Show details
The Trade Fair Robotics is a unique B2B fair in Slovenia and the CEE region in the field of robotics. |
Target audience Manufacturers and distributors of robots, robot modifiers, robot diagnostics, suppliers of robotic components, parts and maintenance equipment; robotic solution providers, robot periphery, system integrators, robotic engineering, robot stimulation systems, programming for robotics etc.. |
Icm d.o.o.
Toni Laznik +386 41 668 222 |
Ljubljana, Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Center
Dunajska 18 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia |
13.11.2018 - 10.12.2018 | 08:00 - 18:00
Exhibition at the airport Jože Pučnik, Brniku
Brnik, Slovenia
Show details
In Slovene language: Dogodek: Razstava robotike na Letališču Jožeta Pučnika na Brniku Lokacija: Odhodna avla v 1. nadstropju notranjega dela potniškega terminala (dostopno samo potnikom) Organizator: Institut »Jožef Stefan« Čas dogodka: v času odprtosti letališča |
Target audience All |
Aleš Ude |
Brnik Airport, departure hall, 1st floor passenger terminal
Zg. Brnik 130a 4210 Brnik Slovenia |
19.11.2018 | 10:00 - 14:00
Open House at ABR, IJS
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Show details
Visit the ABR department at IJS. |
Target audience All |
Institut »Jožef Stefan«
Ales Ude |
Jamova 39 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia |
20.11.2018 | 13:30 - 16:00
Collaborative Robotic Centre oppening
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Show details
13.30 Round table: Collaborative robotics in industry 14.40 Invited lecture The How-To-Guide to safe Human-Robot-Collaboration, Bernhard Buchinger, Certified Machinery Safety Expert, Pilz GmbH & Co 15.00 – 15.15 Invited lecture, Collaborative robots as our coworkers, Igor Lekše, direktor avtomatizacije procesov, TPV, d.o.o. 15.15 presentation of book “Robotics”, M. Mihelj, T. Bajd, A. Ude, J. Lenarčič, A. Stanovnik, M. Munih, J. Rejc, S. Šlajpah, Springer, 2018 15.20 - 16.00 Presentatoin and visit of Collaborative Robotic Centre |
Target audience Invited industry, research, academia and media interested in collaborative robotics. Please sign in advance by sending message to |
Marko Munih |
Tržaška 25 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia |
20.11.2018 | 19:00 - 20:00
Will the robots be soon our collaborators?
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Show details
This will be lecture for general public, title: Will the robots be soon our collaborators? |
Bojan Nemec |
Atrij ZCR
Novi trg 2 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia |
21.11.2018 | 12:00 - 13:30
KC Roboflex - Open House
Celje, Slovenia
Show details
The Roboflex Competence Centre will present activities and possibilities of collaboration. Demostrated will be collaborative technology, including Kuka LBR iiwa. |
Target audience Industry, academia |
KC Roboflex
mag. Tone Sagadin |
ETRA d.o.o.
Bukovžlak 101 101 3000 Celje Slovenia |
22.11.2018 | 14:00 - 18:00
Conference Kočevje 4.0
Kočevje, Slovenia
Show details
Program konference (in Slovene language): 13.30 – 14.00 Registracija in pijača dobrodošlice 14.00 – 15.00 Predstavitve – primeri dobrih praks RLS Merilna tehnika d.o.o. – Simon Smolnikar TPV d.o.o. – dr. Tomaž Savšek YASKAWA Europe Robotics d.o.o. – dr. Hubert Kosler SRIP - Tovarne prihodnosti – dr. Rudi Panjtar 15.00 – 15.40 Okrogla miza: Industrija 4.0 in njen vpliv na poslovanje in razvoj podjetij 15.40 – 16.00 Odmor za kavo in mreženje 16.00 – 16.50 Okrogla miza: Vpliv trenutnih investicijskih vlaganj 4.0 na regijo JV Slovenija s poudarkom na trikotniku Ljubljana–Kočevje–Novo mesto 16.50 – 17.30 Mreženje s pogostitvijo lokalnih dobrot Zakladi Kočevske Strokovno konferenco bo moderirala ga. Maja Ratej. Dodatne informacije o dogodku: Jernej Kalan,, 040 567 785 Jernej Kalan Podjetniški inkubator Kočevje |
Target audience All |
Podjetniški inkubator Kočevje
Jernej Kalan 040 567 785 |
Kulturni center Kočevje
Trg zbora odposlancev 62 1330 Kočevje Slovenia |