FIRST LEGO League Tournament
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FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) is a program that supports children and youngsters in order to introduce them to science and technology in a sporty atmosphere.
The basis of FLL is a robotics tournament in a cheerful atmosphere, where kids and youngsters need to solve a tricky "mission" with the help of a robot. The kids are researching a given topic within a team, they are planning programming and testing an autonomous robot to solve the mission. The FLL Teams take the opportunity to experience all steps of a real product development process: solving a problem under time pressure with insufficient resources and unknown competitors. FLL is a small microcosmos of real business life in all its respects.

Target audience
Children and teenagers between the ages of 9 and 16 years.
Susanne Voigt
+49 341 246 15 83
DDM hl. m. Prahy, Stanice techniků
Pod Juliskou 2a
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
Future Work Lab - Open Lab Day (05. Dezember 2018)
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Sie wollen selbst erleben, wie sich die Industriearbeit der Zukunft anfühlt? Dann tragen Sie hier Ihre Kontaktdaten ein und melden Sie sich kostenlos für die offene Führung im Future Work Lab an. An jedem Open Lab Day steht Ihnen unsere Demonstratorenwelt offen und unsere Fachexperten laden Sie zum Gespräch ein. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir im Mai und Juni in größere Räumlichkeiten umziehen werden und deshalb in diesen Monaten keine Führungen anbieten können.

Was Sie an unserem Open Lab Day erwartet

- Freier Besuch der Demonstratorenwelt: Erleben Sie unser Lab im Betrieb
- Optional: Jeweils zwei geführte Kurz-Touren (Start: 9:30 Uhr und 10:30 Uhr) durch die Demonstratorenwelt pro Tag
- Die Möglichkeit, mit unseren Experten rund um Industrie 4.0 und die Gestaltung der Arbeit der Zukunft zu diskutieren
- Informationen zu unserem Leistungsangebot


Pfaffenwaldring 19
70569 Stuttgart

Target audience
Offen für jedermann / Open for everyone
Fraunhofer IPA
Simon Schumacher
Future Work Lab c/o ARENA2036, Universität Stuttgart
70569 Stuttgart
Inauguration of the Associazione Officine Leonardo' Robotics Lab
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Dicembre 2018
apertura della Palestra della Robotica dedicato alle squadre che vogliono
allenarsi per la First Lego Leagu e , NAO Challenge, Robocup. WRO e
per tutte le altre competizioni Nazionali i ed Internazionali per la Robotica

Target audience
High School students, Middle School student, Teachrs, turor, parents, open to Public
Associazione Officine Leonardo tel. 081 8847741
Associazione officine Leonardo
Dott. Prof.ssa Adele Vairo
+39 0823355786
Liceo A- Manzoni
Via De Gasperi
81100 Caserta
Lab tour 5 @ Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics - Reseracher's Night (Kutatók Éjszakája)
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The Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics is open to all whom are interested in in surgical robotics. The participants will be able to see a da Vinci surgical robot and further medical devices, as well as spectacular robots from the industry.

Target audience
Everybody, with no age restrictions.
Obuda University, Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Tamás Nagy
Obuda University, Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Becsi ut 96/b
H-1034 Budapest
Lab tour 4 @ Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics - Reseracher's Night (Kutatók Éjszakája)
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The Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics is open to all whom are interested in in surgical robotics. The participants will be able to see a da Vinci surgical robot and further medical devices, as well as spectacular robots from the industry.

Target audience
Everybody, with no age restrictions.
Obuda University, Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Tamás Nagy
Obuda University, Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Becsi ut 96/b
H-1034 Budapest
Lab tour 3 @ Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics - Reseracher's Night (Kutatók Éjszakája)
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The Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics is open to all whom are interested in in surgical robotics. The participants will be able to see a da Vinci surgical robot and further medical devices, as well as spectacular robots from the industry.

Target audience
Everybody, with no age restrictions.
Obuda University, Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Tamás Nagy
Obuda University, Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Becsi ut 96/b
H-1034 Budapest
Lab tour 2 @ Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics - Reseracher's Night (Kutatók Éjszakája)
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The Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics is open to all whom are interested in in surgical robotics. The participants will be able to see a da Vinci surgical robot and further medical devices, as well as spectacular robots from the industry.

Target audience
Everybody, with no age restrictions.
Obuda University, Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Tamás Nagy
Obuda University, Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Becsi ut 96/b
H-1034 Budapest
Lab tour 1 @ Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics - Reseracher's Night (Kutatók Éjszakája)
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The Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics is open to all whom are interested in in surgical robotics. The participants will be able to see a da Vinci surgical robot and further medical devices, as well as spectacular robots from the industry.

Target audience
Everybody, with no age restrictions.
Obuda University, Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Tamás Nagy
Obuda University, Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
Becsi ut 96/b
H-1034 Budapest
Inaugurato il nuovo laboratorio di Robotica
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Il 7 Ottobre 2019, la Dirigente Scolastica Prof.ssa Elisabetta Giustini ha inaugurato il nuovo ambiente di apprendimento "Industry 4.0", realizzato grazie al finanziamento dell'Unione Europea (PON - Laboratori Innovativi). L' ambiente di apprendimento "Industry 4.0" è stato dotato, tra l'altro, delle più innovative tecnologie conformi a "Industry 4.0" come tre nuovissimi robot della Comau, di un "Fab Lab" avanzato con stampante 3D, di PLC Siemens Simatic S7 e di arredi scolastici innovativi adatti ad una didattica di tipo "immersivo".

Target audience
Teachers, students and parents of ITIS Galilei; general public
ITIS Galilei, Roma
ITIS Galilei, Roma
Via Conte Verde 51
00185 Roma
Seminario introduttivo robotica collaborativa
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SAN BENEDETTO TR. – MiR Seminario conoscitivo robot mobili a guida autonoma – 29/10/2019
Seminario gratuito

Temi trattati
Presentazione aziendale
Introduzione al mondo dei Robot Mobili MiR
Dimostrazioni pratiche

Programma del seminario
Martedì 29 Ottobre 2019

14:30 Registrazione presenze
14:45 Presentazione azienda Fortek
15:00 Presentazione generale MiR e Accessori
15:15 Introduzione all’interfaccia di controllo Web
16:00 Coffee break
16:15 Esempi di Mapping e simulazione missione
17:15 Feedback e Domande
17:30 Chiusura

Target audience
Persone interessate, PMI
Fortex srl
+39 0735 595150
Via Pasubio 102
63074 San Benedetto del Tronto
Automazione a costo zero in Sicilia – La robotica nel sistema industriale
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Dal 5 al 7 novembre 2019, l’azienda farà tappa a Palermo, Catania e Ragusa per parlare di automazione a costo zero
Un nuovo roadshow di K.L.A.IN.robotics farà tappa dal 5 al 7 novembre a Palermo, Catania e Ragusa per parlare di robotica e meccatronica, sottolineando i vantaggi anche economici che le nuove tecnologie possono offrire all’interno di un’azienda.

L’evento dal titolo: “Automazione a costo zero in Sicilia – La robotica nel sistema industriale” è promosso in team con Ransomtax e Aurora & Partners, società specializzate nel campo della finanza agevolata, e con ADAT, azienda di riferimento nella progettazione e realizzazione di soluzioni di automazione industriale e Sistemi di Visione. Tra i system integrator saranno presenti anche Controllogic ed En-cube.

Quella messa a punto sarà una formazione on the road, grazie a demo dimostrative e alla presenza di trainer pronti a condividere esperienza e know-how sul tema dell’automazione, della robotica e della relativa dinamica finanziaria con strumenti di Finanza Agevolata.

Obiettivi del roadshow

Automazione e robotica sono due settori strettamente correlati e in continuo sviluppo, che stanno sempre più qualificando il settore manifatturiero nazionale e mondiale. Tuttavia, esistono delle problematiche per le aziende, specialmente per le PMI, legate agli investimenti iniziali necessari a sostenere l’introduzione della robotica nel ciclo industriale, prioritariamente per ottimizzare il ciclo produttivo, abbattendo l’incidenza dei costi fissi di produzione.

Con questo roadshow K.L.A.IN.robotics e i suoi partner, intendono sollecitare l’attenzione dei partecipanti agli aspetti economico finanziari, al principio essenziale del “pay-back”, proponendo la visione e la competenza di Ransomtax, che esporrà le agevolazioni e gli incentivi dedicati a tutti gli operatori del settore, intenzionati ad integrare soluzioni robotiche nelle proprie strutture.

Le giornate prevedono una presentazione delle aziende organizzatrici che introdurranno il tema dell’automazione, le ragioni a sostegno della scelta e gli elementi strategici da valutare nel farla. Successivamente gli integratori presenti all’incontro mostreranno alcuni video per tipologia ed applicazione e, nella seconda parte del pomeriggio, sarà possibile una “finestra” di B2B con i partecipanti.

Il roadshow diventa così il punto d’incontro e di confronto tra professionisti del settore e clienti, ai quali viene messa a disposizione una consulenza mirata sulle innovazioni della Factory Automation e, grazie alla collaborazione con Ransomtax, un supporto alle aziende che desiderano migliorare i propri processi logistici e implementare soluzioni robotiche, ma che avrebbero difficoltà a far fronte all’investimento iniziale.

Target audience
PMI, laureati e studenti di ingegneria, persone interessate
Klain Robotcs con Ransomtax e Aurora & Partners
(+39) 02 87177256
Via privata del Gonfalone 3
20123 Milano
Visita a instalaciones y demostradores del Laboratorio de Robótica ITAINNOVA
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Visita a los laboratorios de robótica y mecatrónica. Se realizará una presentación general de las instalaciones, equipamiento y capacidades del Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón en el desarrollo de sistemas robóticos orientados a industria y servicios.

Instituto Tecnoógico de Aragón (ITAINNOVA)
Lourdes Buisan
+ 34 976010000
Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón
C/ Mª de Luna 7
50018 Zaragoza
ABB Trainee Visit
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As part of the ABB Trainee programm, a group of 12 European Sales trainee from different EU countries will visit ABB Spain and during two days will get a deep dive into our local business and get the chance to get to know and interact with the management team.

Target audience
EU ABB Trainnees (internal audience)
Asea Brown Boveri S.A.
Laura Gamboa
Asea Brown Boveri S.A.
--“Piccoli programmatori Ronconiani”
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Laboratori di Robotica Educativa in continuità verticale tra scuola primaria e secondaria di I ° grado

Target audience
alunni delle classi quinte di scuola primaria e alunni delle classi prime della scuola secondaria di I° grado
Istituto Comprensivo Nicola Ronchi
Giovanna Inversi, Oriana Laricchia
Istituto Comprensivo
Via Casamassima nc
70010 Cellamare
Demostración de tecnologías robóticas móviles
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Visita a los laboratorios de robótica y mecatrónica, con una realización de demostración de robots móviles terrestres y explicación de la sensorización, actuadores y algorítmicas empleadas para el desarrollos de este tipo de sistemas robóticos con movimiento autónomo.

Target audience
EUPLA Racing Team
Instituto Tecnoógico de Aragón (ITAINNOVA)
Lourdes Buisan
Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón
C/ Mª de Luna 7
50018 Zaragoza
Kodluyoz Şefaatli Robotik Kodlama Taner Taşkıran Öğretmen Eğitimleri
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Öğretmenlere yönelik kodlama ve robotik eğiitimleri

Target audience
Meb Kadrolu Öğretmenler
Şefaatli 66
66100 Yozgat
Simuloinnilla tehokkuutta tuotantoon -työpaja
Show details
Tilaisuudessa on mahdollisuus tutustua Visual Components tuotannonkehittämisratkaisuihin asiantuntijoiden ja
asiakaskokemusten kautta. Tilaisuudessa demotaan myös kaarihitsaukseen tuottavuutta ja ketteryyttä
tuova Delfoi Arc etäohjelmointiprosessi ohjelmoinnista hitsaukseen asti. Tule keskustelemaan oman
tuotantosi kehittämistarpeista ja mahdollisuuksista simulointi ja etäohjelmointiteknologian saralla.

13:00 - 13:15 Tilaisuuden avaus, Toni Luomanmäki, SeAMK
13:15 - 14:00 Kilpailuetua simuloinnilla, Mikko Urho, Visual Components Oy
14:00 - 14:20 Tuotannon kehittäminen Visual Componentsilla, Toni Korpela, Relicomp Oy
14:20 - 14:45 Kahvitauko
14:45 - 15:15 Joustava tuotanto ja robotin tuottavuuden parantaminen, Heikki Aalto, Delfoi Oy
15:15 - 15:45 Hitsauksen etäohjelmointi Delfoi Arcilla , Jarkko Pakkanen, SeAMK
15:45 - 16:30 Ohjelman lataus hitsausrobotille ja hitsausdemo laboratoriossa, Jarkko Pakkanen, SeAMK

Target audience
Tuotannon kehittämisestä, robotiikasta ja simulointiteknologiasta kiinnostuneet yritysten edustajat
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
Toni Luomanmäki
SeAMK Frami B
Kampusranta 9
60320 Seinäjoki
OpenLabDay zum Thema Sicherheit in der Produktion am 14.11.2019 - RoboShield und Cyberprotect (Vormittags)
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Für sämtliche Fragen, Ideen und Mehr rund um die Thematik „intelligente, sichere Produktion mit Robotern“ bietet der kommende OpenLabDay am 14.11.2019 am FZI in Karlsruhe die perfekte Plattform.

Bei dieser Veranstaltung bieten Wissenschaftler*innen des KIT, Fraunhofer IPA, Fraunhofer IOSB und dem FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, welche sich mit den verschiedenen Aspekten der Sicherheit in der Robotik bzw. in Produktionsprozessen beschäftigen, Einblicke in aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und neuste Technologien wie MRK und KI.

In der Form von Keynotes, Fachvorträgen, robotischen Demonstratoren, Testbeds und direktem Austausch mit den anwesenden Wissenschaftler*innen besteht die Gelegenheit, verschiedenste Aspekte der Sicherheit (Safety, Security und Privacy) besser kennenzulernen und mögliche Fragen oder Ideen zu diskutieren.

Darüber hinaus gibt es u. a. auch konkrete Angebote für Firmen sowie Möglichkeiten sich über QuickChecks oder Pilot-Demonstratoren an den Projekten zu beteiligen. Die Teilnahme von Firmen wird im Rahmen der Projekte CyberProtect und RoboShield durch das Wirtschaftsministerium BW unterstützt.

Highlights an diesem Tag sind neben mehr als 15 live Demonstratoren:
• QuickChecks: es besteht für Firmen die Möglichkeit kleinere Fragen und Problemstellungen zum Thema Sicherheit durch die Projekte untersuchen zu lassen
• Chancen von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und OpenSource (ROS)I in der Produktion und wie diese sicher eingesetzt werden kann
• Sichere Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration durch Geschwindigkeitsanpassung und intelligente Bahnplanung – Wie können mit Techniken wie kontinuierliche Abstandsüberwachung MRK Anwendungen effektiver und trotzdem sicher werden
• Korrekte Qualitätssicherung und Dokumentation – Was muss beachtet werden, wenn Daten (z.B. ein Arbeiter) im Unternehmen aufgezeichnet werden
• ISuTest – Wie können automatisiert Security Tests während der Entwicklung durchgeführt werden

Mehr Informationen und Highlights finden Sie auf folgender Webseite:

Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenlos.

Target audience
Unternehmen im produzierenden Gewerbe; interessierte Öffentlichkeit; Journalisten; Vertreter aus Verbänden und Politik
Fraunhofer IPA
Thilo Zimmermann
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Haid-und-Neu-Str. 5a
76131 Karlsruhe
OpenLabDay zum Thema Sicherheit in der Produktion am 14.11.2019 - RoboShield und Cyberprotect (Nachmittags)
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Für sämtliche Fragen, Ideen und Mehr rund um die Thematik „intelligente, sichere Produktion mit Robotern“ bietet der kommende OpenLabDay am 14.11.2019 am FZI in Karlsruhe die perfekte Plattform.

Bei dieser Veranstaltung bieten Wissenschaftler*innen des KIT, Fraunhofer IPA, Fraunhofer IOSB und dem FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, welche sich mit den verschiedenen Aspekten der Sicherheit in der Robotik bzw. in Produktionsprozessen beschäftigen, Einblicke in aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und neuste Technologien wie MRK und KI.

In der Form von Keynotes, Fachvorträgen, robotischen Demonstratoren, Testbeds und direktem Austausch mit den anwesenden Wissenschaftler*innen besteht die Gelegenheit, verschiedenste Aspekte der Sicherheit (Safety, Security und Privacy) besser kennenzulernen und mögliche Fragen oder Ideen zu diskutieren.

Darüber hinaus gibt es u. a. auch konkrete Angebote für Firmen sowie Möglichkeiten sich über QuickChecks oder Pilot-Demonstratoren an den Projekten zu beteiligen. Die Teilnahme von Firmen wird im Rahmen der Projekte CyberProtect und RoboShield durch das Wirtschaftsministerium BW unterstützt.

Highlights an diesem Tag sind neben mehr als 15 live Demonstratoren:
• QuickChecks: es besteht für Firmen die Möglichkeit kleinere Fragen und Problemstellungen zum Thema Sicherheit durch die Projekte untersuchen zu lassen
• Chancen von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und OpenSource (ROS)I in der Produktion und wie diese sicher eingesetzt werden kann
• Sichere Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration durch Geschwindigkeitsanpassung und intelligente Bahnplanung – Wie können mit Techniken wie kontinuierliche Abstandsüberwachung MRK Anwendungen effektiver und trotzdem sicher werden
• Korrekte Qualitätssicherung und Dokumentation – Was muss beachtet werden, wenn Daten (z.B. ein Arbeiter) im Unternehmen aufgezeichnet werden
• ISuTest – Wie können automatisiert Security Tests während der Entwicklung durchgeführt werden

Mehr Informationen und Highlights finden Sie auf folgender Webseite:

Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenlos.

Target audience
Unternehmen im produzierenden Gewerbe; interessierte Öffentlichkeit; Journalisten; Vertreter aus Verbänden und Politik
Fraunhofer IPA
Thilo Zimmermann
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Haid-und-Neu-Str. 5a
76131 Karlsruhe
Kids in AI
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Welcome to 9th grade students from the MINT-EC school "Gymnasium am Markt" from Achim at the University of Bremen!
In two lab tours at the „Institute of Artificial Intelligence“ (IAI) and the „Bremer Institute for Production and Logistics“ (BIBA), we are going to present work and study opportunities in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and robotics, especially in the areas of

household robotics
• What do you expect robots to do for you in the future?
• What can robots already do for you? (Our robot Raphael will serve you some Popcorn)
• How do robots learn? (Try out our Virtual Reality!)

retail robotics
• How can robots be used in stores? (Check out our robots in the supermarket)
• What about safety? (Discuss with scientists)

and production robotics

Target audience
9th grade students
Universität Bremen
Sabine Veit
Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Am Fallturm 1
28359 Bremen
Team Kouretes @ TUC Science and Technology Day 2019
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Our team gave a presentation on human-robot interaction, robot dance, and robot soccer with Nao and Alpha2 robots.

Target audience
Students at all levels of education
Robotic Team Kouretes
Michail G. Lagoudakis
Technical University of Crete
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering 00
73100 Chania
Show details
Progettare e costruire un robot è un lavoro da scienziati? Sembra un'attività per pochi eletti ma......
Vi aspettiamo per provare

Target audience
ragazzi/e dai 6 ai 19 anni
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Gli alunni della Scuola dell’Infanzia e della Scuola Primaria di Casalanguida divisi in gruppi, nella palestra della scuola realizzeranno dei percorsi unplugged; programmeranno e svolgeranno attività, sul tema della natura, con i robottini Bee-Bot, Blue-Bot e Codey Rocky.

Target audience
Alunni della Scuola dell'Infanzia e della Scuola Primaria di Casalanguida
Gruppi di lavoro
10:30 - 12:30

Eğlenerek Öğrenerek robotlarımızı Boğazlıyan Kodluyoz,
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Ara tatilde öğrencilerimiz il genelinde bulunan tüm kodlama atölyelerinde kodlama ve robotik atölyelere katılabilirler.

Target audience
anasınıfından ünivertsiteye her yaş
Cemil Çiçek Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Kodluyoz Atölyesi
Bahçeler Mahallesi Şehitlik Caddesi No2 66400 Boğazlıyan/YOZGAT 66000
66000 YOZGAT
Eğlenerek Öğrenerek robotlarımızı Kodluyoz
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Ara tatilde öğrencilerimiz il genelinde bulunan tüm kodlama atölyelerinde kodlama ve robotik atölyelere katılabilirler.

Target audience
anasınıfından ünivertsiteye her yaş
Yozgat Halk Eğitim Merkezi
Aşağı Nohutlu Mh. Doğuş Sokak No3 66100
66100 YOZGAT
Eğlenerek Öğrenerek robotlarımızı Sorgun Kodluyoz
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Ara tatilde öğrencilerimiz il genelinde bulunan tüm kodlama atölyelerinde kodlama ve robotik atölyelere katılabilirler.

Target audience
anasınıfından ünivertsiteye her yaş
SORGUN - Türk Telekom Anadolu Lisesi Kodluyoz Atölyesi
Güzelyurt Mahallesi Şefaatli Caddesi No 5 66700
661007 YOZGAT
Eğlenerek Öğrenerek robotlarımızı Akdağmadeni kodluyoz,
Show details
Ara tatilde öğrencilerimiz il genelinde bulunan tüm kodlama atölyelerinde kodlama ve robotik atölyelere katılabilirler.

Target audience
anasınıfından ünivertsiteye her yaş
Namık Kemal İlkokulu Kodluyoz Atölyesi
66100 YOZGAT
Eğlenerek Öğrenerek robotlarımızı Sarıkaya Kodluyoz
Show details
Ara tatilde öğrencilerimiz il genelinde bulunan tüm kodlama atölyelerinde kodlama ve robotik atölyelere katılabilirler.

Target audience
anasınıfından ünivertsiteye her yaş
Şehit Yılmaz Gündüz Kız Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi Kodluyoz Atölyesi
66100 YOZGAT
Eğlenerek Öğrenerek robotlarımızı Yerköy Kodluyoz
Show details
Ara tatilde öğrencilerimiz il genelinde bulunan tüm kodlama atölyelerinde kodlama ve robotik atölyelere katılabilirler.

Target audience
anasınıfından ünivertsiteye her yaş
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Ortaokulu Kodluyoz Atölyesi
Ayanoğlu Mah. Şehit Şaban Karadoğan Cad. Yerköy/Yozgat 66000
66000 YOZGAT
Jaume I Robotic Labs' Open House
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• Visits to the Jaume I University robotic laboratories, IRSLab and RobInLab. Open to the general public. Limited capacity.
• Talk about the last projects of the IRSLab group: TWINBOT ( and CIRTESU (, FEDER, IDIFEDER/2018/013). Seats are limited.
• Participation in an study of VR for telerobotics (part of TWINBOT).

Target audience
General public.
Gustavo A. Casañ
+34 964 728 291
Universitat Jaume
Avenida de Vicent Sos Baynat s/n
12006 Castellón
Eğlenerek Öğrenerek robotlarımızı Merkez Kodluyoz
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Ara tatilde öğrencilerimiz il genelinde bulunan tüm kodlama atölyelerinde kodlama ve robotik atölyelere katılabilirler.

Target audience
anasınıfından ünivertsiteye her yaş
Fatma Temel Turhan Ortaokulu Kodluyoz Atölyesi
Bilal Şahin Mah. Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Cad. No: 59 66100
66100 YOZGAT
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Neue Konzepte und Technologien für kollaborative Roboter: Am 19. November findet am FZI für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen ein Forum zu kollaborativen Robotern statt.
Wir laden Sie daher recht herzlich ein, mit uns über die neuen Hürden und Lösungen für kollaborative Robotik zu diskutieren. Im FZI House of Living Labs sind verschiedenste Forschungsthemen unter einem Dach vereint. Im Rahmen des Forums führen wir Sie durch unsere Labore, wo Sie kollaborative Robotik hautnah erleben können.

[kostenlose Anmeldung]

Target audience
kleine, mittelständische Unternehmen
Anwerder im Bereich Robotik und Automatisierung
Softwareentwickler und Ingenieure mit Interesse an Robotik und Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Timothée Buettner
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Haid-und-Neu Strasse 10-14
76137 Karlsruhe
Robotics for kids
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For this event we are looking forward to showing invited Highschool students interested in robotics the advancements made in household robotics, retail robotics and production robotics. Not only are we going to present and discuss work and study opportunities in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, we will especially focus on the research area of everyday activity and science (EASE) by demonstrating

• how robots cook and clean
• how robots learn
• how robots perceive their environment

Target audience
Invited students
Universität Bremen
Sabine Veit
Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Am Fallturm 1
28359 Bremen
Robotics lab tour for Girls
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Welcome to this lab tour at the University of Bremen. The „Institute of Artificial Intelligence“ (IAI) is going to present work and study opportunities in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and robotics to an invited group of dedicated girls. We will especially be concentrating on contributions in the research field of everyday activitiy (EASE), like cooking, cleaning and shopping.

These are some of the highlights of that day:

• Meet scientists and learn what robots will do for you in the future
• What do you expect robots to do for you in the future?
• What can robots already do for you? (Our robot Raphael will serve you some Popcorn)
• How do robots learn? (Try out our Virtual Reality!)
• See robots doing inventory in the supermarket

Target audience
Invited girls interested in robotics
Universität Bremen
Sabine Veit
Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Am Fallturm 1
28359 Bremen
Omron Industry 4.0, Vision & Robotics Day
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14:00 Registrazione partecipanti - Benvenuto
14:30 Soluzioni di visione artificiale - Sistemi di visione industriale
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Soluzioni robotiche con dimostrazione robot mobile LD Omron
16:45 Domande e risposte
17:00 Aperitivo
17:00 Test dal vivo sui robot presenti 20 NOVEMBRE 2019 - ore 14.00 - 17.00

Target audience
PMI e persone interessate, studenti
Omron, BSA Technology, APRO Formazione
+ 39 0141 8577
Strada Castelgherlone 2/a
12051 Alba (CN)
Gideon Brothers' Robotics Lab Tour
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As part of European Robotics Week, we are opening our robotics lab to guided tours on Friday, November 22, 2019. If you're interested in seeing our operations and robots - up close - and meeting some of our engineers, we hope to see you on Friday at either 10am or at 2pm.

Target audience
Interested public
Gideon Brothers
Kimberly Račić
Gideon Brothers - Zagreb
Radnička 177
10000 Zagreb
Robotics info day 2019
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During the day visitors will be able to see examples of industrial and mobile robots. Organizers will introduce audience to
robotics usage in life, usage of artificial intelligence in robotics and future perspectives of it.

Target audience
Pupils from different level of schools, students, public audience
Kaunas University of Technology
Virginijus Baranauskas, Paulina Balnyte
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Studentu str. 48 - 113
LT-51367 Kaunas
ALTAIR Open Lab - ERW19
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Robotics enthusiasts and new technologies will be led to the discovery of the main research areas of the ALTAIR Robotics Laboratory: surgical robotics, collaborative robots for industry 4.0, rehabilitation robots. During the visit it will also be possible to watch live demonstrations of the robots currently in use in the Laboratory.

The ALTAIR robotics laboratory is an Italian center of excellence in the research and development of advanced and unconventional robotics systems, from teleoperation to autonomous behavior, founded in 2001 by Paolo Fiorini, professor of computer science, within the Computer Science Department of University of Verona.

Over the years the ALTAIR Laboratory has been awarded numerous Italian and European funding by developing extensive knowledge in the field of robotics for high-security and risk applications, such as robotic surgery.
Following the advent of Industry 4.0 and the introduction of robots within companies, the laboratory has opened research into cooperative robots for industry, human-machine interaction and artificial intelligence.

Duration of the visit: 45 minutes
Limited seats - Reservation needed (2 rounds available)
Closing reservations: Thursday 21 November, 12:00.
Link to reservation:

Target audience
General public
University of Verona - CS Department
Martina Doppio
Altair Robotics Lab
Strada le Grazie 15
37134 verona
Open doors: Robotics night
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Open doors for everyone to visti the faculty.

Target audience
Students @ University of Bucharest
University of Bucharest
Andrei Dumitriu
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest
Edgard Quinet 14th
010014 Bucharest
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La Scuola di Robotica “ OFFICINE LEONARDO “ creata con come una rete di scuole, enti e partner aziendali con la finalità di promuovere lo sviluppo delle competenze scientifiche e tecnologiche, Organizza l'evento che si presenterà come Laboratorio Tecnologico per insegnati e ragazzi dove potranno sperimentare e toccare con mano le nuove tecnologie della robotica di servizio e i droni . I Droni questo nuovo strumento che apre molti orizzonti lavorativi verranno illustrate le potenzialità operative e gli aspetti scientifici ed educativi.

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In the framework of the European Robotics Week the Politecnico di Milano opens the Robotics Labs to the public.
The European Robotics Week offers every year one week of various robotics related activities across Europe for the general public, highlighting the growing importance of robotics in a wide variety of application areas. The Week also aims at inspiring technology education in students of all ages to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) related fields.
Robotics has been one of the main lines of research at the Politecnico since 1973, carried out by the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB), and by the Dipartimento di Meccanica (DMEC).

Research groups focused on artificial intelligence, autonomous robotics, industrial robotics and medical robotics work at DEIB. In 2019, at the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria – DEIB, all these multidisciplinary skills were brought together in a single new large laboratory: POLIMI Leonardo Robotics Labs.

The Dipartimento di Meccanica carries out research in the field of the design of innovative robots, their control and the interaction of human operators with robots.

On November 23rd, 2019, starting at 2:00 pm at Politecnico di Milano - Building 7, the DEIB POLIMI Leonardo Robotics Labs will welcome interested visitors, with a tour that will illustrate the projects our researchers are actively working on. For the Dipartimento di Meccanica (DMEC), the M & SSlab: Mechatronics and Smart Structures Laboratory, by using a cobot (collaborative-robot), will show the experimentation of new forms of interaction between humans and robots in order not only to make easier complex activities, but also to make collaboration more engaging and immediate.

Participation is free after registration at link¨

For more information:

Target audience
Schools classes
Politecnico di Milano -Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria e Dipartimento di Meccanica
Laura Brambilla
02 2399 3427
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano
Robotics@IPLeiria 2019
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Demonstrations showcase at the Robotics Lab, on robotics related projects developed at ESTG/IPLeiria.
Preregistrations should be done through the Ciência Viva website (

Electrical Engineering Department
Hugo Costelha
Instituto Politécnico de Leira - Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão
Campus 2, Morro do Lena NA
2411-901 Leiria
ISR Visit
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Participate in all the lectures taking place during "Robotics in Our Lives II @ DEEC" and you have the opportunity to win a prize !!!
Do not miss this opportunity.
See the regulation at

ISR/NEEEC/Clube Robotica
Paulo Meneses
DEEC-Instituto Sistemas e Robótica (ISR)
Pólo II da Universidade de Coimbra
3030-290 Coimbra
Brussels Mini Maker Faire
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The first edition of the Brussels Mini Maker Faire will showcase talented and innovative makers from Belgium, the Netherlands and France, featuring robot makers, robotics clubs and hackerspaces, build-your-own robot workshops for adults and children, as well as electronics projects and digital fabrication.

Target audience
On Friday 6 December: schools and professionals
On Saturday 7 December: general public
Brussels Maker Faire
Larry Moffett
Avenue de la Couronne - Kroonlaan 227
1050 Brussels
Create with arduino
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Open activity for the age 8-14. Te learn about robotic and how we can be creative with arduino . We will tech the children to create and programming different project with arduino.

Albanian ICT Academy
Erida Cerro
Albanian ICT Academy
George W. Bush 1001
1001 Tirane and Elbasan