Educational robotics course: Pistoia going robotics
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Free courses for teachers and interested people on robotics for school:
Elements of coding and programming
Methodological indication. A robotics pedagogy
Supporting team working for students
Educational robotics and Gamification

Target audience
Teachers, interested people,
Prof. Riccardo Niccolai
+39 3488243790
PISTOIA- Biblioteca San Giorgio
Via Pertini snc
51100 Pistoia
A Week with robots
Show details
• Educational Reach Out
• Lab tour
• Open house
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale (FMD) promotes an entire week dedicated to robotics. Every mornings during the week at the Robotics Center of InnovationGym, FMD will host various educational robotics laboratories for schools. Students will use different kits to build and programme simple robotics models that will allow them to experience manual didactic activities, work in groups, identify alternative solutions and learn how to programme a real prototype.
During the week end in the afternoon some young engineers will build rescue robots, programme them and practice for the Rescue Category in order to participate to RomeCup2017 event. T

Target audience
Students and teachers of every type of school: from primary to high school, and children from 9 to 14.
Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Francesca Del Duca,
Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Via del quadraro 102
00174 Roma
Robotika Bemutató
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Hajdúböszörményi Bocskai István Gimnázium
Oláh Tibor
Hajdúböszörményi Bocskai István Gimnázium
Bocskai István tér 12
4220 Hajdúböszörmény
#cervanbot - III Jornadas Tecno-robóticas del CEIP Miguel de Cervantes de Leganés
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Actividades del 18 al 28 de noviembre
Talleres en las aulas a cargo de empresas y colaboradores del 23 al 25 de noviembre en horario escolar, pero a lo largo de toda la semana y algunas jornadas más también se organizarán actividades con centros e instituciones de la zona, actividades en las aulas relacionadas con la ciencia, la tecnología y la robótica e incluso talleres fuera del horario escolar para profesores, padres o miembros de la comunidad educativa.

Target audience
Alumnado, profesorado y comunidad educativa del centro, así como colegios e instituciones sociales de la zona,

Visita de personal de administraciones públicas y educativas.
Colaboradores: empresas tecnológicas y diversas instituciones, asociaciones y personas relacionadas con el evento.
CEIP Miguel de Cervantes de Leganés Empresas y colaboradores: Hisparob, Cero en conducat, CREA Robótica Educativa, Ebot, Educa en digital, freakids, Forma Roboti-k, Geeky Team, Logix5, SPC-Makeblock, MAX (MAdrid_linuX), MICRO-LOG, Rockbotick, Santillana (SET Veintiuno), SESA, Stemxion, Ultra-lab, X1redmassegura, Geriatros, CEIP Lope de Vega, CEIP Juan de Austria.
CEIP Miguel de Cervantes de Leganés
C/ Aragón 19
28914 Leganés (Madrid)
Semana Europea de la Robótica
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Jornada de puertas abiertas con motivo de la Semana Europea de la Robótica 2016.

Mostraremos a nuestros visitantes las actividades que hacemos en nuestro centro para dar a conocer la robótica educativa.

Target audience
Padres, niños y niñas de 6 a 16 años.
Edukative, S.L.
c./ Bilbao, 182 - Local 3
c./ Bilbao 182
08018 Barcelona
Tarda de robòtica educativa
Show details
Divendres 18 de 17 a 20 tindrem una tarda robótica. Probarem petits robots, entendrem el seu funcionament, jugarem i veurem demostracions. Us esperem!

Target audience
Joves i interessats en robòtica.
Oscar Martínez
Plaça de l'Acadèmia s/n
08003 Barcelona
MY FIRST (DIY) ROBOT w/ BT control via cell phone
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Learn how to make/construct a simple three-wheel robot with very little knowledge of electronics. Then, combining the popular Arduino software with MIT App Inventor along with a Bluetooh module and a cell phone, learn how to control your robot remotely/wirelessly.

Target audience
6th to 8th graders, and anyone else who feels the need to learn/see something new...
Primary School (K-8) - OŠ Desanka Maksimović
Vladimir Stojanović
+38166 9485144
OŠ Desanka Maksimović - Primary School (K-8)
Ustanička 246
11050 Belgrade
European Robotics Week Central Event
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This year the European Robotics Week’s central event focuses on several topics such as:
- assistive living technologies and healthy aging
- girls and women in technology
- encouragement of STEAM-based education
- robotics competitions and challenges
This is a multi-track event aiming to inspire people on the positive contribution robotics can bring to our society and geared to aspire to the younger generations on the growing importance of skills in science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM).

A Multi-Track Event

Talk & Debate

Experts panel sessions will discuss the use of robotics for topics such as: robotics regulation, competitions, assistive living technologies, girls and women in technology, and the encouragement of STEAM-based education.

“Meet the Robots” - Exhibition

The European Robotics Week 2016 will bring together the most advanced European robotics industry, research institutes and projects. You will be able to meet and experience the latest and greatest robots in the three different exhibition areas: health, competitions, robotics education, with focus on girls.

Experience & Explore

Workshops for young and old; here is where kids and parents learn how to build a robot with 3D printers, assemble their first robot or create their first line of code. We are proud to host this track at the NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam.

The Hack for Healthy Ageing

Enter the Hack for Healthy Ageing; 48-hour hackathon for designers, makers, coders, developers, data scientists, engineers, researchers, students, startups, caretakers, architects, entrepreneurs, or anyone else who believes their skill is valuable in tackling the healthy aging societal challenge.

Live Broadcasts

Would you like to know what’s going on across Europe? Watch live broadcasts showcasing the various robotics activities from across Europe and of course from the central event in Amsterdam!

Target audience
General Public.
Philip Piatkiewicz
+32 2 706 84 20
Marine base
Kattenburgerstraat 150
1018 Amsterdam
NAOChallenge 2017 kick off at High School Tassinari
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Teachers Paolo Borrelli and Mosca Anna will present to their students the basic principles of robotics. In particular they will focus on the presentation of the humanoid robot NAO. The students will be well prepared to participate in the NAO Challenge.
It will be presented a mounting kit of a "Smart Car Robot" with Arduino that students will learn how to build and program.

Target audience
At the meeting, there will be students and teachers.
Especially students of the third year of secondary school, computing, highly motivated and interested.
The group will be composed of both those who already know and studied robotics, both by those who begins now.
Among the participants there will be the guys who will participate in the next NAO Challenge 2017.

ISIS G. Tassinari
Mr. Paolo Borrelli
ISIS G. Tassinari
Via Fasano 13
80078 Pozzuoli (Napoli)
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