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A team of KUKA employees offers children an unforgettable experience. After an interactive presentation aiming at the kids interests, the youngster get the chance to controll the little mobile robot youBot. Please email or call +49 271 400340-6910 if you want to participate. Please understand that the number of participants is restricted. |
Target audience Kids aged 6-10 |
Susanne Juliane Romero +49 271 400340-6910 |
Technikmuseum Freudenberg
Olper Straße 5 57258 Freudenberg Germany |
24.11.2016 | 09:00 - 10:30
KUKA Robotics lecture for kids @ Technikmuseum Freudenberg
Freudenberg, Germany
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A team of KUKA employees offers children an unforgettable experience. After an interactive presentation aiming at the kids interests, the youngster get the chance to controll the little mobile robot youBot. Please email or call +49 271 400340-6910 if you want to participate. Please understand that the number of participants is restricted. |
Target audience Kids aged 6-10 |
Susanne Juliane Romero +49 271 400340-6910 |
Technikmuseum Freudenberg
Olper Straße 5 57258 Freudenberg Germany |
24.11.2016 | 09:00 - 11:30
KUKA Robotics College visit for school class
Augsburg, Germany
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KUKA College invites a school class into their rooms. There they will get unique insight into robotics. After a very short introduction to the world of robotics, the teenagers will visit the KUKA showroom before they then get their hands on the robots themselves! Accompanied by certified trainer they will be able to move and program robots. To round the day off, KUKAs HR employees will show the students possiblities of how to become part of the world of orange robots. |
Target audience School classes in secondary school |
Nadine Bender 00498217975638 |
KUKA Headquarters
Zugspitzstraße 140 86165 Augsburg Germany |
24.11.2016 | 10:00 - 11:00
Robostudio - Liikenne
Helsinki, Finland
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Robostudio is a paneldiscussion that is streamed. In thursdays Robostudio we discuss about robots in the transport sector. The Panleists are: Moderaattorina Christina Forsgård, teknologia-alan viestintäkonsultti, Netprofile Finland Oy Panelisteina mm. Tommi Arola, Liikenne- ja Viestintäministeriö Anna Ehrnrooth, konsultti Antti Kaikkonen, kansanedustaja Marko Forsblom, ITS Finland |
Airo Island Ry
Nicholas Andersson 040 501 6505 |
Airo Island
Viikintie, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 1 00560 Helsinki Finland |
24.11.2016 | 09:00 - 18:00
Leiria, Portugal
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Demonstrations showcase at the Robotics Lab, on robotics related projects developed at ESTG/IPLeiria Workshop on programming industrial robots to autonomously execute tasks. NOTE: The workshop will be held from 14h to 17h30 and needs needs preregistration until 18/nov through the Ciencia Viva website ( |
Target audience Everyone (the workshop is limited to 24 High School Students.) |
Electrical Engineering Department
Hugo Costelha |
Instituto Politécnico de Leira - Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão
Campus 2, Morro do Lena 2411-901 Leiria Portugal |
24.11.2016 | 09:30 - 11:30
El reto del Laberinto
San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid), Spain
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Los alumnos de 1º de primaria, retarán a los de 5º de primaria a que resuelvan un enigma y sean capaces de atravesar el laberinto que les llevará a la cámara del tesoro, utilizando Beebot y unos laberintos creados con pinzas y pajitas. |
24.11.2016 | 18:30 - 20:30
KUKA Robotics for everybody
Augsburg, Germany
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KUKA invites interested adults to a talk into the KUKA Development and Technology Center. Head of Engineering Advanced Technology Solutions Dr. Johannes Kurth shows the development from the first industry robot to the current trends of robotics in his presentation. He will explain how it has been possible to free the industry robot from his cage and have him collaborate closely with humans. The event will be rounded off with a demonstration. Begin of the event is at 7pm. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Please email or call 0821/797-5440 if you want to participate. Please understand that the number of participants is restricted. |
Target audience Interested adults |
Nadine Bender 00498217975638 |
KUKA Headquarters
Zugspitzstraße 140 86165 Augsburg Germany |
24.11.2016 - 26.11.2016 | 09:00 - 14:00
School of robotics
Osijek, Croatia/Hrvatska
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Programming mobile robots "Boe-Bot" to solve various tasks. The working principle of photovoltaic cells. Robotic arm with a conveyor belt. |
Target audience professors, educators |
Croatian robotic association and Roboticki klub Osijek
Jerko Jukic |
Strojarska tehnicka skola Osijek i Elektrotehnicka i prometna skola Osijek, Istarska 3
Istarska 3 31000 Osijek Croatia/Hrvatska |
24.11.2016 | 09:00 - 12:00
Robotics Workshop for Educators
Floriana, Malta
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A free-robotics sessions for educators will focus on the WeDo robotic kits which are available in all state primary schools. In this hands on session, educators will be introduced to this resource whilst reflecting on how it might be used in the primary classroom. Interested local educators may book through the following online form: |
Target audience Educators at primary and secondary level |
Department of eLearning
Keith Aquilina |
Department of eLearning, Ministry for Education & Employment
Great Siege Road Floriana Malta |
24.11.2016 | 11:00 - 12:00
Humanóides e Papagaios / Humanoids and Parrots
Aveiro, Portugal
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A Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro junta-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de promover e divulgar atividades e investigação em robótica. Neste evento vamos apresentar e demonstrar como funcionam dois tipos de robôs completamente diferentes: - mais que um brinquedo para fazer acrobacias, vamos conhecer alguma da ciência por trás do funcionamento de um drone. - a ficção cinematográfica alimenta a nossa imaginação, nem sempre da melhor forma. Vamos desmistificar o que está por trás de um robô humanóide, quais as suas capacidades e limitações. -------------------------------------------------------- Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro joins the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2015, with the objective of promoting and publicizing robotics activities and investigation. In this event we will present and demonstrate how two types of completely different robots work: - more than a toy for acrobatics, we will get to know some of the science behind the functioning of a drone. - cinematographic fiction feeds our imagination, not always in the best way. Let us demystify what is behind a humanoid robot, its capacities and limitations. |
Target audience Students from 2nd cycle and on General public ( > 10 year old) |
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva / IEETA
João Silva |
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva
Rua dos Santos Mártires 1A 3810-171 Aveiro Portugal |