A new book: Robotics and Creativity for young technofans
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Presentation of the new book by Elena Parodi: Robotics and Creativity for young technofans. It is a a "cook book" about how to build a robot using several kind of material.
Cosa accade quando la robotica si mescola alla creatività per dare vita a tante ricette da fare a casa e a scuola? Trasformarsi in un cuoco e muovere i primi passi nel mondo della robotica non è mai stato così semplice: con l'aiuto di genitori e insegnanti, ma anche autonomamente, il manuale di ricette guida bambini e ragazzi nella costruzione di macchine automatiche e robot utilizzando materiali di recupero. È il Tinkering, un modo di esplorare il mondo della tecnologia e della scienza stimolando la creatività e realizzando piccole macchine personali. Provare le ricette proposte diventa un gioco, liberare la fantasia il primo requisito necessario.

Il testo, oltre che essere affiancato da schede di approfondimento, è accompagnato da spiegazioni di storia dell'arte, scienze, biologia: un confronto con le opere di grandi artisti che, grazie alla loro creatività, diedero vita a oggetti innovativi che ancora oggi ci sorprendono.

Target audience
Students, teachers, parents
Quinta di Copertina Eds
Elena Parodi, Cecilia Averame
Quinta di Copertina Eds
via Ca' de' Mussi 33
16138 Genova
We built a 3D printer
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A class of 24 students builds a 3D printer and learn how to use it and make designs in 3D

Target audience
13-14 years old
SESA, Sistemas Electrónicos SL
Julio Rodriguez Borges
British Council
Calle Solano 5-7
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón
Robots to help cleaning the Oceans
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This educational workshop for students of middle school is dedicated to discuss the role of robotics, and of underwater robots, to help cleaning the oceans from polluting waste. RSA is a company devoted to develop Marine Technology to monitoring the sea, intervening to eliminate waste.

Target audience
Teachers and students of middle school.
RSTA (Ricerca e Sviluppo Tecnologie Appropriate), IC Cogoleto
Andrea Molinari
+ 39 0109182903
Comprehensive School Cogoleto Istituto Comprensivo Cogoleto
Via Gioiello 4
16016 Cogoleto (Genova)
Robotics for kids at the CUBE Athens
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Dimitris Alimisis from EDUMOTIVA (GR) and ROBOESL project (www.roboesl.eu) partners Michele Moro from University of Padua (IT) and Emanuele Micheli from Scuola di Robotica (IT) present and discuss the educational benefits of robotics for kids and offer Interactive demonstrations of robotics projects.

Target audience
teachers, students, parents
the Cube Athens and Edumotiva
Maria Calafatis
+30 211 408 12 53
the Cube Athens
Kleisovis Str, 8
10677 Athens
About Robots and other tales
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Educational robotics in school: children will begin their first experiences of robotics projects, where there will be stories, images and inventions.
(La robotica educativa a scuola : i bambini inizieranno la loro prime esperienze di progetti di robotica, dove ci saranno storie, immagini e invenzioni)

Istituto Comprensivo Albaro
V. Montezovetto 7 - 16145 Genova
Tel. 0103623668 - Fax. 0103106294
email: geic86400l@istruzione.it

Target audience
kids from 6 to 10 years
Albaro School, the School of Robotics
Rossella Spinetta
Tel. 0103623668
IC Albaro
V. Montezovetto - 7
16145 Genova
Robotics at G. Peano School ( Marsico Nuovo (PZ)
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BBS GROUP SRL and Peano High school of Marsizo Nuovo (Potenza) have organized an eventi featuring the application of robotics to education. They invited the School of Robotics to join the conference Following this event, BBS Group and High School Peano will jointly start and educational course for teachers on educational robotics.

Target audience
Teachers and students, interested people as well
Peano High School - BBS Group
Serafina Rotondaro (Peano); Paolo Graziano (BBS Gropu)
dirigente@liceomarsico.org; pzis01900c@istruzione.it;graziano@bbsgroup.it

Via Fontanelle sn
85052 Marsico Nuovo (PZ)
Underwater robots exploring the Ocean
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This educational workshop for students of middle school is dedicated to discuss the role of robotics, and of underwater robots, to help cleaning the oceans from polluting waste. RSA is a company devoted to develop Marine Technology to monitoring the sea, intervening to eliminate waste.

Target audience
Teachers and students of high school "G. Bruno"
RSTA (Ricerca e Sviluppo Tecnologie Appropriate), Liceo Scientifico
Andrea Molinari
+ 39 0109182903
Liceo Scientifico di Albenga - Albenga High School
Via Pontelungo 83
17031 Albenga (Savona)
Humanoid robot NAO with autistic children at AIAS Bologna
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Centro Ausili Tecnologici of Bologna is partner of EDUROB European project (www.edurob.eu). EDUROB is a research project aiming to demonstrate that cognitive development can be enhanced by means of mediated learning using robots. EDUROB proposes an intervention model that aims to drive students’ cognitive processes while addressing other transferable & social skills, making use of the advantages offered by robotics and its engaging and immersive nature.
Every day from 28 November on at AIAS pilotibg tests with robot NAO will be carried out with autistici children.

Target audience
Support teachers for BES students, BES and disabled kids

Centro Ausili Tecnologici/Ausilioteca Living Lab Polo Multidiciplinare per le Disabilità di Corte Roncati
Lorenzo Desideri
+39 051 6597711
Centro Ausili Tecnologici/Ausilioteca Living Lab Polo Multidiciplinare per le Disabilità di Corte Roncati
Via Sant’Isaia 90, 40123 90
40123 Bologna
Makey Makey en Educación Primaria
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Target audience
Mertxe J. Badiola
Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea Donostia
Alto de Zorroaga Bidea 11
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