Orientációbecslő algoritmusok tervezése kvaternió reprezentációval
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Students' Associations Conference presentation of Petényi József

Target audience
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering
Dr. ÁBRAHÁM, György
abra at mogi.bme.hu
+ 36 1 463-4169
BME Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering, D épület 401-es terem
Bertalan Lajos 4
1111 Budapest
Virtuális valóságból irányítható mobilrobot
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Students' Associations Conference presentation of Kiss-Illés Gergely

Target audience
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering
Dr. ÁBRAHÁM, György
abra at mogi.bme.hu
+ 36 1 463-4169
BME Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering, D épület 401-es terem
Bertalan Lajos 4
1111 Budapest
Navigációs és vezérlő algoritmus fejlesztése és implementálása AGV robotokra intelligens gyáregységben
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Students' Associations Conference presentation of Horváth Dániel, Losonczi Gábor and Magyar Tamás

Target audience
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering
Dr. ÁBRAHÁM, György
abra at mogi.bme.hu
+ 36 1 463-4169
BME Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering, D épület 401-es terem
Bertalan Lajos 4
1111 Budapest
Drónirányítási lehetőségek bővítése microcontrollerrel
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Students' Associations Conference presentation of Kocsis Péter Koppány

Target audience
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering
Dr. ÁBRAHÁM, György
abra at mogi.bme.hu
+ 36 1 463-4169
BME Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering, D épület 401-es terem
Bertalan Lajos 4
1111 Budapest
Pneumatikus munkahenger pozícionálása Arduino segítségével
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Students' Associations Conference presentation of Millner Balázs, Kriszt Botond András and Versényi Zsolt

Target audience
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering
Dr. ÁBRAHÁM, György
abra at mogi.bme.hu
+ 36 1 463-4169
BME Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering, D épület 401-es terem
Bertalan Lajos 4
1111 Budapest
A Week with robots
Show details
• Educational Reach Out
• Lab tour
• Open house
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale (FMD) promotes an entire week dedicated to robotics. Every mornings during the week at the Robotics Center of InnovationGym, FMD will host various educational robotics laboratories for schools. Students will use different kits to build and programme simple robotics models that will allow them to experience manual didactic activities, work in groups, identify alternative solutions and learn how to programme a real prototype.
During the week end in the afternoon some young engineers will build rescue robots, programme them and practice for the Rescue Category in order to participate to RomeCup2017 event. T

Target audience
Students and teachers of every type of school: from primary to high school, and children from 9 to 14.
Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Francesca Del Duca,
Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Via del quadraro 102
00174 Roma
KUKA Robotics drawing competition
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KUKA is looking for creative ideas that kids should paint about how they can imagine a robot assistant in their life.
Further information can be found on the website www.kuka.com during the European Robotics Week.

Drawings can be emailed to pr@kuka.com or sent via mail to the KUKA headquarters to Corporate Communications.

Target audience
School kids
Nadine Bender
KUKA Headquarters
Zugspitzstraße 140
86165 Augsburg
Tarda de robòtica educativa
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Divendres 18 de 17 a 20 tindrem una tarda robótica. Probarem petits robots, entendrem el seu funcionament, jugarem i veurem demostracions. Us esperem!

Target audience
Joves i interessats en robòtica.
Oscar Martínez
Plaça de l'Acadèmia s/n
08003 Barcelona
Robots: from science fiction to reality
Show details
Although robotics is a well-established and successful technology it is currently going through a big change. Relatively unintelligent robots have been working in industry for years. But that is changing. Robots are moving out of factories and warehouses and into homes, hospitals and offices. A second wave of robotics has started in which robots are mobile and, most importantly, must now work alongside people. These next generation intelligent robots must be able to safely and naturally interact with humans. In this talk I will show the state-of-the-art in intelligent robots, illustrated with examples from both current research and emerging real-world applications. I will show how new biologically inspired approaches have radically changed the way we design robots, and that real robots are much more surprising and interesting than their science fiction counterparts.

Target audience
School children
World Skills UK
Alan Winfield
National Exhibition Centre
North Ave, Marston Green
B40 1NT Birmingham
United Kingdom
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