MAKERS1: extracurricular class CEIP Eugenio María de Hostos
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Special class within MAKERS 1 extracurricular activities

Target audience
2 and 3th grade students of primary school
Isaac Barona
Eugenio María de Hostos school
Calle Valdevarnes 26
28039 Madrid
Three Extraordinary Robotics Days!
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All the students of the Comprehensive School Soleri (around 700) will be involved in three extraordinary robotics days.
Teachers and students will be using robotics kits (Lego Wedo e i robot nxt), to start a journey in our humans senses, and of those of some animals. They will be discovering how animals use their sense, also about some animal senses we humans do not have. They will compare human senses, animal senses, and robots sensors.
Could robots sobstitute human senses, when needed? the driverless cars are an example of it.
Teachers ans students will build a deriverless car. All the students will be involved in this marathon, a kind of roboticon, from 5 to 14 years old, everyone according to his or her competences.

Il giorno 7 novembre 2016 15:22, Andrea Giuso ha scritto:
Andrea Giuso
IC Cuneo Corso Soleri, plesso San Rocco, piazzale Don Marro 9
età alunni 11-13 anni
classi coinvolte 6, alunni 150
Tipologia: Challenge Robotico. Tutte le classi saranno coinvolte con l'utilizzo di Scratch - WeDo - NXT.
quando: 25 novembre dalle 9 alle 13
per i contenuti sto cercando di coinvolgere docenti ..... non riesco ad essere più preciso.... vorrei immaginare uno scenario su cui tutti lavorano a diverso livello ....

Target audience
Teachers and students of the
plesso san rocco (medie) 6 classi
plesso via mazzini (medie) 4 classi
plesso soleri (elementari) 5 classi
IC Soleri Cuneo
Prof. Andrea Giuso
+39 0171692213
IC Cuneo Soleri
corso Marcello Soleri 1
12100 Cuneo
Robottiviikon teollisuuspäivä
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Robottiviikon teollisuuspäivä 23.11. järjestetään Suomen Robotiikkayhdistys ry:n ja AiRo Islandin yhteistyönä. robotics_week_logo_land_without_strapYhdistyksen osuutena on teollisuuspäivän seminaarin sisältö otsikolla ’Robotit tekevät töitä Suomeen’. Lisätietoja, ilmoittautumiset ja tarkat aikataulut robotiiviikon sivuilta.


Marko Utriainen, Liiketoimintayksikön johtaja, ABB Oy, Wiring Accessories, esityksen alustavana otsikkona ’Robotit tuottavuuden tekijänä’
Pekka Heikonen, hallituksen pj, Pemamek Oy, ’Robotiikkaratkaisut kansainvälisille markkinoille’
Samuli Bergström, Nordic Industrial Marketing Manager, Omron Electronics Oy, ’Robotiikan sovelluskohteet (pk-)teollisuudessa’
Oskari Hakaluoto, toimitusjohtaja, Roboco Oy, ’Näin onnistut robottihankinnassa’
Juhani Lempiäinen, toimitusjohtaja, Deltatron Oy, ’Teollisen robotiikan menestys kohtaa palvelualan tulevaisuuden – myös Suomessa’

The Robotic Society in Finland
Jyrki Latokartano
AiRo Island
Viikintie 1
00700 Helsinki
Robotic@UTAD and Micromouse Portuguese Contest Demostration
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Demonstration of robots that participate on National Robotic Contest (Robotica) - Autonomous Driving Contest, and also, the Micromouse Portuguese Contest annually organized by University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD).

Target audience
All public
Engineering Department
Antonio Valente
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
Quinta de Prados
5000-801 Vila Real
Robotic day part 1
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A tour in industrial robotics laboratory. Short history of industrial robots. Performance with robots: robots drawing, moving objects in environment and robots cooperation, when two robots are bottling and distributing soft drinks.

Target audience
Pupils of 8-12 class, students
Kaunas University of Technology
Olga Fiodorova, Virginijus Baranauskas,
+370 45 596 253
Panevėžys Faculty of Technologies and Business
Nemuno str. 33-104
LT-37164 Panevezys
Robostudio - Teollisuus
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Robostudio is a paneldiscussion that is streamed.

In wednesday Robostudio we discuss about Robotics in the Industry

Moderator Cristina Andersson, hallituksen jäsen, Airo Island ry

Janne Leinonen, johtaja, Robotics liiketoiminta, ABB Oy
Anu-Hanna Anttila, tutkimuspäällikkö, Metallityöväen liitto ry
Ville Peltola, toimialajohtaja, Teknologiateollisuus
Ari Maunuksela, toimitusjohtaja, TEAK Oy
Harri Jaskari, kansanedustaja

Airo Island Ry
Nicholas Andersson
040 501 6505
Airo Island
Viikintie, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 1
00560 Helsinki
We built a 3D printer
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A class of 24 students builds a 3D printer and learn how to use it and make designs in 3D

Target audience
13-14 years old
SESA, Sistemas Electrónicos SL
Julio Rodriguez Borges
British Council
Calle Solano 5-7
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón
European Robotics League Local Tournament at ISR/IST Lisbon
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This will be the third Tournament of the all-year European Robotics League - Service Robots challenge (ERL-SR), and also its second Local Tournament in Lisbon (next one will take place in Peccioli, Italy, in February 2017). Three teams from U. Koblenz (Germany), U. Birmingham (UK) and U. de Extremadura + U. de Castilla-La Mancha + U. de Málaga (Spain) will develop joint work and compete for the ERL-SR Year Awards in several tasks involving domestic robot systems deployed in a real apartment, while interacting with humans living in the apartment.

Target audience
All age ranges, from young high-school kids to adults. The location is not too large, so the number of entrances available will have to be kept very small.
Pedro U. Lima
Institute for Systems and Robotics
Instituto Superior Técnico, Torre Norte, Av. Rovisco Pais 1
1049-001 Lisboa
Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break
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The goal of the initiative Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break is to promote new technologies, in particular robotics, among pupils from small towns and villages in Romania, in order to connect them with the latest innovation products and to stimulate them to think creatively and dream big.

Target audience
School pupils in at least 4 schools in 4 counties in Romania
E-Civis & Digital Citizens Romania
Ana-Maria Stancu
Scoala Generala nr.1
Calea Bucuresti 168
127379 Mihailesti, jud. Buzau
BRAIN-UNIR: extracurricular class Maria Virgen
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Special class within BRAIN 1 extracurricular activities

Target audience
1th grade students of primary school
Isaac Barona
María Virgen school
Calle de Padre Damián 20
28036 Madrid
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38