Robottiviikko näyttely
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Exhibition filled with robots ranging from service robots, industryrobots and a robot car.

Airo Island Ry
Nicholas Andersson
040 501 6505
Airo Island
Viikintie, 1, 1, 1, 1 1
00560 Helsinki
Ludzka twarz robotyki - psychologiczne i etyczne zagadnienia interakcji człowiek - robot – dr Justyna Gerłowska
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W trakcie wykładu poruszone będą najistotniejsze aspekty psychologiczne w relacjach człowiek - robot oraz potencjalne dylematy etyczne z tym związane. Podjęta będzie również próba odpowiedzi na pytanie: jaki powinien być 'idealny robot' oraz jakie potencjalne zagrożenia niesie ze sobą tworzenie robotów antropomorficznych. Czas ok. 45 min

Uniwersytet Medyczny i firma ACCREA
Dorota Szczęśniak-Stańczyk
Uniwersytet Medyczny
al. Racławickie 1
20-400 Lublin
Robotics Workshop for Children
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LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robotics Workshop for Children aged 10 to 15

Target audience
Children aged 10 to 15
STEM Learning Craiova
Emanuel ȘERBAN
STEM Learning Craiova
Calea București nr. 10, Bl. M7-M8, Etajul III 10
Taller de Robótica
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Se van a a realizar dos talleres de robótica en horario extraescolar durante los sábados 19 y 26 de noviembre y 3 de diciembre.
Uno será junior pie 1º a 3º de primaria
Otro senior para alumnos de 4º a 6º de primaria.
Son continuación de los ya realizados durante abril de 2016

Target audience
Alumnos de primaria del colegio en horario extraescolar.
Carmen Gloder Ramos
Avenida de Valencia 1
28702 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid)
Programa o teu Robô / Program your robot
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A Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro junta-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de promover e divulgar atividades e investigação em robótica. Este workshop vai dar aos participantes a oportunidade de programarem o seu próprio robô para cumprir um pequeno desafio. Esta atividade visa introduzir os seus participantes ao mundo da programação aplicada à robótica, bem como para alertar para detalhes de funcionamento de algum tipo de tecnologias aplicadas no nosso dia-a-dia.


Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro joins the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2015, with the objective of promoting and publicizing robotics activities and investigation. This workshop will provide the participants with the opportunity to program their own robot to fulfill a small challenge. This activity aims to introduce its participants to the world of robotics applied programming, as well as to alert them to functioning details of some types of technology in our daily lives.

Target audience
General public ( > 14 year old)
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva / IEETA
João Silva
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva
Rua dos Santos Mártires 1A
3810-171 Aveiro
Educational Robotics for Autistic Children
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Philos Academy is a private society committed to assist autistic kids, and kids with cognitive impairments. They have opened laboratories of educational robotics for their kids, using Lego WeDo and other robots.

Target audience
Autistic kids.
Accademia Philos
Dr.ssa Simonetta Lumachi
+ 39 366.7302786
Accademia Philos
Via San Luca 14/4
16124 Genova
Taller de Robótica FLL 2016
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Talleres de preparación de la participación de nuestros equipos Tuercas Locas, Locas Tuercas, Tuercas Mini y Tuercas Peques para el campeonato de Robótica First Lego League

Target audience
Niños y Adolescentes
Mares Virtuales - CITA
923 56 83 84
Centro Internacional de Tecnologías Avanzadas de la Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez
C/ Nuestra Señora 65
37300 Peñaranda de Bracamonte
Talent startup and Liceo Galilei: Robotics is fun!
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TALENT and Liceo Galilei (Galilei High School) have designed this workshop of educational robotics as an action of educational consultancy for middle school students. The workshop is also intended to present the beneficial effects of educational robotics for STEM learning. The workshop will be carried out by two tutors of TALENT starup, supervised by a teacher of the Liceo Galilei.

Target audience
More than 30 middle school students
TALENT SRL e Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei Ancona c/o via S. Allende Gossens (Ancona)
328 9055837
Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei Ancona c/o via S. Allende Gossens (Ancona)
via S. Allende Gossens snc
60121 Ancona
Robotics @ ITIS Cannizzaro, Rho, Italy
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At the open day of the school, we offer a lab with many flashes on robotics: tray a Lego Mindstorm or an Arduino BYOR, talk with the students of the Nao Challenge Team, view some videos on robotics

Target audience
Young peoples, aged 12/13 years and their parents
ITIS Stanislao Cannizzaro
Enrico Sartirana
ITIS Stanislao Cannizzaro
via Raffaello Sanzio 2
20017 Rho
Lego Rovers at the Victoria Gallery and Museum
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Come and drive Lego Mars Rovers and Dinosaurs. Learn about the difficulties controlling robots to explore other planets and some of the techniques Roboticists and AI programmers use to overcome those challenges. Part of Family Saturday at the Victoria Gallery and Museum.

Target audience
Centre for Autonomous Systems Technology, University of Liverpool
Louise Dennis
Victoria Gallery and Museum
Ashton Street
L69 3DR Liverpool
United Kingdom
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