Underwater robots exploring the Ocean
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This educational workshop for students of middle school is dedicated to discuss the role of robotics, and of underwater robots, to help cleaning the oceans from polluting waste. RSA is a company devoted to develop Marine Technology to monitoring the sea, intervening to eliminate waste.

Target audience
Teachers and students of high school "G. Bruno"
RSTA (Ricerca e Sviluppo Tecnologie Appropriate), Liceo Scientifico
Andrea Molinari
+ 39 0109182903
Liceo Scientifico di Albenga - Albenga High School
Via Pontelungo 83
17031 Albenga (Savona)
Free robotics courses at Pistoia Library
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Free courses for teachers and interested people on robotics for school:
Elements of coding and programming
Methodological indication. A robotics pedagogy
Supporting team working for students
Educational robotics and Gamification

Target audience
Teachers, interested people,
Prof. Riccardo Niccolai
+39 3488243790
PISTOIA- Biblioteca San Giorgio
Via Pertini snc
51100 Pistoia
Arduino for robots at Liceo Cassini of Genova
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On November 29th at Liceo Cassini a new extra curricuylar course is going to start. Arduino breadboard for robotics. As important message the Liceo Sientifico Cassini has adopted as extra curricular course, Educational robotics. The course will start on November 29. Students will be learning how to assemble an Arduino breadbord, and how to use it to navigate a robot.

Target audience
High School students.
Liceo Cassini, and the School of Robotics
Prof.ssa Daniela Cambiaso
010 580686
Liceo Cassini Genova
Via Galata 34 C
16121 Genova
Educational robotics course at Fedi - Fermi Technical School. Preparing the FLL teams
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I.T.T.S. SILVANO FEDI-ENRICO FERMI is the Regional Center for First Lego League Italia for Center Italy. On November 24th four teachers of cientific and technological subjects will meet with 40 students of Fedi School to work on tobotics kit Levo EV3 Mindstorm, the FLL missions, and the general objectives of FLL Animal Allies Contest.

Target audience
High school students
Prof. Federica Bettin
+39 3488243790
Via Pancon 14
51100 Pistoia
EDUROB robotics for autistic kids (Bologna AIAS)
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Centro Ausili Tecnologici of Bologna is partner of EDUROB European project (www.edurob.eu). EDUROB is a research project aiming to demonstrate that cognitive development can be enhanced by means of mediated learning using robots. EDUROB proposes an intervention model that aims to drive students’ cognitive processes while addressing other transferable & social skills, making use of the advantages offered by robotics and its engaging and immersive nature.
Every day from 28 November on at AIAS pilotibg tests with robot NAO will be carried out with autistici children.

Target audience
Support teachers for BES students, BES and disabled kids

Centro Ausili Tecnologici/Ausilioteca Living Lab Polo Multidiciplinare per le Disabilità di Corte Roncati
Lorenzo Desideri
+39 051 6597711
Centro Ausili Tecnologici/Ausilioteca Living Lab Polo Multidiciplinare per le Disabilità di Corte Roncati
Via Sant’Isaia 90, 40123 90
40123 Bologna
STEM are heavy? Robots could help you!
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Educational event where students of the IPSIS Gaslini Meucci will have the change to assemble and programme educational robots.

Target audience
Teachers, students

Fiorella Operto
tel. 010 7403503 fax 010 7403044
IPSIS Gaslini Meucci
Via P. Pastorino 15
16162 Genova
Free robotics courses at Montemagno School (Pistoia)
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Free courses for teachers and interested people on robotics for school:
Elements of coding and programming
Methodological indication. A robotics pedagogy
Supporting team working for students
Educational robotics and Gamification

Target audience
Teachers, interested people,
Prof. Riccardo Niccolai
+39 3488243790, Tel. 0573/72444 fax 0573/778855
Via Petrarca snc
ROB4ALL 2016
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El título de la edición de este año es “Robótica: Revolución en marcha”, con el que se pretende reforzar el mensaje de que la robótica colaborativa, la robótica móvil autónoma, los drones, la inspección robotizada, etc. son ya una realidad en muchas empresas, tanto en PYMES como en grandes organizaciones, convirtiéndose en factor clave de éxito para mejorar su proceso productivo y logístico.
Para abordar todos estos temas, contamos con la participación de Grupo Sesé, VIAS, GMV, Telnet Redes Inteligentes, Universidad de Zaragoza y el prestigioso Instituto Fraunhofer-IPA desde Alemania, país líder en la transformación digital de la industria.

Target audience
Esta jornada, de carácter anual, se dirige, tanto a personas relacionadas con el sector empresarial (gerentes, responsables de fabricación, producción, operaciones, calidad, mantenimiento, logística, ingeniería, etc.), como a todo aquel que esté interesado en el campo de la robótica y sus múltiples aplicaciones para la Industria 4.0.
ITAINNOVA Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón
Daniel Gargallo
Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón
María de Luna 7
50018 Zaragoza
Roboter in der sozialen Arbeit - Robots in social work
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„European Robotics Week 2016“ an der Frankfurt UAS
Roboter in der sozialen Arbeit
Anlässlich der „European Robotics Week 2016“ (18. bis 28. November 2016) findet am Mittwoch, 30. November 2016 von 14 bis 17 Uhr in der Dauerausstellung „Barrierefreies Wohnen und Leben“ der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS) eine Veranstaltung zu Robotern in der Sozialen Arbeit statt; Schwerpunktthema ist Robotik und assistive Technologien für ein gesundes Altern. Zu sehen sind emotional-soziale Roboter (z.B. Robbe PARO, Dino Pleo), Telepräsenzroboter (z.B. Giraff, Double, VGO) und humanoide Roboter (z.B. NAO). Ergänzend werden Einblicke in die Entwicklungen eines robotischen Duschsystems im Rahmen des europäischen HORIZON 2020 Forschungsprojektes I-SUPPORT (www.i-support-project.eu) gegeben. Der Eintritt ist frei; eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.

Target audience
students (especially students of social work and health), public, seniors, nursing staff, stakeholder
Holger Roßberg
Holger Roßberg
+49 69 1533 3835
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Living Lab 'Barrierefreies Wohnen und Leben'
Nibelungenplatz 1, Gebäude 2, UG, Raum 044 1
60318 Frankfurt am Main
EDUROB presented to parents and teachers
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Bogna Centro Ausili Tecnologici will organize a public conference about Educational robotics emploied in rehabilitation setting with teens of Developmental age. Participants will have the chance to visit Centro Ausili Tecnologici and be informed about EDUROB European project (www.edurob.eu).

Centro Ausili Tecnologici of Bologna is partner of EDUROB European project (www.edurob.eu). EDUROB is a research project aiming to demonstrate that cognitive development can be enhanced by means of mediated learning using robots. EDUROB proposes an intervention model that aims to drive students’ cognitive processes while addressing other transferable & social skills, making use of the advantages offered by robotics and its engaging and immersive nature.
Every day from 28 November on at AIAS pilotibg tests with robot NAO will be carried out with autistici children.

Target audience
Support teachers for BES students, BES and disabled kids

Centro Ausili Tecnologici/Ausilioteca Living Lab Polo Multidiciplinare per le Disabilità di Corte Roncati
Lorenzo Desideri
+39 051 6597711
Centro Ausili Tecnologici/Ausilioteca Living Lab Polo Multidiciplinare per le Disabilità di Corte Roncati
Via Sant’Isaia 90, 40123 90
40123 Bologna
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58