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Taller temático donde los niños/as tienen que realizar la construcción de un robot relacionado con el fondo del mar.

Target audience
Niños de 6 a 12 años

RobotuXc Academy
Calle Pintor Velazquez 51
Responsible Use of ICT and Robotics Technology - Lab for kids and Teens
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La Fiumara Shopping Center has called School of Robotics to held demo and sort laboratories on Roboetics and the need to a Responsible Use of Robotics and ICT. The demo and active sessions with kids and teens strolling the Shopping Center will be carried on by tutors of the "Firewall" project.

Target audience
Centro Commerciale La Fiumara, School of Robotics
Emanuele Micheli
+39 348 09 61 616
Centro Commerciale La Fiumara (La Fiumara Mall)
Via Fiumara, 15/16,
16149 Genova
Teaching today with technology
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Two days of exhibit and conferences on educational robotics to more than 500 teachers from all over Italy. School of Robotics will be managing a rich stand with many robots, and three conferences. In the attached, the workshops Program.

Target audience
Erickson, School of Robotics
Emanuele Micheli
+39 348 09 61 616
Rimini, Erickson Conference
Palacongressi di Rimini, Via della Fiera 23
47923 Rimini
A Journey with the Rosetta towards the Comet
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Inspired by the journey, and mission, of Rosetta space probe towards the Comet, Beth She Can Foundation organizes four days of robotics workshop for girls. Girsl will be designing, building, and programming their "Rosetta space probe" using Lego bricks and Lego Educatiomnal program.

Target audience
Girls from 7 to 9 years old.

Marie -Madeleine Gianni
+39 3883054657
Via Stefanardo da Vimercate 27/5 (di fronte al civico 32) 20128 Milano metro M1 fermata Gorla
20128 Milano
Little Bis to built robotics fireflies
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Workshop for kids from 6 to 8 years. Using Little Bits and Sractch building and programnming robotics fireflies.

Target audience
kids from 6 to 8 years
School of Robotica, MadLab
Rossella Spinetta
+39 3480961616
Madlab, Genova
Via della Maddalena 121 r
16124 Genova
Cubetto, Dash&Dot, mBot: Lab for children about robotics
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For the whole day we will host hands-on lab about robotics for children of the Bassano area.

Lisa Lanzarini
HiTech School
36061 Bassano del Grappa
Luxembourg United robot soccer team demo
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Before the Netherlands-Luxembourg human soccer game and ahead of RoboCup, Luxembourg United robot soccer team demonstrates penalties at the MHVL (Luxembourg).
The RoboCup is a soccer world cup for robots whose purpose is to foster continuous development in robotics in order to achieve the set goal, which is that by 2050 robots will be able to win against the current human world champions playing according to the FIFA rules.

Social Robotics Lab at the University of Luxembourg
Musée d' Histoire de la Ville de Luxembourg
rue du Saint-Esprit 14
2090 Luxembourg
Responsible Use of ICT and Robotics Technology - Lab for kids, teens, and parents
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La Fiumara Shopping Center has called School of Robotics to held demo and sort laboratories on Roboetics and the need to a Responsible Use of Robotics and ICT. The demo and active sessions with kids and teens strolling the Shopping Center will be carried on by tutors of the "Firewall" project. These sessions will be dedicated also to parents.

Target audience
Centro Commerciale La Fiumara, School of Robotics
Emanuele Micheli
+39 348 09 61 616
Centro Commerciale La Fiumara (La Fiumara Mall)
Via Fiumara, 15/16,
16149 Genova
Immaginario scientifico: La Robotica
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Robotics will be the key player in this event of Immaginario Scientifico. You will have art, workshop, hands-on laboratories, movies, tinkering, all on robotics. For kids and parents together.

La robotica sarà protagonista all’Immaginario Scientifico domenica 13 novembre: nell’ambito dell’iniziativa Arte/Scienza/Tecnologia. La Robotica, organizzata dal Gruppo 78. International Contemporary Art di Trieste, il museo ospita per il secondo anno una serie di eventi legati al tema della robotica, spaziando anche su esperienze “cross-mediali” e attinenti al connubio arte/scienza. Durante l’orario di apertura (10.00-18.00) sono in programma laboratori per famiglie e per ragazzi, mentre dalle 18.00 il museo ospita la Rassegna Screening Festival / Art Based Research, con proiezioni di video e una performance artistica.
Laboratori “Robotizziamoci”
Per coinvolgere nel mondo della robotica il pubblico di diverse età, alle ore 11.00 e alle 15.00 sono in programma laboratori di “tinkering“: come in un fornito garage ricco di materiali di ogni genere, i partecipanti, che lavoreranno in gruppi, avranno a disposizione oggetti di riciclo, piccoli motori elettrici, batterie e strumenti di vario genere, che potranno utilizzare a piacimento per costruire robot realmente funzionanti. L’obiettivo è quello di provare, sperimentare, ragionare, discutere insieme e giungere a conclusioni, in un clima di condivisione e cooperazione.

Target audience
Immaginario Scientifico, Trieste
+ 39 040 224424
Science Centre Immaginario Scientifico
Riva Massimiliano e Carlotta 15
34151 Grignano, Trieste
BYOR - Buil Your Own Robot
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BYOR is the robotics kit designed by the School of Robotics. It will be present at the Rome Maker Fair (16 - 18 of October 2015). We will run some BYOR workshops and you will be able to test it at Pavillon L. BYOR is a robotics kit based on Arduino and it is equipped by its App, and Handbook

Target audience
School of Robotics
Emanuele Micheli
+39 348 09 61 616
ABCD Genova, National Exhibit of Educational Technology ancd Tools, Magazzini del Cotone
Porto Antico, Genova
16121 Genova
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