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Come and join us at the Danish Technology Institute for 2 days of robotics fun, hosted by our very own robotics engineering and High5Girls rolemodel Clionadh Martin (Clio). Clio will bring you through a journey of learning how to think like a robot, to see their possibilities and learn how the robots around you think and feel. This will all be based on real life scenarios and applications. Once you are happy you can think like a robot, we will apply that thinking to develop our very own Line Following robot, from physically assembling all the pieces together, writing code to tell it what to do, and having a bit of friendly competition with your new friends. Where: Dansk Teknologisk Institut i Odense |
Target audience Girls 13-15 years old |
High5Girls NGO
Marianne Andersen 26351660 |
9C97+M5 Odense
forskerparken 10 5230 odense Denmark |
Robotics in Society
Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
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New technology event. Get new technology Insights, knowledge and networking. The Robots are here whether we like it or not - how do we want to live with the robots. That's the question. |
Target audience Business persons, researchers, Users of Robotics |
Marianne Andersen 26351660 |
QGPC+6H Lyngby
anker engelundsvej 1 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark |
25.09.2021 - 26.09.2021 | 15:00 - 15:00
Robots for girls
nordborg, Denmark
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Piger 13-15 år. Vi skal kode robotter hos Universe Science Park. Robotter er en stor del af den verden vi lever i – man lægger måske ikke mærke til det hver dag, men de hjælper os allerede med masser af ting. Det er sjovt at kode – og ja alle kan være med, når vi tager fat på robotkodning. Så kom og vær med til en dag med masser af robot-sjov, når High5Girls inviterer til introduktion til robotternes verden på Universe i Sønderborg. Sammen med High5Girls’ unge rollemodel og robot-ingeniør Nuria vil du lære at tænke som en robot, og vi skal se på, hvordan vi kan bruge robotter til at skabe bedre liv for mennesker. Når du har lært at tænke som en robot, skal vi sammen finde på opgaver, som kunne være sjove at få en robot til at løse – så koder vi ’Fable robotten’, og til sidst præsenterer I jeres robotter for hinanden. |
Target audience Girls 13-15 years old |
Marianne Andersen 26351660 |
universe science park 2RR5+HX Nordborg
mads patent vej 1 6430 nordborg Denmark |
05.11.2021 - 06.11.2021 | 15:00 - 15:00
Drones for girls 13-15 years old
Kgs Lyngby, Denmark
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Piger 13-15 år. Oplev og eksperimenter med droner og forstå, hvordan de konstrueres. Droner eksisterer i mange former og kan være en slags miniature-fly. Definitionen på en drone er et ubemandet flyvende fartøj, som kan flyve helt eller delvist selv. Det bliver en sjov dag med både læring og øvelser, hvor fantasien slippes løs, når vi finder på opgaver, som droner kan løse for at hjælpe mennesker. Du kommer til at møde Neha – hun er vores unge rollemodel. Hun er ingeniør og studerer robotteknologi. Det er hende, der vil hjælpe os med at forstå, bygge og lære os at flyve med dronerne. Vi får også besøg af Alexandra, som arbejder på en drone, der kan redde mennesker, der er faldet overbord på et skib. Den kommer hun og viser os. Campen vil foregå på dansk og engelsk. Du behøver ikke være flydende i engelsk for vi er flere dansktalende til stede, der gerne hjælper. |
Target audience Girls 13-15 years old |
High5Girls NGO
Marianne Andersen 26351660 |
QGPC+6H Lyngby
Anker Engelunds Vej 1 2800 Kgs Lyngby Denmark |
18.11.2021 | 15:30 - 18:00
StartUp Walk-In
Odense M, Denmark
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Soak up knowledge about starting a robot business, meet like-minded people from the startup community and get a lot of good advice. Lasse Kieffer - Universal Robots pioneer, Purple Robotics founder and company investor - will also share his experieneces with you. At StartUp Walk-In you will… • Get a sense of the startup environment and gain new knowledge. This is your chance to meet like-minded people and expand your network. • Learn more about what is happening on the entrepreneur front at the event’s Open Mic, where some of the latest ideas within robot technology will be presented. • Meet various service providers who will be ready to feed you great advice and guidance, which you can take with you on your next steps towards becoming an entrepreneur. |
Target audience Startup companies, investors and students |
Odense Robotics + Danish Technological Institute
Kathrine Viskum Rasmussen +4572202073 |
Danish Technological Institute
Forskerparken 10F 5230 Odense M Denmark |
18.11.2021 | 11:00 - 15:00
Brenderup, Denmark
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Introduction to Wearable Robotics to industrial production companies, with 4 local suppliers and 5 researge institueres. learn - see -and test them your selve. Following brands will be shown: AUXIVO - COMAU - ERGOSANTÉ - HMT - LAEVO - OTTOBOCK - SKELEX - SUITX. |
Target audience Industrial, medical, production, logistic, all who works with one-sided, repetitive work tasks. |
Arne Urskov +4540219521 |
Brenderup Aktivitetscenter
Kirkevej 13 5464 Brenderup Denmark |
24.11.2021 | 13:30 - 16:00
SDU Industry Day in Sønderborg (HYBRID - ENGLISH)
Sønderborg, Denmark
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PARTICIPATION IS POSSIBLE BOTH ONLINE AND PHYSICALLY! Join our annual event for technology-driven companies. We warmly invite you to learn more about applied research, innovation with industry and our labs. SPEAKERS AND TALKS - Automated production systems: Collaboration with researchers and students Per Lachenmeier, EasyRobotics - Fuel Cell Manufacturing: Partnership for developing and testing new technologies Christian Jepsen, STRECON A/S - New materials for the green transition: From photovoltaics and smart textiles to electronics Horst-Günter Rubahn, SDU - Agile machine and production development: A virtual laboratory for collaboration Arne Bilberg, SDU - Integrated motor drive: Collaboration with Danfoss for energysaving, user-friendly and reliable solutions Wulf-Toke Franke, SDU Lab tour: Additive manufacturing, cyber-physical lab, materials analysis, VR/AR characterization, motors, reliability of power electronics, simulation and digital twin |
Target audience Researchers and Industry professionals |
Frank Jürgensen +45 93507126 |
SDU Sønderborg
Alsion 2 6400 Sønderborg Denmark |
24.11.2021 - 25.11.2021 | 08:00 - 18:00
CCAS conference - Frontiers in Autonomous Systems
Lyngby, Denmark
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Welcome to the first edition of the DTU conference “Frontiers in Autonomous Systems” (FAS 2021), organized and hosted by Odense Robotics and the DTU Centre for Collaborative Autonomous Systems (CCAS). We invite all interested stakeholders from private enterprises and public institutions to join us on November 24-25 2021 to discuss the state of development of autonomous systems’ technologies across different industrial domains, to identify challenges and opportunities towards the actualization of the autonomous systems’ agenda in the Danish and European societies, to network and establish new collaborations. The conference program will offer plenary talks by leading international scientists, keynotes from academia and industry, short presentations by early stage researchers, technological demos in the DTU Autonomous Systems Test Arena, and the opportunity to take a ride in the LINC Autonomous Bus. We have selected four focus areas for this first edition – Autonomous Robots and Drones; Ethics and Law for AI-driven Systems; Interaction between Humans and Intelligent Machines; Intelligent Energy Systems – and the plenary talks will provide bold perspectives on these topics. Keynote speakers from industry and academia will address several topics covering smart urban mobility, autonomous waterborne transport, autonomous drones for inspection, playware technology for rehabilitation, and much more. We look forward to welcoming you here at DTU and shaping together the future of autonomous systems in Denmark! Full updated programme available here Link for free live stream Day 1): Day 2): |
Target audience Industry and Academia |
Ole Andersen |
Anker Engelunds Vej 1 2800 Lyngby Denmark |
07.12.2021 - 07.12.2021 | 15:30 - 17:30
UX/UI & Cobots
Odense C, Denmark
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How to work with UX and UI to get better implementation solutions with your cobot concept or other automation solutions. |
Target audience Automation Industry |
UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole
Maria Windt Jul +4521598169 |
UCL University College
Seebladsgade 1 5000 Odense C Denmark |
23.03.2022 - 25.03.2022 | 09:00 - 16:00
R-22: Robotics, Automation & Drones
Odense SØ, Denmark
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Experience R-22, the Nordic countries’ brand-new and largest fair in Robotics, Automation and Drones. Denmark is known for being at the forefront of robotics, and this event will feature the latest trends and technologies through a wide range of exhibits, conferences and workshops within manufacturing, construction, agriculture, horticulture, energy and healthcare. |
Target audience CEO, CTO, CPO, COO, CVO and CQO. End-users and professionals in industries such as manufacturing, construction, agriculture, horticulture, energy, hospitals and Municipalities. Developers, integrators, startups, investors, consultants, and researchers. R-22 will be open for students on March 25, where universities, colleges, technical colleges and other educational institutions can visit the fair. |
Odense Congress Center
Katarina Fruerlund Deylami 61394880 |
Odense Congress Center
Ørbækvej 350 5220 Odense SØ Denmark |