Robotics with aTTitude3D
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Robotics and content-based programming activities in Mathematics. Using kits-based robots with user-friendly support and a visual programming language, Students will perform activities of direct proportionality and geometry

Target audience
7th and 8th grades students
aTTitude3D and Agrupamento de Escolas de Portela e Moscavide
Paulo Torcato
aTTitude3D Classroom - Escola Secundária Arco ìris
Av. das Escolas 20
2685-202 Portela Lrs
Exhibition of Projects by the Robotics Club of the University of Coimbra
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There will be an exhibition, on the 2nd floor of DEEC, of some of the projects developed in the Robotics Club, both for competitions and personal development of students.

Target audience
The entire community
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Conference Cycle - What if the robots had a sense of smell?
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The ability to detect and react to chemicals is inherent in all living things. Smell is fundamental to the survival of countless species, who use this sense to find food, partners or to avoid dangers. The sense of smell in humans is not as accurate as in other animals, such as the dog, which we resort to when we need to perform particularly demanding tasks, such as detecting explosives, drugs or even victims of major disasters. What if we used scent robots to do these and other tasks?

Target audience
The entire community
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Robotics in the Yellow School
Show details
Robotic activities using Doc Robots and mBot. Programming with visual languages.

Target audience
3rd and 4thgrades students
Agrupamento de Escolas de Portela e Moscavide
Paulo Torcato
EB1/JI da Portela
Av. dos Descobrimentos 5
2685 - 194 Portela Lrs
Robotics in Gaspar
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Robotics and content-based programming activities in Mathematics. Using kits-based robots with user-friendly support and a visual programming language, Students will perform activities of direct proportionality and geometry

Target audience
7th and 8th grades students
Agrupamento de Escolas de Portela e Moscavide
Paulo Torcato
EB23 Gaspar Correia
Av. das Escolas 9
2685-202 Portela Lrs
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Conference Cycle - 5G a Disruptive Technology for Robotics and Automation of the Future
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Can robots evolve without "communicating" with each other or with us? Telecommunications is already a key component of today's robotic systems and will play a disruptive role in future systems. Teleoperation of robots in dangerous places, teleoperation of robots for medicine, support for navigation and tracking of robot teams, cloud robotics, robotic systems to support disasters (formed by teams of robots), etc., are just a few examples of the synergy each between telecommunications and robotics. In this talk you can learn about the multiple opportunities offered to the development of robots and automation systems of the future by the next generation of 5G communications, and how the next generation of communications is already being considered ...

Target audience
The entire community
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Robotics fair
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Three robotics clubs from the schools of Guimarães will showcase their projects.
There will also be a lecture with an investigator from the Department of Industrial Electronic Engineering of the University of Minho.

Target audience
School public.
Curtir Ciência - Centro Ciência Viva de Guimarães
Daniel Ferreira
Curtir Ciência - Centro Ciência Viva de Guimarães
Rua da Ramada n.º 166
Sítio dos Robôs / Robots site
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A Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro junta-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de promover e divulgar atividades e investigação em robótica. Vem conhecer alguns robôs, vê-los em ação e até mesmo programá-los.
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro joins the celebration of the European Robotics Week with the aim of promoting and disseminating activities and research in robotics. Come meet some robots, see them in action and even program them.

Target audience
Students from 1th cycle and on
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro
Rua dos Santos Mártires, nº 1A
3810 - 171 Aveiro
-Oficina dos Robôs - Mecanismos Incríveis / Robotic Workshop - Incredible mechanisms
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Os visitantes mais novos podem ser exímios programadores de sistemas robóticos! Construir um robô com peças Lego, usar sensores, motores, rodas dentadas, correias, alavancas, engrenagens e conceitos de física pode ser uma experiência inesquecível.
Younger visitors can be expert robotic system programmers! Building a robot with Lego parts, using sensors, motors, sprockets, belts, levers, gears and physics concepts can be an unforgettable experience.

Target audience
Students from 1th cycle and on
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro
Rua dos Santos Mártires, nº 1A
3810 - 171 Aveiro
Oficina dos Robôs - Robôs NXT | Robotic Workshop - Robots NXT
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Uma série de mini desafios permitem programar um robô que desempenha um conjunto de tarefas de modo a conseguir chutar uma bola no final. Não faltarão ainda corridas entre equipas para ver quem é mais rápido, mas sem esquecer que é preciso pontaria para acertar na bola.
A series of mini-challenges allow you to program a robot that performs a set of tasks in order to be able to kick a ball at the end. There will not miss races between teams to see who is faster, but not forgetting that it takes aim to hit the ball.

Target audience
Students from secondary high school and on
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro
Rua dos Santos Mártires, nº 1A
3810 - 171 Aveiro
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Visit to the Institute of Systems and Robotics of the University of Coimbra
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The visit starts at the entrance of DEEC, on the 2nd floor, and will start with a short presentation followed by a visit to the labs and ends with a Coffee break at the entrance to the ISR.

Target audience
Higher education
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Robotics@IPLeiria 2018
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Demonstrations showcase at the Robotics Lab, on robotics related projects developed at ESTG/IPLeiria.
Workshop on programming industrial robots to autonomously execute tasks.
NOTE: The workshop will be held from 14h30 to 17h30 and needs needs preregistration through the Ciência Viva website (

Target audience
Everyone (the workshop is limited to 24 High School Students.)
Electrical Engineering Department
Hugo Costelha
Instituto Politécnico de Leira - Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão
Campus 2, Morro do Lena
2411-901 Leiria
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Workshop
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In the context of Engineering, whatever it is, we often come across the need to create rapid prototypes of ideas, or to create molds, or even dynamic presentations of some project for the team or company. 3D printers have never been as used as they are today and are of immense value in this regard, to help us improve the way we express an idea.

This Workshop will aim to better understand 3D printers as well as ways to use them for our benefit and take better advantage of them. There will also be a drawing component where the trainees will have the opportunity to learn some 3D drawing bases in Fusion 360 (Autodesk).
The workshop includes one-piece printing.

Target audience
Higher education
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Workshop
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The Internet of Things is increasingly present in the daily life of the human being. Since the window opens automatically at the time we want to wake up, until the temperature control of the house when we are still leaving our place of work, the chances are endless. But if it may seem like a seven-headed creature to interconnect all these systems, several are the tools that simplify life and allow us, in two steps, through a whole system to work.

Node-RED is a programming tool for connecting hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways. Provides a browser-based editor that facilitates the connection of flows using a large catalog of nodes.

This workshop does not presuppose the existence of previous knowledge and it is necessary, however, for each enrollee to bring his laptop.

At the end of the workshop it is intended that the participants make a small program, taking into account the knowledge acquired in the workshop.

Target audience
Higher education
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Presentation of Projects by the Robotics Club of the University of Coimbra
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The Robotics Club exists with the purpose of serving the students and all those curious about robotics, supporting the development of projects, ideas and the organization of initiatives for training purposes.
In this lecture we will present in more detail what is the Robotics Club and present some of the projects developed.

Target audience
Higher education
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Programação Makey Makey | Program with Makey Makey
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Atividade de programação rápida utilizando linguagens visuais com o objetivo de criar pequenos programas interativos com controlos personalizáveis.
Fast programming activity using visual languages ​​with the aim of creating small interactive programs with customizable controls.

Target audience
Students from secondary and on
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro
Rua dos Santos Mártires, nº 1A
3810 - 171 Aveiro
Robotics in the Hospital
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Robotics and content-based programming activities in Mathematics. Using kits-based robots with user-friendly support and a visual programming language,

Target audience
Students who are admitted to the pediatric service
aTTitude3D and Agrupamento de Escolas de Portela e Moscavide
Paulo Torcato
aTTitude3D - Escola Departamento de Pediatria do Hospital Santa Maria
Av. Prof. Egas Moniz
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Conference Cycle - Robots, energy and autonomy
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In this presentation we will talk about the batteries of the robots and about the relation between their autonomy and the drive of the motors of their actuators.

Target audience
The entire community
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
VIII International RoboCup MSL Workshop
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The overall purpose of the MSL workshop is mainly twofold: on one hand to promote knowledge transfer among RoboCup Middle Size League (MSL) teams, by providing a dedicated space and time specifically for that purpose and, on the other hand, to increase and facilitate a wider discussion regarding the roadmap and future challenges for the league.
The experience gathered in past events has shown that these issues can be more thoroughly and deeply achieved through the participation of teams in a workshop framework than by simply resorting to other ways of dissemination such as sharing experience and information over the cloud.

Target audience
RoboCup Middle Size League team members or people interested in MSL or Mobile Robotics.
Ricardo Dias, Bernardo Cunha, Filipe Amaral, José Luís Azevedo, Nuno Lau
Ricardo Dias
+351 234 370500
IRIS Lab, Universidade de Aveiro
Campo de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
Noah's Space Shuttle
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The activity that we are proposing is divided into three phases and will be developed by six students of the 12th grade, in the classes of physics.
These students are developing a project named "Noah's Space Shuttle", that consists of a rover, equipped with sensors, built using Arduino.
The context of this project is the space exploration.
In fact, we are damaging our planet and exhausting our natural resources.
Maybe the occupation of Mars can be a solution.
Imaging that is the path that we want to follow, we need to understand the effect of Mars environment on the living beings, especially if we are thinking in extended stays.
The robot that these students are developing consists in a monitoring system, that will collect data from the "Martian camp", such as temperature, oxygen levels, air humidity, UV radiation level, etc.
The first phase of our participation in the "European Robotics week" is the presentation of the "Noah's Space Shuttle" project to the 7th-grade students, in a Physics class, since the curriculum includes the space exploration.
The second phase is the moderation of a debate, between the 7th-grade students, about the advantages and disadvantages of robotics in our society.
To include some "hands on" in the activity, the 12th-grade students will guide the younger colleges in the development of a "robotic cockroach".
The activity will end with a robotic cockroach race.

Target audience
The target audience is the students from the 7th grade, since the in the classes of physics they are learning about the space exploration and in the classes of moral and religious education, they spoke about the role of robots in our society.
Besides the 7th graders, the students from the 12th grade that do not study physics (since they are studying psychology and biology) will also attend the presentation.
Colégio da Imaculada Conceição - CAIC
Susana Devesa
00351 969118367
Colégio da Imaculada Conceição - CAIC
3044-519 Coimbra
Robotics in GILCO
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Robotics and content-based programming activities in Mathematics. Using kits-based robots with user-friendly support and a visual programming language, Students will perform activities of direct proportionality and geometry

Target audience
5th to 9th grades students
Grémio Instrução Liberal Campo de Ourique
Paulo Torcato
Grémio Instrução Liberal Campo de Ourique
Largo Dr. António Viana
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Conference Cycle - Marvin, an emotional robot (and paranoid)
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The robots are already in our houses ... Bimbi, Roomba, Aquabot are names that are already familiar to us. But there are others we started to hear: The impressive Atlas to do parcour, the Paro that seems to do nothing but has gained fans in Japan, the Kuri who is spinning, then there is Pepper, Jibo, Aibo and many others .
In this conversation we will talk about the robots that we do not even give them that seem to hide themselves from those who make a point of interacting with us. Speaking of interaction, would it be desirable for robots to express emotions?

Target audience
The entire community
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Workshop de Robótica | Robotics Workshop
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Educational workshop that aimes to raise awareness about the possibilities of robotics in teaching.
[LEGO Mindstorms - EV3, Lego Boost, Lego wedo]

Target audience
5th grade students
Colégio de S. José
Susana Neves,
+351 239 852 330
Colégio de S. José
Rua Frei Tomé de Jesus 11
3000 Coimbra
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On November 24, the National Day of Scientific Culture in Portugal, we invite you to join the Natural History and Science Museum of University of Porto at the Hall of Biodiversity - Ciência Viva Center in the celebration of the European Robotics Week and the Science and Technology Week 2018. Adults will be given the chance to take part in an interesting lecture on the applications, uses and impact of robotics, moderated by Professor Luís Paulo Reis, from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto. Children up to 10 years old will be given the chance to participate in the workshop "Playing with Robots!" and afterwards enjoy a guided tour of the Hall of Biodiversity - Ciência Viva Center. Then share your experience in an informal get together in which small snacks will be served. All activities will be held in Portuguese.

Workshop "Playing with Robots"
Session 1 - 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | Session 2 - 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Visits to the Hall of Biodiversity – Ciência Viva Center
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(max. 20 children up to 10 years old per session/ visit)
Talk "Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in the Future: living side by side with Intelligent Machines!" (max. 50 participants)
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.

Target audience
Adults (lecture) and children above up to 10 years old.
Galeria da Biodiversidade – Centro Ciência Viva| Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto (for registrations)
Jardim Botânico do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, 1191, 4150-181 Porto, Portugal 1191
4150-181 Porto
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Workshop
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In the workshop will be carried out activities of robotics and programming based on contents of the discipline of Mathematics. Using robots based on kits (Lego Ev3), with a user friendly support, and a visual programming language, participants will have the opportunity to perform various tasks on direct proportionality, geometry, etc.

Software to install: on computers: EV3

Target audience
Basic Education, Secondary Education and Parents
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Workshop
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In this workshop will be discussed the various technologies of 3D printing focused on FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling). A few examples will be taken of the care to be taken when drawing to print by this technology. At the same time the machines in the room will be printing something that will be raffled or offered at the end to some participants.

Target audience
Basic Education, Secondary Education and Parents
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Visit to the Institute of Systems and Robotics of the University of Coimbra
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The visit starts at the entrance of DEEC, on the 2nd floor, and will start with a short presentation followed by a visit to the labs and ends with a Coffee break at the entrance to the ISR.

Target audience
Basic Education, Secondary Education and Parents
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Workshop
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This workshop is composed of a set of games and other related activities, using robots with directional commands. The possible articulation between the programming / robotics and the contents of the various disciplinary areas will be made.

Target audience
Basic Education, Secondary Education and Parents
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Presentation of UC Robotics Club, NEEEC / AAC and Bot Olympics
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The Bot Olympics is a highly educational and formative event that has the fulcrum to make known the world of robotics from a fun and a little more simplistic prism in order to captivate the younger minds to a huge area that is neither more nor less than the future of virtually everything around us.
In this talk will be presented the 5th edition of Bot Olympics as well as the bodies that are organizing it.

Target audience
Basic Education, Secondary Education and Parents
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Robotics In Our Lives @ DEEC - Workshop
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In the workshop, robotics and programming activities will be carried out using robots based on "kits" (mBot). Using mBlock visual language participants will have the opportunity to program an mBot robot to try to overcome various challenges.

Software to install: on computers: mBlock3

Target audience
Basic Education, Secondary Education and Parents
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Student's Core of Electrical and Computer Engineering
André Duarte
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3030-290 Coimbra
Workshop DÓING - Programação e Robótica | DÓING Workshop - Programming and Robotics
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Queres iniciar-te no mundo da programação mas não sabes por onde começar? Então este workshop é para ti! Vem dar asas à tua criatividade, aprendendo a programar microcontroladores Arduino de uma forma simples e divertida. Não faltes!
Do you want to get started in the programming world but do not know where to start? So this workshop is for you!
In this European Robotics Week, you can learn how to program Arduino microcontrollers in a simple and funny way. Do not miss it!

Target audience
12 years older
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro
Rua dos Santos Mártires, nº 1A
3810 - 171 Aveiro
Semana Europeia da Robótica no Colégio de N. S. do Rosário
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A Academia de Robótica e Colégio de Nossa Senhora do Rosário juntam-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de divulgar as atividades e a investigação cientifica em robótica. A atividade inclui uma Palestra: Robôs pelo Mundo ...; Workshops: "Eletrónica Divertida", "Robôs que seguem a luz ..." e "Vamos Programar Robôs?"


The Academia de Robótica and the Colégio de Nossa Senhora do Rosário joins to the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2017, with the goal of promoting the research and the activities in robotic. The proposed activity includes a demonstration: Projects developed by the students; Talk: Robots in the World ...; and Workshop: "Funny Electronic", "Robots able to follow the light" and "Let's program robots?"

Target audience
Academia de Robótica
André Dias
Colégio de Nossa Senhora do Rosário
Avenida da Boavista 2856
4100-120 Porto