB London
United Kingdom
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THE GRIPPER HACKATHON is a robotics hardware Hackathon where you will design and build a 3D-printed gripper by your own.
This Hackathon will take you and like-minded passionate students, makers and researchers on a journey into the creative do-it-yourself culture with open-innovation methods like co-creation.

To register write an e-mail to:
More info under:

Location: Fraunhofer IAO, Nobelstr. 12, 70569 Stuttgart

Fraunhofer IPA
Maik Siee
Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart
To be or not to be a robot?
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Discover the meaning of the word ROBOT by building a scribbling machine and a LEGO robot in small groups.
Alla scoperta del significato della parola robot attraverso la costruzione in piccoli gruppi di una scribbling machine e di un robot Lego.

Target audience
Kindergarden, primary and high school pupils of our Institute from 3 to 13 years old.
Istituto Comprensivo Pra'
Caterina Bignone
Atelier creativo dell'Istituto Comprensivo Pra'
via Branega 10 C
16157 GENOVA
3D Print Robotics @
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What do you get when you connect 3D printers, robots, and huge curiosity? A great event for our and your youngest! We invite elementary school students from 5 to 15 years to join us at the European Week of Robotics! For the first time, Networks and CGPdesign join the celebration of this significant date in order to popularize science and technology! Our common desire is to get through the game and informal access to awaken interest and love for technology from an early age.

Target audience
Students: 5 - 15 years
Aleksandar Mastilovic
Skenderpasina 1
71000 Sarajevo
Journée thématique sur la Supply Chain du Futur
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Cette journée thématique s’articulera sous forme de conférences, tables rondes et démonstrations afin d’échanger sur le thème de la logistique du futur. Plusieurs grandes thématiques seront abordées tout au long de ce rendez-vous par des industriels, des académiques et des institutionnels (le digital, Résilience & Agilité, la place de l’Homme, la Mutualisation & Collaboratif). Ces rencontres s’articuleront autour d’un espace d’exposition qui mettra en lumière les savoir-faire et les domaines de recherches liés à l’innovation et l’Industrie du Futur. Cet événement est animé par Jean-Philippe Guillaume, président et direction de la rédaction de Supply Chain Magazine.

Target audience
Pôle Achats Supply Chain Atlantique
Françoise Lieure
02 72 56 80 91
Technocampus Ocean
Rue de l'Halbrane 5
44340 Bouguenais
Roboter in der Intralogistik
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Roboter in der Intralogistik

Aktuelle Trends | Neue Technologien | Moderne Anwendungen

Um den Herausforderungen bei der wirtschaftlichen Implementierung von Robotern in der Intralogistik zu begegnen, sind profunde Kenntnisse auf diesem Gebiet notwendig. Daher vermittelt dieses Technologieseminar Verantwortlichen aus der Logistik Grundlagen für verbesserte Investitionsentscheidungen. Sie erhalten einen Überblick, wie der Industrieroboter als wirtschaftliches und flexibles Instrument für Handhabungsaufgaben in innerbetrieblichen Materialflüssen eingesetzt werden kann und welche Trends sich aus den derzeitigen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten ableiten lassen.


- Aktuelle Trends in der Intralogistik und der Materialfluss Automatisierung
- Potenziale und Herausforderungen bei Industrierobotern im innerbetrieblichen Materialfluss
- Neueste Entwicklungen in den Schlüsseltechnologien: Greifer, Sensorik, Bildverarbeitung und Roboter
- Praxisbeispiele zum Thema Palettieren, Kommissionieren, Griff in die Kiste etc. mit Industrierobotern
- Planung von Automatisierungslösungen in der Intralogistik

Target audience

Anhand praxisorientierter Vorträge lernen die Teilnehmer methodische und technologische Lösungen zur Automatisierung innerbetrieblicher Materialflüsse mit Hilfe von Robotern kennen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei Bedarf und Möglichkeiten sowie Kosten und Nutzenaspekte. In den Pausen bleibt ausreichend Freiraum, um mit Experten konkrete Fragestellungen zu diskutieren.


Fach und Führungskräfte aus der Logistik und Materialflussplanung sowie Anlagenhersteller und Systemintegratoren aus den Bereichen Robotik, Automatisierung und Intralogistik
Fraunhofer IPA
Teresa Mittner
+49 711 970-1108
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart
Robotics Technology Symposium
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Professors Maarten Steinbuch, Eldert van Henten (WUR) and Stefano Stramigioli (UT) will be providing keynotes at the TU/e Robotics Technology Symposium held at the 30th of November.

Checkout the full program and registration at

This symposium is organized by the TU/e High Tech System Center, the connecting element in creating cross-disciplinary high tech research projects.

Target audience
Eindhoven University of Technology
Jesse Scholtes
TNO building, Eindhoven Campus
De Zaale
5612 AZ Eindhoven
Journée Exosquelette organisée par le GT1 « Robotique et Santé »
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Lieu : salle 211, 2ème étage Tour 55-65

Malgré les avancées récentes dans le domaine des exosquelettes d'assistance à la marche des patients paraplégiques ou à la manipulation de charges par des opérateurs sains dans des contextes industriels, un grand nombre de challenges scientifiques et technologiques restent à résoudre, pour les chercheurs mais aussi pour les industriels du domaine. Parmi-ceux là notamment, le développement d'approches de contrôle capable de décoder et s'adapter aux intentions motrices des utilisateurs, ou la gestion de l'interaction physique homme-exosquelette. A ces défis scientifiques, s'ajoutent aussi les questions de l'attente technologique des utilisateurs, très différente d'un cas applicatif à un autre, et du transfert des avancées de laboratoire vers les produits commerciaux avec les problématiques de sécurité des utilisateurs. Cette journée sera donc l'occasion d'échanger sur ces problématiques au travers de l'intervention d'orateurs de différentes communautés.

Liste provisoires des intervenants (le programme définitif sera transmis sous peu):
- Mohammed Bouri et Hannes Bleuler, Laboratoire de systèmes robotiques, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Simon Bastide, Nicolas Vignais et Bastien Berret, Laboratoire CIAMS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay
- Yacine Amirat, équipe SIRIUS, Laboratoire Images, Signaux et Systèmes Intelligents, Univ. Paris-Est Créteil
- Sylain Finet, Société Wandercraft
- Sylvie Arbouy, Association française de normalisation (AFNOR)

Target audience

Nathanaël Jarrassé
Campus Jussieu, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
4 Place Jussieu
75005 Paris
Educational robotics for inclusion
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In questo workshop i docenti potranno capire come utilizzare la robotica educativa come strumento di inclusione sia dal punto di vista sociale, che relazionale e didattico.
Nel corso del workshop verranno presentati alcuni kit robotici e i risultati di un percorso di ricerca e azione nelle scuole della Liguria. Conduce: Emanuele Micheli — scuola di robotica di Genova

Target audience
Medical Doctor,s teachers, tutors, all the cmpanies and cetres dealing with disabilities and inclusion.

alle persone con disabilità e ai loro famigliari
al mondo della scuola: insegnanti curricolari e di sostegno, dirigenti scolastici, referenti dei Centri Territoriali di Supporto (CTS), educatori
alle aziende, dai dirigenti ai responsabili delle risorse umane
al settore socio-sanitario: operatori sociali, dei servizi territoriali e sanitari, fisioterapisti, logopedisti e riabilitatori, geriatri, operatori e responsabili di strutture per anziani
al mondo della ricerca: Università, centri di ricerca
alle istituzioni: sia al livello locale che nazionale
alle associazioni
a tutti i cittadini interessati a conoscere come le tecnologie possano incidere sulla qualità di vita e di inclusione
Handimatica -- Tecnologie digitali per una società inclusiva
051.277823 – 051.277825
Istituto Scolastico Aldini Valeriani- Sirani
Via Bassanelli 9
Salon Autonomic Lille Europe 2017
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Professionnel et Grand Public, les Salons Autonomic sont la référence nationale des acteurs du Handicap, du Grand Âge et du Maintien à Domicile incluant la participation de robots de services.

Depuis 1991, plus de 50 salons se sont tenus dans toute la France, à Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Rennes, Metz, Lille et pour la première fois Bordeaux en 2016.

Ades Organisation
+33 (0)1 46 81 75 00
Lille Grand Palais
1 Boulevard des Cités Unies
59 777 Lille-Euralille
Mi aula “un entorno maker”
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Utilización de robots. Consiste en enseñar cómo funciona un robot interactuando con el , programando su comportamiento ante ciertos estímulos.

Target audience
Alumnos de quinto y sexto
Travesia de la nevera
28723 Pedrezuela, Madrid
Santa Chiara Lab of Siena: WP on Robotics and AI
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Questo workshop, organizzato al Santa Chiara Lab a Siena, punta a metttere in evidenza l'impatto delle tecnologie esponenziali sulla nostra società e come possono essere guidate nella giusta direzione, partendo da oggi.

Il Santa Chiara Lab è un progetto strategico e identitario dell'Università di Siena, uno spazio laboratoriale, espositivo e di dialogo finalizzato all'acquisizione di competenze trasversali (soft skills) e digitali (digital skills), al fine di sostenere l'occupabilità degli studenti e dei laureati dell'Università di Siena e di valorizzare il profilo professionale del personale docente e tecnico-amministrativo universitario.

Target audience
Students of high schools, and university,
Universita di Siena
Via Valdimontone 1
53100 Siena
Show details
bottish is a free digital conference, all about ro/bots. Dec 7 we will stream to various cities in Europe to offline meetups.

Robots and Co-Robots for Industry 4.0
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Workshop devoted to discuss the role of robots and co-robot in the development of the Italian project Industry 4.0

Target audience
Enterprises, companies, engineers, students
Dr. Giraudo
+39 327 4146994
Via Pascal 7
12100 Cuneo
A Gentle Introduction to SLAM
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"A Gentle Introduction to SLAM - Path to Robot Autonomy" is part of "Robotics & AI Club" series. "Robotics & AI Club" is a new project of Osijek Software City association, which has the primary goal of deepening and popularizing fundamental knowledge, skills, and trends in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence, making everyone ready for the robotic future ahead.

What do the NASA rover, Google Car, and Roomba all have in common?
Each performs their duties autonomously - perceiving their environment and acting based on those observations without (or with minimal) human intervention.

The ability of a device to perform autonomously is the necessary stepping stone towards the broad integration of robotic systems into our everyday lives. Regardless of whether we are talking about robots engaged in housecleaning or the exploration of new planets - at its core, autonomy is made up of the same components - one of these common components is SLAM. SLAM is a process whereby a robot simultaneously maps its environment while keeping track of its location within that environment. It is the foundation upon which robot autonomy is built and is one of the most challenging areas to grasp.

Dario Ljubić will present past and current thought on the topic of SLAM and its likely role in the future of robotics. He is a Robotics Engineer at Gideon Brothers and holds a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering. His talk, scheduled for 7 December at 19h will surely inspire anyone with an interest in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence - whether you are an experienced robotics engineer or a non-technical fan of the field.

Target audience
The target audience is everyone who is interested in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence, robotics enthusiasts, student, scientists, or just wants to be informed of the future that is coming.
Gideon Brothers & Mono Software (Osijek Software City)
Department of Mathematics, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek
Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6
31000 Osijek
Seminar on surgical robotics (Parliamo di chirurgia robotica)
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La chirurgia nasce in tempi molto lontani per rispondere alle esigenze di cura specifiche dell’essere umano. Nel corso del tempo ha subito una grande crescita di pari passo con le nuove aspettative di vita del singolo cittadino e del progresso scientifico e tecnologico che ha interessato in modo particolare le tecniche chirurgiche e i dispositivi utilizzati nel campo
sanitario . Il risultato della sopra indicata evoluzione è senza dubbio la Chirurgia Robotica, che, oggi, rappresenta la nuova frontiera della chirurgia mininvasiva , dove la precisione chirurgica raggiunge il suo apice con l’ausilio di una macchina che opera per mezzo del chirurgo. Anche se i costi sono molto alti e non tutte le realtà operative ne possono fare uso , è stato
dimostrato che la sua applicazione in numerose specialità chirurgiche ha un notevole impatto positivo sugli esiti quali: riduzione delle complicanze dell’intervento sia a breve che lungo termine, riduzione del dolore postoperatorio,
riduzione della degenza ospedaliera. Naturalmente, per raggiungere risultati ottimali, questa ’innovazione chirurgica non può essere disgiunta da una corretta ed innovativa gestione della tecnica anestesiologica, da una efficace organizzazione della sala operatoria predisposta e da una specifica formazione del personale medico e infermieristico.

Target audience
Surgeons, Medical Doctors, Health Assistants, Engineers,
Tel. 347 7112772
Aula Magna Presidio Ospedaliero CTO
Via Zuretti 29
10126 Torino
Robotica, una nuova scienza
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Il Dirigente Scolastico della scuola capofila della rete ROBONet, è lieto di invitare le SS.VV. per il giorno sabato 16 Dicembre 2017, nell’ambito degli Open Day previsti per il corrente anno scolastico, all’evento “Robotica, una nuova scienza”, manifestazione aperta a studenti, docenti e genitori sul tema delle nuove tecnologie applicate alla didattica.
Durante la giornata, gli studenti e il personale della nostra scuola guideranno gli intervenuti attraverso ambienti innovativi destinati a rivoluzionare il modo di fare scuola e mostreranno i risultati e le opportunità derivanti dalla partecipazione a diversi concorsi nazionali ed internazionali.
Sono previsti, inoltre, workshop applicativi per studenti e docenti nei seguenti settori:
• Modellazione solida e stampa 3D;
• Elettronica e Arduino;
• Pensiero computazionale e programmazione robot umanoidi.
Per informazioni contattare il Prof. Fausto Avitabile cell. 3312882035 (preferibilmente tramite Whatsapp)

Target audience
ai referenti per le attività di orientamento
ai docenti interessati
ai genitori e agli alunni
Istituto Techico Industriale RENATO ELIA
Fausto Avitabile
Via Annunziatella 55/C
80053 Castellammare di Stabia
LabVIEW Robotics Module
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Robots mean many things to many people, and National Instruments offers intuitive and productive design tools for everything from designing autonomous vehicles to teaching robotics design principals. The NI LabVIEW graphical programming language makes it easy to program complex robotics applications by providing a high level of abstraction for sensor communication, obstacle avoidance, path planning, kinematics, steering, and more.