Robotic Day
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Robotic event open to all, structured according to the following program:

Workshop: from 14.30 to 16.30 – TDP laboratory
Exploratory workshop dedicated to young people of the territory, mainly students of secondary schools. The activity is based on the Make Block kit Arduino environment.

Limited seats. To register please contact:

Robot soccer: from 16.30 to 17.00 - the auditorium hall
Demonstration of Team Mega Hertz, ranked first in the soccer superteam open the World RoboCup Junior 2016, and in third place in the individual.
Free admission

Robot & Dance: From 17.00 to 18.00 - auditorium
Show in which dancers will perform by ERL’s robots, seen on TV, already performed several national events like Maker Faire Rome, including the RoboCup Junior 2015 choreography.

Target audience
The event is open to all, but the workshp is dedicated to young people of the territory, mainly students of secondary schools.
IIS Cobianchi - Elettra Robotics Lab
Raimondo Sgro
IIS Cobianchi
Piazza Martiri di Trarego
28921 Verbania
The Italian Industrial Association Broadcast interview to the School of Robotics on ERW2016
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Radio 24 ore is the national broadcast of the Italian Industrial Association. Prime time interviewto School of Robotics Fiorella Operto on the European results of the ERW.

Target audience
IlSole 24 ore - Radio 24
Valeria De Rosa
DIRETTA tel: 800 24 00 24 - sms: 349 2386666
Radio24 de Il Sole 24ore
Via Monte Rosa 91
20149 Milano
Robotics info day
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During the day visitors will be able to see examples of industrial and mobile robots. Organizers will introduce audience to robotics usage in life, usage of artificial intelligence in robotics and future perspectives of it.

Target audience
Target audience is: pupils from different level of schools, kindergartners, students, public audience
Kaunas University of Technology
Virginijus Baranauskas
+370 37 300291
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Studentu str. 48 - 113
LT-51367 Kaunas
MAKERS1: extracurricular class CEIP Escuelas Bosque
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Special class within MAKERS 1 extracurricular activities

Target audience
2 and 3th grade students of primary school
Isaac Barona
CEIP Escuelas Bosque
Av. Santo Ángel de la Guarda 4
28039 Madrid
MAKERS2: extracurricular class CEIP Miguel de Cervantes
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Special class within MAKERS 2 extracurricular activities

Target audience
3 and 4th grade students of primary school
Isaac Barona
CEIP Miguel de Cervantes
Avenida Literatos 11
28760 Tres Cantos
Futebol Robótico na UA / Robotic Soccer at UA
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A Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro junta-se à celebração da Semana Europeia da Robótica, com o objetivo de promover e divulgar atividades e investigação em robótica. Nesta atividade, os participantes vão ficar a conhecer a equipa de futebol robótico CAMBADA, do IEETA, UA. Vão ser apresentados os robôs e seus princípios de funcionamento, vão ser visualizados vídeos de resumo de jogos oficiais e demonstrados os robôs ao vivo, num conjunto de jogadas e estratégias utilizadas pela equipa.


Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro joins the celebration of the European Robotics Week 2015, with the objective of promoting and publicizing robotics activities and investigation. In this activity, the participants will get to know the CAMBADA robotic soccer team, from IEETA, UA. The robots will be presented, as well as their functioning principles, official games highlight videos will be visualized and a live demonstration of the robots will be performed, with a set of setplays and strategies used by the team.

Target audience
Students from 2nd cycle and on
General public ( > 10 year old)
Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva / IEETA
João Silva
Laboratório IRIS / IRIS Laboratory (UA)
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
ER4STEM Educational Robotics Workshop - Visualizing Mathematics with the Mathbot for the fourth grade - 4
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Visualizing Mathematics with the Mathbot is a two-session workshop, organized as part of the activities under the Horizon 2020 project ER4STEM - Educational Robotics for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

The aim of this workshop is to realize a creative use of educational robotics to maintain children's curiosity in mathematics and STEM in general. To do this, we use Scratch visual programming language and the Finch robot, designed by BirdBrain Technologies and Mind Mapping as a creative learning approach. Through programming, robotics and creativity we solve mathematical problems and visualize basic mathematic concepts to support Bulgaria's national school curriculum for mathematics for the fourth grade. In our workshop, children are empowered to experiment, work in groups, apply critical thinking, problem-solving skills and seek for creative problem solutions, in order to program their robots to solve several practical math problems. Those math problems include work with angles, circles, arithmetic functions, calculus, lines and more.

The ER4STEM project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 665972

Target audience
The workshop is intended for female and male fourth-grade students (age 9-11), who have already attended ER4STEM educational robotics workshops in Bulgaria and/or students, who are already familiar with the very basics of Scratch programming and robotics. Students must be familiar with third-grade mathematics.
European Software Institute - Center Eastern Europe
Christina Todorova
125 General Education School
1784 Sofia
MAKERS1: extracurricular class CEIP Francisco Arranz
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Special class within MAKERS 1 extracurricular activities

Target audience
2 and 3th grade students of primary school
Isaac Barona
CEIP Francisco Arranz
Calle de Sondica, 2, 28044 Madrid 2
28044 Madrid
Digital Factory @ UAS Technikum Wien
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We invite interested people to get an insight into our research and teaching activities at our Digital Factory @ UAS Technikum Wien.

Target audience
Students and everyone interested in automation and robotics.
UAS Technikum Wien, Department for Advanced Engineering Technologies
Wilfried Kubinger
UAS Technikum Wien
Hoechstaedtplatz 6
1200 Vienna
Proyecto Robótica ABP
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Diseño de un ascensor de 3 pisos con impresora 3D. Programación mediante placa Arduino. Dispondrá de un display para señalizar los pisos.

Target audience
Alumnos de la materia de Tecnología Industrial II de 2º Bachillerato
Departamento de Tecnologia IES Pando
IES Pando
Avda. Pando 40
33011 Oviedo
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52