Programa o teu Robô / Program your robot
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A Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro junta-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de promover e divulgar atividades e investigação em robótica. Este workshop vai dar aos participantes a oportunidade de programarem o seu próprio robô para cumprir um pequeno desafio. Esta atividade visa introduzir os seus participantes ao mundo da programação aplicada à robótica, bem como para alertar para detalhes de funcionamento de algum tipo de tecnologias aplicadas no nosso dia-a-dia.


Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro joins the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2015, with the objective of promoting and publicizing robotics activities and investigation. This workshop will provide the participants with the opportunity to program their own robot to fulfill a small challenge. This activity aims to introduce its participants to the world of robotics applied programming, as well as to alert them to functioning details of some types of technology in our daily lives.

Target audience
General public ( > 14 year old)
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva / IEETA
João Silva
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva
Rua dos Santos Mártires 1A
3810-171 Aveiro
Robotistes in Kalamaria
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1) The students of the robotics classes will present their creations, demonstrate the way their robots function and answer other students' questions.
2) Introductory labs will be offered to students with no previous experience on robotics. The lego education set WeDo will be used for ages 7-9 and the lego education Mindstorm EV3 set will be used for ages 9-12.
The use of the programmable floor robot bee-bot as a tool to enhance learning through a multitude of kindergarten activities will be demonstrated.

Target audience
Children 7-12 years old.
Christina Athanasopoulou
7th Primary school of Kalamaria
55134 Kalamaria, Thessaloniki
Kit Robótico Viajero
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Proyecto colaborativo en el que unas cajas llenas de robots son compartidas entre varios colegios de toda España. Se van creando tutoriales y recursos, que son utilizados por los centros para mejorar las prácticas siguientes.

Hisparob, Mercedes Ruiz
Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Pamplona
Valle Salazar 2
Robot Academy
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young robot coders!

Who: young robotics enthusiasts, girls and boys aged 8-14

Where: Base 1 Makerspace, Forum Geesseknäppchen

When: 14:00-17:00, Sunday, 27 November 2016

Languages: EN, FR, DE, LU and others

We have got loads of fun activities for the European Robotics Week:

Build a Lego Mindstorms robot and send it on a treasure quest.
Code an mBot robot to follow a line and let it race with other line-followers.
Navigate a robot maze.
Have fun with Sphero, Dash and Cubetto in the robot playground.
Bring your Rubik's cube and let a robot solve it.
Bring your own robotics project to show and share with like-minded people.

Co-organised by MICSE, Code Club Luxembourg, Coder Dojo Luxembourg, BEE CREATIVE

Target audience
girls and boys, aged 8-14
Marina Stephanova
Forum Geesseknäppchen
Boulevard Pierre Dupong 40
1430 Luxembourg
Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break
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The goal of the initiative Pauza de tehnologie/Technology Break is to promote new technologies, in particular robotics, among pupils from small towns and villages in Romania, in order to connect them with the latest innovation products and to stimulate them to think creatively and dream big.

Target audience
School pupils in at least 4 schools in 4 counties in Romania
E-Civis & Digital Citizens Romania
Ana-Maria Stancu
Scoala 136
Prelungirea Ferentari 68
051869 sector 5, Bucuresti
Firefly robot (a biorobotics design project)
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A biorobotics design project created by children is possible? With the magnetic bricks litteBits, lot of imagination, invention and creativity, the mission will be successful.

(Un progetto di design biorobotica creato da bambini è possibile? Con i mattoni litteBits magnetici, molta fantasia, inventiva e la creatività, la missione avrà successo.)

Target audience
Kids 6- 8 years
School of Robotics, MadLab
Rossella Spinetta
+39 348 09 61 616
MadLab, Genova
Via della Maddalena 121
16100 Genova
Robotics is for..Everyone!
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Italmaker is a noprofit society committed to educate young people to a responsabile use of ICT technology and robotics. This event - organized in collaboration with Robotics-3D (Paolo Cirinei) - offers free demos and lab to kids and teens. Kids and teens will have to assemble robot JIMU and program it with Scratch.
Italmaker associazione no-profit che si occupa di formazione per bambini (6-14) in ambito elettronica, coding e robotica.
Il nostro scopo è educare i bambini ad un uso consapevole della tecnologia, organizziamo corsi e workshop nella nostra sede e presso scuole private e pubbliche.
Le nostre lezioni sono studiate in modo da coinvolgere i bambini in modo collaborativo, creativo e divertente.
A breve apriremo una piccola fablab didattica nei pressi di Tor Vergata in modo da coinvolgere anche gli adulti e l'università, dove già organizziamo l'evento "italmaker show" (www, in cui invitiamo gratuitamente le scuole a partecipare a diversi laboratori e sarà fatto anche per il prossimo anno (marzo 2017).
Siamo partner di Robotics-3D (Paolo Cirinei).
L'evento si svolgerà domenica 27 novembre presso il centro commerciale "LE TORRI" ( via Amico Aspertini) lo scopo dell'evento sarà presentare la robotica a tutti! in particolare organizzeremo dei laboratori per bambini da 8 a 14 anni in cui dovranno montare dei robot JIMU per poi programmarli attraverso un ambiente a blocchi simile a "scratch" direttamente con il tablet.
Con l'occasione presenteremo i nostri prodotti realizzati in partnership con robotics-3d (
indirizzo dove si svolgerà l'evento: centro commerciale "Le Torri" Via Amico Aspertini, 406 - Roma 00133
orari 14.00 - 19.00
Laboratorio a numero chiuso 10 bambini (8-14 anni) 15:00 - 15:45 e altri 10 dalle 16:00 alle 16:45
Workshop e varie dimostrazioni nel centro commerciale in tutta la durata dell'evento aperti a tutti (bambini ed adulti)

Target audience
Kids and teen from 8 to 14
Italmaker, Roma
Emiliano Gatti
centro commerciale
Via Amico Aspertini 406
00133 Roma
Open Factory at Padova - IAS Lab of Padua University
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Sunday, November 27, in the frame of the Open Factory event, Università di Padova IAS Lab will open its doors to students, teachers, interested people who will have the chance to visit the robotics lab and Artificial Intelligence facilities. Registration is required:
Attached, the Lab Tour Program

Target audience
students, teachers, interested people
Università di Padova - IAS Lab
Francesca Agatolio
IAS-Lab (Intelligent Autonomous System Laboratory)
Via Tiepolo 85
35129 Padova
Robotics for kids at the CUBE Athens
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Dimitris Alimisis from EDUMOTIVA (GR) and ROBOESL project ( partners Michele Moro from University of Padua (IT) and Emanuele Micheli from Scuola di Robotica (IT) present and discuss the educational benefits of robotics for kids and offer Interactive demonstrations of robotics projects.

Target audience
teachers, students, parents
the Cube Athens and Edumotiva
Maria Calafatis
+30 211 408 12 53
the Cube Athens
Kleisovis Str, 8
10677 Athens
We built a 3D printer
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A class of 24 students builds a 3D printer and learn how to use it and make designs in 3D

Target audience
13-14 years old
SESA, Sistemas Electrónicos SL
Julio Rodriguez Borges
British Council
Calle Solano 5-7
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56