Educational Robotics for Inclusion. EDUROB for a Pedagogy for Disabled Students
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EDUROB is a research project aiming to demonstrate that cognitive development can be enhanced by means of mediated learning using robots. EDUROB proposes an intervention model that aims to drive students’ cognitive processes while addressing other transferable & social skills, making use of the advantages offered by robotics and its engaging and immersive nature. The EDUROB team will work with stakeholders in the project countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania, Turkey, Poland and the UK) to develop a set of interventions utilising robots to enhance the learning of students with learning disabilities. This will involve scoping the needs of the teachers, and the students and the subjects that they are trying to teach and learn. Based on the results of this research, robotic teaching tools and scenarios will be developed and tested by way of pilot studies in each of the countries.

Target audience
teachers, parents, support teachers
School of Robotics as co-partner of EDUROB Project, in collaboration with School S.F. da Paola in Genoa
Fiorella Operto and Federica Brigandì
+39 348 09 61 616
ABCD Genova, National Exhibit of Educational Technology ancd Tools, Magazzini del Cotone
Porto Antico, Genova
16121 Genova
STEAM with littleBits: understand reality and make new realities
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With this workshop we will discover the easiest way to integrate the lessons of the concepts STEAM (Science, Technology, Design, Art, Mathematics) through Electronics.

Target audience
primary school teachers
Lisa Lanzarini
ABCD Genova
Piazzale Kennedy 1
16129 Genova
BYOR - Buil Your Own Robot
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BYOR is the robotics kit designed by the School of Robotics. It will be present at the Rome Maker Fair (16 - 18 of October 2015). We will run some BYOR workshops and you will be able to test it at Pavillon L. BYOR is a robotics kit based on Arduino and it is equipped by its App, and Handbook

Target audience
School of Robotics
Emanuele Micheli
+39 348 09 61 616
ABCD Genova, National Exhibit of Educational Technology ancd Tools, Magazzini del Cotone
Porto Antico, Genova
16121 Genova
RoboESL for preventing Early School Leaving
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A workshop for teachers and parents devoted to present the results of one year of activity of RoboeESL European Project (Erasmus +).
Why RoboESL? Recent studies show that school failure may lead to school disengagement and early school leaving. The problem of school failure and early school leaving (ESL) challenges European educational systems as well as European economies. Many students who fail in school or are at risk of early school describe the school curriculum and the existing teaching practices as discouraging factors towards staying at school. These students often claim they are rarely offered with opportunities to develop their creativity, to work on hands-on activities and to learn practical skills useful in their life.

During last decade studies assure that educational robotics (ER) can provide learning experiences that promote children’s creative thinking, collaborative spirit, and problem solving skills – the essential skills necessary in the workplace of the 21st century. Educational Robotics is a modern learning practice that draws upon the conception of Constructivism (Piaget) and Constructionism (Papert) and project-based learning. ER emerges as a unique tool that creates an attractive learning environment that engages students in hands-on and enjoyable learning activities.
RoboESL uses ER to motivate students at risk of school failure and disengagement towards staying at school and improving their performance.

Target audience
Teachers, Headmasters, parents
LiceoFermi, Genova - Fermi High School, Genova
MIchele Lattaruolo
+ 39 010.6459928
ABCD - Exhibit of Educational Technology, Genova
Porto Antico, Old Port, Magazzini del Cotone
16121 Genova
Educational Robotics to prevent Early Leaving School - RoboESL European Project
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Early leaving school is a dramatic phenomenon in Italy, and also in many other European Nations. School of Robotics, in collaboration with other European partners of the RoboESL European Erasmus + project, proposes Learning Scenarios using robots to promote educational activities designed to support students with low school performance.

Target audience
Teachers k 12
School of Robotics
Emanuele Micheli
+39 348 09 61 616
ABCD Genova, National Exhibit of Educational Technology ancd Tools, Magazzini del Cotone
Porto Antico, Genova
16121 Genova
I am a Digital Support Teacher :-)
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Teachers Simonetta Bettinotti, l’I.C. 3 La Spezia, and Silvia Gennario, l’I.C. Savona 3 will be presenting the methodology and activities of the Digital Support teacher.
Following the government Decre "La Buona Scuola" (The Good School) where educational robotis is explicitely indicated as one of the educational technologies to be adopted to support STEM learning, the Ministry of Education, Research and University of Italy (MIUR) has organized various workshop in the frame of ABCD Genova, National Exhibit of Educational Technology ancd Tools, (Genova, 14 - 16 November 2016).

Target audience
Teachers and students from middle to high school

Ministry of Education, Research and University of Italy (MIUR), ISA 3 Savona
Simonetta Bettinotti (IS La Spezia), Silvia Gennario, l’I.C. Savona 3
Via Machiavelli, 4 – 17100 SAVONA C.F. 92099060094 Tel. 019-800574 – Fax 019-83105082 E-mail: E-mail pec:
ABCD Genova, National Exhibit of Educational Technology ancd Tools, Magazzini del Cotone, IC Savona 3
Old Port Magazzini del Cotone
16100 Genova
Lab for teachers with Cubetto
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A lab based on Cubetto, the smart toys developed to introduce programming in early childhood.
Cubetto, it is the first step in the discovery of programming. It's a smiling programmable wooden robot through a tangible programming language that does not use screens, and letters. Playing with Cubetto children can learn the basics of programming and computational thinking before you even know how to read or write.

Computer programs are not simply the language that is used to tell the gadgets and digital devices around us what to do. Someone, somewhere has started defining a sequence of logical steps that determine their behavior.
Thinking about the world around us in the same way that we teach children to think in the world Cubetto, enables to understand what and 'the code to use with machines. Gives us the confidence to try, break the rules, and shaping our environment playing.

Target audience
kindergarden and primary school teachers
Lisa Lanzarini
ABCD Genova
Piazzale Kennedy 1
16129 Genova
NAO Challenge: Enrolments Open!
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Press conference at ABCD 2016 to present the 2016-2017 edition of the Italian Nao Challenge 2'16- 2017-.
This edition is going to host Semifinals (Genova, Bologna, Padova, and a location in the Italian South regions). The Final will take place in Bologna (Golinelli Foundation) on May 13th 2017.

Target audience
Teachers and students of high schools
Aldebaran, School of Robotics as Italian Ambassador
Emanuele Micheli
+39 348 09 61 616
ABCD Genova, National Exhibit of Educational Technology ancd Tools, Magazzini del Cotone
Old Port Magazzini del Cotone
16121 Genova
Robotics and New Professions
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Robotics is a very important discipline and tool for a useful vocational guidance. The conference, dedicated to teachers, parents, students, and tutors, is going to show the figures of success by students who had a course in robotics at high school.

Target audience
teachers, parents, students, and tutors. In the attach, Conference Program.
Italian Ministry of Education, Gaslini Meucci Professional School
Prof. Piazzi
+ 39 010 7403503
ABCD - Exhibit of Educational Technology, Genova
Old Port, Magazzini del Cotone
16121 Genova
Educational Robotics, Coding: Sons Learning with their Parents.
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A workshop dedicated to parents: to present the National Digital School as outlined in the recent guidelines by the Italian Ministry of Education; to make parents understand the changes in the world market made by ICT and robotics. Attached, Conference Program.

Target audience
Parents, teachers, tutors,
EPICT, UNIGE, CTS, School of Robotics, IC Pegli
Prof. Angela Sugliano
tel.: 010 3532994 cell.: 3204330869
ABCD - Exhibit of Educational Technology, Genova, Sala Ponente
Old Port, Magazzini del Cotone
16121 Genova
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