ERL Consumer Live Demo, Lisbon, PT, 2020
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## Update ##
This event is now complete. Catch up now and watch the best moments of each FBM, together with verbal explanations and the RSBB operation, as well as the full record of the live stream via our YouTube channel (link below).

Due to the pandemic situation, the European Robotics League (ERL) Consumer Lisbon Local Tournament planned for this coming week within the frame of the H2020 SciRoc project, will not take place.

Nevertheless, the local SocRob@Home team will go ahead with a sequence of real test demos (not counting for awards and/or Season rankings) on the newly introduced (but not tested before) Functionality Benchmarks FBMs 4-6 (on people detection and following, and on object manipulation). This will be streamed live via our YouTube channel.

The planned schedule is (Lisbon times, currently GMT)

- FBM4: Monday 16 Nov 10h-13h
- FBM5: Monday 16 Nov 14h-17h
- FBM6: Tuesday 17 Nov 10h-13h

Details can be found in the event web page.

Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon (IST-ID)
Pedro U. Lima / Meysam Basiri /
ISRoboNet@Home Test Bed, Institute for Systems and Robotics
ERL Consumer Local Tournament, Bristol, UK, March 2022
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* Due to the COVID-19 outbreak our entire 2020/21 ERL season has been postponed until 2022.*

We are pleased to announce that the Bristol Robotics Laboratory (BRL), Bristol, UK will host the first ERL Consumer local tournament of the ERL 2022 Season (postponed from 2020/21). The BRL is a collaborative partnership between the University of the West of England and the University of Bristol. The tournament will be hosted in the BRL’s Personalised Assisted Living Studio which is certified for use as an ERL Consumer Service Robots testbed.

## Key Dates: ##
Application deadline: 14 February 2022
Qualification announcement: 18 February 2022

## How to apply: ##
Interested teams should email expressing their intention to participate in the tournament and provide the following information about the team:
- Team name
- Team Leader name
- Total number of team members (including the team leader)
- Affiliation
- Contact information (e-mail and phone number of team leader)
- Website (if applicable)

## Tournament Rules: ##
The rules of the competition can be downloaded from:

The Task Benchmarks (TBM) and Functionality Benchmarks (FBMs) available at this tournament are:

TBM1: Getting to Know My Home
TBM2: Welcoming Visitors
TBM3: Catering for Granny Annie's Comfort
TBM4: Visit My Home

FBM3: Speech Understanding

Target audience
Universities, research labs, industry and/or end-users.

The event will be open to the general public on: TBC.
Please contact the local organisers for more information.
Bristol Robotics Laboratory / European Robotics League
Sarah Carter
Bristol Robotics Laboratory, T Block, University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus
Coldharbour Lane T Block
BS161QY Bristol
United Kingdom
ERL Consumer Local Tournament, Oldenburg, DE, May 2022
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* Due to the COVID-19 outbreak our entire 2020/21 ERL season has been postponed until 2022.*

### Key Dates ###
1 April 2022: Deadline for application
8 April 2022: Qualification announcement
2 May 2022: Competition begins
6 May 2022: Competition ends

More details to follow.

OFFIS Institute for Information Technology
Max Pfingsthorn
0049 441 9722 450
OFFIS Institute for Information Technology
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg
ERL Consumer Local Tournament, Leon ES May 2022
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* Due to the COVID-19 outbreak our entire 2020/21 ERL season has been postponed until 2022.*

As part of the 2021/22 Season, we are pleased to announce a Local Tournament of the ERL Consumer challenge, to be held between May 9th to May 13th, 2022 at León, Spain.

Important dates:
24 Apr 2022 - Deadline for application
01 May 2022 - Qualification announcement
09 May 2022 - Competition begins
13 May 2022 - Competition ends

The rules of the competition can be downloaded from:

For the Local ERL Consumer Tournament, the following task benchmarks (TBMs) will be (tentatively) considered:
• TBM1: Getting to Know My Home
• TBM2: Welcoming Visitors
• TBM3: Catering for Granny Annie's Comfort
• TBM4: Visit My Home

Besides, the following Functionality benchmarks (FBMs) will be (tentatively) considered:
• Object perception functionality
• Navigation functionality
• Speech Understanding Functionality
• People Perception Functionality

Important note: we are installing a new MoCap system, and we hope it will be prepared for the competition. However, teams should assume that the system might not be ready.

Applicant teams must send an email to expressing their intention to participate in the Tournament and providing the following information about the team:

- Team name
- Team Leader name
- Total number of team members (including the team leader)
- Affiliation
- Contact information (e-mail and phone of team leader)
- Website
- Qualification material (see below).

Qualification Material - applicants are required to submit (template can be downloaded from

- Team Description Paper (TDP) (max. 4 pages, LNCS [3]) explaining the team’s approach to the technical challenges - including:
i) the list of TBMs the team intends to participate in
ii) a brief description of the robot system software and hardware architectures
iii) the relation with the team research - including a list of relevant publications
- Video showing evidence of some performance in the tasks and/or functionalities selected by the team

Selection Criteria:
Teams will be selected for participation based on
- Number of available slots for team participation in the tournament;
- Team research quality, as measured from the TDP and list of relevant publications;

Target audience
Participants include undergraduate students, Master and PhD students, postdocs, researchers from universities.

General public will be welcomed. Contact the organisers for details.

Universidad de León
Ángel Manuel Guerrero Higueras
MIC (Módulo de Investigación en Cibernética), University of León
Avenida de los Jesuitas
24007 Leon
ERL Consumer Local Tournament, Lisbon, PT June 2022
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* Due to the COVID-19 outbreak our entire 2020/21 ERL season has been postponed until 2022.*

We are pleased to announce a Local Tournament on the ERL Consumer Service Robots (ERL Consumer) challenge, to be held between 20-24 June 2022 at the Institute for Systems and Robotics of IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

For the ERL-SR Tournaments, the following task and functionality benchmarks will be (tentatively) considered:

TBM1: Getting to Know My Home
TBM2: Welcoming Visitors
TBM3: Catering for Granny Annie's Comfort
TBM4: Visit My Home

The full rulebook can be found here:

## Important dates: ##
15 April 2022 - Deadline for application
30 April 2022 - Qualification announcement
20 June 2022 - Competition begins
24 June 2022 - Competition ends

## Application procedure: ##
Applicant teams must send an email to expressing their intention to participate in the Tournament and providing the following information about the team:
- Team name
- Team Leader name
- Total number of team members (including the team leader)
- Affiliation
- Contact information (e-mail and phone of team leader)
- Website
- Qualification material :
Team Description Paper (max. 4 pages) explaining the team’s approach to the technical challenges including a brief description of software and hardware architectures, the relation with the team research, and a list of relevant publications.
Video showing evidence of some performance in the tasks and/or functionalities of the challenge selected by the team

## Selection Criteria: ##
Teams will be selected for participation and travel support based on
- number of available slots for team participation in the tournament (3, in this case);
- team research quality, as measured from the TDP and list of relevant publications.

## Key Contacts: ##
Pedro Lima -
Meysam Basiri -

Please see the dedicated google website for full details.

Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon (IST-ID)
Pedro U. Lima
ISRoboNet@Home Test Bed, Institute for Systems and Robotics
ERL Consumer Local Tournament, Nottingham, UK, June 2022
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* Due to the COVID-19 outbreak our entire 2020/21 ERL season has been postponed until 2022.*

The "European Robotics League- Consumer Service Robots" is an innovative concept for robot competitions which stems from its predecessor, the RoCKIn@Home competition, and focuses on tasks that service robots execute in a real home environment.

The ERL Consumer is composed of multiple "Local Tournaments", held in different research labs across Europe, with certified test beds, and a few "Major Tournaments". Teams participate in a minimum of two Tournaments (Local and/or Major) per year and get scores based on their performances. Scores of the best two participation in tournaments for each team are added and teams are ranked based on their cumulative score. Prizes for the top teams are awarded at the end of the event.

We are pleased to announce a Local Tournament on the ERL Consumer Service Robots (ERL Consumer) challenge, to be held between 27 June to 1 July 2022 at the Cobot Maker Space, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.

For the ERL-SR Tournaments, the following task and functionality benchmarks will be (tentatively) considered:
TBM1: Getting to Know My Home
TBM2: Welcoming Visitors
TBM3: Catering for Granny Annie's Comfort
TBM4: Visit My Home

FBM1: Object Perception
FBM2: Navigation
FBM3: Speech Understanding
FMB4: People Perception
FBM5: Person Following
FBM6: Grasping and Manipulation

## Important Dates ##
8 June 2022 - Deadline for application
10 June 2022 - Qualification announcement
27 June 2022 - Competition begins
1 July 2022 - Competition ends

## Application Procedure ##
Applicant teams must send an email to expressing their intention to participate in the Tournament and providing the following information about the team:
- Team name
- Team Leader name
- Total number of team members (including the team leader)
- Affiliation
- Contact information (e-mail and phone of team leader)
- Website
- Qualification material, to include:
1. Team Description Paper (max. 4 pages) explaining the team’s approach to the technical challenges including a brief description of software and hardware architectures, the relation with the team research, and a list of relevant publications.
2. Video showing evidence of some performance in the tasks and/or functionalities of the challenge selected by the team.

## Selection Criteria ##
Teams will be selected for participation based on:
- number of available slots for team participation in the tournament (4, in this case);
- team research quality, as measured from the Team Description Page and list of relevant publications;

Cyber-physical Health and Assistive Robotics Technologies (CHART) Research Group
Praminda Caleb-Solly
Cobot Maker Space, The Nottingham Geospatial Building
Triumph Road
NG7 2TU Nottingham
United Kingdom