Can robots predict the future?
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Many robots need to predict the future. Consider path planning in order to safely navigate to a goal position, or the more fundamental problem of obstacle avoidance which implicitly anticipates the undesirable consequence of a collision. There are many ways we can build anticipation into robots, but the one I would like to discuss in this talk is robots with simulation-based internal models. Illustrated with results from recent experiments I will show how such internal models can improve safety or fault detection in robots swarms, or allow us to build robots with simple ethical behaviours. Perhaps this approach might open a path to robots with artificial theory of mind?

Target audience
Students plus general public
York Doctoral Symposium
Alan Winfield
University of York
Heslington East Campus
YO105GE York
United Kingdom
Autonóm Halfsize Micromouse robot tervezése és megvalósítása
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Students' Associations Conference presentation of Göntér Balázs, Kolozsvári Ádám and Sántha Gergely

Target audience
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering
Dr. ÁBRAHÁM, György
abra at
+ 36 1 463-4169
BME Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering, D épület 401-es terem
Bertalan Lajos 4
1111 Budapest
Talleres de robotica
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EL ayuntamiento de San Sebastian de los Reyes oferta durante este curso una serie de Talleres de robótica para los centros que lo soliciten. En nuestro centro se ha solicitado para los cursos de 2º,3º y 6º de primaria y se celebrarán el día 17 a cargo de la empresa Labpossible, será una sesión de hora uy media para cada grupo.

Target audience
2º, 3º y 6º de primaria del centro
Carmen Gloder Ramos
Avenida de Valencia 1
28702 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid)
Drónirányítási lehetőségek bővítése microcontrollerrel
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Students' Associations Conference presentation of Kocsis Péter Koppány

Target audience
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering
Dr. ÁBRAHÁM, György
abra at
+ 36 1 463-4169
BME Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering, D épület 401-es terem
Bertalan Lajos 4
1111 Budapest
From Science Fiction to reality: To-and_Fro
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The Ex Aselli Society is the Alumny Association of the reknown Liceo Aselli of Cremona. The Ex Aselli has organized, in the frame of the exhibit dedicated to the famous fellow citizen Janello Torriani, a Program of Conferences on technological innovation. The one of November 17th by prof. Abrea Bossola will outline the changes from Science Fiction to real ICT and robotics technology. Program attached.

Target audience
Associazione Ex Aselli
Tel. 0372 414326 - 0372 22906
Sala Puerari - Museo Civico - Ala Ponzone
Via Ugolani Dati 4
26100 Cremona
University Fair
Show details will present its robots on the annual University Fair: Flying, swimming, driving and walking robots!

Target audience
New students, Kids, General public
University of Zagreb
Matko Orsag
Student Center
Savska cesta 25
10000 Zagreb
Orientációbecslő algoritmusok tervezése kvaternió reprezentációval
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Students' Associations Conference presentation of Petényi József

Target audience
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering
Dr. ÁBRAHÁM, György
abra at
+ 36 1 463-4169
BME Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering, D épület 401-es terem
Bertalan Lajos 4
1111 Budapest
Kreatív Magyar Elme - Hungarobot
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Kreatív Magyar Elme is a series of meetings about various topics. The next topic will be robotics. A Kreatív Magyar Elme következő alkalmára a legkiemelkedőbb magyar robotépítőket hívjuk meg az Antall József Tudásközpontba, akik legújabb fejlesztéseiket mutatják be. Ha érdekelnek a robotok, a robotika különböző felhasználási területei illetve a mesterséges intelligencia, akkor várunk 2016. november 17-én, csütörtökön 18:00 órára az AJTK előadótermébe! Az előadásra a fejlesztők magukkal hozzák a robotjaikat is. Kihagyhatatlan program!

Vendégeink lesznek:

- Tanos Áron, a Robotépítők Magyarországi Egyesületének (Hungarian Robot Builders) elnöke és csapata
- Kopiás Péter, a Rescube Robotics szervezet vezetője és csapata
The event is organized by Antall József Tudásközpont.

Registration required.

Target audience

Áron TANOS and Péter KOPIÁS
ajtk at
+36 1 482-7703
Antall József Tudásközpont előadóterem
Czuczor 4
1093 Budapest
Navigációs és vezérlő algoritmus fejlesztése és implementálása AGV robotokra intelligens gyáregységben
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Students' Associations Conference presentation of Horváth Dániel, Losonczi Gábor and Magyar Tamás

Target audience
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering
Dr. ÁBRAHÁM, György
abra at
+ 36 1 463-4169
BME Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering, D épület 401-es terem
Bertalan Lajos 4
1111 Budapest
Pneumatikus munkahenger pozícionálása Arduino segítségével
Show details
Students' Associations Conference presentation of Millner Balázs, Kriszt Botond András and Versényi Zsolt

Target audience
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering
Dr. ÁBRAHÁM, György
abra at
+ 36 1 463-4169
BME Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Information Engineering, D épület 401-es terem
Bertalan Lajos 4
1111 Budapest
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