Lego and Arduino workshop
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Learn how to make dance-robot from Lego Windstorms EV3 and how to make automatic watering of plants using Arduino.

Target audience
primary school students
Robotics and informatics club Kriz
Ana Sovic Krzic
Osnovna skola Josipa Badalica
Zagrebacka 11
10313 Graberje Ivanicko
Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break
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The goal of the initiative Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break is to promote new technologies, in particular robotics, among pupils from small towns and villages in Romania, in order to connect them with the latest innovation products and to stimulate them to think creatively and dream big.

Target audience
School pupils in at least 4 schools in 4 counties in Romania
E-Civis & Digital Citizens Romania
Ana-Maria Stancu
Scoala Generala nr.1
Calea Bucuresti 168
127379 Mihailesti, jud. Buzau
Roboty przemysłowe
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Prezentacja w firmie Mitsubishi Electric rozpocznie się od spotkania na którym nastąpi prezentacja robotów Mitsubishi Electric (30 minut). Następnie uczestnicy przejdą do centrum pokazowego gdzie będą mogli obejrzeć roboty na żywo, a także wejść z nimi w interakcję.
Planowane są dwa spotkania: pierwsze start o godzinie 10:00, drugie o godzinie 13:00 .
Max 30 osób na każde spotkanie

Target audience
Uczniowie szkół średnich i studenci pierwszych lat studiów.
Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Oddział w Polsce
Damian Wilk
Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Oddział w Polsce
Krakowska 50
32-083 Balice
European Robotics League Local Tournament at ISR/IST Lisbon
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This will be the third Tournament of the all-year European Robotics League - Service Robots challenge (ERL-SR), and also its second Local Tournament in Lisbon (next one will take place in Peccioli, Italy, in February 2017). Three teams from U. Koblenz (Germany), U. Birmingham (UK) and U. de Extremadura + U. de Castilla-La Mancha + U. de Málaga (Spain) will develop joint work and compete for the ERL-SR Year Awards in several tasks involving domestic robot systems deployed in a real apartment, while interacting with humans living in the apartment.

Target audience
All age ranges, from young high-school kids to adults. The location is not too large, so the number of entrances available will have to be kept very small.
Pedro U. Lima
Institute for Systems and Robotics
Instituto Superior Técnico, Torre Norte, Av. Rovisco Pais 1
1049-001 Lisboa
Humanóides e Papagaios / Humanoids and Parrots
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A Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro junta-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de promover e divulgar atividades e investigação em robótica. Neste evento vamos apresentar e demonstrar como funcionam dois tipos de robôs completamente diferentes:
- mais que um brinquedo para fazer acrobacias, vamos conhecer alguma da ciência por trás do funcionamento de um drone.
- a ficção cinematográfica alimenta a nossa imaginação, nem sempre da melhor forma. Vamos desmistificar o que está por trás de um robô humanóide, quais as suas capacidades e limitações.


Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro joins the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2015, with the objective of promoting and publicizing robotics activities and investigation. In this event we will present and demonstrate how two types of completely different robots work:
- more than a toy for acrobatics, we will get to know some of the science behind the functioning of a drone.
- cinematographic fiction feeds our imagination, not always in the best way. Let us demystify what is behind a humanoid robot, its capacities and limitations.

Target audience
Students from 2nd cycle and on
General public ( > 10 year old)
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva / IEETA
João Silva
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva
Rua dos Santos Mártires 1A
3810-171 Aveiro
INVENTORS1: extracurricular class CEIP Príncipe Felipe
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Special class within INVENTORS 1 extracurricular activities

Target audience
1th grade students of secundary school
Isaac Barona
CEIP Príncipe Felipe
Calle de José Antonio 48
28660 Boadilla del Monte
SCHUNK Robot Competition
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November 23, 2016: Welcome, Presentation of the Tasks, Design and construction of the robot
November 24, 2016: Programming of the robot
November 25, 2016: In the Morning: Fine tuning and test run
In the Afternoon: Competition and Award Ceremony

Target audience
Everybody who is interested in Robot Automation
SCHUNK GmbH & Co. KG, Bahnhofstr- 106 - 134, D-74348 Lauffen
Martn Aichert
SCHUNK Ausbildungszentrum
Im Brühl 72
74348 Lauffen
Robottiviikko Teollisuus
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A seminar evening about the use of robots in the industry and how to succeed with the help of them.

Robotit tuottavuuden tekijänä
Marko Utriainen, Liiketoimintayksikön johtaja, ABB Oy, Wiring Accessories

Robotiikkaratkaisut kansainvälisille markkinoille
Pekka Heikonen, hallituksen pj, Pemamek Oy

Robotiikan sovelluskohteet (pk-)teollisuudessa
Samuli Bergström, Nordic Industrial Marketing Manager, Omron Electronics Oy

Näin onnistut robottihankinnassa
Oskari Hakaluoto, toimitusjohtaja, Roboco Oy

Teollisen robotiikan menestys kohtaa palvelualan tulevaisuuden – myös Suomessa
Juhani Lempiäinen, toimitusjohtaja, Deltatron Oy

Airo Island Ry
Nicholas Andersson
04 0501 6505
Airo Island
Viikintie, 1, 1 1
00560 Helsinki
Robottiviikon teollisuuspäivä
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Robottiviikon teollisuuspäivä 23.11. järjestetään Suomen Robotiikkayhdistys ry:n ja AiRo Islandin yhteistyönä. robotics_week_logo_land_without_strapYhdistyksen osuutena on teollisuuspäivän seminaarin sisältö otsikolla ’Robotit tekevät töitä Suomeen’. Lisätietoja, ilmoittautumiset ja tarkat aikataulut robotiiviikon sivuilta.


Marko Utriainen, Liiketoimintayksikön johtaja, ABB Oy, Wiring Accessories, esityksen alustavana otsikkona ’Robotit tuottavuuden tekijänä’
Pekka Heikonen, hallituksen pj, Pemamek Oy, ’Robotiikkaratkaisut kansainvälisille markkinoille’
Samuli Bergström, Nordic Industrial Marketing Manager, Omron Electronics Oy, ’Robotiikan sovelluskohteet (pk-)teollisuudessa’
Oskari Hakaluoto, toimitusjohtaja, Roboco Oy, ’Näin onnistut robottihankinnassa’
Juhani Lempiäinen, toimitusjohtaja, Deltatron Oy, ’Teollisen robotiikan menestys kohtaa palvelualan tulevaisuuden – myös Suomessa’

The Robotic Society in Finland
Jyrki Latokartano
AiRo Island
Viikintie 1
00700 Helsinki
Futebol Robótico na UA / Robotic Soccer at UA
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A Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro junta-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de promover e divulgar atividades e investigação em robótica. Nesta atividade, os participantes vão ficar a conhecer a equipa de futebol robótico CAMBADA, do IEETA, UA. Vão ser apresentados os robôs e seus princípios de funcionamento, vão ser visualizados vídeos de resumo de jogos oficiais e demonstrados os robôs ao vivo, num conjunto de jogadas e estratégias utilizadas pela equipa.


Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro joins the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2015, with the objective of promoting and publicizing robotics activities and investigation. In this activity, the participants will get to know the CAMBADA robotic soccer team, from IEETA, UA. The robots will be presented, as well as their functioning principles, official games highlight videos will be visualized and a live demonstration of the robots will be performed, with a set of setplays and strategies used by the team.

Target audience
Students from 2nd cycle and on
General public ( > 10 year old)
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva / IEETA
João Silva
Laboratório IRIS / IRIS Laboratory (UA)
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
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